Weird compression wave jolts Georgia

Supporting data:

Date: 1/10/00 7:10:09 PM Pacific Standard Time

At 03:32 UTC January 10, 2000 (22:32 EST January 9) I was startled by a
compression wave that stuck my home near Lilburn, GA. The wave rattled my
house for approximately 1 second and caused my ears to pop. It felt similar
to an explosive blast except that there was no accompanying surface
vibration, light or sound.

Having been an amateur weather observer for many years, I don't believe the
burst was due to normal meteorological phenomena. The weather at the time
was calm with light mist, fog, and 100% low dense overcast, and air
temperatures near 60 degrees F.

Based on previous experience I'd estimate the burst was in the range of
40-60 mph. It appeared to originate from aloft and northward. Interestingly,
I noticed my first nacreous clouds the evening before.

While investigating this event, I found some other interesting and possibly
related items.

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