From: "JP Viken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mike, ever heard of the wackenhut nuclear snake eaters.  These boys are
dressed in black, fully auhorized to kill civilians on us soil if deemed
necessary to protect the national security or defending the usa from
"terrorism".   These folks apparently work closely with the energy folks you
refer to.   Also, e systems security folks have apparently had the same
rights.  But there have been less hits the last 4-5 years (other than the
home invasions by drug teams) I think due to fear of being cut loose and
left holding the bag, and also due to the fact most ops have lost their
feelings of patriotism with the increased nwo orientation of the executive,
and due to the publicity of waco and ruby ridge.   Anyhow, I know that many
folks, even a significant portion of the alphabets ae "fed up".
----- Original Message -----
From: Mike Ruppert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 20, 1999 11:28 PM
Subject: RE: [CIA-DRUGS] Courage

> From: "Mike Ruppert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Jim
> I too sense the meltdown which will precipitate either a successful or an
> unsuccessful attempt to remove the Constitution (overtly) and impose some
> version of a police state. But, as I think Catherine was saying in a phone
> conversation with me the other day, "I don't know how they have managed to
> keep it going this far, but they did." It is really pretty amazing.
> For a total of about three years I was a manager at the largest gun store
> the State of California. Many law enforcement contracts and also many
> regular customers who were contractors or outright employees of Federal
> Agencies; everybody from Park Service to GSA had hired hitters. One of the
> best secret armies in the country is at DOE where they House the N.E.S.T.
> (Nuclear Emergency Search Teams) teams. Serious bad boys there.
> But it's just kind of out of control. The key is reaching an undetermined
> point where a combination of deteriorating socioeconomic factors merges
> increasingly available information and starts the meltdown.
> I still don't believe that the bad guys can pull off an overt coup and
> imposition of a police state for more than five days. I just don't think
> that it can be done.
> Mike Ruppert
> -----Original Message-----
> From: JP Viken [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, December 20, 1999 8:26 PM
> To: Steve Beatty; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] Courage
> From: "JP Viken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Excellent! Excellent!  The secret team cannot contain the leaks.  We have
> now come full circle>>>>admissions of frank sturgis, marita lorenz,
> by g.p. hemmings about interpen and his statement that "military
> intelligence is our real gestapo", the reserved confessions of the jfk
> killers held in abeyance at the national archives under orders of the
> J edgar, lyndon, dick nixon, ghwb, landsdale, lemay, burkley, alan dulles,
> willoughby, conein, phillips, e h hunt, etc. etc. were the planners.
> As I have always said, the jfk hit was a coup de tat, a military
> This audio fully supports that and cleary supports the rumors of the cia
> using mafia hitmen in the usa at first for all hits and then expanding to
> bring their "modessa" (murder ops) green berets home to do the hits like
> pinzer here. We can infer from this info that whenever a jfk witness was
> offed, it was probably only after a high level executive decision
> through the cia with a "signed finding".  And this was supported by
> milan" in his book "the squad".  So we now have new, additional proof that
> the usa military special forces as well as fbi div 5 was used for wetwork
> and authorized and covered up by the false cloak of "national security".
> Sounds like atorney pepper has been right in his allegations of the
> hit team surveillance and planned hit of martin luther king!
> Whenever this "national security" is invoked, its a guaranteed admission
> RICO criminal acts at the highest level of govt and govt bureacracies, and
> an admission of "premeditated murder" in cases of "termination with
> prejudice"   "signed findings".   What would happen if all the highly
> trained veterans in this country got pissed off at this govt rico crime
> decided to match hits as "an eye for an eye" under their own view of
> national security?  There would be a hell of a lot of dead feds. Now so
> these non-govt retired military folks are still grasping onto the "rule of
> law".  I have talked to a substantial number (esp. mentally and physically
> wounded vietnam vets who live like bums because their govt dirtied them
> stuck them out at the front firebases with no adequate backup, lied to
> and then abandoned them after they returned home with pstd and chronic
> depression) tell me that they now know about the drugs and that they were
> used as political pawns by the elitist civilian war managers such as
> macnamara, bundy, etc. etc.   Many of these HEROES are so angry it would
> take much for them to be set off on rageful kamikazee type missions
> any enemy, foreign or domestic, especially domestic as the "enemy
> within"type!  I think that there is a big risk that too much info is now
> coming out into the public arena to keep these RICO govt crimes that
> their lives" contained forever.
> If there is a major downturn in the economy or more attempts by the govt
> take all our civil rights by staging additional "burnings of the
> with "stings gone bad" or phony "bin laden type attacks they institute
> themselves in disguise, I would expect these Heroes and much of the public
> (especially the hunter-fisher-farmer types) to "go off", especially if
> continuing losing everything and "all hope".  And remember, they outnumber
> the existing Federal Rico-criminals (which are about 10% of those in our
> covert law enforcement and military agencies).   One vet,  a  tremendous
> hero (served our country and his fellow soldiers with great valor in
> vietnam--and he also fed starving vietnam children and help start a
> orphanage too!) told me he came to believe that any govt who would ship
> drugs back inside soldiers' bodies (aka richard armitage, he said), would
> orchestrate or allow the infusion of drugs to downbeaten abandoned us
> soldiers in vietnam, would kill our president, would send our guys out in
> korea and vietnam with virtually no backup, would probably be capable of
> anything--that they had no conscience and were about as worthwhile to
> mankind as "cockroaches".
> His opinion was that these men should be dealt with by their own
> If they really believe in national security they should expect to all be
> offed by their honest compatriots;  or they should expect at a minimum to
> tried for treason, sedition, RICO crimes, including premeditated murder,
> drug kingpin crimes, conspiracy to murder, obstruction of justice and
> conspiracy to obstruct justice, misprision of multiple RICO felonies,
> malfeasance, misfeasance and unathorized use and theft of govt property.
> They should have a rapid trial, be convicted and sentenced to immediate
> death by hanging or firing squad.  And these bastards now have the gaul to
> hunt down and jail mentally ill children accross state lines who post
> negative so called threats on the internet under current terrorist laws.
> How hippocritical.  Now you tell me, who are the real terrorists, drug
> dealers and murderers? Yes, they are our black ops, mind-kontrolled
> jackbooted hostage rescue folks and our swat teams who have been
> to hate the public and see us all as the enemy.  All cops should wear
> uniforms at all times even when doing busts, in my opinion.  Many police
> veterans see no need ever for violent home entries.  A real cop lays in
> and overwhelms the subject off premises with usually only a whimper as a
> response in the arrestee.
> I interviewed a retired chicago cop (this man being a major Hero, just
> so many our our military folks have been in all our wars,
> authorized/declared and those RICO/ criminal wars too!).  He told me that
> whenever a politician or an official wanted a "job" done, they would call
> special number at the treasury dept in chicago and state, "we need a job
> done" and then identify the person.  He said someone would take care of it
> (maybe stop by after work and case the job and then do it a few days
> etc.)  He said it was considered a routine part of this squads job.  Some
> times, he said ex special forces were hired as "consultants" by treasury
> do "jobs" and these men were often cops or firemen or deep cover
> businessmen.  He said sometime some of the hitmen of the "families", eg
> "*utfit" were used.  He couldn't stand the corruption and quit.  He said
> pay was so low many cops had to take traffic ticket "tips" and payoffs of
> other assorted types.
> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Sunday, December 19, 1999 8:48 PM
> Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Courage
> >
> > This is a one example of courage -- many lessons are contained
> > in this frightening 12 minute clip about government corruption and
> > assassination squads.  You will need G-2 player.
> >
> >
> >
> > PRRG
> >
> > >
> >

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