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Posted By: iaintnoangel
Date: Wednesday, 5 June 2002, 8:11 p.m. 

In Response To: WHAT IS THE "DEAD HEAD" ??? (iaintnoangel) 

Good afternoon indeed……I'm your host …The Citizen… from 

This afternoons' show is about the new players within the New World 

The other day, I was listening to a tape made by Rick Wiles. His 
guest was a woman named Tatyana Koryagina. Mrs. Koryagina is a 
leading economist and major research fellow at the Institute of Macro 
Economics Research, which is under the Russian Ministry of Economic 

Dr. Koragina is a trusted advisor to Russia's President, Vladamir 
Putin. She gained prominence by accurately predicting the collapse of 
the Russian economy in 1998. 

Then…on July 12th 2001, she predicted the collapse of the American 
economy after an attack on the US. This is pretty scary as she 
predicted this to happen on August 19th…which…ironically was only a 
few weeks before the attack on the World Trade Center. 

When she was questioned about her credibility she had this to 
say….and this is in her words as spoken during the interview. 

OK…first of all, I want to tell you that I give this interview after 
I have spoken at two very important meetings or conferences. First 
one was held at the Institution devoted to the fight against 
organized crime in April. And the second speech I gave was at the 
Parliament hearing about the world economic crisis. For thirty years, 
I've been researching the shadow economy and for ten years I've been 
researching the organized crime. As a researcher, it was more an 
accident that I stumbled upon the discovery that all the financial 
crisis that have been taking place in the world lately were planned 
by something or somebody. 

As I was researching the economic development of the world and I was 
researching the shadow economy and the organized crime, particularly 
the mafia, I started to work on the hypothesis that there are 
actually shadow structures that are interested in slowing down and 
collapsing the world economy. 

(Now here is where it started to get interesting)…As I have been 
researching, I have started to stumble upon the works that led me to 
believe that there are structures and forces in the world that 
started to work in the end of the 19th century… 

(The Frankfurt Scholars that came to the US in or about 1850-1933, 
who were transitional Marxists. People like Kurt Lewen, J.L. Morano, 
and others that called themselves The Institute For Social Change). 

and throughout the 20th century (The birth of the current movement, 
which is Marxism on a more gentle, acceptable and palatable scale. 
People like Benjamin Blume, John Carol, James Coleman, James Block, 
and Bill Spady) that believed that the economical and industrial 
progress in the world is actually harmful for the people and the 
planet. (The phony ecologists) They believed that the economical 
development was way too fast and it needs to be slowed down. Also, 
the same structures were saying that the world was overpopulated and 
that is why they decided it needs to be taken care of. It needs to be 
slowed down and it needs to be dealt with. " 

Dr. Koryagina went on to explain that the idea of using 
fundamentalists of any religion isn't new at all. We all remember the 
secret societies in the Middle-Ages that would assassinate people and 
pledge their lives to their charismatic leaders, willing to die for 
their cause. She stated that she wasn't at all convinced that Osama 
Bin Laden was entirely to blame for the WTC attack but rather he was 
more likely part of a plot and was used by this government and the 
secret societies as a focal point. This seemed logical to me, as we 
have now found out that he is not going to live long anyway due to 
severe kidney disease. He very well may be dead right now. As 
recently as last July, while on the FBI top ten most wanted list, he 
received dialysis at the American hospital in Dubai and was visited 
by no less than 15 CIA agents in his private room which is a rarity 
in those parts of the world. You have to ask yourself: why didn't 
they arrest him if he was such a wanted man? 

Then Rick asked who these secret societies actually were. She said 
there were too many to name but one was called "The Dead Head." I 
have studied secret societies myself and even have a couple of family 
members who are members of such societies or groups but I have never 
heard of this group. 

She wouldn't get much more specific but went on to say that these 
groups have realized that their slow growth movement has lost its 
appeal and is losing momentum. Her research showed that the American 
and world economies are going to literally explode and come to a 
total collapse very soon and they needed to do something to lay blame 
at some else's doorstep. She then said something that really piqued 
my interest and alluded to some of the players. She said, "For 
instance, who is responsible for the loss of 5 trillion dollars of 
the American peoples money in securities, in a collapsed market? She 
also brought up the issue of massive insider trading just days before 
the WTC attack and went on to say that there are volumes of 
documentation available beyond the mountain of evidence in her 
possession. She said the trail would lead directly to the most 
prestigious and wealthiest people in the world therefore they needed 
something to preoccupy the suspicious. Also mentioned was the coming 
rollacoster ride in oil prices due to the Israeli and Palestinian 
conflict that will no doubt erupt soon. Her belief in the world 
economy collapse is based on the estimation of the world wealth, 
about 450 trillion dollars by most economists account,in securities, 
futures, etc…and the known outcome of the worlds markets is only 
thirty trillion. This vast gap cannot be concealed much longer. 

A great deal of what was said by Dr. Koragina was very logical when 
taken out of the context of terrorism rhetoric. 

