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Note from Rayelan:

I was just about to go to bed when I saw the following message in the READING ROOM. I 
had forgotten that tomorrow was Halloween. I think X-Man has put together some threads 
is a very concise way.

Tomorrow is the anniversary of the Halloween massacre. Ever since that date, the two 
factions have done something, on Halloween, to try to harm the other faction. Most of 
the times the action is one that would only be known to people at a high level in the 
factions... such as when the 40 Million dollar bribe to Iran was delivered on October 
31st 1980... one year to the date after Carter fired the CIA covert ops and just in 
time for the Ayatollah to keep the hostages so Carter would lose the election.

EgyptAir 990 went into the ocean on Halloween. I now think that it was a test run for 
9.11. I think it was remote controlled, just as the planes that hit the WTC were.

What really scares me about tomorrow, is something I heard on TV or the radio... don't 
know where... I didn't pay much attention to it. but someone was saying that he felt 
schools were going to be the next targets for the terrorists. He went onto say that 
killing children would be the one thing that would wake up every American and turn 
them against the terrorists.

Since I firmly believe we are being manipulated into hating muslims -- whether they 
are black - home grown muslims or the real ones -- I believe that the men behind the 
scenes who are pulling the strings will stop at nothing to pull us into a war.

In the article that X-Man posted, one that was written by me last Halloween, I warned 
everyone to keep their children home this Halloween. If I had small ones, they would 
go trick or treating, and then the bag of candy would be quietly replaced by one that 
I had bought at a store. Nothing will push American into war faster than having our 
children killed!

Take care tomorrow!



>From the Rumor Mill News Reading Room



Posted By: X
Date: Thursday, 31 October 2002, 1:28 a.m. 

  I have reposted an article that was posted last year for Halloween. Read it and 
wonder. Last year there were ALL kinds of warnings about Halloween. This year, if you 
believe the media, everything is back to normal... 

  Huh?? Snipers... Black muslims... The bomb in Bali... Wellstone's death... BACK TO 

  So much is going on that we can't even keep track of it all... AND the biggest 
ANNIVERSARY date for the warring factions is coming up TOMORROW and I have not seen 
ONE warning about taking your children trick or treating! 

  The muslims take 700 hostages in a theatre in Russia. The newspaper report that 
similar type incidents could happen in the United States since the muslim terrorists 
seem to be doing similar things on a world-wide basis... and yet NO American media 
outlet has issued ANY kind of warning regarding this Halloween. 

  One thing I know for sure, my kids are NOT going to be in a theatre this Halloween. 

  TOMORROW is the date that the factions strike at each other... and when they do... 
there are always many innocents that get killed in the crossfire. 

  What do they have planned for this halloween? 

  It was 1979 when Carter fired over 700 field agents -- thereby destroying the covert 
side of the CIA. Reagan built it up again, and Clinton took it out again. What needs 
to happen this Halloween is all the desk jockies that Clinton hired need to be fired 
and replaced with the old men who know who to keep CONUS safe! 

  X-Man thinketh out loud 


  Posted By: Rayelan 
  Date: Sunday, 28 October 2001, 9:11 p.m. 

  Many of you have read the small article I posted about the Iranian student who was 
told by Iran that he had five days to get out of the United States. 

  Many people thought that I was putting out a HOAX -- I HAVE never knowingly passed 
on a hoax -- and MOST certainly I would NEVER write one! 

  The people who RULE the world LOVE to have things happen on Anniversaries -- October 
31st -- aside from being Halloween and having all of THAT attached to it, has been a 
favorite day in the CIA since 1979 when Jimmy Carter fired 700 CIA operatives and 
assets in what became known as the HALLOWEEN MASSACRE. 

  Carter's DCI (CIA Director) was Admiral Stansfield Turner. Admiral Turner was almost 
killed in a plane crash last year. His wife WAS killed, and it really looked like he 
would be a vegetable for the rest of his life. 

  His was brought back to a hospital in Texas, and two weeks ago, he suddenly appeared 
back in the media lime light -- looking tanned, rested and like he had been on 
vacation... NOT recovereing from an accident that almost killed him. 

