-Caveat Lector-


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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

According to psyoper Thorne, the 10 largest 'owners' of the Federal 
Reserve looks like a list from 'Der Strumer', circa 1930:

i) The Rothschild Family - London
ii) The Rothschild Family - Berlin
iii) The Lazard Brothers - Paris
iv) Israel Seiff - Italy
v) Kuhn-Loeb - Germany
vi) The Warburgs - Amsterdam
vii) The Warburgs - Hamburg
viii) Lehman Brothers - New York City
ix) Goldman & Sachs - New York City
x) The Rockefeller Family - New York City

A list found by Edward Flaherty, Ph.D. Department of Economics 
College of Charleston, SC:


'We can simply look at the most recent list of shareholders to test 
the claim that foreigners own the New York Federal Reserve Bank. 
According to the N.Y. Fed itself, as of June 30, 1997 the top eight 
shareholders were 

Chase Manhatten Bank
Morgan Guaranty Trust Company
Fleet Bank
Bankers Trust
Bank of New York
Marine Midland Bank
Summit Bank.

All of the major shareholders seen here and all of the banks on the 
complete list are either nationally- or state-chartered banks. All of 
them are U.S.-owned. Kah's claim that foreigners directly own the 
N.Y. Fed is completely wrong. This list is consistent, however, with 
Mullins in that all the owners are domestic banks functioning within 
the N.Y. Federal Reserve district. The discrepancies are likely due 
to mergers, new entries into the banking market, or other significant 
changes in the size of district banks since the publication of 
Mullins' list. One point is clear: foreigners do not own the New York 
Federal Reserve directly'.

Actually, banking in New York in the first half of the 20th Century 
was very much a 'white shoe' affair. All the 'Jewish' bankers came 
out of two small banks out of over a hundred in the city. I remember 
seeing a list of the 500 or so most important bankers of that era and 
only three or four were of any real importance.


> fwd
> -Caveat Lector-
> <A 
> June 12, 2002
> J.Conti
> Contributing Author
> Bankindex.com
> Debt into the trillions of dollars, wars encompassing the entire 
> elite agendas, globalization, the Federal Reserve and the future of 
> are just some of the topics author Victor Thorn speaks about in his 
books and 
> at his web site <A 
> Shocking to some, enlightened to others, one thing is certain, 
Victor Thorn 
> is more than a passionate author. He is in fact a man with a 
powerful message 
> for the American people. A message no one can afford to miss. 
> message is one of extreme urgency and the need for immediate action 
> prevent a catastrophe of global proportions. As a critical thinker 
> most, as an accomplished author and philosopher, Victor tells us in 
his own 
> words, "I'm afraid it's now or never." 
> Following is the text of this world wide exclusive interview with 
> Thorn, conducted by yours truly, J. Conti of Bankindex.com. I have 
> this interview "The Cat is Out of the Bag" due to the nature of the 
> information discussed. Please read on, you'll see how appropriate 
the title 
> is.
> JC
> Hello, Victor. It's a great pleasure to have you. Please tell us a 
> about yourself, about the books you have written, and the driving 
> behind such controversial topics.
> VT
> The driving force behind my political writing is fairly simple - I 
see this 
> country being deliberately undermined by hidden forces that have 
> control of our government by nefarious means, and thus use it to 
> promote their Globalist agenda. These shadowy figures, who I've 
labeled the 
> Controllers, don't operate with our best interests in mind, but 
instead their 
> own. Thus, the only hope we have left of saving this nation is to 
expose them 
> in a dramatic way, then eradicate them as quickly as possible.
> JC
> Obviously you are passionate about your work and the message you're 
trying to 
> convey to the public. Why is it so important for the public to hear 
what you 
> have to say?
