Iraq-gate and Iran-Contra share aspects of Bush-Harari
strategic weapons pipeline, Op Watchtower, a permutation
of guns/drugs drugs/guns and Victory Redefined Another
Vietnam Another Golden Triangle.    -Bob

Behind the Scenes in the Beltway

by Al Martin

Why Iraq Was Recently Bombed & A Blast from the Past

According to the Friendly Colonel, the real
motivation behind the recent bombing of Iraqi
missile installations was an attempt to destroy certain
weapons systems the US had sold to Iraq through
Russian arms dealers via the Redstone Arsenal at
Huntsville, Alabama. (See "Fraud-As-Usual at
Redstone Arsenal")

In fact, these weapons systems were sold in order
to help Iraq maintain tension and thus justify the
continuing US military buildup in the Middle East,
particularly US ground forces.

The word is that UN teams were about to launch
another inspection of Iraqi military sites. If they
found US military technology there, they would be
bound to ask embarrassing questions.

Thus the air strikes and bombing were simply a
way to destroy the evidence.

The US is selling weapons essentially to maintain
tension in the Middle Eastern theater -- to justify
increases in the US defense budget, and to divert
attention from congressional and other
investigating committees which are investigating
not only what is going on the Redstone Arsenal, i.e.
illegally selling weapon systems to other nations, but
also investigating the Department of Defense
regarding their expenditures.

As Senator Byrd noted and the GAO Report
stated quite clearly, there is $2.3 trillion of DoD
spending that could not be accounted for during
the past 10 years.

Regarding the Middle East, the US military
wanted to get bases in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. It
wasn't Desert Storm that made it possible to do so.
The only reason that was possible was leaving
Saddam Hussein in power. It gave the US the ability
to build military bases on Saudi and Kuwaiti
territory. Saddam was kept in power because of the
larger US geo-economic and geo-military interests.

In order to exercise those interests, the United
States had to have the ability to base ground troops
in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, or the Arab
Emirates. They had to have a rationale. This would
also de-emphasize Israel, which is what the
Republicans have wanted to do. The Republicans
pay lip service to Israel only because of the American
Jewish vote.

Behind the scenes, the Republicans have always
wanted to back away from Israel. They have long
since felt that Israel has too much influence in the
region and the US is forced to rely too much on
Israel. Ergo, Israel is able to extract $2 billion of US
aid every year plus a whole panoply of other gifts
and grants. It's not the money. It's the influence
itself which was becoming a problem. There is a
large anti-Jewish sentiment within the Republicans
particularly within the conservative wing of the
Republican Party.

Regarding the Gulf War, the Bush Sr.
Administration said that the reasons the US didn't
go in and get Saddam is because the American
people were beginning to complain about the
number of casualties we were inflicting on the Iraqis.
It was a cover story pure and simple.

The truth is that the United States wanted
Saddam to remain in power because there was only
one shot to take Saddam out. He had to be
liquidated. He couldn't be captured even though he
was under indictment in the United States for a
variety of charges and also under indictment in the
World Court. But the United States couldn't afford
to have Saddam a prisoner and thus be able to talk
about his relationship with the Reagan-Bush

The only prisoner of war in the United States,
Manuel Antonio Noriega, isn't really a parallel
either. The government had a long time to cover its
bases before going after Noriega. That's why they
waited so long. By the time they went after Noriega
in 1989, the Reagan-Bush Regime was able to
distance itself from Noriega before going after him.
A lot of documents had been shredded. A lot of the
key interlinks between Noriega and the
Reagan-Bush Regime had been hushed up or paid
off or liquidated or imprisoned or discredited.

There was enough cover that the US could
launch an invasion in order to seize Noriega. Then
the government has the ability to put him before
whomever they wanted They made sure they got a
Republican judge. They made sure they got a judge
who would deny Noriega the ability to put on a CIA

Noriega attempted to claim that he had a long
standing relationship with the CIA vis-a-vis using
Panama as a trans-shipment point CIA-sponsored
guns and drugs operations, including Oliver North's
guns-for-drugs operation.

There had to be vindictiveness against Noriega to
justify the over $200 million that was spent going
after him and the 36 American casualties. It was
framed as a military maneuver, but it was actually
the most expensive and costly extradition in the
history of the United States -- $236 milion of
taxpayer money.

When Noriega wouldn't deal, he had to go. The
Bushites offered Noriega everything in the world to
keep his mouth shut regarding his knowledge of
Iran-Contra and the involvement of the CIA, the NSC
and the Bush Family.

When Iran-Contra fell apart on the day after
Thanksgiving in 1986, Noriega successfully avoided
any subpoenas from the Kerry Committee because
he was a head of State, but he had to be dealt with
in some fashion.

He refused every offer. They offered him a very
comfortable exile in the Dominican Republic, then in
Venezuela, then in Portugal. These are the
traditional places for Caribbean and Central
American dictators. And all sorts of financial
guarantees were given him. And still he refused to
step down from power.

