-Caveat Lector-

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-Caveat Lector-

Why gold is gaining in 
a world awash with dollars 

By Ian Lamont 
The Scotsman, Edinburgh 
January 13, 2003 

The largest collection of warplanes ever 
assembled is airborne. Their bomb bays are 
burgeoning. Each flight is approaching its 
target for a co-ordinated strike. Their 
targets are not Baghdad or Basra, but the 
major metropolitan areas of the United 

But wait. These are US air force planes. So 
why are they flying a mission that has US 
cities and citizens as targets? 

Have scientists working for Saddam Hussein 
developed a drug and rendered America's air 
force insane? Or has George Dubya finally 
flipped and ordered the extermination of all 
potential Democratic presidential candidates 
and voters? 

Inspection of the bomb bays shows they are 
not filled with conventional weapons or 
weapons of mass destruction: No, the planes 
are crammed with bundles of greyish-green 
paper carrying the portrait of a dead 
president on one side and the words "In God 
We Trust" on the obverse. These are dollar 

Why, you may well ask, is the US being 
threatened with a massive bombardment with 
its own currency? Is it a Marxist plot? Karl 
Marx said that the way to overthrow 
capitalism was first to destroy its money. 

On the contrary, these planes are in the sky 
24/7 on "Deflation Watch" and their purpose 
is to save American capitalism. 

A terrible fear-provoking thought is gaining 
ground among the guardians of the US economy. 
It is that the man in the street, who for 
decades has enabled the economy to remain on 
a long, upward path by consuming more than he 
produces, may be reaching the limit of his 
capacity for excess consumption and its 
corollary debt. 

Now, horror of horrors, the ever-rapacious US 
consumers may be about to abandon profligacy 
and restore their balance sheets by consuming 
less and, perish the thought, saving. 

In a pre-emptive campaign to prevent the US 
consumer from abandoning over-spending and 
embarking on a path of prudent parsimony, 
Alan Greenspan has already used up most of 
his conventional firepower and slashed the 
Federal Funds rate to 1.25 per cent. 

The US consumer, like the proverbial horse, 
has been brought to water but is reluctant to 
drink more. There is not yet panic within the 
hallowed halls of the Fed but the spectre of 
deflation, last seen in the 1930s, is 
starting to loom larger and it is recognised 
that unconventional weapons may be needed to 
prevent it taking grip. 

Dubya has already announced an economic 
stimulus (anti-deflation) tax-cutting 
initiative. There is a serious misconception 
that central banks can increase or decrease 
the money supply at will. The media make much 
of central banks resorting to the "printing 
press" to get economies out of trouble (or to 
get them into trouble by over-cranking the 
press and causing inflation). 

In truth, the monetary system only works when 
there are willing borrowers and willing 

In an attempt to boost money supply, the Fed 
may aggressively buy Treasury Bonds from the 
banks, thus forcing down long-term interest 
rates and leaving the banks with vast sums of 
cash to do with what they will. 

But, if banks customers do not wish to borrow 
then this "cranking of the printing presses" 
by the Fed may have no impact on economic 
activity. Remember, this is the first time 
since the 1930s that the US has slumped 
because the cost of capital during the 
"bubble" was so low as to trigger excess 

Thus, cutting the cost of capital (interest 
rates) is unlikely to bring about a recovery 
in investment. Only a sustained resurgence of 
demand will, and if the consumer has also 
"over-spent" in the bubble, and now needs to 
reduce indebtedness, low interest rates will 
have a minimal impact on demand. 

The European Central Bank, obsessed with 
monetary stability, seems determined to 
plunge Euroland into depression. Nothing 
could be more inappropriate than the current 
proposals to raise taxes and cut public 
spending in Germany and France to reduce 
budget deficits and comply with the totally 
ridiculous fiscal Stability Pact. 

The Fed, by contrast, is prepared to think 
outside the box. Ben Bernanke, a recent 
arrival at the Fed from the academic groves 
of Princeton, has declared that the Fed will 
do all within its not inconsiderable powers 
to "print" its way out of trouble before 
deflation becomes entrenched. 

We should not underestimate the efforts that 
will be made to prevent deflation. With the 
US trade deficit nearing 6 per cent of GDP, 
the US is already pumping out so many 
billions of dollars that it needs to attract 
about 80 per cent of all the world's savings 
just to maintain the value of the dollar. 

With US interest rates already lower than 
those in Europe, and US share valuations 
still close to historic bull market highs, 
attracting capital flows into the States is 
becoming mighty onerous, further pump priming 
will only add to the difficulty. 

The dollar has been able to remain 
fundamentally and seriously overvalued for 
years because the rest of the world was 
gullible enough to believe that the US 
economy would always outperform and thus its 
bonds and shares deserved a premium rating. 
Some 75 per cent of central bank reserves, 
plus a great deal of non-US private wealth, 
is held in US dollar assets. 

Now that the Fed has declared it will "print" 
as many dollars as it takes to combat 
deflation, holders of US dollar assets would 
have to be extraordinarily naïve not to 
realise that an unlimited increase in the 
supply of US dollars means dollars will 
inevitably be worth less. 

Thus, far from attracting the 80 per cent of 
world savings required to maintain the 
dollar's value, fear of the bomb bays being 
opened and the world being showered in paper 
dollars is likely to cause liquidation of 
dollar investments. 

In a deflationary world every country thinks 
its currency overvalued and, although the 
demise of fixed exchange rates has removed 
"beggar-thy-neighbour" competitive 
devaluations, if countries resort to the 
printing press to try to avert deflation, all 
their currencies become debased. 

There is one standard against which this 
debasement of currencies can be measured and 
one asset which investors can own to protect 
themselves: That standard and that asset is 


Ian Lamont is an Edinburgh-based commentator 
and former stockbroker. 



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<A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org</A>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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