Think Tank Frankensteins: GW Bush's Rainbow Cabinet
by Robert Lederman

Frankenstein: (noun) A monster created from incongruous parts.

The media keeps telling us that GW Bush's racially, ethnically
and gender diverse cabinet proves he is not a bigot. Nothing
could be further from the truth.

The conservative foundations behind GW's appointees - the
Heritage Foundation, The Federalist Society, the John M. Olin
Foundation, the Sarah Scaife Foundation, the Manhattan
Institute and the Bradley Foundation - have created these think
tank Frankensteins for a sinister purpose. 

African Americans who quote Charles Murray - a eugenicist who
believes Blacks are genetically inferior; Latinos who oppose the
minimum wage and believe Spanish should not be spoken in
America; a Jewish press secretary for a President whose family
bankrolled Hitler - it is damage control not diversity that
accounts for these men and women rising to prominence.

The corporate foundations that sponsored these appointees and
in many cases created their reputations are believers in white
supremacy and eugenics. Their long range plans for America's
people of color and for the populations of Third World nations
could more appropriately be titled "The Final Solution" than
"Compassionate Conservatism".

These same foundations have insidiously penetrated every aspect
of American political life. Under the guise of  philanthropy they
now financially sponsor virtually all the television shows on PBS
dealing with political, religious or educational issues, dominate
talk radio and supply the vast majority of the "experts" on
network news programs or quoted in mainstream newspapers.

Scientific Racism
An ideological blitzkrieg is being waged with social scientists
bankrolled by corporations with a eugenics viewpoint as
front-line troops. Unlike the KKK or other openly racist groups,
the organizations backing Bush and his appointees are made up
of educated people who sponsor seminars and publish scholarly
books rather than burning crosses. That's why eugenics is called,
scientific racism.

Behind the foundations that financed the research and the
widespread - often free - distribution of these social scientists' 
books you will find white supremacists, defense contractors,
pharmaceutical companies with ties to IG Farben, former Nazis
and advocates for depopulating much of the world. Their
obsession with birthrates and IQ scores among people of color is
tied to ideas about national security and so-called
anti-communism. For three generations the Bush family has been
centrally involved in these efforts. [See Bush, Abortion and
Racial Eugenics  ]

Many of these think tanks and foundations have close ties to the
CIA and defense contractors. That the extreme right in America
claims to be based on the teachings of Jesus and the Bible is
nothing new; the 19th century defenders of slavery made the
exact same claims. To understand the Bush administration it is
the Bell Curve, not the Bible, that you need to look at.

The Bell Curve and GW Bush
The works of Charles Murray, author of The Bell Curve and
Losing Ground, are held up by many of Bush's staff and advisors
as key texts justifying their agenda of privatizing schools,
eliminating welfare and turning social programs over to
faith-based charities. From Murray we can trace a common theme
running throughout the entire GW Bush administration. 

Being in favor of school vouchers and eliminating welfare or
being against affirmative action does not in itself make somebody
a racist - but if someone is sponsored by racists, associates with
racists and writes approvingly of racists then one's advocacy on
these issues should be interpreted in that light. 

Here is what Scientific American had to say about Murray's The
Bell Curve:
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN January 1995 Volume 272 Number 1
Page 14   For Whom the Bell Curve Really Tolls: 
A tendentious tome abuses science to promote far-right policies-
"The arguments stem from the same tradition of biological
determinism that led, not so long ago, to compulsory
sterilizations in the U.S. and genocide elsewhere. The notion is
that individuals' characteristics are both essentially fixed by
inheritance and immune to alteration by the environment. Efforts
to help those who are unfortunate by reason of their genes are
unlikely to be rewarded. Solutions, therefore, should include
those Murray has long advocated: abolish welfare, reduce
affirmative action and simplify criminal law."

Among the many Bush cabinet appointees and advisors
associated with Murray's ideas are Stephen Goldsmith, Tommy
Thompson, Elaine Chou, Myron Magnet, Marvin Olasky, Linda
Chavez, Karl Rove, Floyd Flake, Spencer Abraham and various
members of the Bush family - including former President Bush.