> VT
> In my opinion, the importance of what I write stems directly from 
> and preservation. Do the American people enjoy being the world's 
> superpower, and all that this privilege entails? Do we appreciate 
> financial status, and the freedoms we're essentially taking for 
granted? If 
> we do, and this point is very serious - if we do cherish these 
ideals and 
> rights, we better start acting like it because the die has been 
cast to alter 
> the way of life we've become accustomed to.
> It's time that we look beyond the veil and actually see what the 
> are planning for us … and believe me, these devils are consummate 
> As of now, China is set to become the world's next superpower, 
while America 
> will assume a subordinate position (ala Russia in relation to us 
right now). 
> The reason that China will assume the reins of power isn't because 
> necessarily want to, but because they've been "selected" due to one 
> factor - exploitation. If viewed from a historical perspective, 
you'll see 
> what I mean. Three centuries ago, the British Empire stood proudly 
as the 
> world's preeminent superpower. No one else compared in terms of 
military or 
> economic might, and if you would have asked any Englishman if 
they'd ever get 
> toppled from their throne, they would have thought the notion 
> But lo and behold, America entered the picture, and those with 
> far-reaching aims realized the potential this land possessed. 
Following both 
> the American and Industrial Revolutions, our vast potential became 
> in terms of land, resources, and promise. Or, as Alphonse 
Rothschild said in 
> 1849 while visiting New York City, "Without the slightest doubt, 
this is the 
> cradle of a new civilization."
> So, America boomed, bailed out Europe in a couple of World Wars, 
and rose to 
> become the greatest nation of modern times. But now China enters 
the picture 
> with a population of one-billion people, most of whom don't have 
> phones, microwaves, DVD players, or automobiles. So what actions do 
> Controllers take? They "select" Globalist leaders to implement 
their plans by 
> not only giving China "Most Favored Nation" status, but they also 
sell them 
> all the computer software, hardware, and know-how to move them into 
> league. It's absurd, like a cow deliberately walking into a 
slaughterhouse to 
> be butchered. Thanks Bill Clinton and George Bush (I & II) for 
selling us 
> out.
> And that's only the tip of the iceberg. Don't even get me started 
on the 
> atrocities of war, NAFTA, etc.
> JC
> Can you tell us about the American money system? That is, how it 
> works. I think an overview will benefit us all.
> VT
> For any country to truly prosper, it must have control over its 
money system. 
> It's that simple. Financial independence (not being beholden to 
anybody) is 
> the key. That's one of the main reasons why our Founding Fathers 
broke free 
> from England. Not only did they seek religious freedom, but also 
> freedom. Or, as historian Ralph Epperson noted, "The cause of the 
> was the resistance of the colonies to the idea of borrowed money, 
> in debt and inflation, as well as interest payments, and 
not 'taxation 
> without representation' as is commonly believed."
> I'm afraid, though, that over two centuries later we're as enslaved 
as a 
> nation can be by outside forces that control the entirety of our 
> strings. The money system controls America; and those who call the 
shots are 
> not located in Washington, D.C., but in the financial centers of 
New York 
> City and beyond (London, Paris, Germany, etc.). Right now our 
country pays 
> approximately $360 billion a year in interest payments on the 
National Debt. 
> That's $360 BILLION every year! Imagine how much we could 
accomplish with 
> that money if it wasn't funneled into the pockets of men who are 
> wealthy beyond words. From my perspective, this is the 
> least-common-denominator to how our money system works. Usury is 
one of the 
> greatest evils on this planet.
> JC
> Now, about the Federal Reserve. It's no secret that you advocate 
> abolition of the Federal Reserve, but why? Tell us what makes this 
> Corporation so dangerous in your opinion.
> VT
> The Federal Reserve CORPORATION (and remember, that's what it is - 
> privately-owned, for-profit corporation), is dangerous because it 
has allowed 
> outside influences to usurp our government. Thomas Jefferson once 
> "I believe banking institutions are more dangerous than standing 
> Anthony Sutton, in "The Federal Reserve Conspiracy," 
added, "Nothing is more 
> dangerous to the power of the elite than the public discovery and 
> understanding of the PRIVATE control of the money supply."
