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>From the Rumor Mill News Reading Room


Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Sunday, 9 December 2001, 11:04 p.m.

  From Rayelan:

  World events are happening faster than most of us can keep track of them.

  On November 28th, I posted a reply on the Rumor Mill News Forum titled, "I THINK IT 

  I posted it in response to a post titled. "NO DOUBT, IRAQ IS NEXT!" In my short 
response I included the following:

  "I think that President Bush has too much opposition from our "allies" to try to 
force an Iraq war right now! The Philippines has a "terrorist rebel" group that just 
kidnapped two American missionaries -- sound familiar?? We haven't heard much about 
that -- but just wait... as soon as the Navy is in place to deliver a special 
operations group -- OR when the SOG is in place and ready to strike -- THEN we will 
start seeing the stories about the kidnapped missionaries!!"

  You can read the entire post at:


  Today, the following headline appeared on the Rumor Mill News Forum:

  Global reach for global government?

  U.S. Troops in Southern Philippines
  The Associated Press
  Friday December 7 8:25 AM ET

  ZAMBOANGA, Philippines (AP) - At least 16 U.S. soldiers landed in the southern 
Philippines on Friday as Filipino troops battled Muslim extremists holding two 
American missionaries some 12 miles away.

  Read the rest at this link or scroll to the end of this email!


  The above article was followed by this one:


  Sunday December 9 10:19 AM ET
  U.S. Troops Offer to Help Rescue Hostages -Manila

  MANILA (Reuters) - U.S. troops have signaled they are ready to help the Philippine 
military rescue two American hostages held by Muslim guerrillas believed linked to 
Osama bin Laden, government officials said on Sunday.

  You can read the rest of this article at this link, or scroll to the end of this 


  How many people remember that the co-conspirator in the Oklahoman City bombing, 
Terry Nichols, was married to a Philippine woman, and he had been to the Philippines 
just prior to his involvement with McVeigh. There have been many people who have 
reported a connection to Iraq and to the Philippines in the OKC bombing. People have 
also pointed to an FBI "plant" in a Aryan Nation compound who harbored a German 
intelligence agent who "may" have been involved.

  We are told that the Al Queda network is worldwide. We know they have bases in the 
Phillipines and in Hamburg, Germany. I find it a bit too coincidental that two of the 
foreign locations associated with the OKC bombing were the Philippines and Germany!

  In an article I wrote right after the attack of the World Trade Center Towers, I 
commented that, "Unless the men who planned and executed the deed come forward and 
admit it, we will NEVER know the truth."

  I said this because I know the many levels of deception that are created to point 
the blame at one person/group/country, or if that fails to be believed, then there is 
another set of clues that point to a second person/group/country, and if that one 
fails to convince, then there is cover-up, obfuscation, disinformation, lies, 
blackmail (was Gary Condit a warning to the Hill?), threats (anthrax letters?), murder 
(the missing scientists?), wars, famine, plague... etc...

  In other words, we aren't going to LEARN the truth of any of the recent tragedies 
like Ruby Ridge, Waco, OKC and the WTC unless we have a new form of government that 
releases the truth! Republicans will cover Republicans, Democrats will cover 
Democrats... and to make sure that a scandal never gets exposed, the "evil doers" make 
sure they involve BOTH Democrats and Republicans in every aspect of the "evil deed"!

  The "evil doers" may have the wool pulled over the eyes of the majority of the 
American people, but they aren't fooling the intelligence agencies in the rest of the 
world! There are experts in terrorism who are already questioning how a group like Al 
Queda could have carried out the WTC attack:

  "European intelligence experts dismiss the Bush "war on terrorism" as

  Berlin - In Germany, where war plans for Afghanistan were already
  being discussed in July and where several of the "Arab hijackers"
  lived and studied, intelligence experts say the terror attacks of
  September 11 could not have been carried out without the support of a
  state secret service.

  Eckehardt Werthebach, former president of Germany's domestic
  intelligence service, Verfassungsschutz, told AFP that "the deathly
  precision" and "the magnitude of planning" behind the attacks of
  September 11 would have needed "years of planning." "

  The rest of the article can be read at this link:


  What is the real reason for this current war?