Noriega didn't understand the exposure that he
represented to the Reagan-Bush Regime. The
government claimed to have gotten $60 million, but
in fact they only got about $7 million that the idiot
had on deposit in banks in Miami. They didn't get
any of his offshore money. They didn't even know
where it was.

And then, after all, he had Frank Rubino, an
ex-CIA agent, for an attorney.

Rubino's job at the CIA, when he was head of
Central American Affairs Desk at the CIA, was to
distance the US Government from the likes of
Noriega. Then Rubino winds up as Noriega's defense

And how was it that Rubino was getting paid his
millions of dollars? Rubino had hired a well-known
Hollywood, Florida private investigator named
William Ventura, who had extensive experience in
Iran-Contra operations. He was able to secret money
from Noriega in secret Guatemalan accounts then
bring them back to Miami. Ventura would make a
trip then reappear with bags of cash after he
withdrew monies from Noriega's secret Guatemalan

In Guatemala, Ventura dealt with Noriega's
agent Manuel Permouth, a long-time associate who
operated on behalf of CIA and right wing dictator
Ephraim Rios Montt.

Ventura had brought me in as a consultant in the
Noriega case. I talked to Frank Rubino and his
partner. Then I found out that CIA agent Frank
Snepp was sitting there.

Snepp had also been hired as a consultant on the
case. Snepp had been talking to Deputy Attorney
General George Terwilliger, who in turn would talk
to Attorney General Dick Thornburgh about the
Noriega case.

I asked him, "Frank, isn"t this a problem to talk to

That's why I decided not to offer my services. In
other words, Snepp was compromising Noriega's
defense and Rubino knew it.

I was there when Noriega called into Rubino's
office and his secretary would answer the call. "Si, mi
general," she would say. What Noriega didn't know
was that all conversations with his attorney were
being recorded, then the tapes were given to Frank
Snepp who was turning them over to the
Department of Justice.

They wanted me to draw a map of all the CIA
drug routes for the Noriega case. The reason I didn't
deliver it was that Rubino wouldn't guarantee its
confidentiality. In other words, Snepp would pass it
on to the Department of Justice and Rubino
couldn't guarantee me confidentiality through a

Noriega is still in prison.

New Update Posted February 21,2001

After this article was put to bed, the following
new facts have come to our attention.

The latest problem for the Pentagon is that the
air strikes in Iraq were a complete failure.

Despite the usual pronouncements by the
Pentagon, the targets were not destroyed. And the
systems that the Iraqis have in their possession were
not supposed to be sold to them. In fact, now the
Iraqis evidently have more sophisticated technology
than the US.

Hard to believe? Not if you understand that Iraq,
through foreign intermediaries, has been buying top
of the line components from the Redstone Arsenal.

Most of the systems are so sophisticated and so
new that they are not even in the US inventory yet.
Most likely they will never be put in the US inventory
because they actually work.

We don't put weapons in the US inventory that
actually work.We never have. Therefore if the Iraqis
have been able to buy components from Russian
and Chinese agents, who have in turn been the
principal buyers of this technology, it is entirely
possible that Iraq possesses weapons systems that
are more advanced than anything in the US

In a campaign like this, particularly in an air strike,
they always say they've hit all the targets and
everyone knows they're lying. The government's
contention is that it was to force Saddam's hand. A
bad cover story at best.

Most recently China has admitted to providing
illicit technical aid to Iraq, installing sophisticated
fiber optic transmission cables for missile controls,
known as free electron cables. They're used to link
command centers and the firing batteries, so if an
individual command building is bombed, there is an
auxiliary command that can still function to fire the
missiles. The Chinese initially got the technology
from the United States.

And why do other countries buy these weapons
systems? They're actually not only the best -- but
they actually work.

The only weapons systems that get sold to the
Department of Defense are things that don't work.

Why is it that nobody else will buy them?

After all the US was the only country that bought
the Apache Helicopter system and the V22 Osprey
system. No other country would buy them because
they didn't work. The Apache Helicopters have been
grounded all over the world.

The problem for the government now is that
these weapons systems were not supposed to have
been sold.

New Update Posted February 22, 2001

If you've been reading this column regularly, you
would have found out the truth here first at the Al
Martin Raw website.

Today a Pentagon spokesman has admitted that
"fewer than half the targets in the bombing were

In other words, the Pentagon has formally
admitted that less than half the targets were actually
hit in the recent bombing of Iraq. Their previous
claim was that all the targets were destroyed.

The Department of Defense has thus reduced its
Lie Quotient to just 50%, a Lie Quotient considered
extremely low by DoD standards.

If you want to know the truth, however, please
keep reading the Al Martin Raw website. You might
even want to bookmark this site for future reference
and send your friends and neighbors a note. Then
you can be assured that you will be receiving Real
News with a Truth Quotient approximating 100%.

Previous Columns:
FBI Angst & the Redstone Arsenal Fraud Saga
Fraud-As-Usual at the Redstone Arsenal
What will it be like with George Bush Jr. as
More Skeletons from the Bush Dynasty Closet
Hitting America Below the Beltway...
From Cradle to Cabal: The Secret Life of Gale Norton

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