> The dangers of this institution lie in the fact that it was created 
in 1913 
> on a premise of pure deception. Rather than being a part of the 
> Government, as its name implies, the Federal Reserve is actually 
closer to a 
> "Central Bank" described by Karl Marx in "The Communist Manifesto." 
Thus, the 
> Federal Reserve System is an aggregate of private banks owned by 
> international financiers who meet and make decisions behind closed 
> Being that profits are an integral part of any business enterprise, 
what do 
> you think the primary stockholders of the Federal Reserve (many of 
> foreign based) have as their highest priorities - our welfare; or 
their own 
> agenda? What's worse, money isn't even the predominant factor in 
> decision-making process. Hell, they already have fortunes beyond 
> wildest dreams. It was even estimated that in 1900, the Rothschild 
> owned half the world's total wealth! No, what's really frightening 
is that 
> power and control are their main motivations, and in that sense we 
have to 
> ask ourselves, does someone like David Rockefeller or his ilk 
sitting in 
> skyscrapers overlooking New York City have the same priorities as 
we do? The 
> answer is no, they don't. That's where the danger lies.
> JC
> Do you know who the actual owners of the Federal Reserve are? Can 
you tell us 
> how the ownership of the Federal Reserve is split?
> VT
> In "Economic Solutions," Peter Kershaw provided a list of the ten 
> shareholders in the Federal Reserve banking system:
> i) The Rothschild Family - London
> ii) The Rothschild Family - Berlin
> iii) The Lazard Brothers - Paris
> iv) Israel Seiff - Italy
> v) Kuhn-Loeb - Germany
> vi) The Warburgs - Amsterdam
> vii) The Warburgs - Hamburg
> viii) Lehman Brothers - New York City
> ix) Goldman & Sachs - New York City
> x) The Rockefeller Family - New York City
> What's truly appalling is that 7 of the top 10 stockholders in the 
> Reserve are located in foreign countries! Plus, Jim Marrs adds in 
> excellent book "Rule By Secrecy" that the Federal Reserve Bank of 
New York, 
> which undeniably controls the 11 other Federal Reserve branches, is 
> essentially controlled by two financial institutions:
> a) Chase-Manhattan (a Rockefeller stronghold) - 6,389,445 shares - 
> b) Citibank - 4,051,851 shares - 20.5%
> Thus, these two entities control nearly 53% of the New York Federal 
> Bank. The power they have is mind-boggling.
> JC
> What about our National Debt? How does it work, and ultimately, who 
is all 
> the money owed to?
> VT
> The National Debt at this time is approximately $5.9 trillion. Of 
that, $2.54 
> trillion is owed to intranational bankers, or 37%. The other $3.38 
> is owed to the public. The interest we pay each year is 
approximately $360 
> billion. My solution to this colossal problem is as such:
> a) Default on that portion of the National Debt not owed to private 
> citizens. How can we do such a thing, you may ask? Well, if a 
person defaults 
> on their car loan or mortgage, what happens? The automobile or 
house gets 
> repossessed. But what are the international bankers going to do - 
> our country? Hardly. We simply tell them point-blank that we refuse 
to pay 
> them any more interest, or the principal. It may mean going to war, 
but it's 
> time to show the world that these bankers are the REAL terrorists.
> b) We make a one-time payment to all public holders of our National 
> c) Finally, return the creation of money back to Congress as is 
written in 
> the Constitution: Article 1, section 8, subsection 5. Only Congress 
has the 
> right "to coin Money, and regulate the Value thereof."
> As a side-note, our National Debt rose in just 30 years from $409 
billion in 
> 1971 to $5.9 TRILLION in 2002. That means when Nixon was President, 
we only 
> owed 1/15th of what we owe today.
> JC
> How does the Federal Reserve operate? If at all, can you estimate 
> profit margin?