  After I heard the warnings about this Halloween being the day that "someone" is 
planning MORE horror for the United States, I wondered if Admiral Turner's presence 
was sending a message to someone. And if so... what message was it sending? 

  And of course -- this line of reasoning would only make sense if the "terrorists" 
were parts of our government or the NWO -- In other words -- IF one faction was behind 
the attack on the WTC -- then could Turner's presense have been sending a message to 
them that they had better back off or they will see a HALLOWEEN MASSACRE happen to 

  Or was the message being sent to US? Were WE being warned by Admiral Turner that a 
Halloween Massacre is scheduled for this October 31st. 

  I don't have the answers to these questions because my sources are not communicating 
with me right now!! they are probably deep cover and incommunicado! 

  Before I insert the following articles which were compiled and sent to me by a 
reader -- I would like to give a warning: 


  If you have small children -- give a party for them AT HOME -- DO NOT LET THEM GO TO 

  If something IS going to happen -- the sickos that are behind it would LOVE to take 
out little kids at a Christian Church or a Synagogue. Schools are vulnerable too! Plan 
a block party -- and don't invite anyone you don't know very, very well! 




  Information has been rapidly "filtering" out in regards to another 
  Government sponsored and orchestrated "Terrorist" attack, against the 
  citizens of the United States, on October 31st. Everything from another 
  Twin Towers like incident, to a massive bio-chemical attack (that 
  program has already begun - Anthrax being either planted or sent to 
  various individuals by elements of the CIA, MI6, DOD, FBI and God 
  only knows who else) to Anthrax in Halloween candy. Knowing that 
  if these plans are exposed, they switch to plan "B", or "C", etc., it is 
  difficult to pinpoint the exact nature and location of the coming attack(s). 
  What can be assured is that it would behoove one to avoid crowed, 
  public areas and spend a quite evening at home. Caution is always the 
  wisest course of action. 

  If Osama bin Laden is the officially named culprit, a 
  host of unpleasant questions now dogs the U.S. government. 
  Not the least of these is how the CIA will explain that 
  Bin Laden was, and IS A CIA creation from the Afghan 
  conflict of the 1980s. In other words, exactly as in the 
  situation with Suddam Hussian, a Government patsy upon 
  which these type of incidents can be blamed, knowing full 
  well that he has nothing to do with it, other than his "soldiers", 
  his slaves are doing the dirty work, and realizing full well 
  that it is nothing more than a game, smoke and mirrors, 
  to cover up what the Satanist's who REALLY run the world 
  are doing. These 'attacks' are planned and orchestrated 
  by elements of the United States Government, in cooperation 
  with the British, Russian, Chinese, French, German and so 
  on, Governments. We have also been able to determine 
  to our satisfaction, by confronting them, that Chicago-based 
  Harris Bank House, an internationally known Banking firm, 
  has dozens and dozens of secret joint accounts of the 
  Percy/Rockefeller Family with so-called "terrorist" Osama 
  bin Laden, worth Millions upon Millions of dollars, tied together 
  through Mid-East construction contracts and Bin Laden's (oil) 
  business with the Rockefeller's. The oil-soaked White House 
  says they would like to freeze Bin Laden's bank accounts if they 
  can find them. Well, we found them for them! Bin Laden is a 
  CIA creation - Bin Laden is in the Oil Business with the 
  Rockefellers - his family, specifically his Father is in business 
  with Bush Sr. (who is also in the oil business with Sadam Hussean). 
  The information trail is there if you just follow it. Now, just how 
  much of an "enemy of America" is Bin Laden? The answer is, not 
  much.......the "enemy of America", it's terrorist's are her own 
  Government, various elements and agencies of this Government, and 
  you had better be turning there for your answers. This entire 
  "Terrorist" charade is nothing more than a PsyOps (Psychological 
  Operations) being conducted to bring about the advent of the One 
  World Government", the New World Order by stripping people of 
  what few rights we have remaining, installation of Martial Law (which 
  has already occurred - in Florida, Penn. and other locations). It 
  is unconstitutional to have the Military patrolling our streets except 
  in times of declared war. There is no declared war, at the moment. 
  Except for the one the U.S. Government declared against it's citizens 
  in 1947. Wake up folks. They are turning America into a Police State, 
  militarizing her right in front of your eyes. All one really needs to do 
  is look at the Legislation being propose these days. It is completely 
  unconstitutional, illegal, violates practically every constitutional and civil 
  right you have, yet you say nothing. For example, the Laws just passed 
  giving Law Enforcement dramatically increased wiretap, surveillance 
  etc. powers, especially on the Internet are so blantly unconstitutional, 
  illegal that they relegate America to the level of Red China in such matters. 
  They may tell you they are to catch "terrorist's", but the truth of the 
  matter is that they will ultimately be used to identify, locate, track down 
  and incararate - execute individual's who have the gall, and the courage, to 
  to spread the truth - about the true Government agenda and many other 
  matters. Precisely as in Germany, Italy and Russia from the late 20's 
  to the end of the war. If you should doubt these predications, and you 
  are fortunate enough to be acquainted with German W.W. II & Hitler survivors, 
  ask them. Ask them what they thinks of today's events. Be prepared for 
  the answer, however. America - you have your collective heads buried 
  deep in the sand, with your bottom's sticking up high, and straight in the 
  air all the while pleading, "Oh please, don't kick me.....don't kick me!". 
  Guess what, you just got kicked. And you are about to get kicked again, 
  hard.......! Get involved. Now. 

