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"WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON 9-11?" - The Transcript
Jared Israel Interviewed by Mark Haim
KOPN 89.5 FM (Missouri) Evening Edition * 2 April 2002
[Posted 10 June 2002]

[Editor's note: to make the transition from speech to written word
more readable and useful I deleted repetition and side-comments,
mercislessly cut callers' questions or summarized them and condensed
or otherwise altered sentences for clarity. The resulting text is 40%
shorter. I have also corrected minor errors (e.g., Jared said the FAA
knew of the first hijacking at 8:25, but they actually said 8:20) and
added words where the meaning, in print, would be ambiguous.- John


It's a bit refreshing to hear that there are people asking questions
about 9-11. And Jared Israel, over this hour we're going to be
talking about those questions, taking calls from our listeners,
hearing your answers.




Before we get started though, can you give us a little thumb-nail
sketch of who Jared Israel is, what you do, where you're from.


Well, I'm from New York. I'm from the 60's generation. I'm an old
guy. During the 60's - what did you do in the 60's?


Don't say that, it makes me feel old.


You are; you are. You're not getting better; you're getting older.

I was active in the civil rights movement and the student movement
against the war in Vietnam. And then I did just regular life things.
I got back into activity in l998, dealing with media coverage of,
especially, Yugoslavia, and since then media coverage of 9-11.
Analyzing media distortion is a special interest of mine. I did a lot
of that during the war in Vietnam. So I have some experience.


Sort of an investigator of journalists.


Well, that's right. The thing that our Website, Emperor's Clothes,
does is look at how the media misrepresents information.
Frighteningly, we find it occurs in definite patterns, which are very
hard to explain in a nice way. But that's what we do. We study the


Very quickly, after the tragic events of September 11th you-all
devoted a rather extensive portion of your Website to a critique of
the information we were given. Do you want to share just a broad
outline of what your research has shown?


Well, the first thing that shocked me and a lot of other people too
because I've heard this from people in the military and the Customs
Department - was that no planes went in the air over Washington, D.C.
until after the Pentagon was hit.


You're talking about planes that might intercept incoming -


Yeah. Intercept doesn't necessarily mean an aggressive act. It means
a plane goes up and interacts with another plane.

There's a huge Air Force Base 10 miles from the Pentagon, Andrews Air
Force Base, that has two combat-ready fighter wings. The Air National
Guard Fighter Wing describes itself as being maintained in the
highest possible state of combat readiness. None of those planes went
in the air. But then, a few minutes after the Pentagon was hit, they
did go in the air, because we have news reports about that. Why would
that happen?


So essentially, four planes are hijacked and they're able to observe
these planes on their radar, going off course and yet, no response.
Is that it?


Well, here's for example. At 9:06 the FAA, according to their
account, closed the air corridor between Cleveland and Washington,
DC. (1) If they closed this air corridor, which is one of the most
extreme actions the FAA has ever taken, why wouldn't they put planes
in the air over Washington?


This is after the -


After the first two hits. The second World Trade Center hit was at
9:03, approximately. So this was at 9:06, within three minutes.

The U.S. has a very sophisticated air force. On Emperor's Clothes we
posted some of the documents which lay out what NORAD, the FAA - the
Federal Aviation Administration - and the Joint Chiefs of Staff are
supposed to do when there's a hijacking. (2)

The FAA says they knew or strongly suspected there was a hijacking by
8:20. (3) We believe they knew sooner but let's take their word. Vice
President Cheney said on 'Meet the Press' on September 16th, that the
Secret Service went on emergency open lines with the FAA as soon as
the first plane hit the World Trade Center. Which was at 8:45 Eastern
Time, right? So, if the Secret Service was on open lines to the FAA
at 8:45; if at 9:06 the corridor between Washington and Cleveland was
closed, then how could it be that no planes were put in the air over


What time was the Pentagon hit?


The Pentagon was hit at approximately 9:45 Eastern Time, so we're
talking about an hour and 40 minutes between the time they knew there
was a hijacking and the time the Pentagon was hit. That hijacked
plane was flying west from Boston. So they knew it could have been
flying to Washington, right? Why didn't they put planes in the air?


When you ask these questions, what answers are given?


