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Three articles from the Rumor Mill News Reading Room

A fourth in the series will soon follow!


The War Will Lose Its Voice 

Posted By: TONZAL
Date: Sunday, 29 September 2002, 3:55 p.m. 

  Today I received a message that "the war will lose its voice." 
  I get the impression as if the Iraqi war news is a publicity 
  media campaign and at some point laryngitis would set in. 

  Americans Targeted, Large Media Brainwashing Campa 

  Posted By: TONZAL
  Date: Sunday, 29 September 2002, 7:01 p.m. 

  In Response To: The War Will Lose Its Voice (TONZAL) 

    : Today I receive a message that "the war will lose its voice." 
    : I get the impression as if the Iraqi war news is a publicity 
    : media campaign and at some point laryngitis would set in. 

    Americans Target Of Largest Media Brainwashing Campaign  (check the date this was 



  Posted By: PuzzlePieces
  Date: Tuesday, 16 October 2001, 10:48 p.m. 

    Americans Target Of Largest Media 
    Brainwashing Campaign In History 
    By Lonnie Wolfe 
    Executive Intelligence Review 

    Introduction: Are You Brainwashed? 

    Are you brainwashed? What about some of your neighbors, are they brainwashed? 
Before you answer that, let us ask you a few preliminary questions: Do you believe 
that the United States was struck by a terrorist attack on Sept. 11? Do think that the 
people behind that attack were "Arabs" and that its "mastermind" was this fellow Osama 
bin Laden, operating from a cave in Afghanistan? Do you believe that the way to stop 
terrorism is to hit them hard, to hit them at their "bases" in such places as 
Afghanistan, and to hit the nations who might sponsor them, like, say Iraq? 

    And what about the economy? Do you think that the recent fall of the stock market, 
and the weakness in the economy, have been caused by the Sept. 11 attacks? Well, if 
you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you probably are brainwashed! If you 
answered "yes" to more than one, you are definitely a "goner." 

    "But," you, reply, "isn't that what most people think? Wouldn't they answer those 
questions the same way I do? Well, the answer to that is, yes. But, we would remind 
you: Just because the majority of people might BELIEVE something to be true, doesn't 
make it true. All it means, is that you and most of your neighbors are suffering from 
a mass delusion--or, put more bluntly: YOU ARE BRAINWASHED. So, the question is, 
really, how did you get this way? How did you come to believe things like those 
statements in the first questions were true? "Well, I heard it on.... Well, I saw it 
on.... Well, I read it in...." 

    You needn't bother finishing those statements; we can do it for you: You, and your 
neighbors were told the "truth" by the mass media. The American "news" media, which is 
so proud of calling itself "free," and has been patting itself on it back for the 
wonderful job it has done for all us during and after Sept. 11, is the largest, most 
expensive, mass-brainwashing machine ever assembled in human history. It is a machine 
that so completely brainwashes the nearly 300 millions Americans, that the Nazis' 
infamous Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels would be envious. 

    Here are the essential facts of what happened on Sept. 11: According to Democratic 
Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon LaRouche, whose assessment is shared by many 
competent specialists on terrorism and irregular warfare, in this country and around 
the world, what took place was not a terrorist attack, but strategic, covert special 
operation, organized to have the appearance of a "terrorist" attack. Mr. LaRouche and 
others concur that, given both its scope, and the extent of the cover-up and 
misdirection which followed, such an operation could not have been organized by any 
Arab terrorist cells or networks, nor by an Arab or Middle Eastern state, nor any 
combination of the above; it had to be organized from within the United States, with 
the participation and connivance of a rogue network within the Anglo-American 
intelligence and military establishment. 

    As with any such covert special operation, there is a psychological warfare 
component, intended to maximize its effectiveness against a targetted enemy, to 
confuse that enemy and misdirect him. In the case of the Sept. 11 attack, the 
GOVERNMENT. The "psywar" component of the operation is being carried out by the 
American media-machine, with the intent to brainwash the American people INTO 

    Does that mean that the directors of the U.S. mass media are involved in the 
operation? No; it doesn't work that way. As EIR explained and documented in a 1997 
special report, the U.S. media are controlled and run as a cartel, by the 
Anglo-American establishment. As such, it routinely serves the interest of that 
establishment, reporting what it wants, and suppressing what it doesn't want reported; 
or slanting reporting to conceal reality. Thus, the media's performance before, during 
and after Sept. 11 could be prediscounted by those who planned the operation, so as to 
become a feature of it; it were merely required to insert certain specific "psyops" 
content into this media-brainwashing apparatus, for it to be spread far and wide with 
the desired effects on you and your neighbors. 

