By Bill Murphy
September 18, 2001

  Gold $286.50 down 95 cents
  Silver $4.43 up 6 cents 

The drama behind the scenes in the gold market has 
never been more intense. The reckless behavior of the 
Gold Cartel to continue to suppress the price of gold, 
after the world completely changed a week ago, is not 
only insidious and criminal -- it is going to go down 
as one of the most foolish and irresponsible financial 
maneuvers of all time. 

This is how I see what is going on here. 

For the second day in a row, the goons have sold down 
gold on the Comex after strong fixes in London. 
Yesterday's PM fix was $293.25. Today it was $289.40. 
The daily trading charts in New York are practically 
identical. Right after the PM fixes, the likes of J.P. 
Morgan Chase and Goldman Sachs slam gold and the longs 
on Comex. 

There is a reason for that.  

Serious physical buyers who want to buy gold in size do 
so at the London fixes. That is because that is where 
the big sellers are too, and large gold buyers can 
conduct business without running the price up too much. 
The Gold Cartel waits until that business is finished, 
so as not to take on the buyers, and then tries to 
break down the gold price at the vulnerable Comex. 

It could not be more obvious what the desperado cabal 
is doing. But I don't think it is going to work this 

* Demand for physical gold right now is soaring all 
over the world and physical gold is hard to buy. Coin 
dealer after coin dealer tells me the same thing. Even 
if the coin dealers can get gold for you, the price is 
way above that quoted on Comex. A friend of mine paid 
$301 for Kruggerands today, which is down from $306 
yesterday. The comment is always the same if you want 
to buy: Forget the Comex price; the real gold world 
price is higher than on Comex. 

* The terrorist attacks on U.S. soil have changed 
everything in terms of the notion of what a safe haven 
is. That is not going to change anytime soon. Investors 
all over the world are turning to gold again. The 
problem for the central banks and bullion banks is that 
they have about 14,000 tonnes of it lent out and can't 
get it back without driving the price many hundreds of 
dollars per ounce higher. They are in sheer panic that 
another Washington Agreement kind of surprise is upon 
them. But this one is 10 times worse. Herve Fervani, 
one of the senior executives at the Banque de France, 
has repeatedly warned other bankers about lending gold 
out for such little interest income, because he said in 
the end they might not get their gold back. Defaults of 
that nature could be right around the corner. 

Cafe members know all about that drill so I shall not 
go there again. Too many new goodies to go over. 

Take a gander at excerpts from this Bloomberg 

* * * 

U.S. Terrorist Attack Prompts Many
Asians to Buy Gold Jewelry 

By Rajat Bhattacharya 

Bangkok, Sept. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Consumers in Thailand, 
India and some other Asian countries reacted to the 
terrorist attacks in the United States by heading for 
the jewelry store to buy gold, retailers said. 

Buyers in Thailand, where gold demand dropped by half 
in the last five years, led a return to the precious 
metal as a haven for investment after terrorists 
destroyed New York's World Trade Center a week ago, 
sending stock prices tumbling. Asia purchases more than 
half of the world's gold each year and Thailand is the 
second-biggest gold buyer in Southeast Asia after 

"We saw people storming into our stores to buy gold," 
said Jitti Tangsithpakdi, president of goldsmiths Chin 
Hua Heng and president of the Thai Gold Traders' 
Association. Last Wednesday, traders sold as much gold 
jewelry as they did in an average month this year, he 

In India, the largest gold buyer, sales also 

"My sales have gone up 25 to 30 percent," said Pratip 
Zaveri, director at Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri, India's 
biggest jewelry retailer. The rising prices lured some 
people to buy gold as a investment, he said. "They've 
seen prices moving up again after a long time." 

India makes more than one-fifth of all gold jewelry and 
exports more than $8 billion worth each year. 

"With interest rates so low, and stock markets down, 
gold remains the best investment," said Jitti. "Other 
investments are simply not that interesting." 

Thailand's benchmark stock index has lost two-thirds of 
its value in the past five years. 

In China, the second-biggest gold user in Asia, 
consumer demand may also be boosted by deregulation of 
the market. The price of gold, which was freed from 
government control in July, has risen 6 percent in the 
past week, to 90 yuan a gram. 

