March 23, 2001

Election fraud deja vu

For those those might have missed the story,
Ronnie Davis, head of SF Public Housing, was
recently indicted for fraud by an Ohio Grand

This is the SECOND time a Willie Brown ally and SF
Public Housing official, who was implicated in an election
fraud that benefited Brown, ran afoul of the law in a
big way. The first time was Jim Jones of Jonestown infamy:

In 1997, Davis, using HUD money, opened up secret
polling places on behalf of the DeBartolo family,
owners of the 49ers. No charges were filed thanks
to San Francisco DA Terrence Hallinan, an ally of
Brown's who benefited from the alleged fraud.

In 1978, Jones, appointed as Public Housing
Commissioner by close Brown political ally
George Moscone, reportedly brought busloads
of voters into the city to vote illegally.
No charges were ever filed thanks to San Francisco
DA Joseph Freitas, an ally of Brown's who benefited
from the alleged fraud.

In 2001, the electoral system of San Francisco
remains as corrupt and open to fraud as it ever
was. And NO ONE wants to report on it.

This message brought to you by the site that brought
you the "chad" debate three years before it was

Mention of this site is *still* entirely blacked out by
the San Francisco media including the pseudo-progressive
"Bay Guardian" and "SF Weekly." If you lived in San
Francisco and depended on the news media, you'd
never know it exits.

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