    The brainwashing methods are relatively simple and classic. First, use the terror 
itself to put people into a state of shock, making them more susceptible to 
suggestion. Then resort to the "Big Lie" technique to repeatedly hammer home your 
psywar message--those affirmative answers to the questions we first asked. And most 
importantly, lie, by suppressing all counter-evidence, by refusing to report anything 
that might point to the assessment shared by Mr. LaRouche and others: the cover-up. 
All this has been done, along with initial softening of the population to the mass 
delusional suggestion of the enemy image and the alleged capabilities and motivations 
of the so-called terrorists, PRIOR TO THE LAUNCHING OF THE ATTACK ITSELF. 

    Don't be so hasty in dismissing the possibility of your own brainwashing. The 
enemy knows your profile and uses it. Doesn't that make you a bit angry--maybe for the 
right reasons, for the first time in a few weeks? 

    Our report below is designed to give you a view from inside this brainwashing 
process, to see how it has worked on you and your neighbors. And, while we can't yet 
say who precisely is behind what was done to this country--is still being done--we can 
show you how they think about brainwashing and use your weaknesses against you. 

    Psychological Terror as a Means of Warfare: Dresden Redux Before discussing the 
brainwashing operation itself, we provide a little background on the use of terror 
against mass civilian populations. Not surprisingly, this was pioneered by the 
brainwashers of the Anglo-American establishment. 

    As commentators on the scene at "Ground Zero" of the World Trade Center (WTC) 
attack on Sept. 11 surveyed the devastation, they reached for metaphors to describe 
the incredible scene. "It looks like Dresden," said one, referring to the firebombing 
of that German city by the Allies in 1944. 

    Dresden had no military value as a target. For centuries, it had been a center of 
German cultural heritage--a heritage that had everything to do with positive 
developments in human civilization, and nothing to do with the Nazi disease that had 
been imposed on Germany by the Anglo-American financial elite. Dresden was chosen for 
destruction as an act of TERRORISM, directed, not against the Nazis, per se, but the 
German people. 

    The firebombing of Dresden, creating a raging inferno of destruction that 
slaughtered more that 100,000 human beings, was conceived and directed by a group of 
social psychiatrists at the Strategic Bombing Survey, affiliated with the Special 
Operations Command of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). This group was 
effectively overseen by the head of the British Psychological Warfare Directorate, 
Brig. Gen. John Rawlings Rees, the director the Tavistock Clinic in London, which, 
since the 1920s, had served as a center of psychological warfare operations of the 
British Empire. 

    The team at the Strategic Bombing Survey, which included a host of U.S.-based 
Tavistock operatives, such as Kurt Lewin, Rensis Likert, and Margaret Mead, theorized 
that the terror inflicted on the German population through the "message of Dresden" 
would break their will to fight, leaving them fearful, frightened, and disorganized. 
They projected that it would have a lasting effect on Germany, removing that nation 
from among the great states of Europe, making it a permanently psychologically scarred 
entity. The German people, they argued, would be made to realize that "all that is 
German" could be wiped away, all of its culture and history, in an instant, as it 
were, by powers who would oppose an assertive future Germany. 

    In his 1941 book, "Time Perspective and Morale," Kurt Lewin described the 
psychology behind the use of this terror tactic for mass effect: 

    "One of the main techniques for breaking morale through a `strategy of terror' 
consists in exactly this tactic--keep the person hazy as to where he stands and what 
just he may expect. If, in addition, frequent vacillations between severe disciplinary 
measures and promises of good treatment, together with the spreading of contradictory 
news, make the cognitive structure of this situation utterly unclear, then the 
individual may cease to know when a particular plan would lead toward or away from his 
goal. Under these conditions, even those individuals who have definite goals and are 
ready to take risks will be paralyzed with severe inner conflicts in regard to what to 

    As the pilots and their crews came to realize what they had done--the creation of 
a raging inferno, burning civilian targets and civilians--many returned to their bases 
horrified. At the instruction of the psyops warriors, the crews had not been fully 
briefed on the mission. Now, they were greeted by teams of psychologists and others, 
who would profile their responses to the terror they had unleashed; they were told, as 
the crews who later dropped, unnecessarily, atomic bombs on two Japanese cities, that 
it would "shorten the war." 

