As Always, ...

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>From the Rumor Mill News Reading Room


Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Friday, 18 January 2002, 3:22 a.m.

  The Companies Owned by the Two Factions of the COMPANY!

  By Rayelan Allan

  If I am right about Kmart - if Faction Two has been busy bankrupting companies owned 
by Faction One, such as Kmart, and then taking them over... then the tiny little signs 
that I have been pointing out for over a year now, could be telling us that the Big 
Bad Bear at our door, otherwise known as the New World Order, is not as big and as 
powerful as it used to be.

  The war between the factions has been going on for years now. It started in the late 
1960s. It really heated up in the 80s during the S&L scandals, but it didn't start 
drawing blood until 1995 with the crash of TWA800. From then on, the war has been 
silent and deadly, and only those of us who knew what to look for had any idea of what 
was really going on!

  For many weeks now I have wondered about various companies that are having problems. 
I have wondered if the financial problems certain companies are having has anything to 
do with the war between the two factions.

  The first company I wondered about was American Airlines.

  On September 11th, American Airlines was unlucky enough to have one of its planes. 
Flight 11, hijacked and used to destroy one the WTO twin towers. Another of its 
airliners American Flight 77 was hijacked and aimed at the Pentagon.
  Shortly afterwards, on Nov. 12, an American plane crashed in Queens, New York, 
killing 265 people. Authorities quickly said the tragedy appeared not to be linked to 
any sort of sabotage.

  Then, on December 22nd, Richard Reid, the "shoe-bomber" tried to kill everyone on an 
American Airlines flight with a bomb which was in the heel of his athletic shoes.

  Just three days later, on Christmas Day, Wallid Shatter, an Arab-American member of 
President Bush's Secret Service detail, was ordered off American Airlines Flight 363 
from Baltimore to Dallas. He was on his way to join the president at his Crawford, 
Texas, ranch.

  The Secret Service Agent was very quick in finding a lawyer to charge American 
Airlines with Discrimination,

  Lawyers Say Airline Discriminated Against U.S. Agent

  The rash of bad luck American Airlines is having has been noticed by other media:
  American Airlines hit by fourth bad-news incident

  "(Reuters) - Bad news supposedly arrives in threes but aviation experts said on 
Monday that American Airlines, the world's largest carrier, has already passed that 
quota as its fourth plane in just over three months fell prey to an accident or 

  To me it looks as if American Airlines is under attack from MORE than just Osama bin 
Laden and the Al Queda terrorists! To me it looks as if an all out war has been 
declared on American Airlines. And I can't help but wonder if this war has anything to 
do with the "war" that is going on between the TWO FACTIONS - i.e. The New World 
Order, Faction One; and its opposition, known only as Faction Two!

  Several years ago, an assault was made on Dennys Restaurant chain by Secret Service 
agents that was very similar to the lawsuit that was recently filed against American 

  From an article posted on the forum in January of 2000
  "Many companies which are aligned with one or the other of the factions have been 
targeted by their enemy. Denny's was charged with racial discrimination by black 
Secret Service agents who were working for the NWO. A multi million dollar settlement 
was quickly reached and divided among a most unusual group of claimants. Dennys is 
aligned with Faction Two. In a recent "tit for tat" move, black operatives aligned 
with Faction Two have recently sued Faction One's Coca Cola for discrimination."

  Here is an article from May 6, 1998. This article went to the original "Ru Mills" 
emailing list. At that time, there was no webpage OR even a YahooGroups! This article 
explains how Faction One tried to "shut down" one of Faction Two "money spigots" ~ 
Dennys. After this LONG article comes my extremely brief comments about KMART!

  May 6, 1998

  For several years now, I have been writing articles about the two Factions in the 
Intelligence community here in the United States.

  Faction One, is the group of operatives who actively support and push for the New 
world Order. Faction One is made up of the Elite East coast Establishment who created 
the Federal Reserve, the World Bank, the IMF, CFR and most of the non profit 
foundations. The non profit foundations are in fact think tanks which influence and 
mold every aspect of thought in America. They do it through companies they own, in 
tandem with the media and advertising agencies.

