Very interesting story by very interesting writer....the High Priestess


Rumor Mill News Forum  <A

Date: Wednesday, 19 January 2000, at 3:40 a.m.


Now Crest Toothpaste in the 50 period had an ad.....about in a little town
named Waco, Texas.....people had fewer what do they do,
someone made a fortune dumping toxic waste into toothpaste and water, and all
endorsed by a President, Dwight Eisenhower, who did not kow what a union
"closed shop".....everybody liked Ike, tough, but George Patton who simply
could not he was eliminated, and in his own words he would not
drink with any Communist look at our FBI today in bed
with KGB.

Now Jonestown and Waco - what did they have in common? Jonestown, residens
(some of them) had implants behind their door was a commune
called Black House of Israel, headed up by a wanted criminal in the States,
named Rabbi CIA sent in Mark Lane to check out Jonestown,
but it was a Red Halle Bopp......who murdered Halle Bopp and
arranged their clothes and new shoes so neat....they were getting ready to
make a real trip and all had bought new shoes.......Do in one tape looked
threatened......what are these people.

Well Unibomber was in mind control program at Harvard....not too swift FBI
expert said the Unibomber was a self educated man, no formal
eduction.....well, he was Harvard Graduate.....what happened to him? By the
time they got through with him, have you noticed....these people look like
street people?

Waco, upon which the Davidians built a church.....yet it took the Delta,
BATF, FBI, tanks and NATO to take it down....Kore(sh) used the same bible
code which was used by Martin Luther who were these people really,
and from whom did they take heir orders....King and Kore(sh) in a sense
climbed the same mountain.....only Koresh took the innocents with him who
were slaughtered by an FBI who works with the KGB.....what would J. Edgar
have to say about that.....Masters of Deceit....look to Clinton and see the
Masters of Deceit and Murder, Inc.

Note these they want us to forget that Waco was home of
fluoride....what else is down there we do not know about.......guns and drugs
and roses? Like Indians at Oglala Sioux hemp under control of
someone making millions and stealing from Indians.......peyote dreams and
murder planned for Indians?

Waco.....what is its real Crest Toothpaste (moon crest?) now
Crest must carry warning label on its toothpaste.....when they put fluoride
in our water, cui bono? They were dumping more toxic waste into our
kids.....road rage problems? Check into when HAARP is in effect.....look at
Clinton, the evil one.....snorting cocaine and chasing prostitute while
people were being murdered and our country taken into a sewer......

Read this story......and look what Ru Mills wrote of some months back......

Manhattan project? Fluroide? Toxic waste being dumped from skies.....thanks
to Admiral Crowe our troops under order of Clinton must take experimental
drugs and vaccines?

We need to file lawsuits after lawsuits against Clinton and Reno and
FDA......they are murdering our children - want to teach them in elementary
school, that a homosexual lifestyle is normal.

Homosexuals are preoccupied with their Larry Flynt, the President's
Number One Idiot pervert gunned down by the Lansky mob for trying to move in
on his territory in Columbus.....Larry's network now used.......and Waco had
already been involved in drugs......

So what did it take The NATO and Delta to wipe them out......and why were
those BATF former body guards of Clinton killed by "friendly fire"......we
must file criminal charges against Clinton and get those people before they
get us.....for the real murder began most obvious at Waco....and remember the
little 8th grader always, his dog shot by FBI/BATF - to draw him
he ran to his dog, the FBI shot and murdered him and then murdered his mother
when she came to door with baby in arms by blowing off her this
the kind of America you want to live it? If it is, you deserve what you
get.......look to Albright, Ruben, Cohen, Kissinger, and the evil Clinton and
his ugly wife.....all pigs at the well.....let them drink and eat the
slop.....they do slop hogs......but America beware.....Putin in Russia, is
Clinton's man....and he has taken on all the attributes of the enemy of of
everything that once was decent in this country.

Read this item......see Waco, See Fluoride, See Drugs being given mainly to
male children....see the Mossad's Dream to destroy America, for that is just
what it is.