    As one former intelligence officer remarked decades later, "we killed for pure 
terror, slaughtered people as A TERRORIST WOULD. And, it had no effect on shortening 
the war. In fact, it seemed to help rally the German people to the Hitler government. 
The fools who designed this mission probably extended the war" (emphasis added). 

    The attack on the U.S. Sept. 11, in particular the WTC attack, was designed for a 
similar PSYWAR brainwashing effect. 

    The Sept. 24 issue of "The New Yorker," commented that, according to "defense 
experts," the Sept. 11 strike "was clearly an example of what military strategists 
call `psyops'; that is, a brand of warfare whose aim is not to disable military 
targets, but to sap the overall will of a nation and its people." 

    The article goes on to quote from a 1999 paper by military strategist and analyst 
Joseph Cyrulik of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) at 
Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., "Asymmetric Warfare and the Threat to the 
American Homeland": "By killing and wounding people, damaging and destroying their 
homes and communities, disrupting their jobs and economic livelihoods, and undermining 
their confidence and sense of security, an enemy can inflict pain to the point that 
people demand a change in their government's policies. 

    "Used at the right time and place ... an attack could destroy the people's faith 
in their government, their military, and themselves. It could become a decisive attack 
against the political will of an entire populace." 

    Cyrulik is part of a network of "thinkers" who seek to change all military 
doctrine to meet alleged 21st Century threats; in so doing, this network wants to 
activate psyops, including "covert warfare" such as assassinations. While we can't say 
that such people are directly responsible for what occurred on Sept. 11, their 
assumptions about strategy, tactics, and the elevated value of psychological warfare, 
as well as the misdirection involved in their ascribing powers to "terrorist 
organizations" or "rogue states" fit nicely into the overall operation. 

    There are new methods, not available at the time of the Dresden attack, for 
maximizing the psychological effects of a TERROR CAMPAIGN that parallel standard 
brainwashing techniques. One involves the repetition of terrifying images, the kind 
that would make a person recoil, and then compelling that person to continue viewing 
them. Such terrifying images weaken the ability of the mind to reason, making it more 
susceptible to suggestion and manipulation. 

    In the hours following the attack on the World Trade Center, every television 
media outlet in the United States broadcast, again and again, the images of the 
airplanes smashing into the Twin Towers, from all conceivable angles, and then, the 
shots of the two towers collapsing. It was easily the most terrifying real-life image 
that most Americans had ever seen. 

    A population induced into a state of terror and shock was then bombarded with 
SUGGESTION: images started to appear, the mugshot-like photos of the alleged 
perpetrators, and the image of the "evil mastermind" behind the deed, Osama bin Laden. 

    And, you still believe that you weren't brainwashed? 

    The Movies in Our Heads "God, this is just like a movie," exclaimed CBS anchor Dan 
Rather as the first of the World Trade Center towers collapsed. "Only, it's the real 
thing." Did you have the sense, as you were witnessing the horror of the WTC attack, 
that you, too, had seen this before? You probably had--and that is part of the 
brainwashing operation. 

    In the last five years, there have been at least a half-dozen movies, whose plots 
have centered on a terrorist attack on the United States. Hollywood statisticians have 
estimated that these have been viewed, both in movie theaters and home videos, by more 
than 100 million people. And, many of these movies, in the recent period, have 
portrayed "Arabs" or "Islamic fundamentalists" as being behind the terrorist assaults. 

    Each of these latter films has some "expert" advisor, usually a "former 
counterterrorism expert" and, in some cases, someone who has worked in the military. 
While it would be a leap to say that the movie-production companies or the "experts" 
are necessarily witting accomplices in the current plot, the movies, with their 
"steered" scripts helped people believe that "Arab" terrorists might be capable of 
what was done on Sept. 11. 

    Long before there was television, images were placed, for "playback" in America's 
memory banks--first by the print media, and then, starting early in the 20th Century 
with the first of the real mass media, the movies. Hollywood is a component of the 
Anglo-American media cartel, a point made more obvious by recent creation of 
"entertainment conglomerates" through mergers and acquisitions. Thus, a mere handful 
of companies, with interlocking boards, comprised of people within the Anglo-American 
establishment, controls all of what we see in the multiplexes, on television, in the 
print media, and, more lately, on the Internet. 