  There are many theories which are backed up by excellent research and investigation. 
Some of the best work on the Afghanistan War and the oil/drug connection are to be 
found in THE SILK ROAD series, by PHOENIX!







  Only four of her excellent articles are included on this page, Phoenix has written a 
wealth of articles on Bush, Enron, Cheney and others. If you are interested in 
learning what this excellent researcher has written, go to the Rumor Mill News READING 
ROOM, and do a search for all the articles posted by Phoenix. Make sure you set the 
time parameters back to 9-11-01!

  I am certain that many "rich men and women" are going to profit handsomely from this 
war!! War always adds billions to the coffers of rich men while it adds bodies to the 
coffins of poor men!

  However, there could be another reason for the war/wars.

  Could the world be just about to plunge into a world wide depression that will make 
the depression of the 30s look like a trip to Disneyland?

  I outlined the reasons for this world wide depression in an article titled:

  Saturated Markets Mean
  World Wide Depression or...


  The best way to stave off a depression is a good war!! Rev up the patriotism, pull 
out the flags, support the president or be labeled a dissident or a traitor. These are 
things that have worked throughout history when the rulers of nations want to start 
wars. However, once the ball, meaning "the wars", start rolling, there is little the 
American people can do except get on board. Why do I say this? Because until we all 
get on board, there will be one incident after another after another after another 
that just keeps ratcheting up the heat until we have "more terrorist attacks", or 
another nation attacks us!

  North Korea is already making sounds as if it might be thinking about invading South 
Korea or poosibly, attacking the United States:

  "N. Korea Says U.S. Being Aggressive
  The Associated Press
  Saturday, December 8, 2001; 7:22 AM

  SEOUL, South Korea - North Korea accused the United States on Saturday of
  trying to start a war against the communist state, and said it will respond to
  war with war."

  If the treats from North Korea or Iraq fail to bring all the naysayers on board the 
"Anti-Terrorist Express" then we are certain to see more terrorist attacks in the 
United States, or even a nuclear bomb supposedly delivered by a rocket from North 
Korea or China!

  The Depka File is reporting that Osama Bin Laden has transported his family to a 
safe location. They say that this supports "the volume of credible evidence of a major 
terrorist strike in the offing, which has prompted heightened terror alerts in the 
United States, Israel and the United Kingdom in the last three days. Target dates 
range variously from December 12 and the Christmas period(December 23-26) to the first 
half of January.

  The US government Saturday morning advised American citizens to postpone traveling 
to Israel and Palestinian-ruled areas, including parts of Jerusalem."


  Either way, war or depression, the new world order controllers win!

  The world wide depression is already beginning. Argentina is the first country to be 
so affected that it is close to toppling. The world wide depression has been designed 
to eliminate cash. More than likely Argentina will be the flagship for the cashless 

  "BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - Saddled with massive debt and widespread tax
  cheating, Argentina is about to go where no other modern nation has gone: It
  is trying to eliminate cash from its economy.

  After a run on banks Friday by Argentines fearing a currency devaluation,
  Economy Minister Domingo Cavallo responded over the weekend with harsh
  measures that froze most bank accounts and made it a crime for Argentines to
  enter or leave the country with more than $1,000.

  But the most far-reaching step was a requirement that Argentines get bank
  debit cards to transact most of their business, even small business such as
  buying a newspaper or a bunch of flowers.
  The plastic cards have two purposes."


  The new world order world-wide rulers are trying to force ALL of us between a rock 
and a hard place. No matter which way we choose, i.e. war or depression... THEY WIN!!

  In war, they will make billions off the new oil fields and the build up on the 
military. In depression they will win by the elimination of half the population 
through starvation. They will also be able to impose all the things they have had in 
their little bag of tricks for years... such as "The Cashless Society"! This 
"seemingly" harmless little critter will mean that you and I will be tracked in every 
little thing we do! No purchase will go unrecorded! And since we will be required to 
carry this "card" everywhere we go, it means that the "chip" in it will tell the 
sattelite our location at every minute of the day!

