Gore chairman met with spies

Gore chairman met with spies
Commerce Secretary Daley had confab
with Beijing military 'front' company

By Charles Smith
C 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

Newly released documents show that recently appointed Gore campaign
chairman, Commerce Secretary William Daley, met in October 1997 with a firm
reported to be "an intelligence-collection front for China."

The documents show that Daley met with Chinese billionaire Li Ka-Shing
during a closed luncheon sponsored by the powerful investment firm Goldman
Sachs. Li Ka-Shing's company, Hutchison Whampoa, currently operates the two
ports on the Panama Canal, the Pacific port of Balboa and the Atlantic port
of Cristobal.

The meeting was held onboard Goldman Sachs' boat, Monkey's Uncle, as part of
an informal "talk" between Daley, Li and several "influential business
people." Participants in the meeting included a "Mr. Duo" from China
Resources, a firm reported to be "an agent of espionage -- economic,
military, and political -- for China."

One document, an "Event Brief," details the program of the 1997 meeting.

According to a 1996 cable from the U.S. Embassy in Panama, China Resources
Enterprises put a $400 million investment into Hutchison Whampoa, fulfilling
its role as a "front" company controlled by Beijing. Commerce documents
describe China Resources as "the investment arm of China's Foreign Trade

"Embassy Panama has received information to the effect that HIT (Hutchison
International Terminals) is controlled by mainland Chinese, perhaps through
a Macao front which allegedly recently invested $400 million in HIT," states
the cable. "Such control would have security implications and might affect
the Panamanian government's views on awarding the port concessions."

Inside Capitol Hill, Daley's 1997 meeting onboard the Monkey's Uncle raised
significant questions about conflicts of interest and the possibility that
the Gore 2000 campaign is receiving money from Chinese government sources.

"The DNC and Al Gore must be held accountable," stated Al Santoli, national
security advisor to Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif. "Given Daley's
relationship with Li Ka-Shing and other Chinese tycoons and given Al Gore's
propensity for taking Chinese army money in 1996, we need to be on the alert
for Red Chinese money flowing into the Gore 2000 campaign."

Daley refused to comment on the documents found at the Commerce Department.
Commerce Department public affairs officer Joan Bradshaw issued a statement
regarding Daley's status to WorldNetDaily.

"Mr. Daley is no longer Secretary of Commerce," said Bradshaw, a statement
in conflict with the official press release. "Everything is being done
through Nashville now."

Daley, according to previous Commerce Department press announcements, has
not resigned his post and is scheduled to lobby the Senate for passage of
the China trade bill in July.

Gore 2000 public affairs officials confirmed that the Gore campaign office
located in Nashville, Tenn., is now handling all contacts with the commerce
secretary. The Gore 2000 public affairs officers, who refused to identify
themselves, did not respond to questions about Daley's meeting in 1997 or
his current role at the Commerce Department.

Goldman Sachs' New York press office also refused to comment on the 1997
meeting onboard the Monkey's Uncle. The powerful investment firm currently
employs former Clinton Cabinet member Robert Rubin. Defense intelligence
sources allege that Rubin, while still serving as treasury secretary for
President Clinton, also attended the 1997 meeting. Rubin is not listed on
official documents as attending.

China Resources Enterprises has been accused previously of illegal campaign
donations to the Clinton/Gore 1996 re-election campaign. Sen. Fred Thompson,
R-Tenn., described China Resources Enterprises as "an agent of espionage --
economic, military, and political -- for China" during the 1997 Senate
Governmental Affairs Committee hearings.

WorldNetDaily, through the Freedom of Information Act, forced the newly
released documents from the Clinton administration. The Commerce Department
documents show that prior to the meeting, U.S. law enforcement agencies were
very concerned about Li Ka-Shing and his connections to international

A 1995 cable from the American Embassy in Nassau noted that Li Ka-Shing had
signed an agreement to build an $88 million container ship terminal in the
Grand Bahamas. The U.S. Embassy in Nassau copied the cable to several
law-enforcement agencies including the U.S. Customs Service and the Drug
Enforcement Agency.

"Reftel describes U.S. agencies' security concerns about possible smuggling
attempts through the terminal," states the cable from the American Embassy.
"Post will request via septel assistance in addressing these concerns while
port development plans are still on the drawing board."