    As movies were becoming a truly mass-media phenomenon, the Anglo-American 
commentator Walter Lippmann described their power, along with the popwer of media 
generally, in shaping "public opinion"--what you and your neighbors think. In his 1921 
"handbook" on the mass manipulation of the public mind, "Public Opinion", Lippmann, 
who had been trained by Rees, among others, at the British propaganda directorate 
during World War|I, writes in his introductory chapter, "The World Outside and the 
Pictures in Our Heads": 

    "Public opinion deals with indirect, unseen, and puzzling facts, and there is 
nothing obvious about them.... The pictures inside the heads of these human beings, 
the pictures of themselves, of others, of their needs, purposes and relationships, are 
their opinions. Those pictures acted on by groups of people, or by individuals acting 
in the name of groups, are Public Opinion with capital letters.... The picture inside 
[the head] so often misleads men in their dealings with the world outside." 

    Somewhere in your memory banks, were planted the "pictures in your head" of the 
WTC attack. New Yorker film critic Anthony Lane writes in the magazine's Sept. 24 
issue, "How often have we listened to these words [since Sept. 11]. The statement of 
fact: `The worst terrorist bombing since Oklahoma City.' The promise: `Make no mistake 
about it--we will hunt down the enemy, we will find the enemy, and we will kill the 
enemy.' The caution: `You can't fight a war against an enemy you can't see.' And the 
ominous look ahead: `This is a time of war; the fact that it is inside our border 
means that it is a new kind of war.' We have learned such sentiments like a script; 
that we have heard it again and again [in the days since Sept. 11] has not diminished 
the sternness with which we have given our assent. 

    "Just one problem: it IS a script. All the lines quoted come from `The Siege,' a 
1998 thriller directed by Edward Zwick." 

    The plot of that movie involves a network of "Arab" terrorist cells, which commit 
acts of increasingly violent intensity, against civilian targets in New York City. 
Video clips of President Clinton commenting on the attacks launched, by his 
administration, against the networks of Osama bin Laden are spliced into the movie 
footage. As the terrorists wreak more havoc and kill more people, New York City is 
placed under martial law; anyone who looks "Arab" is rounded up and placed in 
internment camps, even as the violence continues. 

    In the end, the movie becomes a sermon on how to moderate attacks on the 
Constitution, and on ethnic profiling of Americans, while the nation goes on to fight 
the foreign, "Arab"-terrorist enemy. 

    When "The Siege" opened in November 1999, it was greeted with protests from the 
Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee, who charged that it "portrays Arabs and 
Muslims as an homogeneous, threatening mass," and labelled the film, produced by 
Rupert Murdoch's 20th Century Fox, "dangerous and incendiary." 

    Despite such protests, and relatively poor reviews, the movie sold several score 
millions of dollars worth of tickets and has done well in its video release. In 
remarking how successful the movie-brainwashing effort has been, Lane noted, in the 
"New Yorker," that the majority of Americans reacted to those events with the same 
kind of unreasoned emotion that they express at the multiplex or in the home theaters: 

    "And the exclamations from below, from the watchers of the skies caught on video, 
as they see the aircraft slice into the side of the tower: where have you heard those 
expressions most recently--the wows, the whoohs, the `holy #####s'--if not in the 
movie theaters, and even on your own blaspheming tongue." Hollywood, through films 
like the "The Siege" and "Die Hard," writes Lane, has provided a "sensory education 
... fed to a hungry public." 

    In the days following the attack, President Bush's approval rating shot up to 
above 90%, and stayed there, especially after his nationally televised address of 
Sept. 13. Following the speech, a CNN commentator observed that President's approval 
was so high because he was behaving the way Americans expected him to: "Like the 
President in `Independence Day' [a blockbuster movie about an attack on Washington and 
the U.S. by aliens] or the guy from the `West Wing' [a popular television show]." 

    And, you think you haven't been brainwashed? 

    `Morphing' the Enemy Image Take a close look at the image of Osama bin Laden, as 
it appears on the television screens, in this time of a new "war." In psyops terms, 
bin Laden has become the image of the enemy--the picture that a targetted population 
keeps in mind as the person, or, specifically, the type of person it is fighting. 
There is the swarthy complexion, the beard, the burnoose, the weapons in hand--it is 
all there, all as expected, an ideal subject for the projected rage and hatred of an 
injured nation. No matter that bin Laden is not really the "evil mastermind." 

