Brian, Your sooth-sayer's knack for awesome elucidation staggers me.

Did you write all this?

Including, this:

Madeline Brown, the Dallas mistress of Lyndon Johnson, wrote a detailed
book which included the context of the infamous remark that Johnson made
to her on the eve of the Kennedy assassination, “After tomorrow the
Kennedy boys will never embarrass Lyndon Johnson again.”  This comment
was made directly upon Johnson’s exit from a meeting at the Clint
Murcheson ranch that was attended by J.Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon,
George Brown CEO of Brown and Root and John McCloy, the representative
of the Rockefeller family.

Brian you know I went to YALE with the Murchisson kids. I slept in BJ's
bed, though not with her. We all skied together at Vail, where the
family has a house(s). Same gang, different circles, overlapping orbits.


I understand Brown and Root is a Halliburton (Cheney) subsidiary.

What do you everybody know and can offer to increase our understanding,
of Brown and Root?

Brian Downing Quig wrote:
> Before Strassmeir infiltrated Elohim City, Petruskie paid Strassmeir
> what must
> have seemed to Strassmeir a fabulous amount of money to broker 747's
> belonging
> to the German airline LUFTUNSIA to a shady air cargo company in the
> Caribbean.
> This airline was SAINT LUCIA --- a CIA air cargo proprietary that is
> none other than
> the one that Oliver North and General Richard Secord used to fly the
> illegal
> missiles to Iran which is what triggered the IRAN /CONTRA
> Col. Vincent Petruskie: Moving Toward The Center of the Bombing
> Conspiracy
> The most startling person to emerge in the OKC Bombing investigation
> is
> one Col. Vincent Petruskie.  Vincent Petruskie came to our attention
> through a CIA attorney steeped in the concerns of the CIA at the
> lawyer
> level.  Checking has substantiated the major features of this account.
> Vincent Petruskie was tasked by the CIA to visit OKC directly after
> the
> bombing to gather intelligence information and then tasked with
> traveling to Europe to locate some scapegoat terrorist group that
> would
> take credit for the bombing.  Because of all the women and children
> killed in the bombing, no group did come forward to claim
> responsibility.
> CIA colleagues of Petruskie's learned that he was telling groups in
> Europe that --- "Even if you did not do the bombing just think of what
> it would do for your cause if you claimed credit."
> Rankled by this, these CIA colleagues confronted Petruskie when he
> returned with the fact that Petruskie was the person whose signature
> was
> on the document which sponsored Andreas Strassmeir into the United
> States.  Andreas Strassmeir's activities and affiliations are such
> that
> it is difficult to imagine that he was not involved in the actual
> bombing.  The British journalist, Ambrose Evans Pritchart presented
> compelling reasons to believe that Strassmeir was working undercover
> for
> U.S. federal agencies in his book THE SECRET LIFE OF BILL CLINTON and
> this account is given in the appendix.
> Petruskie revealed then that he had known Strassmeir's father from the
> Berlin and Frankfort OSS stations just after WW II where he worked
> with
> Allen Dulles and John McCloy --- two men who would latter sit on the
> Warren Commission.  Allen Dulles was the CIA Director that Kennedy
> fired
> for insubordination relating to the Bay of Pigs Invasion.  He and his
> Secretary of State brother, John Foster Dulles, were nephews of the
> Rockefellers.  Dulles and McCloy, for obvious reasons, never should
> have
> been considered for the Warren Commission but were in fact the most
> active members.
> Petruskie has no known contacts with Tim McVeigh, but Andraes
> Strassmeir
> has many.  Strassmeir admits to selling VcVeigh a military knife at a
> gun
> show McVeigh attended with the gun dealer, Roger Moore.  Although
> McVeigh
> denies ever being to Elohim City, he received a traffic ticket not far
> away on the only road that leads there.  We also know from the
> interviews
> of Ambrose Evans Pritchart that McVeigh called Elohim City directly
> after
> making the call to rent the Ryder truck —-  and that the wife of the
> racist leader Dennis Mahon, White Aryan Nation, told Pritchart this
> caller asked for “Andy”.
> Of all the dissidents residing at Elohim City, Strassmeir possessed
> the
> most lethal knowledge vis a vis his previous military training.  In
> this
> respect Strassmeir resembled Emad Salem, the mole that the FBI
> infiltrated into a Middle East dissident group that was charged with
> the
> WORLD TRADE CENTER BOMBING.  The FBI paid Emad Salem more than a
> million
> dollars to infiltrate this group —- all the while Emad Salem was the
> only
> participant in the plot who had the necessary expertise to build the
> bomb!