"Gold is great because it appreciates in value and is a 
good store for value," said Meng Fanqiang, 32, who 
bought a 1,700 yuan ($205) bracelet for his wife from 
Ming Pai Jewelry Shop on Shanghai's Nanjing Road. 

Other consumers in the region bought gold coins and 

"Our retail over-the-counter demand for coins and bars 
was huge all day," said Alison Puchy, public affairs 
manager for the Western Australia government's Gold 
Corp., which owns the Perth Mint. "It went on and on." 

Inquiries from overseas investors seeking 
"depositary" certificates to buy gold held in its 
vaults also increased, she said. 

* * * 

Pakistani Gold Prices Soar to 
All-Time High Following US Attacks 

KARACHI, Sept. 18 (Asia Pulse) -- The local bullion 
market continued to face an uncertain global market 
situation after Tuesday's attacks in United States, as 
gold prices surged to all time high of Rs6,125 (US$95) 
per 10 grams on Saturday. 

The price of 10 tola gold (600 grams) is now quoted at 
Rs72,500 from Friday's rate of Rs71,400. 

* * * 

We know that demand for physical gold is already 
soaring around the world. What is going to happen to 
gold demand when US retaliation against the terrorists 
kicks in? Safe-haven buyers around the world will turn 
to gold even more -- sidestepping the dollar then and 
for years to come. That is what is going to happen. It 
will be in-your-face time for the Gold Cartel. 

Meanwhile back at the ranch, various gold shorts have 
all sorts of problems that have surfaced 
simultaneously, as a result of the terrorist attacks. 

* Half the deliverable gold that was available to be 
delivered to Comex longs belongs to Scotia Mocatta and 
is buried beneath the World Trade Center rubble. 
Something is not right about that gold. Either it is 
not there (as per the Fox TV statement), or the shorts 
know they are in big trouble come the October delivery 
period because they can't get to the gold to deliver 
it, if necessary. I say that because a reporter called 
me today and told me that Scotia will not answer any 
questions regarding the matter. "Why not?" he asked me. 

* Some of the big overseas physical gold buyers have 
contracted to buy gold here in the United States from 
various suppliers to satisfy the demand mentioned 
above. They need the gold, as it is committed to their 
clients. But these buyers are used to doing the actual 
buying on price dips. Thus, word to me is that they are 
short and very exposed to a price run-up. Sources tell 
me this same crowd was short, like they are now, before 
the Washington Agreement was announced. Part of the 
run-up in September 1999 was due to their frantic 
buying of physical gold. Do we have deja vu all over 

* With little fanfare the Australian gold price has 
gone thru the roof. It finished the day in New York at 
A$588. That is because while the world gold price has 
soared, the Aussie dollar has tanked to 49.34, only a 
point off of multi-year lows. About a year ago, I was 
going on and on that many of the Aussie gold producer 
hedge books were going underwater. It was widely 
reported that many bullion dealers were feeling the 
financial stress and that was with an Aussie gold price 
of only around A$520.  

The bullion dealers are already in a panic about what 
could happen in the financial arena in the weeks to 
come. The credit departments of these banks have all 
kinds of issues to suddenly address that are of mega 
importance. Some of them, like J.P. Morgan Chase, could 
have serious financial trouble themselves as expressed 
in Midas commentary last nite. How will they handle the 
over-exposed Aussie gold producer? Will they let their 
margin situations get into the billions? Will these 
producers be forced to cover?  

Put this one back on the radar screen again, big 

Speaking of J.P. Morgan Chase, Lee Lafferty and Mike 
Bolser report: 

"Don't know if you've checked recently but the Office 
of the Comptroller of the Currency data for Q2 2001 is 
posted. JPMChase 2001 Q2 is up to $19.292 trillion, up 
8.82%. Overall interest rate derivative positions for 
all banks is up 8.56 percent to $30.092 trillion. Total 
number of banks reporting continues to decline, 
dropping to 367." 

Good, J.P. Morgan Chase. Nice timing. Have you gone 

More on the volatility problem of J.P. Morgan Chase 
presented in yesterday's Midas. Many market analysts 
expressed surprise at the lack of volatility in today's 
financial markets. Not us. 

