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When I was working with the FBI against the CIA and it's covert operations like the 
DEA the FBI asked me
if the drugs were the catalyst that held together all the organized crime networks. I 
replied yes. The
drugs authorize the gassing of innocent people and their injections with so called 
bugging devices in the
middle of the night and the drugs provide the funds to build the churches and the 
donations for all of the
political action comities. The drugs keep the little girls strung out on Heroin and 
keep them on the
street working as hookers. The drugs authorize the monitoring of all the phone lines 
with the DEA then
being able to monitor all the political targets. The drugs were the key to everything 
and even held the
gangs together which caused most of the crime.

I wired the plant for the DEA that made tons of synthetic crack cocaine daily. This 
was used to supply the
Crypt's and Blood's with this drug to create the crime in the inner cities. I did much 
of the DEA's work
including working on a machine for them that they used to vaporize the bodies of the 
children and young
boys and girls that they were feeding their people in the government for sex. I also 
worked on much of
their corporate empire where they laundered the moneys and ran the gangs from as they 
monitored and
tortured the witnesses.

The good guys in the FBI and others went to war with these evil and corrupt agents but 
they are protected
from the highest places of power in our governments. The Bad guys in the FBI tried to 
take over the
investigation to target me and remove me as a witness. They are above any laws and it 
is not politically
correct to expose that the government ran or protected all most all the drugs. Mass 
graves can be dug up
in 3rd word countries but not in western countries.

This is the truth and it is unbelievable to normal people. I had grown up with many of 
them and knew many
of their mass murders who all worked for the DEA and CIA and ran drugs for a living 
under the protection
of the government. These murders and drug dealer were paid by the DEA to frame all 
witnesses against the
empire and would make conversations to frame any political target including judges, 
federal agents,
congressmen and senators and even me. The DEA then would plant the needed supporting 
evidence to justify
their injection of these people with devices to monitor them and torture them with 
electronic diseases and
conditions. You people call this mind control. This was the most cruel and unusual 
punishment possible and
it is done under the total protection of the state and federal courts.

I am still tortured to this day because of my status as being a witness against them. 
They pretend that
I'm the drug dealer justifying the torture of me and limiting my freedom of speech and 
human rights as
they continue to murder and torture and run the drugs under the cover of law.

The advertising revenues are now used to replace the drug revenues that I deprived 
them of working with
the FBI.

The finest TV stations money can buy are now funded by the finest Congressmen money 
can buy. All held
together by the fabricated war on drugs with the government making war against it's 
own citizens and then
convicting them and then denying them their right to vote. All of this being done with 
the government
running or protecting the drugs to authorize their operations.

George Bush called this his New World Order. If Clinton had all of the federal agents 
monitoring political
dissidents like Bush did and allowed the Trade Centers to be attacked he would of been 
impeached. In
Bush's case he was promoted to god status for allowing this attack on America. Chuck

John Vincent wrote:

> Prime-time propaganda:
> How the White House secretly hooked network TV on its
> anti-drug message:
> A Salon special report.
> http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2000/01/13/drugs/
> ---
> Excerpt:
> "Drug Prohibition has made the illegal drug trade the economic, and
> political, basis of military power throughout much of the world. It is
> the most significant policy disaster in American history, as a loss of
> control of CIA covert operations is the most significant structural
> disaster. Together they are the major tools of military fascism today.
> By artificially exploding street violence, Prohibition effectively
> diverts the culture's political eye, and wealth, from structural
> poverty, industrial ecocide, industrial oligarchy, and confiscatory
> taxation. Prohibition is, as it has always been, a fascist protection
> racket."
> http://www.hightimes.com/News/2000_02/DRUGWAR.html
> ---
> In late 1997, Congress approved an immense, five-year, billion-dollar
> budget to buy anti-drug advertising. It was termed "the largest and most
> complex social-marketing campaign ever undertaken."
> It was a maneuver of dubious merit from the start, but at least it was
> above board to begin with.
> http://www.cagefree.8m.com/archive7.htm
> ---
> I would like to call your attention to an article which will appear in
> the February, 1995, issue of "Spectrum" magazine, the flagship
> publication of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
> The article is titled "Keeping Tabs on Criminals," and it deals with
> improving public safety and reducing the cost of confining criminals by
> putting new, electronic monitoring schemes into effect.
> This article deserves wide public dissemination
> because it discusses a third generation system called "electronic
> incarceration," which has been widely deployed by every federal agency
> which has a counter-intelligence mission. This includes the CIA, the
> Federal Bureau of Investigations, the Secret Service, and certain units
> of the Army's Special Operations Command, which is in our cities now
> under the guise of fighting a war on Drugs.
> http://community-2.webtv.net/crackcure/remoteneural/index.html
> ---
> JV
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