> VT
> This is the trickiest question of all, and I must admit that there 
> economic scholars that could discuss the nuts-and-bolts details 
better than 
> I. But I'll give a brief overview to the best of my ability. The 
> Department prints money for the Federal Reserve, who in turn loans 
it to our 
> government, at interest. 
> Here's where the scam enters the picture. According to Davy Kidd 
in "Why a 
> Bankrupt America," it costs $23.00 to print 1,000 one-hundred 
($100) bills. 
> If you printed 10,000 of these bills, it would naturally cost 
$230.00 ($.023 
> x 10,000). But here's the catch. 10,000 $100 bills would equal 
> So, the cost of "creating" a million dollars is only $230.00
> Those in the financial industry call this practice "seignorage," 
but to me, 
> it's closer to outright THEFT. In fact, I view the Federal Reserve 
in the 
> same light as I do organized crime. This privately owned 
> "creates" money for practically nothing; then lends it at interest 
to us. 
> Then, to cover its debt, the U.S. government imposes taxes on its 
> The higher the debt, the more interest we owe, and thus the higher 
> become. It's a vicious cycle, and guess who ultimately wins - the 
> Controllers.
> JC
> Do you think this is why as Americans we will never be able to 
finish paying 
> what we owe?
> VT
> I'm not a fan of the Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Greens, 
> Libertarians, so please don't think I'm 'bashing.' I dislike all of 
> equally. Anyway, George Bush's 2002 Federal budget came to 
> $2.05 trillion. If you stacked this amount of money in one-dollar 
bills, it 
> would reach all the way to the moon and half-way back again. The 
> Debt is three times larger, so these stacked dollar bills would 
stretch from 
> the earth to the moon and back, then from the earth to the moon and 
> AGAIN, then halfway to the moon yet again. Hell, we have trouble 
even paying 
> off the interest, let alone the principle, and with our War Machine 
set to 
> roll at top speed again, the debt will only get worse. 
> JC
> It has been said that the same people that own the Federal Reserve 
own the 
> media, the big oil companies, and even have powerful ties to the 
> of the United States, and those of other countries. If so, how does 
> affect the dynamics of a true democracy?
> VT
> You are correct in that there is a definite pyramid of control in 
the world, 
> with the international bankers at the top of it, secret societies 
> European aristocracy/royalty below them, followed by the heads of 
> intranational companies and old-money American families at the 
third level, 
> with … get this … certain political leaders at the fourth tier. 
It is my 
> assertion that these political leaders (George Bush, Bill Clinton, 
> Kennedy, etc.) aren't elected, but "selected" by groups such as the 
> on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderbergs. 
> Americans ever peered behind the veil and saw the Wizard of Oz 
illusion that 
> controls their political system, they'd be shocked beyond belief.
> In regard to the dynamics of a democracy, again, I would say it is 
> but illusion. Once we examine Votescam, black budget enterprises, 
> to certain Globalist groups, and how the true political power base 
> located in Washington, D.C., but in New York City, we'd realize 
that our 
> say-so in how this country is run is extremely limited.
> JC
> In your opinion, do we even live in a real democracy? The Internet 
> festering with material showing that we are living an illusion, 
that our 
> leaders are fronting for the 'elite,' and reports of government 
> can be found everywhere. What does it all mean?
> VT
> The best answer to this question can be found in the recent 
> meeting that took place from May 30-June 2 at the Westfields 
Marriott in 
> Chantilly, Virginia only 7 miles south of Washington, D.C. 120 of 
the world's 
> most powerful bankers, statesmen, politicians, military leaders, 
> royalty, and media members met on the outskirts of our nation's 
> Now, when the world's greatest actors meet every year at the 
Academy Awards, 
> does the media cover the event? Of course. When our two best 
football teams 
> meet at the Super Bowl, is the media there? Naturally. The 
Grammy's - the 
> media is there. The Emmy's - the media is there. Paul McCartney's 
wedding - 
> the media is there. The President's inauguration - the media is 
there. Hell, 
> the media even covers frog-jumping contests in rural Mississippi. 