    In the days and weeks leading up to the attack, media-watch organizations reported 
that the major U.S. television news outlets, including the cable networks CNN and Fox 
News, devoted an inordinate amount of what passes for their "international" coverage, 
to bin Laden, describing him as a "terrorist mastermind" or "terrorist controller," 
almost always accompanied by a photo or video clips. 

    But his creation by the media as "terrorist mastermind" doesn't really begin 
there. To understand what happened, one needs to look at a nearly 30-year span of news 
reporting, that led us to this point, where some character, a former and current asset 
of U.S.-British-Israeli intelligence networks, operating from "caves" and other bases 
in one of the most remote and isolated areas of the world, has become U.S. "Public 
Enemy Number One." 

    Look at the bin Laden enemy image as a morphing process that begins with the 
television image of the Black September terrorists of the 1972 Olympics. Then, 
continue to the 1973 images of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat; later, there are the 
images of Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini and the fanatic mullahs. 

    Think of someone in Hollywood central casting, trying to find a person to portray 
the terrorist archetype, given these past figures and images: An oil-rich, almost 
mystical clerical type (although he holds no religious position), who looks like a 
morph of "enemies" Arafat and Khomeini, gets the "part." 

    The population has also been pre-conditioned to accept the "storyline" that 
terrorists who would do such things as took place on Sept. 11 MUST BE ARAB AND/OR 
MUSLIM FANATICS, as thousands of televised hours of misreporting has repeated. Arab 
organizations in this country report polling results showing that, by a large margin, 
Americans believe, even without supporting evidence, that any act of terrorism has 
"Arab" origins and "Arab" perpetrators. 

    As one intelligence source said this week, within minutes of the World Trade 
Center attack, Americans had decided that this was done by "Arab terrorists" connected 
to "terrorist mastermind" bin Laden. "They didn't need to be told to think this," said 
the source. "They had already been conditioned to believe it." Are such people not 

    We are told that our press is "free." But isn't that a lie? How "free" can it be, 
if the most important event of our time is lied about, at almost every turn, 
misreported; if the truth is nowhere to be found among the smorgasbord of news outlets 
that comprise our glorious, "free press." 

    In Nazi Germany, Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels boasted that the press was 
free to report whatever it wanted. But, that press was "coordinated" through the 
operation of a "press trust," that encompassed all media. The Nazis planted stories in 
the press to suit their ends, and the trust dutifully reported them, with various 
spins that might give the appearance that not all media were receiving information 
from the same spigot. 

    While Americans might find it hard to believe, THERE IS NO PRACTICAL DIFFERENCE 
AND ENTERTAINMENT CARTEL. It is not hard to slant the coverage of any event to suit 
almost any purpose--as long as that purpose fits the needs of those elites that 
control the media. All it takes is the planting of a few key items of content, which 
are then flushed down through the media sewer pipes. Before you know it, the poor 
citizen is deluged. In a certain sense, the Nazi operation was less insidious, because 
it was more overt; only fools would fail to realize that they were being fed the 
"line" by Goebbels and his crew. Here, the appearance of choice, the appearance of a 
flood of information, confuses the average citizen into believing that he MUST BE 

    But, even a cursory content analysis of all, or most of our news sources, 
especially the major television providers, shows that the general content line from 
all sources is basically the same. This has been the case, for example, in coverage of 
Lyndon LaRouche and his policies; in the major media, the coverage of LaRouche has 
followed the line dictated by the late Lazard Freres-linked Katharine Graham of the 
"Washington Post" to never cover LaRouche, unless it is to slander him. Similarly, the 
decision to black out the present global depression and financial collapse. While 
there may be no formal meetings among the controllers of the media cartel, where such 
policy is laid out, a policy consensus, nonetheless, ruthlessly enforces the content 
of the "news." 

    In periods of crisis like the current one, however, some of the controls become 
more visible; less is left to chance. 

    It has been reported by some sources, that within a few hours of the Sept. 11 
attacks, Executive Orders were issued that put the U.S. media under effective wartime 
censorship. That is not to say that government auditors of news reporting actually 
issued orders censoring reports; it is to say that they moved quickly to block any 
reporting that might have veered away from the official "line." 

    (There was also coordination on the extent of coverage as well. It was reported 
that all broadcast media were given the recommendation to cease normal programming in 
favor of 24-hour coverage of the "Terrorist attack on the United States" and "America 
at War," as the "ID logos" that appeared on all the networks. It is also reliably 
reported, that the White House and national security operatives participated in the 
decision to cancel all major sporting events. 