Well, no Official has answered us. Which is amazing, because the
documentation that we've produced has gotten a tremendous readership.

The answers they have given in general to this question, because it
has been raised by millions of people, is, "We just weren't ready. We
didn't realize this kind of thing was coming."

That was the first answer they gave. And then they changed the answer
on the 14th of September and said they had put planes in the air but
it was too late. This is very important because they didn't say that
during the first three days. They only discovered that they had put
planes in the air three days, four days after the event. Now just
think about that.


These planes were put in the air from where?


They claimed two planes were put in the air from Otis Air Force Base
but weren't in time to catch Flight 11 before it hit the World Trade
Center. And they claimed planes were sent out of Langley Air Force
Base, which is around 126 miles south of Washington, DC, near Newport
News. They claimed that again those planes were too late.

Now, that story is simply absurd. Consider. A plane hit the Pentagon,
supposedly, because we're going by their story, at 9:45. That plane
left Dulles Airport. It went west 300 miles to Ohio and turned

Supposedly the transponder was turned off. Turning off a transponder
does not make a plane invisible. It merely means that certain aspects
of the tracking become non-functional and some more recent radar
can't then see the plane, but basic radar can. There are several
radar stations that would have been able to see that plane in that
area. Keep in mind that it was at 9:00 Eastern Time that this
happened. This was around 30 minutes after they knew another plane
had been hijacked and flown into a building. Planes have not been
hijacked in the US for many years and this would be the second
possible hijacking. A few minutes later they closed the air corridor
from Cleveland to Washington, D.C., so they knew something was
happening, right?

There are multiple radar stations that can scan that air corridor,
including military stations. There are also military aircraft that
have the capacity to go up and see 250 miles with basic radar. So
they can see planes with the transponder turned off. I mean, after
all, hostile military planes can't be expected to turn on their
transponders when they invade your country.

How could it be possible for Flight 77 to go to Ohio and turn around
under those circumstances and fly 50 minutes back to the Pentagon and
nothing be done? How could no planes be put in the air over
Washington, DC during the entire period that that plane was coming
from Ohio back to Washington, DC, given all that they knew and given
that they knew enough to close the air corridor? This is like you're
standing there and a dog walks by and you notice it has the head of a


Good that people are asking these questions. Wouldn't people
rejoinder that it's been many years since planes had been hijacked in
the US so the authorities are just not used to it happening?


Well, unless we're talking about people who got frozen by some
special ray...I mean a plane had been hijacked at 8:20 and they don't
deny that they have the capacity to intercept.

The defense that is made by the government, is basically stupidity
and incompetence. That's what they say. "We were confused; we didn't
know." This spectacle of Bush...


Let's get to Bush in just a moment...We got a caller.


Let's take the caller.


Oh, he's not there.


Was it something I said?


No, I doubt it.


I was getting off the point slightly and it would have been a long
way back so let me just deal with the specific thing you asked. I
said it's been a long time, about 10 years, since the previous
hijacking. And you asked, wouldn't it be reasonable to say that the
people in the government were unprepared?

And many people have raised this point. The media raised it a good
deal. People in the government said it, Rumsfeld said it; they all
made this point. And their behavior said it. I mean, the spectacle of
Bush reading to children about goats after the second WTC crash, when
the air corridor to Washington, DC from Cleveland had been shut down
and when, Cheney said on Meet the Press, there were direct lines from
the Secret Service to the FAA -


The Secret Service was with Bush.


And they were with Bush. And here he is sitting in a publicly known
place reading to children - it's just mind-boggling. It's a nonsense

You know, ordinary people say, "I was shocked." And the spin-masters
are trying to create the impression that the same goes for the people
responsible for air safety and air defense, that they're just like
us. But they are not. Air traffic control is a carefully organized,
military-type operation or else the planes would hit each other. When
a plane goes off course, it doesn't have to be hijacked. And if they
can't make contact with the pilot and find out what's going on, they
have a procedure which is they send a plane up. They don't have to
have evidence of hostile intent to send a plane up. They just have to
have -


Do you know how often they do that?


