There are 5 chapters in my new book, "Sold Out: The Clinton Legacy" (due for
release in December), about the Branch Davidians. I don't know if what's been
said on here about Texas DPS workers is accurate or not, but I can verify
that it was a female who "investigated" the Davidians, and reported that she
believed Koresh was molesting some of the girls there. She couldn't prove
anything, but she "suspected" molestation. However, when the head of
Pediatric Psychiatry at Baylor U. Medical Ctr evaluated the girls who'd been
released from Mt. Carmel, he reported that he found no evidence of
molestation. Rather, he said, he believed the girls had witnessed sexual
relations between men and women at Mt. Carmel. Funny thing, Janet Reno was
aware of his report when she ordered CS gas to be used on the compound,
ostensibly because "children were being molested there."

Several years ago I spoke at the annual conference of VOCAL (Victims of Child
Abuse Laws) in Dallas. I was there as a lawyer, and I told the members how to
go about suing the government for civil rts violations (under 42 USC Sec.
1983, et seq.). At the meeting I heard horror story after horror story about
the Texas DPS, and how many of the social workers employed by the Dept
engineered something called "shop talk", as a means of justifying their
bureaucratic existences. In other words, in the interest of keeping their
jobs (and thus their retirements) intact, they would generate information
based on speculation and supposition. One lie would build on another until
the children were removed from their families. I believe the DPS worker who
went to Mt Carmel may have tried that too.

According to people at Elohim City (the cult compound in eastern Okla where
Timothy McVeigh was known to hang out on occasion, and where I'm convinced
the bombing was planned), a former Marine Recon ranger appeared there in late
1992, and said that he'd worked as a CIA assassin in Central Amer for the
past 5 yrs but was sick and tired of killing people. The man, in his mid-20s,
left in December '92 for a "safe house" outside Waco, Texas. How safe was it?
Do you realize that many of the dead at Mt Carmel have never been identified.


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