GW Bush, Jesus and the Manhattan Institute
by Robert Lederman

You have to admire the nerve of G.W. Bush. It takes a kind of
goofy audacity to claim that Jesus' teachings and the CIA-derived
ideas of the right-wing Manhattan Institute are your twin sources
of inspiration. Bush publicly credits the Manhattan Institute with
inventing his entire "compassionate conservative" platform and

>NY Times  June 12, 2000
Bush Culls Campaign Theme From Conservative Thinkers
“Gov. George W. Bush has said his political views have been
shaped by the work of Myron Magnet of the Manhattan

>The Dallas Morning Star 4/16/2000
The Godfathers of 'Compassionate Conservatism
"In Austin that day in 1997, Mr. Bush told Mr. Magnet that his
1993 book The Dream and The Nightmare, had changed his

This past April, G.W. declared a new public holiday will be
celebrated in Texas each June10th-Jesus Day. [See:
.html] Even many Christians found this unprecedented crossing
of the line between church and state to be troubling. It is however
entirely in line with the teachings of the MI (Manhattan
Institute), which advocates having religious institutions take over
many of the present tasks of government.

>The Weekly Standard 8/23/2000
The Political Theory of Compassionate Conservatism
by John J. Dilulio Jr. [A theorist for the Manhattan Institute]
"In every instance where my administration sees a responsibility
to help people," [G.W. Bush] promised, "we will look first to
faith-based organizations, charities and community groups." <

While Jesus' teachings are well-known even to most
non-Christians the ideas of the MI are much less familiar to the
public. MI was started in 1978 by Ronald Reagan's CIA director,
William Casey, and has become the nation's most influential,
though not best known-as befits a CIA operation-right wing
think tank. While I personally have great respect for the
traditions of the world's religions, including Christianity, the
CIA promoting religion may not exactly be what Jesus had in

NY Times Monday, May 12, 1997
Turning Intellect Into Influence Promoting Its Ideas, the
Manhattan Institute Has Nudged New York Rightward
"Currently housed in an unprepossessing warren on the second
floor of a building near Grand Central Terminal, the institute was
founded as a free-market education and research organization by
William Casey, who then went off to head the Central
Intelligence Agency in the Reagan Administration."

Casey was a top American intelligence operative who, among
other endeavors, helped the CIA bring thousands of Nazi SS
officials into the U.S. after WWII as part of Operation Paper
Clip. These Nazi SS doctors, scientists and intelligence experts
who were directly involved in the death camps, in propaganda
work and in creating the prototypes for new and better ways to
kill masses of people, were installed in private industry, in the
CIA, in medical and psychological research programs in
universities and in the media, supposedly to fight Communism.

Many of these SS officials professed strong religious
convictions, as did Adolf Hitler himself and as do many of the
top scholars associated with the MI. 
>"Thus inwardly armed with confidence in God and the
unshakable stupidity of the voting citizenry, the politicians can
begin the fight for the 'remaking' of the Reich as they call
it."[Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf Vol. 2 Chapter 1]<

While school vouchers and the turning over of public education
to religious institutions is being sold by many on the right as a
new and very progressive idea, the promotion of religious
teachings in public schools was actually a key aspect of the Third
Hitler.htm   "Secular schools can never be tolerated because such
schools have no religious instruction, and a general moral
instruction without a religious foundation is built on air;
consequently, all character training and religion must be derived
from faith . . . we need believing people." [Adolf Hitler, April 26,
1933, from a speech made during negotiations leading to the
Nazi-Vatican Concordant of 1933]<

More than simply a violation of the separation of church and
state which is an essential part of the Constitution, my concern
with Bush's "religious convictions" is that they, like those of the
Manhattan Institute, are actually a cover for fascism.

Previous to adopting G.W. as their poster-boy, NYC Mayor
Rudolph Giuliani was their most prominent operative in elected
office. Like G.W. Bush, the infamously repressive and
Constitution-violating Mayor of New York has also publicly
acknowledged on numerous occasions that the Manhattan
Institute is the source of his policy ideas.