But when 
> the Bilderbergs or Trilateral Commission meet to discuss such 
topics as our 
> impending war with Iraq, a U.N. sanctioned World Tax, terrorism, 
> America's dollar becoming the common currency of North, South, and 
> America, NOT ONE media source except the American Free Press 
covered this 
> vitally important event.
> I contacted the National Editor at the Washington Bureau of the 
> newspaper chain, the Executive Editor of our local newspaper, and a 
> nationally syndicated radio talk show host (Mike Gallagher) urging 
them to 
> cover this conference, while scores of other people notified the 
major TV 
> networks, CNN, and high-profile newspapers and magazines such as 
Time and the 
> Washington Post (who even had a representative present at the 
meeting). But 
> none of them covered the event. Why? Because the same people that 
control the 
> President, Congress, banks, and major corporations also own the 
> (Essentially, five major corporations own the entire mainstream 
media in this 
> country.)
> Of course government misconduct is rampant in America, such as 
> chemtrail spraying by the military and the U.N., but the biggest 
crime facing 
> us is that our government has been usurped, and that the media 
refuses to 
> expose the power structure that exists behind the scenes. To them, 
> chain-of-command stops with George Bush or Bill Clinton. But 
nothing could be 
> further from the truth. These individuals are nothing more than 
> "Implementers" of decisions made by the shadow government. If the 
media EVER 
> let this cat out of the bag, our world would be dramatically 
different, so 
> the 'secret' is guarded with obsessive care.
> JC
> Do you see any relationship between the "elite" and 9-11? If so, 
can you 
> explain?
> VT
> God, where to start on this one? I guess the best place to begin is 
with the 
> preponderance of evidence pointing out in glaring detail that those 
> positions of power were aware that an attack was going to occur on 
> morning of September 11, 2001. And I'm not talking about vague 
generalities - 
> but precise times, dates, where's, when's, and how's. Obviously, 
due to space 
> and time limitations I won't delve into specifics, but if anyone 
gets on the 
> Internet and starts researching this subject, they'd be blown away 
by how 
> much so many people knew.
> The underground press, alternative news sources, and online 
websites have 
> been writing about 9-11 foreknowledge since late 2001, and finally 
> has convened to look into this matter. The only problem is, I 
examined a list 
> of members from both investigative committees, and guess who is 
manning them: 
> almost every person is a member of the Trilateral Commission, the 
> Bilderberg, or has received huge campaign contributions from the 
> Group or defense contractors. Similar to the Roberts Commission 
> FDR's foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor and the Warren Commission 
looking into 
> JFK's assassination (both of which, naturally, were shams), these 
> sessions will be nothing more than window dressing.
> Now, you may wonder, why would the Controllers allow hijacked jets 
to plummet 
> into the World Trade Center and Pentagon? The answer is simple. 
Similar to 
> the sinking of the Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, and the Gulf of Tonkin, 
> need a dramatic event to raise their ire and pull them into war. 
That's what 
> 9-11 accomplished. We were rocked to our very core.
> The result was also quite evident. (Y'see, the Controllers' motives 
are SO 
> easy to see once you know what to look for.) Anyway, by setting our 
sights on 
> Afghanistan and getting the War Machine rolling, the elite are 
> on the three biggest "industries" or money-making ventures in the 
> world: usury, energy, and drugs.
> i) Usury - The Controllers make vast amounts of money off of war 
> every country involved needs money to finance their efforts, so 
where do they 
> get their capital? From the international bankers. And what results 
> loans? Interest - lots and lots of interest. Plus, once each nation 
> their money for the War Machine, they need to buy bombs, guns, 
> bullets, planes, etc. And where do they get these "necessities?" At 
the local 
> Wal-Mart? Nope, they have to buy them from the major defense 
contractors that 
> are owned by whom? Yup, the Controllers! In this country, if you 
> the Carlyle Group, you'll see how it fits part-and-parcel into our 
> efforts.