The CIA Connection to Scientific Racism
Charles Murray wrote The Bell Curve during eight years as a
research fellow at The Manhattan Institute, a think tank founded
by Reagan's CIA director William Casey. After WWII Casey and
other US officials who had business ties with the Third Reich
helped bring thousands of former Nazis to the U.S. - supposedly
to fight communism but in reality to help firmly establish
corporate fascism - which they have been very successful at.

These were not just the atom bomb scientists most people are
familiar with but specialists in eugenics, propaganda, using
pharmaceuticals for social control and research on genetics - 
much of which was done in Nazi concentration camps. Many of
these men also had extensive experience in rounding up Jews,
Slavs and other ethnic minorities to be exterminated. 

These former Nazis became a core group within the
newly-formed CIA and many of them later became key aides to
the Republican Party and former President Bush [Philadelphia
Inquirer 9/10/98 "Fired Bush backer one of several with possible
Nazi  links," September 10, 1988; Washington Post Friday,
September 16, 1988 ; Page A16 "Behind Scenes, Damage
Control Has Become Vital Weapon for Bush"].

The CIA's first director, Allen Dulles, was legal counsel for
Standard Oil/IG Farben and worked closely with Prescott Bush,
Averil Harriman and Rockefeller in helping to finance the Third
Reich. Many of the corporations that sided with Hitler during
WWII are well-represented in GW Bush's administration today.

Funding for Charles Murray at the MI (Manhattan Institute)
came primarily from the Pioneer Fund - the nation's #1 eugenics
think tank, which is associated with Nazi Germany and three
generations of the Bush family. A number of GW's election
lawyers are associated with the fund and most of the
"scholarship" quoted in the Bell Curve was also funded by the
Pioneer Fund. 

MI is financed by Wall Street investment bankers and oil and
pharmaceutical companies, many of which - like the
Rockefellers' Chase Manhattan Bank - have direct historical ties
to Nazi Germany, eugenics and IG Farben - which was half
owned by Rockefeller. While MI's focus on race is evident from
a visit to their website an even larger part of their efforts are
related to the issues of population control and national security. 

Many of GW Bush's advisors are research fellows, directors or
regular guest speakers at The Manhattan Institute including
Myron Magnet, Stephen Goldsmith, Floyd Flake, Linda Chavez
and Tommy Thompson - and frequently appear alongside their
colleague, Charles Murray, in seminars on eliminating welfare. 

Sharing a similar origin with Bush's cabinet appointees, GW's
"compassionate conservatism" was created by the 
CIA/Manhattan Institute's Myron Magnet and Marvin Olasky. In
the intro to Olasky's latest book GW Bush calls him,
"compassionate conservatism's leading thinker." After
successively abandoning Judaism, atheism, membership in the
Communist Party and sixties-style idealism, Olasky became a
fundamentalist Christian. Like many in Bush's circle, Olasky
now believes poverty is caused by a lack of moral values among
the poor rather than by a built-in system of social inequality. The
Redeemer, a church he founded in Austin Texas, teaches that
women have no place in leadership. His theories on the poor
were central to Newt Gingrich's Contract With America [Dallas
Morning News, NY Times, UK Guardian, AP]. 

On their website MI supports Jesse Helms, imprisoning low-level
drug offenders, eliminating virtually all government regulations,
censorship, opening wilderness areas to oil and gas drilling,
turning over all social services to faith-based charities,
privatizing prisons, hospitals, parks, streets and schools and
school vouchers - in short the entire GW Bush political agenda.

Americans who like the Victorian idea of charities rather than
taxes providing a social safety net forget that before welfare,
social security or Medicaid all social services in America were
supplied by faith-based charities. While these groups did good
work they were never up to the task of helping so many poor,
disabled, sick and elderly people or millions of children who
more often than not were left to fend for themselves or starve. 

Charles Murray was a consultant for Bush's Sec. of Health and
Human Services, Tommy Thompson, and  is favorably quoted by
Linda Chavez on her organizations' website - The Center for
Equal Opportunity. Murray also sits on panel discussions about
eliminating welfare with two African American conservatives
almost picked for cabinet positions - Eloise Anderson and Floyd
Flake. The websites of Anderson's organization, Claremont
Institute, like that of Flake's Manhattan Institute, contain
numerous laudatory quotes about Charles Murray.