    What this translates into, we have been told, is that a muzzle has been placed on 
government sources, and that all information coming out about the attacks and the 
investigation, is under top-down control. This is understood by those who control the 
news reporting of the major media outlets, who have thus submitted to a voluntary 

    And you, of course, have managed to understand the truth in this brainwashing 
environment? As they say, "Give me a break." 

    Beating the Drums for War There was a brief interval, that morning of Sept. 11, as 
the great brainwashing machine allowed for the visual impact of the terrorizing 
message to sink in, before the signal was given for the talking heads to pronounce the 
name of the enemy. 

    If it appeared to some that no matter which channel--broadcast or cable--you tuned 
to in those first hours, you saw the same dozen or so spin doctors, you weren't 
mistaken: This has been confirmed by various media-watch outfits. For example, one 
media-watch organization tallied more than a dozen appearances by former CIA Director 
James Woolsey in the first few days after the attack, each repeating the message about 
the need to wage war against Iran, Iraq, and anyone else who allegedly sponsored the 
likes of bin Laden. An only slightly less strident Sen. John Warner (R-Va.) appeared 
numerous times; we lost count on Henry Kissinger. 

    As the media-watch group, Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR) stated, 
following Sept. 11, any hope that the media would present an unbiased account of what 
happened, that it might resist the drive for an ill-defined war, went out the window. 
Instead, FAIR documented how the print and broadcast media issued emotional tirades 
for war, echoing what they believed to be the sentiment of the American people; in so 
doing, there were no contrary views presented, and, in effect, Americans still have no 
clear idea about what happened, or exactly what the Bush Administration is proposing 
to do to protect them from future terrorist threats. 

    Look at these following selected examples, which could be amplified by many more: 

    * Kissinger-clone Larry Eagleburger, appearing on CNN, on the day of the attack: 
"There is only one way to deal with people like this, and that is you have to kill 
some of them, even if they are not directly involved in this thing." 

    * The "New York Post", the next day: "The response to this unimaginable 
21st-Century Pearl Harbor should be as simple as it is swift--kill the #####s. A 
gunshot between the eyes, blow them to smithereens, poison them if you have to. As for 
the cities or countries of these host worms, bomb them into basketball courts." 

    * Sept. 14 op-ed in the "Washington Times" by Defense Intelligence Agency officer 
Thomas Woodrow: "At a bare minimum, tactical nuclear capabilities should be used 
against the bin Laden camps in the desert of Afghanistan. To do less would be rightly 
seen by the poisoned minds that orchestrated these attacks as cowardice on the part of 
the United States and the current administration." 

    FAIR commentator and media watcher Norman Solomon commented that many of the same 
people who were now calling for a "war against terrorism" and anyone who might support 
it (including many of the analysts who were appearing as talking heads and op-ed 
columnists) were themselves involved in assisting terrorists, including Osama bin 
Laden, when such efforts were official, if then-secret U.S. policy. "How can a 
long-time associate of terrorists now be credibly denouncing `terrorism?'" he asks. 
"It's easy. All that is required is for media coverage to remain in a kind of 
history-free zone that has no use for facets of reality that are not presently 
convenient to acknowledge." 

    One of those "inconvenient facts" was the well-documented involvement of U.S. 
"special ops" people, and the Zbigniew Brzezinski crowd; then, later, Ollie North and 
the Bush people, with bin Laden, dating back to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 
which amounted to the biggest "state sponsorship" of terrorism, or at least 
sponsorship by a then-dominant faction of our government and intelligence community. 
FAIR and other media-watch groups report that almost no one mentioned these 
"inconvenient" matters, amidst the vast flow of war propaganda; and if they did, it 
was only to lie that it was a policy that had long since been abandoned. 

    Similarly, much attention was given to reports about FBI and other agencies work 
in putting together the "conspiracy" behind the attack. To this date, no one in the 
major media outlets of the United States has mentioned that there is even a 
possibility of involvement of U.S. elements. Instead, the reporting has focussed on a 
combination of "spade work" on clues and leads, as well as, alleged connections to the 
bin Laden networks. FAIR remarked on such coverage, saying that the shots of bin Laden 
and his camps gave the impression that there had been more than circumstantial 
evidence linking them to attacks. The only proof offered was from "intelligence leaks" 
coming from the wartime propaganda apparatus created by the Executive Order or from 
assertions made by the talking heads and other "experts." 