Not very often but they do do it. For instance, when Payne Stewart's
Lear jet went out of control, they sent planes and chased it across
the country and determined it was on autopilot and it was going to go
to an unpopulated area. There was no evidence there of hostile

There were articles in the New York Times of September 13th and
September 15th which stated that the Pentagon knew that that plane
was coming from Ohio. The Pentagon was in touch with the FAA
immediately about it. Now, under those circumstances why wouldn't
they scramble planes into the air from Andrews Air Force Base?

Just think about it. The President's plane flies into and departs
from Andrews Air Force Base. You mean to tell me they have no fighter
escorts there? If the President is in trouble they have to call from
Langley Air Force Base to please come help? They have 10,000 people
working there and they can't put a plane in the air? Please.


Did Andrews Air Force Base put something on their Website?


They did. You know, we don't' want to sound paranoid; we're just the
messenger. The Andrews Air Force Website, prior to 911, stated that
its job included the protection of Washington, D.C. After 9-11 that
information was removed. Now unfortunately for them, there is an
archive Website, which we have cited on Emperor's Clothes, which
maintains images of Websites in previous periods. So we can prove
that the information was there, and was removed. (4)

Before 9-11, the D.C. Air National Guard Website had a statement that
they maintained planes in the highest possible state of combat

Now if that doesn't mean they're ready to fly what does it mean?
What's the highest possible state of combat readiness? That statement
was on the DC Air National Guard Website before 9-11. (5)

On one of those Websites there's a note that says it was changed on
September 12th. Literally. Why? Why would they remove the information
that the job of these forces was to protect Washington, D.C. unless
to hide the fact that they had failed at their job?

Now, how would it be possible for a failure like that to occur out of
incompetence? We're not talking about ordinary incompetence. Two
planes had hit buildings in New York. They knew those planes had been
highjacked. They knew a hijacked plane was coming towards Washington,
D.C. They didn't know it for just five minutes. They knew it for
almost an hour.


We've got another caller. Hi, Caller.


Hi. I want to thank you for this program. A question for the guest.
Assuming all of this is true, which, these are pretty obvious facts,
do you believe that this prior knowledge was an effort by Bush to
legitimize the global war on terrorism and following that - what
steps are being taken on a national level to make this information
available and widely known to the American public?


These are two big questions, Caller. Can we start with talking about
what you think was the motive?

Jared, was this in your opinion something where our government knew
something was coming and didn't take action? Or was it actually our
government in connivance with the perpetrators? You know obviously
the political advantage since September 11 has gone to the Right -
it's gone to the Bush administration and their allies in the military
industrial complex. If you look at who's benefited, this is clearly
something that has not only benefited what was previously a tottering
and what many people saw as an illegitimate administration - and they
now have some of the highest political ratings any have ever had.


You know, aside from the question of Right/Left, there's the whole
question of the effect on ordinary people. Because another way of
putting what you said would be that immense amounts of money and
power have moved from ordinary people to very rich people. I mean,
you know, if you listen to Bush's Town Hall meeting - I think it was
the one in Florida - everybody gets up and says, "You are the
greatest leader in history - what are we going to do about the
layoffs?" In other words, they first bow to him and then they
say, "We've all lost our jobs." And he says, "It's not the role of
government to help you." It's the role of government only to make
war, right? We have small government - makes war. So what you're
saying has a lot of truth to it.

Here's my own feeling: obviously, foreknowledge and planning mean the
same. Because it's not reasonable that powerful forces in our
government would simply know that terrorists were going to do this
and let it happen without them having an intimate connection with
those terrorists. That is, how could they know, otherwise?

* MARK HAIM What if there was intelligence gathering, with people
under surveillance and they chose, because it was to their political
advantage, to let them do what they were doing?


It doesn't make sense. Consider Bush's behavior. Without saying that
he knew days before, we know that he knew before he left his hotel
that the first World Trade Center had been hit and we know, from
Cheney, that the FAA had open lines to the Secret Service, which was
with Bush. Why did the Secret Service let him go to that school? That
school is 5 miles from an international airport. According to Time
magazine -


Was this in Tampa?


No, the Booker school is in Sarasota and there's something called the
Sarasota-Brandenton International Airport five miles from the Booker
on Martin Luther King Boulevard there.

Time Magazine published, it was either in '93 or '94, an article
saying that the biggest fear among presidential security forces was
that a plane would be hijacked from an international airport and used
to fly into a building where he was staying.