  U.S. military intelligence experts, and the FBI, knew a 
  domestic terrorist plot was about to spring to life in 
  America. They also knew that 'associates' of Osama bin 
  Laden HAD boarded all the aircraft used in the attacks 
  on the World Trade Center towers, according to several 
  sources. Therefore, why didn't they stop them? Can 
  you add 2 and 2? 

  The 'Mainstream News Media' knew this was coming 
  and didn't bother to alert anyone? What else is new..... 
  Frankly, these cowards and traitors disgust me......... 

  On Fox 11 two months ago... 

  they aired a show called "THE LONE GUNMAN" 
  A plane from Boston or REMOTE CONTROLLED blows up the 
  "World Trade Center". 

  Exactly what happened here. 

  Possible Attack On 10/31/2001 


  It is becoming clearer by the day that a month after the Sept. 11 aircraft 
  hijackings, a biological warfare attack is being launched against the United 
  States by terrorists reportedly associated with Bin Laden, and with 
  MI6 and CIA (handlers/controllers). The discovery of anthrax in letters 
  mailed to the office of Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, NBC and 
  ABC, following an initial exposure at American Media International in Florida, 
  betrays a cunning and carefully organized intent - particularly with the 
  discovery that the anthrax mailed to Daschle's office has been found to be 
  weapons grade material that could indeed kill hundreds if not thousands of 
  people if released in a significant airborne plume. Now, I ask you, where do 
  a bunch of ragtag "terrorist's" get weapons grade anthrax? The answer is they 
  can't - unless they have very high-level Military or Agency sources/contacts. 
  You don't make this stuff in your basement. 

  Is this new phase of terrorism merely a crude and ineffective ploy, or the 
  harbinger of even more serious danger to the nation? Nuclear physicist R. 
  Koontz, who has researched and tracked the al Qaeda terrorist network for 
  several years, is warning that he has discovered evidence on the Internet 
  that Osama bin Laden may be planning a much larger biological warfare 
  campaign - using more than one form of germ agent - and is using coded 
  illustrations to signal and direct additional sleeper/mind-controlled agents 
  purportedly already armed with biological weapons, and just awaiting a 
  signal (which could be words spoken over the phone, radio, TV - a letter 
  a stranger passing utters a few words or makes a gesture. It's actually 
  quite simple to "trigger" these Manchurians, these slaves - they are programmed, 
  under mind-control, to perform a task. At the completion, or failure of 
  this task, they are "programmed" to self-destruct. The method depends 
  upon the assigned task. The first of these mind controlled slaves was 
  triggered in 1953 by his CIA handler. He murdered 3 women before being caught. 