    The only characteristic, universal to all the coverage, is the cover-up of any 
possible trail leading to a domestic source for the control of the terrorism. 

    Is all reporting being so "coordinated and steered?" It is clear that some of the 
wackos, like Fox News's Bill O'Reilly, a particularly vile character, are simply being 
given free rein to vent their lunacy. 

    On Sept. 17, O'Reilly demanded that, if the Taliban do not turn over bin Laden, 
"the U.S. should bomb Afghan infrastructure to rubble--the airport, the power plants, 
their water facilities, and the roads.... 

    "This is a very primitive country. And taking out their ability to exist day to 
day will not be hard. Remember, the people of any country are responsible for the 
government that they have. The Germans were responsible for Hitler. The Afghans are 
responsible for the Taliban. We should not target civilians. But if they don't rise up 
against their government, they starve, period." 

    He went to advocate, in that broadcast and others, to make the "Iraqi population 
suffer another round of intense pain" and to blockade Libya from all food supplies: 
"Let them eat sand." 

    As is typical with a "grey psyops" propaganda campaign, the most extreme ravings 
are played off against those only slightly less lunatic, to make the latter appear 
sane by comparison. Thus, an O'Reilly makes a Woolsey look like a sober analyst, as he 
calls for a war to take out governments that support terrorism, and for "careful" and 
"calculated" escalating response against bin Laden. 

    To hold people's attention, to keep them on "message," it were necessary to keep 
them in a highly emotional state. To do this, there was a steady stream of "human 
interest" stories about the grief of affected victims, about the courage of rescue 
workers and those who perished, along with shots of grieving citizens. While the 
courage and grief are real, the constant bombardment of these images is BRAINWASHING 
CONDITIONING. Without them, you would have, after a few days, turned off CNN and the 
"news" coverage. 

    Do you still insist that neither you, nor your neighbors, have been taken in by 

    `Crash? What Crash?' Lost amid the war hysteria, or more precisely "spun" inside 
of it, is the coverup of what would otherwise be the biggest story of the day: the 
full-scale crash and blowout of the financial markets. The markets, at last look, had 
plunged nearly 20% since Wall Street reopened on Sept. 17. A fall that precipitous is 
normally called a "crash," engendering widespread panic, not only among traders and 
brokers, but among the general population. But in the two weeks of this crash, not one 
commentator on a major network has used the term! Moreover, we are told, it is our 
patriotic duty to have faith in the eventual recovery of both the markets and the 
economy. "We can't let the terrorists defeat us and bring our economy down," said 
financial commentator Louis Ruckeyser on his televised "Wall Street Week." 

    As Lyndon LaRouche has stated, the crash would have occurred anyway, given the 
bankrupt state of world financial system, even without the Sept. 11 events. However, 
now the financial analysts who appear on the television news and in the print media 
are universally blaming most, if not all of what happened, on "Osama bin Laden." This 
was to be expected, they claim, given what happened on Sept. 11, in what is the 
biggest "Big Lie" of them all. 

    As one trader reported, "My God! The bottom has fallen out and nobody calls it a 
crash. It's like it's your patriotic duty not to mention the word. Hell, the Dow's 
lost more than 1,500 points--that's a CRASH. But, if I'm overheard saying this, people 
look at me: `Where's your American flag? Remember who you are and what's going on. Do 
you want to help Osama bin Laden in his plot to destroy our economy?' Unbelievable!" 

    But, as like many other media-brainwashed Americans, this trader was, in his 
words, "going with the program. It's not a crash, it's a terrorist event." 

    A Clockwork Future? Several nights after the Sept. 11 attacks, CNN flashed images 
on the screen of National Guard personnel patrolling the streets of Washington, and 
heavily armed special police in New York City, inspecting cars at a tunnel entrance. 
Then, images were flashed of Israeli military personnel on the streets of Jerusalem, 
inspecting cars. The voiceover, by CNN news-witch Greta van Susteren, a regular 
featured personality of that media sewer, along with Mossad-asset Wolf Blitzer, spoke 
of America, in response to the "terrorist threat," becoming an increasingly "policed 
society," where civil liberties had to be sacrificed for the protection of its 
citizens. We have seen this before, she said, not just in Jerusalem, but in Belfast, 
Northern Ireland, as a response to "political terrorism" of the IRA and Protestant 
militia. After a while, people get used to it, she said. "Life goes on." Interviews 
were presented with Israelis who seemed to concur with the sentiment that, under 
conditions of "internal war with terrorists," one needs to adjust to sacrifices in 
civil liberties. "Americans will get used to it, just like we did," the Israeli said. 

