From: "Linda Minor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jamie wrote:
>>Mazzini was a 19th century Italian novelist and supporter of the
unification of
all the small states in Italy into a sovereign nation - and supporter of
Garibaldi. The Italians on both sides of the pond revered this man. The
sicilians thought they'd get better treatment under a central govt, but they
were mistaken.<<

author: Sonny René Stermole

Chapter 4
Roots of an Evil Empire

The "sceptre of the dark empire" was "wrested by Mazzini" from the Carbonari
who had assumed the leadership of the "dark empire" by it's Alta Vendita
Lodge of blackest Freemasonry following Weishaupt's death or decline. Like
Weishaupt, Mazzini viewed Freemasonry as an ideal vehicle or "powerful
vehicle" for world revolution. In collusion with an American Confederate
General, Albert Pike, Mazzini would reinforce the criminal beginnings of
"speculative" Masonry begun in England and forge Mazzini's Masonic Machine.
Mazzini, also the father of the Sicilian Mafia, brought Albert Pike whom he
had appointed as head of dogma over Freemasonry into the depths of the
conspiracy of Illuminist control of Freemasonry.

Mazzini had understood that Freemasonry was a powerful lever with which to
revolutionize the world, but he saw it divided into numerous rites, often
rivals, and even hostile to one another. Aspiring to Italian Unity as a
means of breaking the temporal power of the Holy See, he dreamt of a union
of masonry throughout the world to destroy the church itself as a spiritual
Mazzini, who was very practical, said that it would be inadvisable to favour
one rite only to the exclusion of all the others. In a letter to Albert
Pike, dated Jan. 22, 1870, he writes. "We must allow all the federations to
continue just as they are, with their systems, their central authorities and
their divers modes of correspondence between high grades of the same rite,
organized as they are at present, but we must create a supreme rite, which
will remain unknown, to which
p. 208
 we will call those Masons of high degree whom we shall select. With regard
to their brothers in masonry, these men must be pledged to the strictest
secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which
will become the one international centre, the more powerful because its
direction will be unknown."
p. 209
Albert Pike, in honour of his Templar Baphomet, which was in the keeping of
his first and historic Supreme Council, named the order the New and Reformed
Palladian Rite or New and Reformed Palladium.
p. 215
"To recruit adepts, they planned to use some members of the other rites, but
in the beginning they meant to rely principally on those among the initiates
of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites who were already addicted to
p. 216
Thus it was particularly the initiates of the thirty-third degree Scottish
Rites, who, owing to their extensive international ramifications, were
privileged to recruit adepts for Palladism.
"One will better understand these precautions knowing that Palladism is
essentially a Luciferian rite.
p. 216

"The Holy See of the Dogma for the whole masonic world was set up at
Charleston, the sacred city of the Palladium. Pike, the Sovereign Pontiff of
Lucifer, was the president of the Supreme Dogmatic Directory, ...
p. 217
One must not lose sight of the fact that Pike occupied simultaneously the
positions of Grand Master of the Central Directory of Washington, that of
Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Charleston and that of Sovereign
Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry.
p. 221 Occult Theocrasy,
Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

Albert Pike rose to prominence in Freemasonry learning the "Craft" in Little
Rock, Arkansas, whereas the headquarters for the Southern Jurisdiction of
the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite was located in Charleston, South
Carolina since 1801. Later the headquarters was relocated to Washington D.C.
and is now the Mother Council of the World.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jamie Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2000 2:23 AM
Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] HUD Financial Fraud, Secret Societies & Covert
Operations: Part Four