> ii) Energy - There are huge deposits of oil in the Caspian region 
of Russia, 
> and we have a plethora of pipelines already in place in the Middle 
East. The 
> energy companies find immeasurable benefits in getting this oil to 
> pipelines. The only problem is; there's a little country sitting 
between them 
> - Afghanistan.
> iii) Drugs - The CIA is the largest drug dealer in the world, and 
has been 
> involved in drug trafficking since its inception 50 years ago (and 
> before then as the OSS). All of their black budget projects are 
financed by 
> drug dealing, along with money laundering, illegal arms sales, and 
> etc. Anyway, Afghanistan is the world's leading producer of opium 
(70% of the 
> total), and a few years ago the Taliban stopped all production. 
Now, if the 
> CIA is deriving huge amounts of money from heroin and opium and 
> then this source suddenly dries up, there's a problem. Well, I've 
just read 
> that since the Taliban have essentially been eradicated from 
> guess what's back in full production again - you guessed it - the 
> fields.
> In all, we need to remember that by-and-large, wars don't start 
with the 
> masses. They're incited by the Controllers to "create a condition" 
as Abraham 
> Lincoln's Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton, said. And that's exactly 
> happening right now. A New World Order is being created, and we're 
simply bit 
> players in this Theater of War.
> JC
> What do you think the "elite" are after? Can they be stopped? If 
so, how?
> VT
> The Controllers' aim for centuries has been the establishment of an 
> occult-based New World Order where national boundaries will all but 
> eliminated. There will still be certain "regions" such as 
the "Americas," but 
> the world will more closely resemble modern-day Europe with a 
common currency 
> and unified States. The United Nations, or a similar organization, 
> replace individual governments, and there will be global concepts 
> such as a World Tax, World Court, World Anthem, and World Army.
> Specifically in regard to America, there is a battle being waged 
between the 
> Globalists and Nationalists (or Populists - those who want America 
to retain 
> its sovereignty and not fall under the rule of a global hierarchy). 
> Regrettably, most of the national players you see on TV fall under 
> Globalist category.
> Another concept that must be considered is the United States 
> being undermined by its leaders who are in the employ of the 
Controllers. By 
> ratifying treaties such as NAFTA and GATT, and giving our 
technological and 
> computer know-how to China, we're chopping ourselves off at the 
knees. The 
> industrial base upon which we built the greatest nation of all-time 
is being 
> eliminated at a frightening pace. Plus, when you see how our 
military is 
> being dispatched (thinned-out) across the globe in preparation for 
> you'll understand how vulnerable our position is. Keep your eye on 
China - 
> they're the key.
> JC
> Let's say you had access to the floor of the United States Congress 
for 10-15 
> minutes, and that all the members were present. What would you say 
to them?
> VT
> In all honesty, I don't think it would matter much what I had to 
say to 
> Congress. Why? Well, except for a few rebels - Ron Paul from Texas, 
> Trafficante and Dennis Kucinich from Ohio, and Cynthia McKinney of 
Georgia - 
> Congressional members are in a position where they're more than 
> with the status quo. 
> Here's my rationale: First of all, years ago George Wallace 
said, "There's 
> not a dime's worth of difference between the Republicans and the 
> And it's true. Oh sure, it 'appears' as if there is, but in 
reality, the 
> entire media-political scene is nothing more than professional 
wrestling. How 
> can I make such a statement? Well, both have predetermined outcomes 
that are 
> established out of public view, and both present the results in a 
> fashion. It's all illusion, folks.
> But let's take things a step further. Why SHOULD Congress want to 
alter the 
> status quo? I mean, in the American Caste System … yes, America 
does have a 
> caste system … our political leaders are the ones that the system 
works for. 