    Thus, the media prepares--or more precisely, conditions--the country to accept a 
form of police state, justified by a threat that has not really been dealt with, and 
whose true source has been covered up. Not surprisingly, when Attorney General John 
Ashcroft, proposed legislation for a sweeping abridgement of civil liberties, it was 
given relatively short shrift by the same media. FAIR reports that two of the three 
network news broadcasts never reported it at all; while it was hardly mentioned on CNN 
or Fox News. The print media, while reporting it, maintained the theme of the 
"necessary sacrifice" of civil liberties for personal safety and security. 

    Back in the mid-1970s, Eric Trist and Fred Emery, two leading Tavistock 
brainwashers and "experts" on the effects of mass media, forecast that, by the end of 
the century, the United States were likely to become just such a fascist police state. 

    The two developed a theory of "social turbulence," by which a society is delivered 
a series of "shocks"--administered as shared, mass phenomena--energy shortages, 
economic and financial collapse, and TERRORIST attack. If the "shocks" were to come 
close upon each other, and if they were delivered with increasing intensity, then it 
were possible to drive the entire society, into a state of mass psychosis, Trist and 
Emery said. They said that individuals would become disassociated, as they tried to 
flee from the terror of the shocking, emerging reality; people would withdraw into a 
state of denial, retreating into popular entertainments and diversions, while being 
prone to outbursts of rage. 

    That rage could easily be steered, said the two brainwashers, by those who had 
access and control over the means of mass communication, most notably television. 

    It was the view of Trist and Emery, in two works widely circulated among the 
networks of brainwashers and social psychiatrists associated with Tavistock, and among 
the psychological-warfare operatives of the U.S. and Britain, that the process of 
watching television was itself a brainwashing mechanism. They cited their own studies, 
that regardless of content, habituated television viewing shuts down the cognitive 
powers of the mind, and has a narcotic-like effect on the central nervous system, 
making the habituated viewer an easy subject for suggestion and manipulation; in 
addition, they found that such effectively brainwashed "zombies" would hysterically 
deny that there was anything wrong with them, or, even, that such manipulation of what 
they "thought" were possible. 

    In a chilling metaphor, Trist and Emery proposed that the terrorized, violent 
society of the Anthony Burgess book, "A Clockwork Orange," made into a movie by 
Stanley Kubrick, was the logical societal outcome for an America that would, by the 
end of the century, have been subjected to more than 50 years of mass brainwashing by 
the "boob tube." Burgess's world is one of perpetual violence and terrorism, as a 
daily part of life; it is accepted that, if you go out at a certain time, or walk in a 
certain neighborhood, you will be attacked and/or killed. There is no purpose to the 
violence--it is random and meaningless, and therefore all the more terrifying. The 
wealthy are protected; everyone else is told to go about their business with knowledge 
of the risk. 

    With terrorist youth gangs roaming the streets, people stay home, watching their 
televised entertainments, or go only to certain areas, which are heavily protected by 
police and military. The most sickening thing about Burgess's image is the sense of 
hopelessness, of inevitability, that nothing can be done about it--it is just "the way 
it is," as Dan Rather's predecessor as CBS News anchor, Walter Cronkite, used to 
remind us each night, as he closed his broadcast. 

    While the Trist-Emery thesis is not exactly required reading in the caves of 
Afghanistan, it is quite familiar to the psywarriors and brainwashers who have 
launched a war on the American population. There is a particular kind of oligarchical 
evil that would think like this, that would see a Clockwork Orange society as a 
necessary outcome, to protect their continued privilege and power. Are we Americans 
already so brainwashed that we would allow this to happen? The next weeks and months 
will determine whether we truly do have the moral fitness to survive. 

    "The end of the world. Details at 11. Now back to your regular programming." 

    Remember: The first step in deprogramming yourself from mass-media brainwashing, 
to freeing yourself and your neighbors, from its evil clutches, is to recognize that 
you and they are, indeed, brainwashed. It gets a lot easier, and things begin to get 
much clearer from there on. 

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