  Faction Two is the group that opposes the New World Order and is actively trying to 
prevent a One World Government under the United Nations. Faction Two has had its 
leadership hidden deeply within Navy Intelligence for years. In 1994 Navel 
Intelligence Services, NIS, became DIS Defense Intelligence Services. It is my belief, 
although I have no real proof, that this new group, which is code named "Group 26", is 
now headquartered in Bristol, England. It is also my belief that the group has now 
changed leadership. In other words it is no longer exclusively Navy Intelligence, nor 
is it exclusively American. (This is why in more recent articles I refer to Faction 
Two as "WORLDWIDE".)

  It is my belief that the threat to the world from the members of Faction One, has 
become so great, that those intelligence operatives around the world who believe in 
national sovereignty, have joined together to stop the New World Order. If they have, 
they have a great battle ahead of them.

  I believe some of the first shots in this war between the Intelligence factions have 
been fired.

  Covert operations need money that cannot be traced easily back to the government or 
any particular intelligence agency. This is the reason that the CIA has created what 
they call proprietary companies. These companies, Federal Express was one of them, are 
created with CIA funds, by a CIA operative, who runs it as a private company. The 
company not only does secret work for the CIA, but when the CIA need money for covert 
operations, it is funneled to the covert operatives from the Proprietary.

  This is the case is all intelligence operations. According to one of my 
knowledgeable sources, British Intelligence number one source of covert funds here in 
the United States is Burger King.

  Several years ago, during the Bush Administration, Faction Two was working to expose 
not only his participation in the October Surprise, but in BCCI, drug smuggling and 
other treasonous and/or illegal operations. They were pulling the funds they needed 
out of one of their covert proprietary companies... one that most of you have eaten at 
a hundred times... Denny's.

  One afternoon there was a hostage situation at a Denny's restaurant. I don't 
remember all the particulars, but it came at a time that Denny's was being sued for 
discrimination by some African American Treasury Agents.... the treasury and the 
Secret Service have always been part of the Faction One Camp.

  The message being sent to Denny's by Faction One, was...."If you continue to fight 
this lawsuit, we will turn your restaurants into MacDonalds, Lubys, Jonestown..." IN 
other words, Faction Two was being told to pay off the Secret Service or Denny's would 
encounter the same type of mass murders that happened years ago in San Diego at the 
MacDonalds restaurant there, and in Killeen, Texas at the Luby's restaurant. Both of 
these incidents have been reported in the "conspiracy press" as mind control 

  Evidently Dennys saw the handwriting on the wall and paid up immediately to prevent 
any loss of innocent life in their restaurants.

  At the moment there are two things happening in the news that make me believe that 
Faction one and Faction Two are at it again, and trying to close down the money spigot 
for covert operations in the opposing camp.

  It started last week when a group of African American girls sued Denny's for 
discrimination. Remember that Dennys is part of Faction Two... I believe this was done 
in retaliation for Faction Two Surfacing documents that prove that British 
Intelligence asked the CIA for help in killing Princess Diana. (See related story, 
Documents Link MI-6 to Diana's Murder)

  Faction Two has just struck back.

  Pepsi Cola has long been rumored to be part of Faction Two. Coca Cola has long been 
rumored to be part of Faction One.

  In today's news, Pepsi is suing Coke. I don't know what the legal term is called, 
but Pepsi is saying that Coca Cola unfairly demands that their customers only allow 
Coke to be distributed, forbidding the customer to sell Pepsi. Anyone who has been in 
certain fast food restaurants knows this to be true.

  Is this all just coincidence?

  About 10 days ago, Faction Two surfaces documents that are very damaging to British 
Intelligence, who is closely tied to Faction One.

  About a week ago, Faction Two's main cash cow for covert operations, Dennys, gets 
sued again for discrimination.

