Thanks for the deep and passionate link Catherine.  It has been added to Great Links, and bears further study.  I'd love to get into the second edition of "Drug War," even before the first edition is out, but am immersed in putting up my 8,000-item herb store at the moment.  Will keep pace as best I can, at least with the research tools on my site.
Dan Russell
P.O. Box 417
Camden, NY 13316
-----Original Message-----
From: Catherine Austin Fitts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, January 06, 2000 4:44 PM
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Information Sources: Manchurian Candidates & Mind Control

>Excerpt from recent e-mail that you may find useful...mind control keeps
>popping up as a thread in theories on Waco, Unabomber, OKC, school
>shootings, HUD financial fraud and loan sales.....what I am finding is that
>family and friends really want to learn about corruption (they have kind of
>had it, but do not know what to do next) but need a fun energizing way to do
>it. I am having much better luck with movies available at
>Blockbuster.....that is why financing and buying new movies like Uri and
>Dan's work is so important.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Catherine Austin Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2000 2:12 PM
>Subject: Information Sources: Manchurian Candidates & Mind Control
>Family & Friends:
>I am sending this is response from several requests of you for more
>information on mind control technology and its application with Americans
>without their consent by US intelligence, military, enforcement
>organizations and their university, academic and corporate partners,
>contractors and affiliates. I am sending this e-mail to provide a list of
>quick and easy information sources. I am working on longer list that I will
>send next month.
>Most information about mind control technology has been kept behind an
>extraordinary blanket of secrecy by the National Security Act and
>professional safeguards and fear for personal safety. Perhaps most
>important, has been our understandable reluctance to learn about what has
>happened to our country since the assassination of the Kennedy's and Martin
>Luther King and the extant to which covert operations domestically controls
>politics, policy and resources. This could never have happened without mind
>control technology being available as a tool to manipulate and blackmail
>leaders in the legal and legislative system. Understanding mind control
>technology is one of the steps that is desirable to take if we are
>interested in understanding what is happening in government in American and
>why. As my pastor says, if we can face it, God can fix it. This is not
>something for us to fix. Our sunshine is what will help others who can.
>The best website on mind control technology is the website for the Advocacy
>Committee for Human Experimentation
>Survivors & Mind Control, know as MC-ACHES. The URL is
> You can link to the CKLN radio interviews on Mind
>Control from this site. These interviews are some of the best sources I have
>Stella has been a godsend (so what's new?) in helping me learn as I go how
>to introduce and explain this issue. Many of you have also provided
>excellent tips and ideas. If I may summarize, what we have learned is that
>the key to learning about mind control is understanding a little of the
>"story". The best way to learn some of the story is to have fun doing it. I
>have found that about everything under the sun has been provided us by
>Hollywood, if we are just willing to face the fact that fiction is a
>metaphor for a reality that is too dangerous for a business to put real
>names too. So my recommendation to you is to start with the movies, which
>should be available for rental at your local Blockbuster:
>There has been an increase in popular movies and books coming out on mind
>control. I am told by one reporter covering mind control issues that mind
>control technology has caused too many "messes" (Waco, Jonestown, recent
>school shootings) at the same time that many of the leaders are retiring and
>dying. Hence, powerful interests in the intelligence community are trying to
>negate this technology by subjecting it to some sunshine through popular
>culture. Others say that both mind control technology and human cloning have
>advanced to the point that the mind control tools I experienced are no
>longer needed. Indeed, given the maintenance problems, that illumination of
>old mind control technology will help protect cutting edge covert operations
>in human cloning and mind control from scrutiny. While I do not know what is
>true, these theories are compatible with the recent increase in movies and
>what appears to be a inability or failure to continue to maintain mind
>control programming in people in programs like Monarch.
>Videos on Mind Control
>The Manchurian Candidate
>The Long Kiss Goodnight
>Eyes Wide Shut (should be out soon)
>Fight Club (should be out soon)
>Death and the Maiden (presented as South America, but it is about the top
>Nazi programmer used in US)
>Inside John Malkovitch (in theatres now)
>Videos on How Government Really Works in the US
>Oliver Stone's JFK
>Enemy of the State
>I will send you a more complete list of videos including documentaries and
>books when the full information sources piece is done. The ACHES site has a
>good bibliography if you want more. I have also sent some of you copies of
>The Franklin Cover Up by John DeCamp, which is available from Amazon in
>paperback. DeCamp is a Nebraska legislator and attorney who was able to
>expose one of the pedophilia rings active during Iran Contra. Pedophilia has
>been a significant tool in financial fraud (S&L's HUD and other federal
>credit programs). I got a hint of the power of it when I grappled with
>trying to clean up HUD financial fraud twice---both times unsuccessfully.
>The Washington Times started to break the pedophilia story in 1989-90 and
>the fear during that period was noticeable. One of the mind control sex
>slaves used in the Franklin pedophilia ring and described in the Franklin
>Cover Up has been awarded damages by the courts thanks to DeCamp's
>litigation efforts on his behalf.
>If you do not have history of covert operations and mind control, as well as
>some of the secret societies that they are involved with, it is hard to
>understand how people end up involved in such activities. As you proceed
>forward, you must learn to manage a response of "I know nothing about mind
>control, I know nothing about domestic covert operations, and I have no
>intention of learning because it is depressing and I do not want to think
>these things about my country, but I do not need to know because Americans
>would never have done this". If we need the official reality to be that
>people like us do not do things like this, than we are going to continue to
>operate with theories like the one that says we have a $200-300 billion
>prostitution, drug and organized crime market in America and it is all
>controlled by foreigners and poor people and has nothing to do with the
>people who have all the power and money in America.
>I have much more sympathy for Galileo these days then I used to. Forget it,
>the sun revolves around the earth. I see it now, how silly of me.
>I hope these sources and thoughts are useful.  I appreciate your kindness,
>your suggestions and you many stories and ideas. We are a wonderful family.
>For those who want to talk about this, I will be in DC this week,
>Philadelphia next week and then on the road the following week and then in
>Tennessee. The best way to reach me is by e-mail, mail or phone:
>PO Box 57326
>Washington, DC 20037
>133 s. 54th Street
>Philadelphia, Pa 19146
>              5262
>PO Box 157
>Hickory Valley, Tenn 38042
>All my love
>Catherine Austin Fitts
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