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<html><tt>From:</tt> <tt>
Bob &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&gt;</tt>

<blockquote TYPE=CITE><tt>From:</tt> <tt>"Catherine Austin Fitts" 
<p><tt>But that is what people need. Easy to read, pulls lots of material
<br><tt>great graphics, available in book stores.</tt>
<br><tt>When I read WhiteOut it was mostly new news to me. &lt;snip></tt></blockquote>
Any port in a storm, but if one's boat gets confiscated,
<br>or you have to sail in circles in port, that's a "take-off artist".
<p>I read two articles in JBS's New American 20000429,
<br>by the author of Red Cocaine, Joseph D. Douglass, Jr. Because
<br>of the mindset of JBSers, Douglass can name all the top US
<br>banks as drug-money launderers and the dirty commies as
<br>the dope pushers, smokescreening for the US military and
<br>the Latin American right. Apparently no one thinks to ask
<br>why if the financiers deal in drugs and control the top levels
<br>of US government they don't use their puppets to protect
<br>their investments in commodities such as drugs, as well
<br>as oil. JBS has heard the half about Ed Lansdale losing
<br>the Vietnam war, but not the whole about Lansdale's
<br>buddy Lucien Conein and Lansdale's takeover of SE Asian
<br>heroin from the French.
<p>This fits the JBS position that the NWO money-lovers are
<br>financing the commies as NWO stalking horse, but JBS
<br>still believes in the honor of Singlaub and half the honor
<br>of Lansdale. Douglass blind-sides JBS readers with khaki
<br>cocaine and gray cocaine and fascist ally cocaine.
<p>Douglass cites the 1996 arrest of Cuban drug smuggler Jorge
<br>Cabrera with three tons of cocaine, since that hits commies and
<br>Gore, and Douglass is shilling for the Bushwhacker's Next
<br>Vietnam in Colombia. More recently, in 1999, a Colombian
<br>narc arrested other Cuban drug smugglers, but as if to rebut
<br>Douglass, arrested along with the Cubans were Colombian
<br>ultra-rightists supposedly allied with Barry McCaffrey and
<br>the US in our drug war.
<p>Douglass abuses the testimony of Marine General Lewis Walt
<br>about heroin addiction of US GIs in Vietnam. He may be
<br>twisting Walt's words, because "Chinese" should be inferred
<br>to mean expatriate Chinese warlord armies in the Golden
<br>Triangle, not communist "Chinese".
<p>Douglass paints a simple picture where NWO financiers
<br>engage in passive money-laundering rather than cold-call
<br>for commissions and hothouse their investments in opium and
<br>cocaine, and Colombian drug-lords buy the latest shoulder-
<br>fired missiles without end-user certs and secured delivery
<br>courtesy of their New York underwriters.
<p>Subject:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; peru drug lords
<br>Date:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Wed,
29 Mar 2000 01:11:35 -0800
<br>From:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Daniel
Hopsicker &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
<p>Conspiracy theory I came across.
<p>The awful thing that happened in 1974 was an unprecedented
<br>agricultral development project in the sunny&nbsp; savannas of Santa
<br>Cruz in Bolivia. It takes 5 years to nurse up a transplanted seedling
<br>of erythroxylon coca&nbsp; into a cocaine producing bush. You have
<br>use heavy machinery to sculpt the whole landscape into irrigated
<br>terraces (were talking woody perenial dwarf trees here not weedy
<br>annuals like pot) and surely there was a lot of heartbreak and
<br>frustration for these internal mafiosi, and their CIA and DEA
<br>overseers, as they coaxed this Andean altiplano shrub into growing
<br>where it had never been cultivated&nbsp; before, and in geometrically
<br>quantities over five profitless years.
<p>But five years later the coca harvest of 1979 changed history, changed
<br>it to this very day and far beyond. If you want to make a graph of
<br>wholesale kilo prices, '79 is when they peaked and began to plummet
<br>vertically down to chum change. That's the year the DEA begins
<br>suddenly boasting of grabbing coke shipments by the long ton instead
<br>petty kilo seizures from the years before. If we could only go back
<br>1974 and find out who was landscaping the savannas in Santa Cruz that
<br>year. I'll&nbsp; give you a hint...
<p>The corporate lawyer for a lot of those cruzena mafiosi was Vladimiro
<br>Montesinos, who now runs the Peruvian secret service, a distinguished
<br>dinner chum of US Drug Czar Gen. Barry McCaffrey.
<br>Daniel Hopsicker
<br>The Drug Money Times
<br><A HREF="http://www.MadCowProd.com">http://www.MadCowProd.com</A>
<br>"All the news that's ripped from print!"
<p>Scandal in contemporary U.S. life is an institutionalized sociological
<br>phenomenon. It is not due primarily to psychopathological variables,
<br>but is due to the institutionalization of elite wrongdoing which has
<br>occcurred since 1963."
<p>"Many of the scandals that have occurred in the U.S. since 1963 are
<br>fundamentally interrelated: that is, the same people and institutions
<br>have been involved."&nbsp;&nbsp; --Prof.David Simon, "Elite Deviance
6th edition
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<p>miles to go before I awake,
<br>open eyes and bush-detailed.
<p>-MK Dumass
<p><A HREF="http://www.druggingamerica.com">http://www.druggingamerica.com</A>
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<p><A HREF="http://www.dcia.com">http://www.dcia.com</A>
<p><A HREF="http://www.madcowprod.com">http://www.madcowprod.com</A>
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