Ninja wrote:
>>In 1996, the Canal contract bidding
>occurred while China was making substantial contributions to the
>Clinton campaign. Li Ka-Shing is an investor in the Riady family's
>Hong Kong China Bank. <<

This is really laughable.
See Li Ka-Shing's resume at

"Li is a member of the boards of directors of the China International Trust
and Investment Corporation and the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking

How did that become the Riady family's bank?

Li is the Chinese successor of the merchants who conspired with the opium
traders from Britain and the U.S. as far back as the Opium Wars.  And don't
forget the friends George Bush made when he was Ambassador to China, nor the
friends his brother Prescott Jr. has in Asia today.  Li doesn't represent
the "Chinese Communists" any more than Averell Harriman represented American
Democrats.  They represent an established  oligarchy whose goal is their own
profit and power at the expense of all else.

For the anti-Republican position see:
>>George Bush has made more 10 or more trips to China since he left the
presidency. For these trips he was paid over $100,000 by various Chinese
companies, including CITIC, run by Wang Jun. (Refs WSJ and Chicago
Trib). Wang Jun, who paid Bush, is also the one who has run guns into
US. On CITIC's board is former Reagan Secretary of State George Shultz [of
Bechtel], who, as Secretary of State, approved the Hong Kong turnover in

Alexander Haig sits on COSCO’s board of directors! He is a former
four-star general and NATO Commander, a former Republican Secretary of
State, and a former Presidential Chief of Staff. Prescott Bush has
substantial investments in China and is the Chair of the US-China
Chamber whose stated purpose is to move jobs to China. <<


>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 7:39 PM
>Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] [Lis-LEAF] What is behind the Elian case? (fwd)
>> And speaking of Red China...didn't the JBS just tell us that those
>> Chi-Comms
>> were behind the drug trade JUST THIS MONTH?
>> Guess we need look no further into the Miami Cubans, the CIA, and
>> Demo/Repubs.
>It doesn't hurt to do at least some good hard looking at the Chicoms,
>who have certainly had a continuing recent interest in Panama, to
>include Gregory Craig, whose name sure is in the spotlight right now
>regarding the Elian Gonzales matter, with a past connection
>representing a Panamanian drug trafficer, around the time former
>Panamanian President Balladares, Noriega's replacement, had to fire
>his Chief of Intelligence over the smuggling of Chinese into Costa
>Of course, there's nothing much going on in Costa Rica now, is there?
>Anyone know who the Panamanian drug smuggler indicted in this country
>Codel Report:
>Congressman Dana Rohrabacher Al Santoli
>".... 5. The Clinton-Balladares-China Connection: The ties between
>President Balladares and communist China, as well as the ties between
>President Clinton's political entourage  and Balladares and China is
>matter of serious concern. In 1996, the Canal contract bidding
>occurred while China was making substantial contributions to the
>Clinton campaign. Li Ka-Shing is an investor in the Riady family's
>Hong Kong China Bank. Clinton crony and former White House Chief of
>Staff Mack McClarty is the President's Special Envoy to Latin America
>and has reportedly spent "a lot of time" in Panama. In 1997, James
>Carville ran the Balladares campaign to extend his presidency.
>lawyer Gregory Craig has represented at least one Balladares crony
>indicted on drug-smuggling charges in the U.S., and was publicly
>mentioned by Balladares as the lawyer to possibly represent his
>interests if the Chinese alien smuggling issue is brought to a U.S.
>*I'm not paranoid. The paranoics are after ME!*
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