Linda Chavez was a research fellow at the CIA's Manhattan
Institute during 1993 and 1994 receiving almost $200,000 in
grants from the John M. Olin Foundation, a right-wing fund
derived from a family business in munitions and chemicals with
roots in white supremacy. If she hadn't been  unceremoniously
dumped by Bush her anti-union, anti-affirmative action,
anti-Spanish language and anti-minimum wage ideas would have
created plenty of controversy on their own.

Elaine Chao, Bush's Asian-American replacement for Chavez, is
a fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank
with direct connections to former Nazis and white supremacists.
After doing a search on the Heritage foundation's website I found
almost 100 references to Charles Murray - all of them positive.
Chao is also allegedly linked to China's President Jiang Zemin
via longstanding business and family ties [source: Voice of
.> Bush Picks Chao for Labor Post (AP) 1/12/2001 "Chao is a
fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank."< 

Charles Murray is also a regular speaker for the Federalist
Society - co-founded by Bush energy appointee Spencer
Abraham - an ultraconservative legal advocacy group dedicated to
eliminating affirmative action, welfare, bilingual education and
the right to sue the government. Supreme Court Justices Scalia
and Thomas (next to Colin Powell Thomas is America's highest
ranking affirmative action recipient) are prominent members of
the Federalist Society, which is funded by the John M. Olin
Foundation, the Sarah Scaife Foundation and the Bradley
Foundation - far right foundations linked to racism and eugenics.

Stephen Goldsmith, a leading Manhattan Institute fellow, is GW
Bush's top domestic policy advisor. Here's part of his
introduction to a symposium on welfare at the Manhattan
Institute in April 1999 featuring Charles Murray:

> "Education and Welfare: Meeting the Challenge
A Message from CCI Chairman, Mayor Stephen Goldsmith 
[CCI is a division of Manhattan Institute]
America is in the midst of an urban renaissance...CCI’s April
conference “Next Steps in Welfare Reform” highlighted just how
far we’ve come. The conference brought together public officials
like Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson and scholars like
Dr. Charles Murray to discuss how governments and private
groups have reduced dependency and increased
self-sufficiency...Fifteen years after the Manhattan Institute
published Charles Murray’s landmark study of American welfare
policy, Losing Ground, the presentations showed that ideas once
seen as radical now form the mainstream of the welfare debate." 

Among the panelists alongside Murray and Goldsmith was Jason
Turner, former head of Wisconsin's welfare program. Turner later
became infamous as head of NYC's abusive workfare system
after quoting the motto over the gates of Auschwitz - "Arbeit
Macht Frei - work shall make you free" [NY Times 6/27/98].

The Bush family represent three generations of eugenics
aristocracy. Their extensive political dynasty continues a family
tradition begun in the 1930's when Prescott Bush and his
corporate friends financed the Third Reich. 

No concentration camps will be needed this time around. Thanks
to modern science - much of which is derived from Nazi
Germany - vaccines, pesticides, chemtrails,
genetically-engineered foods, DNA technology and new chemical
methods of sterilization and birth control are all that will be
required to carry out the population control goals of eugenics.

What's really inclusive about the GW Bush administration's
agenda? This time around a lot more people will be included on
the list for elimination - or as corporate America prefers to call it
- downsizing. 

 NY Times Monday, May 12, 1997 Manhattan Institute Has
Nudged New York Rightward
"...the institute was founded as a free-market education and
research organization by William Casey, who then went off to
head the Central Intelligence Agency in the Reagan

NY Times  June 12, 2000 Bush Culls Campaign Theme From
Conservative Thinkers “Gov. George W. Bush has said his
political views have been shaped by the work of Myron Magnet
of the Manhattan Institute.”

>From the MI website: Books That Influenced Gov. George W.
Bush  Myron Magnet's The Dream and the Nightmare: "Referring
to this book, Gov. Bush has said, other than the Bible, that it was
the most important book he had read..."
The Bell Curve and the Pioneer Fund

The Heritage Foundation

Corporate America's Nazi connection

To access thousands of web sites with detailed information on
the Bush/Nazi connection go to a good search engine such as>  and type in Bush AND Nazi. 

Bush financial misconduct
Who funded GW Bush?

FAIR on John Ashcroft and race

Robert Lederman, President of A.R.T.I.S.T.
(Artists’ Response To Illegal State Tactics)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (718) 743-3722
Bush, Eugenics, Giuliani, Manhattan Institute info
Street artist info 


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