  Sources inside the Beltway, and others, have warned repeatedly of another 
  large scale attack, similar to that of the Trade towers by these U.S. and 
  British backed and sponsored terrorists. There has also been talk of millions 
  of pieces of candy tainted with Anthrax being distributed by these same 
  Government sponsored terrorist's, but that has yet to be confirmed. The 
  date constantly mentioned is 10/31/2001. Perfect - Halloween, the Satanist's 
  favorite holiday. Needless to say, caution should always prevail. The sooner 
  America wakes up to the fact, should they ever, that these "terrorists" acts 
  are being staged by elements within the CIA and MI6, and other agencies, to 
  accomplish but one goal, the removal of what remains of the Freedoms once 
  enjoyed in this country, implementation of martial law and the one world 
  Government, they better off they will be. I do not for see that happening anytime 
  soon, unfortunately. You can always tell a Government's level of guilt, of sin, 
  by the amount of Propaganda they put out. In this case they have absolutely 
  flooded the Media - day after day, after day....I know, I once worked with these 
  Satanic #####s from hell - and they consider you nothing more than 'chattel'. 

  The coded paintings and other evidence have been posted at the following 


  At this juncture no one has been able to persuade federal law enforcement 
  officials to take the information seriously. The reason should be clear - it 
  is State sponsored terrorism, and not to be interfered with. The AGENDA, 
  after all, must go fourth............ 

  The State Department lists Syria as a state sponsor of terrorism - what an 
  utterly ridiculous statement. The United States and Britain are by far much 
  greater sponsor's of Terrorism than Syria - with the UN and it's ##### child 
  NATO, they've become the Terrorist of the world, exactly as planned by those 
  who really run the (world). If you notice, the only countries ever targeted by 
  these tyrant's are those that refuse to "get in line" with the New World 
  Order's agenda. Time after time only those (countries) refusing to "obey" 
  have been set upon. Most recently we have the Bosnia countries, Africa and 
  now Afghanistan. Who's next? Any citizen(s) in any country who also choose to 


  "CIA worked in tandem with Pak to create Taliban" 

  LONDON: The Central Intelligence Agency 

  (CIA) worked in tandem with Pakistan to 

  create the "monster" that is today Afghanistan's 

  ruling Taliban, a leading US expert on South 

  Asia said here. 

  "I warned them that we were creating a 

  monster," Selig Harrison from the Woodrow 

  Wilson International Centre for Scholars said at 

  the conference here last week on "Terrorism 

  and Regional Security: Managing the Challenges 

  in Asia." 

  Harrison said: "The CIA made a historic 

  mistake in encouraging Islamic groups from all 

  over the world to come to Afghanistan." The 

  US provided $3 billion for building up these 

  Islamic groups, and it accepted Pakistan's 

  demand that they should decide how this 

  money should be spent, Harrison said. 

  Harrison, who spoke before the Taliban assault 

  on the Buddha statues was launched, told the 

  gathering of security experts that he had 

  meetings with CIA leaders at the time when 

  Islamic forces were being strengthened in 

  Afghanistan. "They told me these people were 

  fanatical, and the more fierce they were the 

  more fiercely they would fight the Soviets," he 

  said. "I warned them that we were creating a 


  Harrison, who has written five books on Asian 

  affairs and US relations with Asia, has had 

  extensive contact with the CIA and political 

  leaders in South Asia. Harrison was a senior 

  associate of the Carnegie Endowment for 

  International Peace between 1974 and 1996. 

  Harrison who is now senior fellow with The 

  Century Foundation recalled a conversation he 

  had with the late Gen Zia-ul Haq of Pakistan. 

  "Gen Zia spoke to me about expanding 

  Pakistan's sphere of influence to control 

  Afghanistan, then Uzbekistan and Tajikstan and 

  then Iran and Turkey," Harrison said. That 

  design continues, he said. Gen.Mohammed 

  Aziz who was involved in that Zia plan has 

  been elevated now to a key position by Chief 

  Executive, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, Harrison 


  The old associations between the intelligence 

  agencies continue, Harrison said. "The CIA still 

  has close links with the ISI (Pakistan's 

  Inter-Services Intelligence)." 

  Today that money and those weapons have 

  helped build up the Taliban, Harrison said. 

  "The Taliban are not just recruits from 

  'madrassas' (Muslim theological schools) but 

  are on the payroll of the ISI (Inter Services 

  Intelligence, the intelligence wing of the 

  Pakistani government)." The Taliban are now 

  "making a living out of terrorism." 

