For Immediate Release, August 11, 2000 Noon, PDT

The Truth Force Amnesty Commission (TFAC) announces explosive presentations
by former LAPD and DEA officers, and an attorney suing CIA and DoJ over
their acknowledged complicity in the crack cocaine epidemic, on
Aug12 & 15 at LA Peoples and Shadow Conventions --- detailing evidence
of a 50 year still ongoing CIA-FBI-DEA-mafia-business-politicians "cabal"
involved in smuggling 80-90% of the illegal drugs now coming into the
US providing $200-250 billion per year in laundered profits fueling
Wall Street with low-cost offshore capital and major political campaigns
to the highest levels of the Democratic andRepublican Parties' fundraising
for politicians who maintain draconian American drug policy laws to preserve
these profits with the complicity of duped American media some of which
are owned by Wall Street companies profiting from this situation.

The TFAC maintains that the only way to solve this problem, and to end the
failed and corrupt drug war, is to follow the precedent of South Africa by
establishing a truth commission and amnesty program to facilitate the
correction of the ethics of America and allow those responsible for creating
this problem to use their power and influence to correct this situation
which is at the root of so many wars around the world and the exploding US
prison populations, police brutalities, etc.

Starting at 11AM tomorrow Saturday August 12th, at the LA Peoples Convention former LAPD officer, now editor of
>From The Wilderness newletter and expert on CIA involvement in the drug
Michael C. Ruppert will conduct a session detailing evidence for above
assertions.  At 4PM he will be taking part there in the 4pm panel on Police
Brutality and the Prison-Industrial Complex. At 6PM he will be among other
speakers on the "Crack the CIA" panel, all taking place at Belmont High
School auditorium at 144 South Loma Drive.

Mike will be tabling there all day and available for media interviews.  He
will be joined in the early afternoon by a former DEA agent knowledgeable
about DEA-CIA complicity in the South American to US cocaine trade, Cele
Castillo, and by Bill Simpich, one of the attorneys on the class action
lawsuit against CIA and DoJ over their complicity in the crack cocaine
epidemic acknowledge in the DoJ CIA Inspector General's Report Volume II
recently whitewashed by the House Select Intelligence Committee summary of
it.  This lawsuit on behalf of South Central Los Angeles and Oakland, CA,
residents victimized by the crack cocaine epidemic has receive a unanimous
resolution of support from Oakland Mayor (former CA Governor and Democratic
US presidential nominee) Jerry Brown's City Council.

At the Shadow Convention during its Tuesday August 15th program to end the
failed drug war, Simpich and Castillo will be tabling and available for
media and activist interviews.

Simpich is avalable at 510-444-0226 to set up other speaking events.
He is one of the attorneys on the CIA Class Action suit and the tort claims
against the CIA and DOJ that are currently pending for their role in the
crack cocaine epidemic, and he is working with Cele Castillo.

Cele Castillo's new evidentiary critique of the Vol. II whitewash is now up
at and a photo of Cele
Castillo in Vietnam 1971 (from where heroin was smuggled into the US during
the war by same "cabal") is at

Castillo and Ruppert, along with UC Berkeley English professor Peter Dale
Scott and other experts on this issue spoke at the first CIA-Drugs Symposium
in Eugene, Oregon, which be coming next to Los Angeles.

Some of this information is recently coming into the press, for example the
July 27th report of a stunning interview on Fox News Channel's "Hannity and
Colmes," Rep. James Traficant, D-Ohio, accused former Federal Bureau of
Investigation division chief Stanley Peterson of being on the payroll of the

Also on July 27th, the "San Francisco Examiner reported that the U.S.
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has found valid evidence that claims of CIA
involvement in protecting drug trafficking to support the Contras were
credible. The court also ruled that assertions of CIA authorization for
drug trafficking in the San Francisco bay area were grounded in fact,
apparently based on its review of evidence including DoJ CIA IG report
volume II.   The plaintiff, "Pena and his allies supporting the contras
became involved in selling cocaine in order to circumvent the
congressional ban on non-humanitarian aid to the contras,"
the three-judge panel said.

San Francisco attorney Bill Simpich, acting as lead counsel for class action
suits filed against the CIA in 1999 based on the same issues and evidence
said, "This is the best break we've had since we filed our suits. This opens
an important new vein of evidence with one of the highest courts in the
land, saying, in effect, that this issue needs to be addressed."

Most recently, the Philadelphia City Paper ran two consecutive weekly cover
stories about CIA-FBI-DEA-White House complicity in covering up illegal drug
trade there, stories relating to why one honest cop was fired for trying to
expose drug money connections to Democratic Party fundraising, stories
questioning the integrity and possible complicity of the Philly DA and PA
Attorney General's office.  Links to these stories along with commentary on
their possible connection to the Ira Einhorn case are in a post archived at

In this link between the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) and the crack
cocaine supplied to the black / Latino barrios throughout the United States,
there is one man who is willing to disclose information about how those
drugs were flown out of Ilopango Airport in El Salvador and into the United
States with CIA and White House approval.  Celerino "Cele" Castillo III,
was a twelve year veteran of the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration).
Castillo was the lead agent in El Salvador when he was assigned to
Central America from 1985 to 1990.

Ruppert is an Honors graduate of UCLA in Political Science.  He comes
from a family rooted in intelligence and the military. As an undergraduate
he interned for LA Police Chief Ed Davis and worked at 5 LAPD Divisions
before graduating and becoming an officer in 1973.  During Mike's five plus
years of active service he received thirteen citations and four
commendations.  Twice the CIA attempted to recruit Mike:  The first time
just before he graduated and again after he was a highly praised field
officer and budding narcotics investigator. In 1977 he discovered CIA
bringing drugs into the U.S. through New Orleans in an operation
supervised by his then fiancée, a CIA agent. He began to speak out
and was forced out of LAPD in 1978 after being shot at and threatened.
He has been speaking out publicly ever since.

Peter Dale Scott, English Professor at the University of California,
Berkeley, was an anti-war speaker during the Vietnam and U.S.-Iraq wars,
he was a co-founder of the Peace and Conflict Studies Program at
UC Berkeley, and of the Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA).
His prose books include The War Conspiracy (1972), The Assassinations:
Dallas and Beyond (in collaboration, 1976), Crime and Cover-Up: The CIA, the
Mafia, and the Dallas-Watergate Connection (1977), The Iran-Contra
Connection (in collaboration, 1987), Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies, and
the CIA in Central America (in collaboration, 1991, 1998), Deep Politics and
the Death of JFK (1993, 1996), and Deep Politics Two (from JFKLancer, 1995).

Aside from the possibility that Ira Einhorn was framed for the 1979 murder
of Holly Maddux -- as he has continuously claimed since then -- to discredit
his attempts to expose covert actions such as those described above, another
claim as to what happens when those in-the-know try to speak out is shown in
the matter of Charles A. Schlund, an Electrical contractor in Phoenix,
Arizona, age 52, whose complaint to Janet Reno begins: "While I was working
with the FBI in a National Security Investigation involving murder, drug
running and many other crimes in and against the United States by the CIA
and DEA the DEA did obtain a court order under perjury and fabricated
evidence to inject two CIA designed torture and monitoring devices in my
neck."  Background on the Einhorn case and some of his side of the story
posted at


David Crockett Williams, CLU
Chartered Life Underwriter
proponent for a Truth Force Amnesty Commission

Global Emergency Alert Response

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