Now, if that was the biggest fear of the Secret Service, and if the
Secret Service knew that there was a hijacking at 8:20, and that the
hijacked plane later hit a building, which according to Cheney, they
knew - how would it be conceivable for them to let him go to that

I mean it would be an act of treason to let him go to that school
under those circumstances unless they knew for sure that he was safe.
And only somebody in on the scam knows anything for sure.

So if he was merely aware from Intelligence reports that *something*
was going to happen, that would not, in the mind of any reasonable,
conservative-acting, Secret Service person be sufficient to allow him
to go to that school. He had to know that that school could not
possibly be a target.


Of course later in the day he scurried from one -


Isn't that something? After everything happened, suddenly his
entourage in Sarasota went into the most extreme security mode. The
same people, in the same town, closed down all of the airports -
Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport was closed down.


They closed down airports all over the country didn't they?


But they closed down Sarasota-Brandenton before the others and they
ordered that the education commissioner not be permitted to land.
They blocked all the roads. The guys in security at the airport said
they'd never seen anything like it - in fact they implied it was

This was all for show.


Let's take this other caller. Hi, Caller, you're on Evening Edition.


Yeah, I'm listening to what this man's saying and I don't think the
government knew what was going on after the first plane hit. I think
they thought it was a stray and I just can't buy what he's saying. I
think the man has an agenda. I think you have an agenda. And I'm not
believing anything you-all say.


Caller, one thing I want to make clear. I have not endorsed my
guest's point of view. I'm just interviewing him. And I think it's an
interesting hypothesis he has. I simply am exploring this question
and invited a guest who's done quite a bit of research to answer your


I think he's taken some pieces of a puzzle, put them to together and
he ain't got the whole picture yet but he's trying' to make it work.


Ok. Any specific question, Caller?


Why does he have a grudge against the United States government? Does
it go back to the 60's?


Jared, would you like to respond to that?


Well, I mean, "And do you still beat your wife?"

Look, things happened that day that affected us all tremendously. The
opinions that I'm putting forward are held by many people in the
military. As I mentioned before, people in the Customs department, on
two occasions, have expressed them to me and we've received a lot of
email from military people who were very pleased we were bringing
these points up. We have an Air Force that didn't respond. Whether
I'm critical of the government about other things, which I am, and
whether I care passionately about this country, which I do - because
I have nothing to gain from raising unpopular points - these are
secondary to the question of the facts I am bringing up. The facts
are shocking and one doesn't want to believe them. And the easiest
thing to do under that circumstance is to say. "You must have an
agenda." Well, even if I did have an agenda - are the facts wrong?


Jared, we've got another caller trying to -


Can I just comment on one other thing he said?




He said that after the first plane hit they didn't didn't think this
was an act of terrorism. Well, here are some facts.

The FAA reported in Newsday that they knew at 8:20 that Flight 11 had
been hijacked out of Boston.

Flight 11 hit the World Trade Center at about 8:45.

Now, what possible reason would anyone have to believe that a plane,
which had been hijacked, and then hit the biggest building in the US,
did it by mistake? That would be absurd.

And we have reports from, for instance, the Daily News in New
York: "9:08 a.m. Police radio broadcasts, 'This was a terrorist
attack. Notify the Pentagon.'" Daily News, New York, September 12th.


Ok. We've got a caller. Hi, Caller, thanks for your patience.


I just got cut off and I don't appreciate his comments about the wife
beating because I don't do that.


No, that's an expression, you know, when you accuse somebody of
something and ask him a question in an accusative way, it's like
saying, "And do you still beat your wife?"


You see, because you said, "Why do you have an agenda?" That assumes
I *have* an agenda. So how can I answer?

You know, when you have a family and you raise criticisms of family
members, it's because you love them and I rather passionately love
the people in this country.

The experiences I had in the 60's were of working with people to
change things. I saw the decency of the American people. I saw white
people who have been affected by racism come to sympathize with black
people. I saw people who had learned from birth that you don't
question the government, question the government about Vietnam. I'm
talking about soldiers. And I, myself, by the way, started out, if I
may say, when I was a young man, as somebody who would have agreed
with you completely, that is I was completely opposed to people who
were questioning. So I myself have gone through this kind of change.
And I think the American people, and people around the world feel
this about us, have many wonderful traits, openness to ideas and so

But I'm talking about criminal actions. I'm saying we have evidence
that suggests criminal action. And we know that powerful people
throughout history have been capable of such things in the interests
of money. That's been true throughout history. Why would our country
be an exception?