  Harrison said the UN Security Council 

  resolution number 1333 calls for an embargo on 

  arms to the Taliban. "But it is a resolution 

  without teeth because it does not provide 

  sanctions for non-compliance," he said. "The 

  US is not backing the Russians who want to 

  give more teeth to the resolution." 

  Now it is Pakistan that "holds the key to the 

  future of Afghanistan," Harrison said. The 

  creation of the Taliban was central to Pakistan's 

  "pan-Islamic vision," Harrison said. 

  It came after "the CIA made the historic 

  mistake of encouraging Islamic groups from all 

  over the world to come to Afghanistan," he 

  said. The creation of the Taliban had been 

  "actively encouraged by the ISI and the CIA," 

  he said. "Pakistan has been building up Afghan 

  collaborators who will sustain Pakistan," he 

  said. (IANS) 


  Perhaps you are willing to stand idle while the Constitution and the morality and 
  founding principles of this country get shredded and burned and watch our rights go 
  down the tube all in the name of one big PSYOP (psychological operation) that went 
  down on 11 September, and a trumped up excuse called "Fighting Terrorism". 
  Fighting what? (Everyone of these so-called "Terrorists" acts are staged and 
  orchestrated by elements of the U.S. and British Governments, acting on orders 
  given them from the inner ruling council, the 13 members at the core of the 
  loosely known as the "New World Order). Now, the Legislation being enacted, 
  our Freedom's being removed, all done in the name of "Homeland Security". 

  Homeland Security, my ASS....... 

  We have very little to loose anymore. We, and thousands of others, live 
  in semi-seclusion, like a fugitive, moving frequently, shadowed 24-7. 

  Just like the parable of the saint we had on our site this week, we have little fear 
  of robbers, as we have nothing for them to steal, we have very little left. Except 
  Freedom, our lives. And those we will NEVER give up........... 

  It appears as though God chooses some of us to be martyrs. It appears as though that 
  may be the path he has chosen for us. Perhaps this is also why we have no fear of 

  the Fascist attempt to take over our country, the corrupted, the evil, the traitors, 
  Government, for one day we shall return, they will not. Hell, after all, is a very 

  It is why they grow more fearful of what we know and what we have put together 
  and of us with each passing day. And the more there are like us banding together, 
  harder it is for them to snuff out the truth and hide from the light. And I assure 
  evil will always hide from the light for it is a coward, a blight and cannot stand 
  light of scrutiny, of truth of good. 

  Those like-minded souls left on the inside who want out and can't get out, but can 
  leak: stop making excuses and plugging the holes. 

  It's time to blow this boat to Hell........... 

  If our government were serious about "Homeland Security, (what 
  a farce!)" it would permit and encourage as much individual 
  responsibility in the area of personal defense as possible. It 
  would encourage responsible gun ownership and possession. It 
  would remove legislative prohibitions against carrying personal 
  weapons for protection. Instead, they are attempting to disarm 
  us at an ever increasing rate. Why is that? Why does the 
  Government want to disarm law abiding citizens who do not commit 
  crimes with their weapons? By now, the answer should be clear - 
  no armed society has ever been enslaved. Shortly after seizing 
  power such despots as Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini immediately 
  passed gun control legislation and confiscated everyone's weapons. 
  The rest, as they say, is history. The Government, knowing that 
  almost the entirety of their opposition will come from the armed 
  classes, primarily the (middle-class - which is why Communism/ 
  Socialism always seeks to destroy the middle-class) will attempt 
  to confiscate their weapons. But, you say, that was Nazism, Communism, 
  Fascism, it has nothing to do with America..... Really? If I recall, 
  Government ATF goons kicked in the door where a 6 year old boy 
  was staying and kidnapped him at gunpoint - they murdered 72 men, 
  women and children at Waco - a wife and son in Ruby Ridge. Practically 
  everyday someone is killed or injured when their 4th and 5th amendment 
  rights are violated when their door(s) are kicked in, under the 
  pretense that they are "drug dealers" ( how perverse - Bush Sr. and the 
  CIA are the biggest drug dealers in the world. Have their doors been 
  kicked in?). 


  From X: 
  There is more to this article -- click here to read the rest: 

  and see the threads 


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