Documents discovered by Larry Klayman and Judicial Watch, a Washington,
D.C.-based watchdog group, show the U.S. Defense Department focused
carefully on Li Ka-Shing and his company, Hutchison Whampoa. According to an
October 1999 "Intelligence Assessment" prepared by the U.S. military
Southern Command, the Hong Kong billionaire is a potential threat to

"Hutchison's containerized shipping facilities in the Panama Canal, as well
as the Bahamas, could provide a conduit for illegal shipments of technology
or prohibited items from the west to the PRC, or facilitate the movement of
arms and other prohibited items into the Americas," concluded the U.S.
military intelligence report.

Li Ka-Shing is also part owner of a firm involved in the illegal transfer of
missile technology to the Chinese army. The Commerce documents show that Li
owns one-third of Asia Satellite Telecommunications Holdings, or AsiaSat.
According to Aviation Week & Space Technology, AsiaSat is part-owned by the
Chinese army unit COSTIND or the Commission on Science, Technology and
Industry for National Defense.

AsiaSat satellites regularly carry "military communications" traffic for PLA
units and Chinese military-owned companies.

Earlier this month, U.S. defense contractor Lockheed Martin pleaded guilty
to 30 counts of illegal missile technology exports to AsiaSat. Lockheed
Martin agreed to pay the U.S. government $13 million in fines for the
illegal transfer of "kick-motor" technology to AsiaSat in order to avoid
export restrictions

Li Ka-Shing's direct business contacts with the Chinese army were documented
in a 1997 Rand Corporation report on the Chinese military industry.
According to the report, "Hutchison Whampoa of Hong Kong, controlled by Hong
Kong billionaire Li Ka-Shing, is also negotiating for PLA wireless system
contracts, which would build upon his equity interest in Poly-owned Yangpu
Land Development Company, which is building infrastructure on China's Hainan

The newly released documents also show that Li Ka-Shing is directly in
business with the Chinese government through the China Ocean Shipping
Company or COSCO. Li also played a major role in the failed attempt to
purchase the former Navy port in Long Beach, Calif., for COSCO.

Daley's meeting on the Monkey's Uncle included several other firms
identified as Chinese army front companies. The participants included Zhu
Xizohua, chairman of China Everbright, a firm directly owned by the Chinese
army, and Larry Yung, chairman of CITIC Pacific, or the China International
Trust and Investment Corporation, a firm alleged to be a front for Chinese
arms manufacturer Poly Technologies Corporation. According to the Rand
report, Poly Technologies was founded in 1985 as a subsidiary of CITIC.

"Poly Technologies, Ltd., was founded in 1984, ostensibly as a subsidiary of
CITIC, although it was later exposed to be the primary commercial arm of the
PLA General Staff Department's Equipment Sub-Department," states the Rand
report. "Throughout the 1980s, Poly sold hundreds of millions of dollars of
largely surplus arms around the world, exporting to customers in Thailand,
Burma, Iran, Pakistan and the United States."

In 1996, Poly Technologies was run by international arms dealer Wang Jun and
his "princeling" friend, the powerful He Ping, son-in-law of Deng Xiaoping.
The Rand Corporation noted that "Wang Jung is both director of CITIC and
chairman of Poly Group, the arms trading company of the General Staff

In 1996, Poly Chairman Wang Jun met with President Clinton inside the White
House with convicted Chinagate figure Charlie Trie. Trie donated hundreds of
thousands of dollars to the 1996 Clinton/Gore campaign from Chinese sources,
much of which was later returned by the Democratic Party. Trie is also
alleged to be a member of the "4 Seas" Triad, an organization of underworld
lords based inside Hong Kong.

"CITIC does enter into business partnerships with and provide logistical
assistance to PLA and defense-industrial companies like Poly," noted the
1997 Rand report. "Poly's U.S. subsidiaries were abruptly closed in August
1996. Allegedly, Poly's representative, Robert Ma, conspired with China
North Industries Corporation's representative, Richard Chen, and a number of
businessmen in California to illegally import 2000 AK-47s into the United

"Unfortunately for them," states the Rand report, "their 'customers' turned
out to be undercover U.S. Customs and BATF agents, posing as members of a
Miami syndicate. Poly's representative, Robert Ma, fled the country one step
ahead of federal law enforcement officials who had a warrant for his arrest,
and his current whereabouts are unknown."

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