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David Corn's emotional, non-factual and non-analytic response to Mike Ruppert's research only increases one's suspicions about 911.
Why doesn't Corn address in a credible way, for instance, the critical issues of advance insider stock trading, Delmart Vreeland and the failure to shoot down the hijacked planes?
What's the problem with examining the facts fairly? Is this asking too much from someone who purports to be a serious journalist and critical thinker?
With these standards, next Corn will no doubt be coming to the assistance of the FBI and Henry C. Lee in sweeping the anthrax case under the rug.
Vreeland, by the way, reminds me much of Patrick Knowlton in the Vince Foster case -- which means he is probably going to disappear down a black hole in terms of media coverage. Any government can get away with anything as long as the media cooperate by censoring inconvenient facts.
Similarly the Israeli 911 spy scandal which is being reported in Europe is being almost totally ignored by the mainstream American media.
Total news blackout.
Can you connect the dots? It's not hard to do.
We are getting close to living in a Bolshevik-style police state -- a far cry from the land of the free and the home of the brave.
The only way this situation can be saved is if a critical mass of government insiders decide they can't stomach any more and stage a major revolt from within the system, including from within the CIA, FBI and similar agencies.  Internet gadflies won't save the day -- they are easy to ignore or swat down.
----- Original Message -----
From: mwlaird
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 6:11 AM
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] response to David Corn

When smart, left-leaning journalists like David Corn take the position
that it's misleading – or even dangerous! – to question the official
version of what was behind the phenomenal attack that took place on
American soil on September 11, 2001, then America is in more trouble
than ever.
Mr. Corn's position can be summed up as follows: "sure, America has
done some pretty nasty things to (mostly black and brown) foreigners,
and sure, the current president wasn't even elected (he got into the
oval office because his brother stopped mostly black and brown people
from voting), but our government would never do such a terrible thing
to the good folks at the pentagon and the world trade center! I believe
what President Bush has told me about 911, hook, line and sinker."
Rather than refute any of the specifics of what Michael Ruppert – or
anyone else who thinks that Washington was either the designing hand or
at least an accomplice of the 911 attacks – has to say, Mr. Corn's
"proof" that our government is innocent of any charge of conspiring
with the hijackers on that fateful day rests on two points: our
government is neither evil nor intelligent enough to have "done it"
(heck, a CIA guy even told him as much!).
Not evil enough: did you know that the current president's grandpa and
great-grandpa were bankers to the third reich, both before and during
WWII? In other words, they helped finance, among other horrors, weapons
that were used to kill lots of Americans. Now you might say that I'm
visiting the sins of the (grand) father upon the (grand) son, but I
think that little fact says a lot about the culture our leader grew out
of. Operation Northwoods, the FBI plant with the group that bombed the
world trade center back in '93, the sinking of the battleship Maine –
does any of that ring a bell? Have you heard the one about Boris
Berezovsky accusing Vladimir Putin of being linked to the terrorist
bombings of apartment buildings that killed about 300 Russians in
September 1999? I seem to recall that Bush said that when he looked
into Putin's eyes, he looked into his soul – and liked what he saw.
Touching, ain't it?
Not smart enough? Believe it or not, the CIA and NSA sometimes get it
right (in doing terrible wrong). Maybe Oswald really acted alone – who
knows for sure?
What am I proving here? That maybe, just perhaps, instead of being
irritated by people who have the audacity to question our noble
leader's motives and actions, inquiring minds like David Corn's should
welcome some kind of debate on these issues. After all, the fact that
our government couldn't intercept the plane that hit the pentagon is a
little bit odd, isn't it?

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