> Here's why. The American Caste System is divided into four 
categories - the 
> rulers, enforcers, slaves, and untouchables; with one variable 
class - the 
> outlaws. The rulers, of course, are elite families such as the 
> Morgans, Carnegies, and Kennedy's. The slaves are the workers; 
> are the drug addicts, gang members, etc.; while the Enforcement 
Class are 
> those individuals in the media, military, police force, court 
> academia, religious hierarchy, and legislature. This is the class 
> perpetuates the illusion by REFUSING to tell the truth about what's 
going on.
> In their eyes, injustice and an impending New World Order are 
preferable to 
> chaos or upheaval. Y'see, as I said, the current system works for 
them. They 
> have nice houses, a BMW and SUV, a respectable salary, influential 
> 'positions,' take vacations in Florida every January, and dine at 
the country 
> club on Friday nights. But if people such as the "outlaw class" 
start riling 
> things up, uncertainty enters the picture. That means the stock 
market may 
> plummet, riots could occur in the streets, or a disruption to the 
status quo 
> would ensue - thus threatening their valued social and economic 
> When viewed in these terms, it's easy to see why college 
> newspaper editors, military personnel, or most Congressmen don't 
tell the 
> truth, or even seek it out. From my perspective, this sad 
commentary on 
> American life is appalling, and all those in the Enforcement Class 
that turn 
> a blind eye to the truth are cowardly at best. A perfect example is 
> Executive Editor at our local newspaper. I've filled him in one 
> topics that I've discussed in this interview, yet he still prints 
> misinformation, or utter fluff. His actions are inexcusable, and in 
> opinion, I don't know how he can look at himself in the mirror 
before bed 
> each night.
> JC
> Finally, what do you say to the American people?
> Pure and simple - if you want to preserve the rights and freedoms 
that you've 
> become accustomed to, and if you'd like to see America remain "king 
of the 
> hill," then immediate, decisive action must be taken. I'm talking 
about a 
> revolution to overthrow the Controllers that have illegally taken 
> of our government. Now don't jump to conclusions or get me wrong. 
I'm not 
> saying that we should overthrow the government. First of all, it's 
> the law to make such a statement, and secondly, there's nothing 
> wrong with our government in theory as it was envisioned by our 
> Fathers.
> Problems arose when the international bankers, both foreign and 
> seized control of our money supply. That's who we need to eliminate 
in short 
> order. If we don't, I promise you that our quality of life will 
> decrease in the coming years. But how do we get rid of these 
devils? Here's a 
> partial answer:
> a) Abolish the Federal Reserve System
> b) Default on that portion of our National Debt owed to 
international bankers
> c) Return the creation of money to Congress, as it was prior to 1913
> d) Abolish NAFTA, GATT, and all other Globalist treaties
> e) Impose tariffs on every product imported into this country
> Folks, I apologize if my tone hasn't been overly cheerful during 
the course 
> of this interview, but things are deadly serious in this country 
right now, 
> and I have to ask each and every one of you one question: do we 
have the 
> guts, courage, and BALLS to save this nation, or are we going to 
rollover and 
> play dead? The Controllers have committed SO MANY crimes and 
> against the American people that it's time to retaliate. There's an 
> individual named Rick Stanley who's running for a Congressional 
seat in 
> Colorado that's organizing a "Million Gun March" in Washington, 
D.C. next 
> July 4th, 2003. Such an idea is precisely what we need - to 
assemble in large 
> numbers with guns in hand, or if you don't like guns, then take a 
> broom, torch, or whatever else would have an impact and SHOW the 
> that we're not going to allow them to hold us hostage any longer. 
I'm afraid 
> it's now or never. If we don't get organized and take back our 
country, it's 
> all over. It's up to you to decide if America is worth saving, or 
if we're 
> going to let those bastard Controllers steamroll over us. I'm ready 
> willing to do my part!
> <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org</A>
> ==========
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing 
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, 
> directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different 
groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and 
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, 
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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<A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org</A>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
Archives Available at:
 <A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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