All stock market indices were due sharply lower. They 
all opened slightly higher in a complete surprise and 
remained quiet. No big rally ensued. Just quiet, 
although the stock market sank late when a new internet 
virus began plaguing brokerages -- the concern being 
that it is terrorist-related. The currencies: no real 
action at all. Gold was held in check in New York as 
always in times like this. 

Bottom line: just what the U.S. government ordered: 
very little volatility and another day that J.P Morgan 
escaped the guillotine. 

One fly in the appointment: the bond market. 

December bonds closed at 103.22 down 1.22. 

The bond vigilantes realize that the U.S. government 
"guns and butter" policies, along with billions of 
dollars of paper flooding the markets, is very 
inflationary. Bond yields soared back up to 5.5 
percent. This could be a financial market horror show 
for J.P. Morgan Chase. Rising long-term interest rates 
could be their death knell, from all the GATA camp can 
figure -- a derivative undoing of the firm due to 
Titanic-like, Wrong-Way Harrigan gold and interest rate 

We shall see. 

A couple of notes to close on: 

* Silver is quietly moving up with little fanfare. When 
the silver games end, and that might be beginning to 
happen now, silver could double in price in a 

* The Comex has big manpower problems. The marginal 
traders and clerks just do not want to work there. Many 
of them come in from New Jersey by water taxi, as no 
cars are allowed -- then they have to go by the bomb 
scene to get to the Financial Center. There are no 
services at the moment, like restaurants, and the hours 
have been reduced from 9:40 to 12:40. There was a bomb 
scare today and everyone had to clear out for awhile. 
Many employees never even bothered to show up for work 
in New York. More will not show up tomorrow.  

Will this exchange even exist in the weeks to come? 

* The stock market PE ratio was anywhere from 24 to 34 
before last Tuesday's attack. The historic norm is 14. 
Not a bear market low, just the norm. That would 
suggest, as the Cafe contributors have been saying for 
a long time now, that the stock market is going to go 
much lower. 

Earnings are going to plummet for the foreseeable 
future for most all industries as a result of last 
Tuesday. Based on that certainty, it is more than MOST 
likely that stock market share prices have a LOT of 
downside in them. Nasdaq 500 brought to your attention 
18 months ago looks more possible by the day. 

* Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan has a closed session with 
congressional leaders tomorrow. Hmmm. Look who is in on 

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Alan 
Greenspan plans to hold a closed-door meeting with U.S. 
congressional leaders on Wednesday in the wake of last 
week's devastating hijack attacks, aides said. The 
meeting comes as Congress weighs new measures aimed at 
bolstering the U.S. economy and aiding the airline 
industry, and two days after the central bank cut 
interest rates by a half percentage point. In addition 
to Greenspan, White House economic adviser Lawrence 
Lindsey and former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin were 
expected to take part in the 3 p.m. meeting with 
Republican and Democratic leaders in the House of 
Representatives and the Senate, aides said on Tuesday." 

Anybody smell a rat? Oh-oh, I just received a call from 
a GATA supporter who heard from one of his reliable 
sources that in addition to his going to the Bank for 
International Settlements meeting Switzerland, 
Greenspan solicited the Swiss government to sell its 
gold in accelerated fashion, or lend more of it out. 

As the GATA camp has been suggesting the past months, 
it appears that the Gold Cartel is running out of 
bullets to keep the gold price from exploding. That is 
what our accumulated evidence suggests. Seems like 
Murphy's Law just entered Alan Greenspan's life too. He 
was there when the terrorists struck. 

How can the Swiss accommodate Greenspan now? If 
anything, they are going to need the gold to bail out 
the gold loans of THEIR OWN BANKS, which have lent out 
at least 2,500 tonnes of bullion. 

Will Greenspan and Rubin now have to beg Congress to 
sell U.S. gold to bail them out of their nefarious 
doings? The hearing on Reg Howe's lawsuit against the 
Gold Cabal in U.S. District Court in Boston is only a 
few weeks away. 

* Gold is at all-time highs in Pakistan. It is closing 
in on A$600 in Australia. It served the Asians well 
during their financial crisis. It will serve the world 
well in the world financial crisis that is bearing down 
upon us. Buy gold and the right gold shares. It might 
just save the day.



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