>From: Jamie Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I think yu're straining at gnats  here-
>"There was apparently a large group of Italians or Sicilians in the
>docks who were somehow connected to Mazzini, the Italian organizer of P-2
>Mazzini was a 19th century Italian novelist and supporter of the
unification of
>all the small states in Italy into a sovereign nation - and supporter of
>Garibaldi. The Italians on both sides of the pond revered this man. The
>sicilians thought they'd get better treatment under a central govt, but
>were mistaken.
>"My thought here is that these areas were originally settled by Dutch and
>formed New Netherlands-"
>New York and New Jersey were settled by the Dutch, but PA was founded by
>William Penn under royal charter, and he was an Englishmen. Many
>Dutch" ie Germans settled there. Two horses of a different color.
>At 10:17 PM 01/19/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>>From: "Linda Minor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>According to Stu Webb, the Bush "organized crime family" interests
>>>the country into six comptrollers/money management operations, of which
>>>Carl Lindner in Ohio, and Leonard Millman/MDC in Denver, engaged heavily
>>>financial fraud as a business, and which profited extensively from HUD
>>>financial fraud. Whatever this network is, I do not think that Bush is in
>>>charge. I think he works for someone. The question is who is that.
>>MDC Holdings during the 1980's was headed by Larry Mizel.  He was in the
>>middle of the junk bond fraud for which Michael Milken received a slap on
>>the wrist.  It was my belief that Milken probably made connection with
>>of his clients through some network operating out of Wharton School of
>>Business.  Drexel was based in Philadelphia, but saw the market in having
>>California office.  I don't think Milken was a rogue trader; I suspect he
>>was following orders from headquarters.
>>It might be interesting to look into the lawsuit (remanded in 1996), which
>>named Milken and dozens of other parties as defendants.
>> Defendant was represented by the firm of JAMES L. STENGEL, Donovan
>>Newton & Irvine, New York, New York for Defendant-Appellee Carlton
>>Investments.  The law firm disbanded two years later (see
>> ).  The core
>>litigation group of attorneys, including Stengel, went to work for
>>San Francisco's Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP which has offices
>>world-wide, but whose main office has an interesting address:  Old Federal
>>Reserve Bank Building 400 Sansome Street San Francisco, California 94111,
>>>Another important moment in "place based" epiphanies for me was when I
>>>that the initial freemason organizaton in America treated New York, New
>>>Jersey and Philadelphia/Pennsylvania as one group.
>>My thought here is that these areas were originally settled by Dutch and
>>formed New Netherlands--and that charters for the land may have been
>>in the form of concessions to private companies.  There would have been a
>>certain amount of loyalty owed to the House of Orange.  Keep in mind that
>>Standard Oil of New Jersey is very powerful in this area, and that it was
>>land owned by Walter Teagle of this company where Timothy Leary did his
>>experiments.  Princeton has also been a very powerful influence:  This was
>>where Woodrow Wilson was president, and he was governor of New Jersey.
>>Wilson also picked the first president of Rice University in Houston,
>>was very closely connected with Jersey Standard Oil.
>>I think one of the most important Supreme Court cases ever handed down was
>>%>&graphurl=<%GRAPHURL%>&court=US&case=/us/17/518.html .
>>Though Dartmouth was in New Hampshire, the rule applied to all colleges
>>which were set up prior to the Revolutionary War.  The case made the
>>appointment of trustees by the original trustees appointed by the
>>who granted the charter an inviolable right.  That means that these
>>colleges, and those created later but set up by the same boards of the
>>universities, owe their allegiance to the bankers who were appointed by
>>Justice Duvall's dissent in the case is most interesting.  (See footnote
>>22).  While the majority of the Court talks about the sanctity of
>>the dissent talks about the French East India Compay:
>>" In the discussions which arose in France, in 1786, upon the new charter
>>then recently granted to the French East India company, it seems to have
>>been taken for granted, by the lawyers on both sides, to whom the
>>in controversy were submitted by the company, and by the merchants who
>>considered themselves injured by its establishment, that if the charter
>>regularly issued according to the forms of the French law, it was
>>irrevocable, unless forfeited for non-user or misuser.  The advocates (MM.
>>LACRETELLE and BLONDE) who were consulted by the merchants of the kingdom
>>opposed to the establishment of the company, denied its legal existence,
>>the ground, that the king had been surprised in his grant; that it was not
>>yet perfected by the issuing of letters-patent, nor duly registered by the
>>parliaments; and that it both might and ought to be suppressed, as an
>>illegal grant of exclusive privileges, contrary to the true principles of
>>commercial philosophy. On the other hand, it was contended by the company,
>>that their grant was irrevocable."
>>>Louisiana                New Orleans    (oldest of all mafia operations
>>>which spread to Chicago and New York
>>>                                          before 1900; Carlos  Marcello)
>>My thoughts about New Orleans:
>>United Fruit's history, which I sent to Catherine yesterday, shows how
>>different banana companies were combined to make United Fruit (now Carl
>>Lindner's Chiquita).  One of the companies was based in New Orleans and
>>started by Samuel Zemurray, a Russian from Bessarabia, who worked in the
>>docks.  There was apparently a large group of Italians or Sicilians in the
>>docks who were somehow connected to Mazzini, the Italian organizer of P-2
>>Bessarabia is the same province from which Sam Bronfman's father had
>>emigrated.  This was a section of what is now Romania, on the northwest
>>shore of the Black Sea.  Turkey borders the south shore of the sea and
>>Russia the northeast shore.
>>Rockefeller's ancestors came to Germany from Turkey where they became
>>Felden ("Rye Fields".See: J.Josephson "Federal Reserve Bank") . ...
>>Rothschild agent (Marcus Samuel) had taken the lead refining petroleum oil
>>in Baku Russia.
>>Bronfman may have known Zemurray.  Once Zemurray became chairman of the
>>fruit company, he worked for the investors who had furnished credit to the
>>company.  Minor Cooper Keith had gone to London for several years to get
>>financing for his Central American railroad bonds.  He then got
>>from the president of Costa Rica.  The land he received in payment for
>>building the railroad went into the fruit company.  The other group of
>>investors came from Boston, represented by Andrew Preston.  The company
>>combined the railroads across Central America with bananas and shipping.
>>Keith had used released convicts from New Orleans jails to built his
>>railroad.  Zemurray used Sicilians from the New Orleans docks.  It was a
>>natural combination of crime families, shipping and drugs, carried from
>>port to another on banana boats.  And the bottom line was that the
>>bondholders in Europe quickly learned (if they didn't already know) that
>>the colonials wanted to pay off their debts, the quickest way was through
>>drug production.
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