She pointed out that the complicity between the government of the US 
and the terrorist attack doesn't flesh out. She said a person who 
could get their hands on the necessary information needed to affect 
such an attack is not your average disgruntled religious fanatic. She 
also pointed out the fact that probably over a thousand people were 
involved at the highest levels of government to do this act, from a 
tactical viewpoint. 

There have been upwards to 2000 articles and pieces of tell- tale 
evidence to support this and it isn't being discussed on the 
mainstream media. For instance, we know that all the air-bases were 
ordered to stand down when it was realized that 4 aircraft were far 
out of their flight pattern. We know the white house cabinet all sold 
their airlines stock days before the incident. We know Delmart 
Vreeland, now in jail in Canada, attempted to tell the US what 
targets were going to be hit, when they were going to be hit, and 
how. He put it into writing months before the attack, while in jail 
and I have a scan of that document as well as dozens of the better 
documentation articles on my website at www.citizenspokane.com. It 
seems everyone in the world, except the American public knew of what 
was going to happen. If in fact a thousand people were involved, and 
there might have been more, and it took three years in the planning, 
in the governments own words, it stands to reason that at least a few 
of these people actually had a conscience and the word got out. The 
evidence is monumental and to believe that one very ill Saudi 
dissident, religious, fanatic, could orchestrate this with a hand 
full of morons that can't even burn a flag or set their sneakers on 
fire, is simply not reasonable. 

Dr. Koryagina said that it is inevitable that this can't be concealed 
forvery much longer but by the time the public awakens to the facts, 
they will be naked in the streets. The collapse of social security 
and the pension funds will amplify the misery and despair. Now we see 
Enron raided dry then collapsed, and the domino effect has already 
started. These predictions by this economist in Russia are most 
disturbing because they have been so accurate. All of this is 
documented well before the events took place. If she knew, then why 
didn't our illustrious leaders know? 

Dr. Koryagina actually went into many of the very issues and 
established facts of historical nature that we in the patriot 
movement and freedom movement have been saying for years. She said 
her research has uncovered population reduction plots brought to 
fruition through genetically engineered disease, deliberate 
destruction of people and property, Chernoble being one incident 
among many, and that these Malthusian followers are of an ilk that is 
basically incomprehensible to normal people thus causing the general 
street person to disregard valid expose from people like us. They 
think us to be conspiracy theorists, right wing wackos, or demented 
to put forth the notion that humans can have such diabolical 
disregard for life. 

Rick Wiles then asked, "If these people are so diabolical then how 
have they managed to put together this mastermind plot? 

This is here it blew my socks off because she came right out of left 
field with her answer. I never expected nor had I ever thought of her 
answer but once again, what I already knew made this totally sensible 
and logical. 

Dr. Koragina said, "Well basically, to answer your question we need 
to go back to the operation and structure of those secret societies, 
religious groups, and sects. Basically, their agenda, for many, many 
years, has been to insert their people into the highest levels of 
government. They have been doing it diligently and slowly. For 
example, the sect we know as Scientology is known for doing that. 
They either recruit people from the highest levels of government that 
are very influential people or they send their people who are already 
in the sect into the highest levels of government. And basically, 
over the years the situation has become as such that even the 
smallest sect or secret society or religious group has influence over 
one government, or one country, or over a group of countries of the 
world because their members have been inserted into the highest 
levels of government at the highest levels of influential society. 

Rick asked, "Is the Russian government in the Kremlin fighting the 
same penetration by these sects? Is this something that Vladamir 
Putin is aware of and is he resisting it? 

Dr. Koryagina: Well, first of all, I can't tell you want Vladamir 
Putin is aware of or what he is doing to fix the problem. I want to 
tell you, yes, the certain groups, sects, and organizations are 
trying to influence any decision that the government makes. There are 
reports that when the rubble defaulted when there was total collapse 
of the Russian economy, the Prime Minister of Russia, Kereyanko, 
according to the German sources, was heavily involved in and a 
recruiter for, the Scientologists. That might have been the 
connection to the collapse of the Rubble back then. 

Rick: Are you saying that the Prime Minister was a recruiter for 

Dr. Koryagina: Yes, this information appeared in the Russian press 
and they cited German sources that Prime Minister Keryenko was indeed 
a member of Scientology sect. And I know Russian malitia Russian 
police are trying to take care of the development of sects and that 
have special divisions that are trying to minimize the affects of 
those sects in the country. 

Dr. Koryagina went on to say that the illuminati and Free Masons that 
are such a focus of many globalization watchers are actually the 
organizations of the past. She did, however say that the new 
organizations work a bit differently that those old groups. The new 
players in the New World Order gang are concentrate on getting 
control of the psyche and are using mind control of many 

I want you to think about this while we take a musical break from 
this heavy but entirely revealing subject. To think that someone as 
far away as Russia and operating in a generally oppressive country, 
can come up with corroborating information that is actually more in 
depth, up to date but totally consistent with what the freedom 
movement and globalization watchers have been saying for years. It'll 
make you think about how lazy and apathetic we have become as a free 

( QUE MUSIC!!!) 

When we come back, I'll tell you a bit about the Scientologists, some 
personal knowledge and historical facts that I bet you didn't know. 

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