  If we get too "out of line", the "laser in the sky" will simply create another case 
of "human combustion". I keep singing "Laser in the sky with deathrays" to the tune of 
"Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" -- I wonder if there has been a rise in the number of 
documented cases of human combustion since we have put up sattelites? How many people 
have they toasted just to make sure their "deathrays" were working properly?

  What can we do?

  We can continue to wake up people while there is still time. I receive emails 
everyday about websites being closed and emailing lists being deleted! Lately Rumor 
Mill News has been attacked by people who say they are Jews, Christians, or New Age 
cults. I have had debilitating attacks of viruses, and more so-called "lone-nuts" than 
I want to write about! Rumor Mill News has been reported to the ADL as a "hate 
website". That alone could get all the Rumor Mill News emailing groups deleted from 

  Rumor Mill News was created as a place where "all the pieces of the Puzzle" can be 
brought and examined! By the increase in attacks, I am certain that our examination of 
the subrosa workings of world governments is making the "evil doers" VERY nervous!! 
And so, I repeat:

  "What can we do about this?"

  We can start being more active in trying to wake up our families, our friends, our 
neighbors, our colleagues.

  You can do this in many ways. You can intoduce them to a webpage called NESARA -- 

  The National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act

  Monetary and fiscal policy reform that will double the standard of living for every 
  within one generation and restore economic and social prosperity across the land.

  Had enough bad news lately? A dip in the economy, layoffs and cutbacks, 
uncontrollable public and private debt, a government insensitive to your problems, 
insufficient progress on environmental issues, unfair distribution of taxes, a 
continuing adverse balance of trade, high paying industrial jobs transferred overseas, 
troubled outlook for the future, the rich getting richer and the poor struggling to 
make ends meet.

  Alan Greenspan says that inflation is under control. If true, why does the 
purchasing power of your hard-earned dollars shrink every day? Who is kidding whom?

  You enjoy your home, but have you ever really noticed that during 30 years of 
indentured servitude you bought the bank another two or more homes? Does the current 
system seem fair to you?

  Is there a reason why the financial elite call you a "wage slave"?

  If you could do something about this madness, would you?

  Imagine Legislation That

  + Terminates or drastically reduces mortgage debt
  + Reduces urban sprawl by restoring inner cities as vital economic areas
  + Promotes universal home ownership
  + Restores high-paying productive jobs
  + Provides a secure future for all
  + Restores financial privacy
  + Increases benefits to senior citizens
  + Eliminates inflation
  + Replaces the income tax with a fair tax
  + Provides $500 billion of new public works projects
  + Eliminates bank failures
  + Improves the balance of trade
  + Eliminates trillions of dollars of public and private debt
  + Provide new banking rules that are equitable and fair to all
  + Returns control of the currency to the public
  + Enables single parents to support their families
  + Benefits Americans with an unprecedented economic boom
  + Doubles the average standard of living

  Read the rest here: http://nesara.com/intro.htm

  However, NESARA, the way it is depicted on this webpage, will not do the trick by 
itself. There are STILL the criminals that need to be brought to justice. Since these 
criminals control the world right now, do you think they would stop the way they have 
always done things? Do you think they would allow themselves to be put on trial for 
all the crimes they have committed against humanity?

  I have written about the Truth and Reconciliation Courts for over a year now!


  I believe the combination of NESARA and the Truth and Reconciliation Courts are the 
only hope free people have against the steam roller called the new world order! The 
Truth and Reconciliation Courts will NOT be based on the South African model. That 
model brought the "evil doers" into to court where they confessed their crimes and 
then were released so they could go out and "sin" again! There has to be a "sword" of 
some kind placed over the "heads" of the "evil doers", so that they will know if they 
try to "sin" again, they will be stopped PERMANENTLY!

  How can we help?

  As I said earlier, by waking up more of your friends and family.

  One of the best ways to do this is by sending them the NESARA webpage link. Even 
though the two "guys" who put out the NESARA webpage, have less than "shining" things 
to say about RUMOR MILL NEWS, I believe in THEM! I know they HAVE to distance 
themselves from Rumor Mill in order to retain "credibility" with the larger audience! 
If you KNEW who these men were... you would KNOW that this plan has a very good chance 
of being implemented! One of the men is a conservative patriot that MANY of you KNOW 
and admire. But it is FAR too dangerous for his identity to be known right now!