[At this point a man called in and raised two questions to which
Jared Israel responded. The questions were:

1) What about the 4th plane, the one that crashed in Pennsylvania?

2) What about the accusation that the smooth way the twin towers
collapsed suggested explosive charges had been planted in the


Well, we're trying, at least at Emperor's Clothes, to stick to what
we're sure of. We really don't know what happened with that plane in
Pennsylvania. We looked into it a bit and, while it was a terrible
tragedy, it was secondary because things were so much clearer with
flight 77, the one that hit the Pentagon.

On the question of the WTC towers, I've heard arguments on both sides
and we've stayed pretty much away from it though we reported a little
on what some people have said, because we really don't know.

However, I can tell you this: the firefighters in New York, in their
publication, have been very upset, not only with the crass way Mayor
Giuliani dealt with them, at a certain point trying to stop them from
finding the bodies of their brothers, but also because of the haste
with which the structural material was removed and melted down,
instead of having a proper fire investigation to determine cause.

But there are a lot of possible explanations other than that there
was a demolition.

So since we don't know the answers on those two points, we've not
tried to give opinions. Indeed, in general we're *not trying to give
opinions*. We're not trying to point out suspicious circumstances.
We're trying to focus on what we can be sure of and then make logical
deductions that would follow, without prejudice and without emotion,
if we can. So that's why we're dealing with the reported behavior of
key leaders and then analyzing what those reports mean.

For example, regarding the reports we have about planes and their
movements and when those reports were made - those things we can be
sure of because the reports are in print. That is, we can be sure
that they wrote that at a particular time. So we try to deal with
that on Emperor's Clothes.


Hi, Caller.

[Caller asks if Jared Israel knows anything about a report prior to 9-
11 that Attorney General Ashcroft would be using Air Force One
instead of public transportation.]


No I don't. Here's an important thing. People have healthy suspicions
which I'm not trying to put a damper on. But when an event occurs,
there are necessarily certain coincidences which you can then
mistakenly see as causative. Because naturally a whole bunch of
things will happen and some of them will look like they're related.
So that's why we try to hone in on things that are specifically
related to this event: procedures that were not followed. What are
the procedures? We have them on the Website. We have the report of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff which says that the first thing the FAA
does when there's a hijacking is notify the Secretary of Defense. But
according to Assistant Secretary of Defense Victoria Clarke, it was
she who first told Rumsfeld about the World Trade Center attack. And
after that, what did he do? According to Clarke, he stayed in his
office until after the Pentagon was hit. He did not join her in the
National Military Command Center. Now, this is an unbelievable
behavioral response. It can't be explained by saying there were no
hijackings for many years. This woman comes in and tells Rumsfeld the
two biggest buildings in the New York have just been hit by hijacked
planes and Rumsfeld says, "I have to make some phone calls."

What would be the reason for him staying out of the National Military
Command Center for 45 minutes or more? What would be the *sane*
reason? The only reason that we could think of was that if he wasn't
in there he couldn't be held responsible for the lack of response
that he knew was going to take place. So it was important for him
*not* to be in there at that time.

The same thing happened with Richard Myers. He's acting head of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff on September 11th. On September 13th he's going
for a nomination hearing to be made head of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff. This is the most important day of his life because on this
day, that he is acting chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - and
he's an Air Force General with thousands of hours of time flying
fighter planes - this is the only day the United States has ever been
attacked from the air.

Myers claims he is at Senator Max Cleland's office in the morning -
8:40 Eastern Time. He sees on TV that the first plane has hit the
World Trade Center. He claims on Armed Services Radio that at that
point he went in and met with Cleland for an hour. Nobody called him
and told him that a second plane had hit, that the air corridor had
been closed between Washington and Cleveland, that a plane had been
hijacked in Ohio and was flying back to the Pentagon.