>"The mayor has a very close working relationship with the
Manhattan Institute," Giuliani's communications director,
Crystine Lategano, said." -Boston Sunday Globe 2/22/98<

The MI's twin obsessions as evidenced by even a brief visit to
their webpage, are race and privatization. Among the ideas they
are particularly keen on is getting everyone's DNA in a national
database. The best known of their many celebrity scholars is
Charles Murray, who wrote his controversial book, The Bell
Curve-proposing the genetic inferiority of Blacks as a
justification for eliminating affirmative action-while a research
fellow of the MI. He continues, despite their claims to the
contrary, to publicly speak there about eliminating welfare and
on racial issues. 

>From an announcement on the MI website
Center for Civic Innovation Welfare Conference Held at the
Manhattan Institute Topic: “Next Steps in Welfare Reform.”
Participants: [a partial list]
Charles Murray (Author of Losing Ground; American Enterprise
Institute),  Jason Turner (Commissioner, NYC Human Resources
Administration) April 14, 1999 New York, New York<

While the public expression of the ideas of the MI are couched
in politically-correct terminology, the ideas themselves are closer
to those of late 19th and early 20th century Eugenics than any
other source. Eugenics is the application of science to the task of
improving the human race by selective breeding (positive
Eugenics) and sterilization or elimination of undesirable
members of society (negative Eugenics). 

>From: Village Voice 2/29/2000
The History of American Eugenics Is Explored Online 
“A century ago, scientists from the top universities in America
began to study people's pedigrees in the hopes of creating
"perfect" children. Instead, they spawned a monster: the
pseudoscience of eugenics...It's more than coincidence that the
Cold Spring Harbor Lab hosts this project. It is, after all, home
of the Human Genome Project to map DNA...Minority groups
were most often the target of this plan...The ERO itself was
endowed by a grant from the widow of railroad magnate E.H.
Harriman [Prescott Bush was A. Harriman's business partner in
Brown Brother Harriman, a firm that specialized in financing
Hitler]. Today's breakthroughs in, say, prenatal screening would
have been embraced by eugenicists, and there's always a group of
people who will subscribe to racial-inferiority theories like those
in The Bell Curve. [written by Manhattan Institute scholar,
Charles Murray]” <

Eugenics reached its most popular expression in numerous
American laws passed in the 1920's and 1930's requiring forcible
sterilization of mental defectives and restricting immigration
from Eastern Europe, Ireland, Africa and Latin America. 

Among its top promoters were Rockefeller and Henry Ford.
Today, their foundations continue to fund many of the top
Eugenics programs in the world. The Manhattan Institute's main
sponsor is the Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank, an
organization that has publicly admitted to helping Hitler loot the
banks of occupied Europe.

Until WWII and the Holocaust temporarily gave Eugenics a bad
name, many American States were seriously considering
legislation requiring Euthanasia for people with chronic diseases
and for so-called chronic criminals. 

Among the very few legitimate claims to fame of G.W. Bush is
his unprecedented record of presiding over executions while
Governor of Texas. Men, women and even mentally retarded
convicts are sent to their deaths almost daily via lethal injection
in Texas at a rate roughly equal to all other U.S. Governors

>NY Times 8/7/2000 Executing The Mentally Retarded Even As
Laws Begin to Shift
"Here in Texas, Gov. George W. Bush has opposed laws that
would prohibit the execution of the mentally retarded. It is a
position he still holds, a spokeswoman, Linda Edwards, said on

The significance of Nazi Germany to an understanding of
Eugenics is that it stands as a more or less fully documented
expression of what a high-tech fully-developed social Eugenics
program might look like. The Nazis used the most up-to-date
science to create breeding programs for the elite and
corresponding extermination programs for those to be deleted. 

Downsizing and selecting the subjects for an entire society,
Hitler promised to create a New Germany and a new humanity.
He originated the term, New World Order that later became
President Bush's buzzword. As Mayor Giuliani and Governor
Bush have done-to an admittedly much lesser degree due to the
fierce opposition they have encountered-the harassment,
persecution and elimination of the least fit and those least
wanted by society substitutes for costly social programs for the
disabled, the hungry, the abandoned and the homeless.