  We ARE at war!

  NOT just in Afghanistan and soon in the Philipines, there is a WAR going on in 
governments around the world.

  In every government -- WORLD WIDE -- there are two factions. One faction is made up 
of the syncophants that work for the new world order. The other faction is made up of 
men and women who understand what the new world order means, and who are working to 
keep us from becoming slaves... or worse!

  The Executive Intelligence Review just wrote an article about the War Between the 
Two Factions:



  The faction fight that is going on in DC is going on all around the globe! I have 
been writing about Faction Two for over ten years now! At first, William Cooper and I 
were the only ones who seemed to know that a secret Navy existed and this secret Navy 
formed the foundation of Faction Two! But as the years have gone by, more and more 
people have begun to realize that there IS a war going on in governments, worldwide, 
and there ARE two factions fighting each other!

  There are actually MORE than two factions --

  What we have is one group that advocates a new world order based of ecoslaves who 
are monitered every moment of the day -- (Rent the movie BRAZIL to see what they have 
in store for us! The movie has NOTHING to do with Brazil!)

  Then there is another group that wants us to become feudal slaves on their 
corporate/fascist plantations... (Bush and friends)...

  Then there is the group that wants to give us back the freedom that we gave away 
because we were too busy watching TV, worrying about money, love and sex, or too 
turned off by politics to give a damn!

  Within each of these groups are people who have different ideas of how the group or 
faction should proceed. It is this "war within the factions" that has kept the new 
world order from fulfilling their dream of a one world government before now!

  But now that more and more of us are waking up, the new world order knows they need 
to implement their plans ASAP. That is why we need to become more and more vigilent in 
what we are doing!

  Take responsibility for your future!

  Create your own emailing lists. Or if you have friends who don't have computers, 
take the time to print things and give them. If you have time, start having your 
friends and neighbors come listen to tapes or watch videos. One of the best places I 
have found for information on tapes and videos that is ALWAYS accurate is 

  The afternoon quilting parties need to start up again, where patriots can meet and 
talk about what is going on! Once you have educated yourself and others, then you need 
to start doing something. The best place to start is locally! It is time to start 
voting out all the new world order politicians who control ALL of our towns, counties 
and states! Start locally! The elections are coming up! If enough of us agreed to vote 
for a third party candidate, we could change things in ONE election!!

  But how many can cast aside their own belief systems and vote, in a "leap of faith", 
for someone who is neither a Democrat or a Republican? Maybe if we ONLY asked them to 
vote this way on the LOCAL level, they could DO IT!! I think they could! And that is 
why I am advocating getting involved at the local level, where many times the person 
who is running, doesn't have to state their party affiliation! If you can't run 
yourself, due to "adolescent mistakes", then find someone who can run and back them!

  We don't have a lot of time. If NESARA is NOT implemented in the next few months, as 
I have been told it will be, "mission creep" will have taken the war against terrorism 
around the world! Before our voting rights are completely taken away from us, we need 
to get involved at the local level in all aspects of the vote! Especially in COUNTING 
THE VOTE! It doesn't do any good to vote if the votes are stolen! I think we all saw 
good examples of that in Florida. But what are we doing to make sure it doesn't happen 
again? How many swinging chads are we going to lose NEXT time?

  There ARE people in the military and in government who will help us!! We just have 
to let them know that they have an army of supporters who are marching behind them!

  Personal note from Rayelan:

  Many of us have heard the old saying, "Be careful of what you wish for...." As many 
of you know, I have been working almost 12 hours a day in order to pay all the bills 
and support Rumor Mill News. I have often wished that I didn't have to work so many 
hours. I have written many times that if only 200 supporters would give $10.00 or 400 
readers give $5.00 a month to Rumor Mill News, I could quit part of my jobs! Well, I 
got PART of my wish! Budget cut backs have ended TWO of my jobs! I now work only 3 
hours each day!