Then he also claims that when he walked out of Cleland's office, he
was handed a portable phone and it was the head of NORAD - the North
American Aerospace Defense Command - telling him the Pentagon had
been hit.

Now these are unbelievable assertions. Doesn't the man have a beeper?
Doesn't the man have a cell phone? Doesn't the man have a secretary
who knows where he is? General Myers was, after all, acting head of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US military. Wouldn't anybody inform
him that planes were being hijacked and flying into buildings?

And you know what Myers said he talked to Max Cleland about? He
claims he sat there and they discussed the danger of terrorism. Now
this is like a satire. It seems unbelievable.


Hi, Caller. Can you make a very quick pointed question?


Yeah. I'm extremely concerned that what we've just heard for the last
hour parallels exactly the anti-Semitic view that's been pushed
throughout the Arab world and into parts of Europe that this was a
conspiracy and that Jews in particular were forewarned about the
attacks on the World Trade Center so that they would not go to work
that day.


That's a lie, though. That, of course, isn't true.


You're playing into the hands of the anti-Semitic people.


Because we have a short time left, let me say, first of all, that I'm
Jewish. Second of all I loathe anti-Semitism. This gentleman is
Jewish, too.

The anti-Semitic stuff was started three days after 9-11 by General
Gul, the former top CIA- connected person in Pakistan. He told MSNBC
that "The Jews" must have done it. This line has been pushed by Fox
TV which is, in my opinion, a very questionable institution and it's
been pitched by some fascistic people on the Internet, trying to turn
this situation, which is always done when there's a problem, trying
to turn this situation, which has zero connection with Jewish people
into an attack on Jews so that ordinary people, who don't want to
question the US government, because it's such a horrifying idea, have
a convenient group to pin it on. A scapegoat group. And that's what
the whole business is with saying that all the Jews stayed home from
the World Trade Center. Which is an insult to the many Jewish people
and many other people who were friends of theirs who died on that


Caller, does that answer you question?


Well, I would agree but you're playing into the hands of those people
who are doing exactly what you are complaining about.


Well, the problem is what I'm saying, is true. And we can't *not*
tell the truth because liars will try to twist it. So because I agree
with the danger here, I'm going to post, within the next week, post
an exhaustive look at the attempt to twist this into anti-Semitism -
which I know is very prevalent. And, which I am entirely opposed to.


Caller, I appreciate you getting in on this. We have no time left,
but thank you so much for calling.


Thank you very much.


Jared we are right now just about out of time and there's so much I
wanted to touch on that we haven't even started on. One caller asked
about the efforts to get this out to more people. I wanted to talk
about the political implications of those of us in the peace movement
raising these concerns. We also haven't touched on bin Laden at all.


No, which I'd love to talk about.


I'm wondering might you be available to come back and finish this
issue next Tuesday night?


Sure. Why not. Anytime you want.


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Further Reading:

For a full list of Emperor's Clothes articles (with lots of
documentation!) on 9-11, go to

1) 'Newsday,' September 23, 2001, 'AMERICA'S ORDEAL; Where System
Failed; Air attack on Pentagon indicates weaknesses,' by Sylvia
Adcock, Brian Donovan and Craig Gordon. The direct link is

2) The article, "Cheney's Cover Story,' has a much material on the
prescribed response to a hijacking. On the FAA, see http://emperors-
On The Joint Chiefs, see 'Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Instruction 3610.01A,' 1 June 2001, "Aircraft Piracy (Hijacking) and
Destruction of Derelict Airborne Objects," 4.Policy (page 1)
PDF available at:
Backup at:

3) 'Newsday,' September 23, 2001, 'AMERICA'S ORDEAL; Where System
Failed; Air attack on Pentagon indicates weaknesses,' by Sylvia
Adcock, Brian Donovan and Craig Gordon. The direct link is

4) The changes in text of the Andrews Air Force Base-related Websites
are documented (with links) and discussed in 'UPDATES TO GUILTY FOR 9-
11,' at

5) The DCANG Website was changed, removing the pledge to maintain
planes in the "highest possible state of readiness." You can still
access that text, however, through www.archive.org Go to
Click on "Headquarters" and you should see it. If that link stops
working, go to

6) The promised article on anti-Semitism related to 9-11 is late, but
in the works.

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