> From the mass media standpoint it was the OKC Bombing and the J.O.
> Simpson trial which blotted out the reporting of the shocking facts of
> the World Trade Center Trial to the American people. Was this by
> accident
> or orchestration?
> Petruskie and Associates
> Petruskie runs a consulting business to the US government somewhat
> like
> KISSINGER AND ASSOCIATES where he earns almost $2 million a year from
> the
> U.S. government alone.  He is noted for providing simple solutions for
> the most complex problems of government.  Petruskie is a Senior
> Retired
> Fellow of the ORGANIZATION OF STRATEGIC SERVICES, the OSS, which was
> the
> precursor to the CIA.  In the OSS his specialty was sabotage and
> subversion.   He retired from the Air Force Office of Special
> Investigations in 1975 (if the retirement of such men can ever be
> believed).  During DESERT STORM  Petruskie was “reactivated” for a
> sensitive assignment in the Gulf States where McVeigh was stationed.
> The
> Military Records Center in St. Louis Missouri list Petruskie as having
> been a Foreign Intelligence Officer in Vietnam deployed to the 113st
> U.S.
> Air Force, Special Activities Squadron in Saigon.  During the 1970s
> his
> title was Special Projects Officer, Special Activities Branch,
> Counterintelligence Division, USAF.
> Petruskie’s OSS Alumni Group Seen To Dominate US
> Mass Media
> Vincent Petruskie is a recognized pillar of PSYCOLOGICAL WARFARE as it
> is practiced by the United States Government and one of the top
> consultants to the U.S. government in this area.  In light of the
> Strassmeir connections it is profoundly disturbing that Petruskie is a
> favorite of top U.S. policy makers and not a fringe player.
> The significance of Petruskie’s experience in John McCloy's
> Psychological Warfare Group can best be appreciated by observing the
> past
> activities of this group.  An excellent short description of the
> function
> of this Psychological Warfare group of the OSS, headed by John McCloy
> and
> including Allen Dulles, Vincent Petruskie, and the father of Andreas
> Strassmeir is found in Dr. Judith Reisman's book, KINSEY: CRIMES AND
> CONSEQUENCES.  From page 308:
> “After the war, back in Germany the allied occupation was underway and
> Manchester reports on a very
> powerful Rockefeller representative who had a tremendous impact on
> Krupp's guilty verdict,  just two years
> after his Nuremberg conviction. John J. McCloy, a well-connected Wall
> Street attorney, was a useful
> instrument for the elite U.S. tax exempt foundations. McCloy came to
> be known as the "Chairman of the
> American Establishment."   He had served as "Assistant Secretary of
> War from 1944-46, and established a
> small, highly secret Psychological Branch within the War Department.
> McCloy helped define U.S. social science and mass communication
> studies long after the war had
> drawn to a close.  Virtually all of the scientific community that was
> to emerge during the 1950s as leaders
> in the field of mass communication research spent the war years
> performing applied studies on U.S. and
> foreign propaganda… public opinion research —- both domestically and
> internationally —- and
> clandestine OSS operations.
> McCloy's mass communication psychological warfare agents migrated from
> World War II propagandists in
> 1945 directly into the mainstream media hierarchy positioned in key
> public opinion organizations and
> publications. Many of these same war-time agents assisted in the
> brilliant public relations campaign and
> press coverage Rockefeller grantee Kinsey received for his Male and
> Female volumes. While the press
> blackout concealed the truth about Krupp's trial the establishment
> mass media properly promoted and
> cheered the excellence of the Kinsey findings to the American people.
> The Rockefeller Foundation and the
> federal government joint ventured many propaganda activities through
> well as key
> survey organizations including George Gallup. These survey
> organizations commonly issued positive
> reports about the Rockefeller Foundation activities and grantees:
> The OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION alumni became the publishers of Time,
> Look, Fortune, and
> several dailies; editors of such magazines as Holiday, Coronet,
> Parade, and the Sunday Review, editors of
> the Denver Post. New Orleans; Times-Picayune, and others the heads of
> the Viking Press, Harper &
> Brothers, and Farrar, Straus and Young: two Hollywood Oscar winners: a
> two-time Pulitzer Prize winner:
> the board chairman of CBS and a dozen key network executives;
> President Eisenhower's chief speech
> writer: the editor of Reader's Digest international editions; at least
> six partners of large advertising
> agencies: and a dozen noted social scientists, as well as the dean of