  Today, Faction Two's proprietary, Pepsi Cola, sues Faction One's Proprietary, Coca 

  Is this all just coincidence? I bet that within a few days, we will see more of 
these types of coincidences. The only problem in identifying them, is knowing which 
companies are intelligence proprietaries, and which proprietaries belong to which 

  "James Adamson, the man tapped by discount retailer Kmart to fend of bankruptcy, is 
a turnaround specialist credited with reviving Denny's restaurants."

  This introductory sentence comes from the following article:

  New Kmart chairman is turnaround specialist

  The article is archived on the RMNews Yahoogroups webpage just in case yahoo deletes 

  An executive in the "head-hunting" industry made this comment about James Adamson: 
"He may have value in the role of chairman. He is the person that did turn around 
Denny's. He did it in the face of the legal suits that were going on over 
discrimination and all the rest of it.''

  "The son of a retired U.S. Army General, Adamson, 53, was born in Japan. He spent 
his early years in Europe and graduated from high school in Hawaii, according to 
  Prior to 1991, Adamson also worked at Gap Inc., B. Dalton Bookseller, Target stores 
and drug store chain Revco Inc."

  The only thing in Adamson's background that makes me wonder if I have the Faction 
reversed and it wasn't Faction Two that bankrupted a Faction One company - but the 
other way around is:

  Prior to joining the parent company of Dennys, Adamson was with Burger King. Burger 
King USED to be one of Faction One's largest "cash cows" for covert operations on 
American soil. It was owned by MI-6. Faction Two has been targeting it for quite some 
time, but I have NO knowledge that F-2 took it over. Maybe they did!

  The things going in favor of my belief that Adamson is Faction Two are:

  1. His father was a General. Many of the American officers who were in World War 
Two, especially those who spent time in Europe after the war, received an excellent 
education regarding the Federal Reserve, the New World Order and the International 

  2. Adamson was associated with the Gap and with Revco. Both of which were part of 
Faction Two many years ago.

  I am only speculating, but to me, it looks as if KMART now belongs to Faction Two. I 
can't help but wonder if, during all the "stock dumps" that took place when the 
financial analysts downgraded Kmart, if 51% of KMart stock ended up in the hands of 
Faction Two's Financial Men. All it takes is that 2%, i.e. 49%-51% split to control a 

  If I am right about Kmart -

  (I don't want to toot my own horn, but I WAS right about the Philippines being the 
next stop for the "Al Queda Express".

  Thursday January 17 8:23 AM ET
  U.S. Troops Set Up Camp on Philippine Rebel Isle

  "MANILA (Reuters) - U.S. soldiers set up camp on Thursday on an island in the 
southern Philippines where they will join operations against Muslim rebels linked to 
Osama bin Laden a new phase in Washington's war against terror.")

  If I am right about Kmart - if Faction Two has been busy bankrupting companies owned 
by Faction One and then taking them over... then the tiny little signs that I have 
been pointing out for over a year now, could be telling us that the Big Bad Bear at 
our door , otherwise known as the New World Order, is not as big and as powerful as it 
used to be.

  In the above article, I have included some links to articles I wrote several years 
ago. If you would like to know more about why I feel hopeful instead of despairing, 
please take the time to read some of them.

  Big Brother can only defeat us if we give up hope. That is what Big Brother's Media 
wants you to do! GIVE UP! Give up everything, hope, your money, your property, your 
life AND your soul!

  I hope I am correct in my analysis. Maybe one of RMNews Sources will send an email 
and let me know if I am on target with this! If I am, then we should all make it a 
point to shop at Kmart and NOT Walmart.

  Also patronize Dennys and if you drink soft drinks, drink the only real red, white 
and blue patriotic soda, Drink Pepsi - the drink of Faction Two!

  And while you're at it, if you need to fly - fly the only SAFE airline and the ONLY 
airline to show a profit this year - SOUTHWEST AIR!

  These are the only companies that I am SURE Faction Two controls!


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