G.W. Bush's father-former CIA chief and President George
Bush-brought us the corporate-sponsored Gulf War and its after
effect-Gulf War Syndrome which has destroyed the health of
hundreds of thousands of American service personnel and their
families. Accompanied by the same military and intelligence
advisors and with the able assistance of American high-tech
industry, the son is poised to bring us a play-at-home version of
that fiasco. 

Here in NYC we are being exposed to genetically-altered
mosquitoes bred in nearby bio-warfare labs, sprayed with a
rotating cocktail of organophosphate and pyrethroid nerve gas
pesticides originally invented by Nazi chemists and will soon be
given the chance to become test subjects for the government's
latest experimental live virus vaccines, courtesy of Oravax, a
private company directly associated with the U.S. Army
bio-warfare lab in Ft. Dietrick Md. [See:]

G.W. Bush and Giuliani are not only friends and fellow
Manhattan Institute puppets; they have many political associates
in common and often pursue similar policies despite the vast
difference in their constituencies. At the same time all of NYC is
being subjected to an unprecedented exposure to toxic nerve gas
pesticides, Texas is simultaneously being doused with even
greater amounts of neuro-toxic chemicals. [For details on the
massive poisoning by pesticides presently happening in Texas

[See: for detailed reports on
the spraying in NYC].

NYC is the perfect site for a practice run to get the government's
Eugenics program up to speed, learn how to deal with the
inevitable opposition from activists and practice all of the
necessary techniques of a fully-fledged police state. Spray an
entire city like New York where there are tens of thousands of
people from virtually every nation and you will statistically
discover exactly which ethnic and racial groups are vulnerable or
especially resistant to a particular chemical or vaccine.
Compiling statistics was Giuliani's specialty in the Reagan
Justice Department.

Carrying out such experiments on Americans or any other
civilian or military population is both highly illegal and immoral.
And that's why you need men like Giuliani, Bush or Hitler to get
this kind of job done. Men who, like Giuliani, can crush the
homeless one moment and then make a pious statement about
protecting the Holy Virgin the next; or like G.W. Bush who can
claim he is inspired by the example of Jesus and then preside
over the execution of a retarded man.

People within the Giuliani administration have confided in me
that if elected GW will appoint Giuliani U.S. Attorney General.
The former Federal prosecutor, who as the number three man in
Reagan's Justice Department helped create the phony war on
drugs, the Contra cocaine connection and a massive program of
civil forfeiture and elimination of civil liberties directly modeled
after Hitler's, is the perfect accompanist for G.W.

>“Restrictions on personal liberty, on the right of free
expression including freedom of the press; on the rights of
assembly and association; warrants for house searches, orders
for confiscations as well as restrictions on property, are also
permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed” [from
Hitler’s, Decree For The Protection of the People and the State,

Latino and Black voters who thought the all singing, all dancing,
all praying sideshow and the inclusion of a few words of Spanish
at the Republican convention means they have a place in Bush's
New World Order need to think about exactly what that place
will be. The Republican Convention program was organized in
part by the CIA sponsored think tank, The Manhattan Institute. 

>Village Voice 8/8/2000 Uncle Shrub's Cabin 
"Absent in the sticky Philadelphia heat was the drumbeat of the
fire-breathing, nay-saying Christian Right. In its place, singing
the praises of the Jesus-influenced candidate and following a
script laid out by the Manhattan Institute...the social scientists
from the Manhattan Institute rolled out their charts and reported
that kids who go to church in poor neighborhoods do fewer
drugs and thus, churches, mosques, and synagogues "should be
supported as uniquely qualified agencies of social control that
matter a great deal in the lives of adolescents in America's most
disorganized and impoverished communities."<

One thing I'll admit about Bush, who strikes me as a blandly nice
if not too bright fellow (unlike Giuliani who appears more and
more each day to be a demented psychopath) is that if elected
and if he institutes Eugenics policies no one will be able to claim
he changed his views. When you make your reputation presiding
over executions, those who vote for you are getting exactly what
was advertised. 

It's really all just a matter of semantics. Compassionate
conservatism: it's just another way of saying mercy killing or
Eugenics. All hail President George W. Bush, the Executioner in

Robert Lederman (718) 743-3722 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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