> the Columbia graduate School of
> Journalism and founder of the Columbia Journalism Review.
> Steering the Ship of State: The Use of Psychological Warfare
> Techniques on Civilian Populations
> Those engaged in '"wartime psychological warfare work" became a
> network of social science leaders who
> sought to "promote their particular interpretations of society”.
> Editor's note:  The best book on the subject of the mass media
> manipulation by this OSS
> alumni group employing psychological warfare tactics against civilian
> populations is
> Christopher Simpson's book,  The Science of Coercion.
> After his service in the War Department in 1946, McCloy was appointed
> to the Rockefeller Foundation
> Board. Three years later McCloy became U.S. High Commissioner of
> Germany (after General Lucius Clay
> in 1949) and then chairman of the Rockefeller controlled Chase Bank.
> McCloy would in time, serve as a
> member of the Warren Commission. McCloy helped turn the Rockefeller
> dominated bank into the second
> largest bank in the country by merging it with the Bank of Manhattan
> in 1955 to form the Rockefellers flagship bank, which became
> Chase Manhattan Bank."
> It is helpful to trace the early development of mass communications
> theory.  The dominant paradigm from the very beginning proved in
> substantial part to be a paradigm of dominance, in which elite control
> of mass communications was taken as a given.  All leaders in
> communications theory concentrated on how modern technology could be
> used by elites to manage social change, extract political concessions
> from disenfranchised masses, or win purchasing decisions from targeted
> audiences.  From the beginning money became one of the most important
> the
> links between the emerging field of mass communications studies and
> the
> U.S. military, intelligence, and propaganda agencies.  The movie WAG
> DOG is a good illustration of the application of communications theory
> to social management.
> U.S. Government Organization of Psycological
> Operations
> The government’s powers to conduct psycological warfare are drerived
> from 1947 National Security Council policy decision NSC-10/2.  NSC
> 10-/2
> created an entirely new government branch known as the Office of
> Policy
> Coordination (OPC) under the CIA whose budget , personnel, and very
> existence was a state secret.  The NSC termed the OPC the United
> States’
> “Psychological Warfare Organization”.  The agencies tasks included
> “propaganda, economic warfare; preventative direct action, including
> sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition and evacuation measures;
> subversion
> against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance
> movements, guerrillas and refugee liberation groups, and support of
> indigenous anti-communist elements in threatened countries of the free
> world.”  OPC created a specific branch for managing assassinations and
> kidnapping of persons whose interests were inimical to the United
> States
> as well as murdering double agents suspected of betraying U.S.
> intelligence agencies.
> The Formal Structure Today
> Department of the Army Pamphlet No. 525-7-1, The Art and Science of
> Psychological Operations, states,
>      "As the principal military advisors to the president, the Joint
> Chiefs of Staff are directly concerned with Psychological Operations
> (PSYOPs). They serve as the immediate military staff of the Secretary
> of
> Defense. They are in the chain of command that runs from the president
> to the Secretary of Defense, through the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to the
> commanders of unified and specified commands. The chain of command to
> the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) also runs from the Secretary of
> Defense through the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Joint Staff is
> organized
> into directorates concerned with:     Personnel (J-1) Operations (J-3)
> Logistics (J-4) Plans and Policy (J-5) Communications-Electronics
> (J-6)
> The intelligence function for the Joint Chiefs of Staff is undertaken
> by
> the Defense Intelligence Agency. All of these directorates have
> varying
> degrees of interest in PSYOP. In addition to the directorates, the
> activities of the various special assistants occasionally involve
> It is the director,J-3 (Operations), however, who has the
> responsibility
> in all matter pertaining to the psychological aspects of military
> operations. His principal staff assistant for PSYOP is the deputy
> director for operations (counterinsurgency and special activities) or
> DOCSA. DOCSA is supported." (Vol. I pgs 99-100)
> H.L. Hunt, the Rockefeller Family, and the Dealy
> Plaza Alliance
> Madeline Brown, the Dallas mistress of Lyndon Johnson, wrote a
> detailed