  I wish I could say that I already have 400 donors who give $5.00 a month! But 
unfortunately, I got my wish for more time, but it didn't come with the money 
attached!! Hence, be careful of what you wish for!

  I am NOT worried. I KNOW I will be supported! Out of the 40 to 50,000 daily readers, 
I KNOW at least 400 of you will come through! I have faith, that now that I am REALLY 
in a pinch, you will help! If you don't, I have the choice of keeping a roof over my 
head and eating, or paying the bills for Rumor Mill News!

  And help keep Rumor Mill News on the web!




  U.S. Troops in Southern Philippines
  The Associated Press
  Friday December 7 8:25 AM ET

  ZAMBOANGA, Philippines (AP) - At least 16 U.S. soldiers landed in the southern 
Philippines on Friday as Filipino troops battled Muslim extremists holding two 
American missionaries some 12 miles away.

  It was unclear why the Americans had been dispatched amid an ongoing clash with Abu 
Sayyaf rebels that had left at least three guerrillas dead and one captured since it 
began around dawn.

  Karen Kelley, a U.S. Embassy spokeswoman, said she was unaware of the trip but that 
U.S. forces frequently are in the Philippines, a longtime American ally.

  The United States has agreed to provide equipment and training for the Philippine 
military, one of Asia's poorest, in its pursuit of the Abu Sayyaf, which has been 
linked to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida terror network. Local military officials have 
repeatedly said U.S. troops will not enter into combat with Muslim rebels in the 

  Officials have said they hope to gain the release of Martin and Gracia Burnham, of 
Wichita, Kan., and Filipino nurse Deborah Yap by Christmas. The Burnhams have been 
held hostage for more than six months.

  Elmer Cato, a Philippine official who monitors joint exercises with U.S. forces, 
said the Philippine air force advised his office that an American MC-130 transport 
plane had left Clark, a former American air base, and picked up the American troops in 
Manila before flying to Zamboanga.

  He said he was informed that the Americans were involved in a follow-up to an 
earlier mission to assess the Philippines' military needs to fight the Abu Sayyaf.

  The troops, in camouflage uniform and backpacks but with no visible firearms, landed 
at the military air base in Zamboanga, site of the Philippine military's Southern 
Command, late Friday morning.

  On the outskirts of Isabela city, 12 miles south of Zamboanga, Filipino forces who 
earlier received U.S. training, killed at least three rebels in an ongoing battle with 
the Abu Sayyaf, officers said. It wasn't immediately clear if the rebel group was the 
one holding the hostages.

  More than 7,000 soldiers are scouring Basilan's jungle-covered mountains in an 
effort to rescue the hostages.

  The three captives are the only ones left from scores of hostages taken by the 
rebels in a kidnapping spree. Another American, Guillermo Sobero of Corona, Calif., 
was killed in captivity.

  Most of the Abu Sayyaf hostages were released or escaped but others have been 

  The Abu Sayyaf claims to be fighting for Muslim independence but the government 
calls them mere bandits.



  Posted By: hobie
  Date: Sunday, 9 December 2001, 11:59 a.m.


  Sunday December 9 10:19 AM ET
  U.S. Troops Offer to Help Rescue Hostages -Manila

  MANILA (Reuters) - U.S. troops have signaled they are ready to help the Philippine 
military rescue two American hostages held by Muslim guerrillas believed linked to 
Osama bin Laden, government officials said on Sunday.

  But the constitution bars armed foreign troops from Philippine soil and the army 
said it would prefer material support in fighting the Abu Sayyaf guerrillas.

  ``That's the signal we have been getting, but they want to be armed,'' presidential 
spokesman Rigoberto Tiglao told Reuters by phone when asked if the U.S. military had 
offered to help rescue the hostages.

  The guerrillas have held captive U.S. missionary couple Martin and Gracia Burnham on 
southern Basilan island since May 27, when they were abducted from a southern tourist 

  A third American hostage taken by the Abu Sayyaf was beheaded in June.

  Tiglao said President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo firmly believed any U.S. troops in the 
Philippines could not be armed because this would be seen as a violation of the 

  ``So they will not be participating,'' Tiglao said.

  =[snip]===[full story linked below]=====

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