> book which included the context of the infamous remark that Johnson
> made
> to her on the eve of the Kennedy assassination, “After tomorrow the
> Kennedy boys will never embarrass Lyndon Johnson again.”  This comment
> was made directly upon Johnson’s exit from a meeting at the Clint
> Murcheson ranch that was attended by J.Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon,
> George Brown CEO of Brown and Root and John McCloy, the representative
> of the Rockefeller family.
> The question to ask is not, Were the last minute details of the
> assassination being worked out in this meeting?  Clearly the illegal
> acts
> proceeding form these individuals after the assassination answer that
> question affirmatively.  The question to ask is  —- Who possessed the
> clout to convene such a meeting?  All parties could have been
> assembled
> by H.L. Hunt with one exception —- John McCloy.  He was the
> representative of the Rockefeller family.  This reduces the JFK
> assassination to a Rockefeller/H.L. Hunt plot — an alliance of the
> world’s richest man and America’s wealthiest and most politically
> powerful family.  John Kennedy announced that he intended to cancel
> the
> oil depletion allowance that amounted to a 28% reduction of  taxes
> paid
> by Hunt and the Rockefellers which would slow down the rapid
> accumulation
> of their massive wealth.  These men had a good thing going and they
> wanted to keep it that way —- and they did keep it that way for a long
> time.
> While becoming the closest allies with the Rockefellers in the fixing
> of
> oil prices in West Texas and the JFK assassination Hunt publicly
> pretended to be against the Rockefellers, the Eastern Establishment,
> and
> the Rockefeller promoted United Nations.  But Hunt biographers are all
> astounded at the scant funds Hunt actually applied to these causes.
> Hunt’s conservative leadership was all show and no dough.  Hunt was a
> tool of the Rockefellers used successfully to subvert most high
> profile
> conservative organizations in the United States.
> Imagine what the WARREN COMMISSION looked like to intelligence
> community
> insiders with Allen Dulles and John McCloy on the panel!
> Nothing Short of Censorship Could Have Kept the Name
> Strassmeir Out of the News
> When Andreas Strassmeir arrived in the US from Germany, he and his
> German
> friends stayed in the Petruskie home.  Given the known facts about
> Strassmeir it is difficult to imagine some way that he was not
> involved
> in the actual operations side of the bombing.  Here is where things go
> beyond possible coincidence.  Before Strassmeir infiltrated Elohim
> City
> Petruskie paid Strassmeir what must have seemed to Strassmeir a
> fabulous
> amount of money to broker 747's belonging to the German airline
> to a shady air cargo company in the Caribbean.  This airline was SAINT
> LUCIA --- a CIA air cargo proprietary that is none other than the one
> that Oliver North and General Richard Secord used to fly the illegal
> missiles to Iran which is what triggered the IRAN /CONTRA
> Therefore we are submitting a separate report, THE MURRAH BOMBING AND
> "ENTERPRISE" which deals with this and other overlaps.  There are for
> example three major narcotics prosecutions that took place in Oklahoma
> before the bombing which involved the ENTERPRISE.  Terry Reed revealed
> that Oliver North used OKC as a base of Contra support operations.
> And
> both past governor, Dave Walters, and current Oklahoma Governor Frank
> Keating had extensive involvement's with top ENTERPRISE  players.
> Dave
> Walters was in fact the man who introduced Bill Clinton to Dan Lasator
> who served as Co-national Chairman of the BILL CLINTON FOR PRESIDENT
> Petruskie's selection of Strassmeir for this assignment makes sense.
> A
> colorful German named Heinrich Dietrich heads the small CIA
> proprietary
> SAINT LUCIA.  During the 1990's Dietrich had broken so many laws that
> he
> had worked his way to the top of the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List and
> operated SAINT LUCIA as a fugitive.  He is a good example of the CIA's
> ability to stave off prosecutions.
> SAINT LUCIA ran an operation out of the MENA AIRPORT under the name of
> WHITE CROSS AIRLINES in conjunction with the  cocaine trafficking of
> Barry Seal.   Barry Seal testified in his New Orleans trial that his
> operation out of the Mena airport flew the equivalent of 8 box cars of
> cocaine into the United States.  One other index of public deception
> can
> be gleaned from the fact that even though Special Prosecutor Ken Starr
> hired the same attorney as Barry Seal used when Seal gave this sworn
> testimony about the "eight box cars of cocaine" Starr’s investigation
> has failed to establish any culpability for this cocaine atrocity.
> []

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