The Connection Between Fluoride and Ritalin

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] =====================================================
==============RUMOR MILL NEWS AGENCY ============ ============== ============
===================================================== Dateline: 06.29.99
Fluoride Enhances Ritalin and Prozac This morning I was listening to a local
talk radio show on KOMY 1340, Santa Cruz and Watsonville. The host, Dr. Tom
Clunie, was interviewing a woman from Mt. View, California who has set up a
webpage on the dangers of fluoride. Dangers of
Fluoridated Water She seemed to have an amazing amount of knowledge on the
subject, so I decided to call in and ask about an obscure piece of
information that has been floating around the "conspiracy world" for years.
Her reply astounded me and opened my eyes to an aspect of fluoride about
which I had no previous knowledge!! I asked her about a paper that was
introduced in a Congressional hearing by a Russian defector. His paper
purported to be a Soviet report on the fluoridation of the American water
supply. The paper said that fluoride was known to cause neurological changes
in the brains of children which will reduce their IQ. The paper supported a
planned attack on America by fluoridating their water supply, reducing the
intelligence level of Americans, and making a takeover of future generations
of Americans much easier. The existence of this paper, and indeed the actual
Congressional report have remained fodder for the conspiracy world, even
though the link between fluoride and lower IQ has been proven. Dr. Richard
Foulkes, former consultant to British Columbia's health minister and former
fluoride advocate now says: "A child's brain is vulnerable to damage from
fluoride even before birth and the result can be lowered IQ." Dr Foulkes also
says, " ... Fluoride in drinking water may react with aluminum, to cause
Alzheimer's disease." The guest on the radio show said she has the paper to
which I referred. She made no further comment on the paper because she
immediately made a leap of consciousness and started talking about the
Manhattan Project and the use of fluoride in refining the uranium that was
used in our first atomic bombs. At first I thought she was "blowing off" my
question by changing the subject. Then she talked about the scientists'
concern that the fluoride was causing problems with the workers, specifically
neurological problems. The government gave the scientists a grant to study
the effects of fluoride on the brain. She then stated that fluoride can
enhance the effects of other drugs. She specifically mentioned ritalin and
prozac. She stated that it is known that fluoride "reacts" with other
chemicals, just as Dr. Foulkes said it reacts with aluminum to produce
Alzheimer's Disease. If fluoride reacts with other chemicals to produce
neurological changes in the brain, could it be possible that the epidemic
level of violence in America's youth is directly related to the introduction
of fluoride into drinking water and toothpaste? It would be interesting to
chart use of fluoridated water, ritalin and the rise of youth violence.
Yesterday, as I was traveling, a San Francisco radio station reported a study
conducted of the children who had killed children in school shootings. The
woman who had made the study reported that the only thing all the children
had in common was they were on ritalin, luvox or had been mental patients
where presumably they had been given similar drugs. After listening to the
local radio talk show and hearing about the reaction between fluoride and
other chemicals, it seems to me that any investigation into the epidemic wave
of youth violence needs to include fluoride. If anyone knows of a study that
has already been done, please share it with me and I will post it. If you are
not familiar with the damage fluoride can do to you and your children please
pull up the enclosed link and read about it. + Fluoride poisoning, in the
dentist's chair, has resulted in death. + The FDA has required toothpaste
manufacturers to put a "poison warning" label on all tubes of toothpaste.
Your awareness of the dangers of fluoride could save the life of your child.
* * * * * To all the lawyers who read this column: In the last week, I have
read two websites that cover the physical illnesses that are caused by two
different chemicals: Aspartane and Fluoride. It is obvious to me that the big
chemical and pharmaceutical companies are engaging in a wholesale poisoning
of the world to enhance their profits. (They may also be doing this to "dumb
down" the people of the world so they can be easily subdued when the One
World Totalitarian government kicks in.) We can use the weapons of the New
World Order against them. The New World Order wants guns out of the hands of
Americans, but Congress is not moving quickly enough to remove guns from law
abiding Americans. Therefore the courts are being used as a secondary assault
on guns. Cities are suing gun manufacturers. If the lawsuits continue, the
gun manufacturers will have to spend their profits on lawyer's fees and
possible future settlements. The gun manufacturers may choose to cease
production of guns while they still have some money in the bank. If Congress
will not act to outlaw guns, then the antigun advocates will target the gun
manufacturers and force them out of business through costly lawsuits. The
"anti-smoking" lobby has successfully sued the major tobacco companies. Their
lawsuits have shown a connection to cigarette smoking and various diseases. I
believe this approach can be used in a class action lawsuit on behalf of
people who have been damaged by fluoride. There is already enough scientific
data linking fluoride to numerous physical illnesses to initiate a lawsuit
against the manufacturers of fluoride, the toothpaste companies who include
fluoride and the lawmakers who have written and voted for the laws that
require our cities to fluoridate their water supplies. The major byproduct of
such a lawsuit will be the education of the American people as to the harmful
effects of fluoride and the careless disregard of human health by the
pharmaceutical and chemical companies. Whether this is a conspiracy to "dumb
down" America, so that our enemies can simply walk in and take over; or
whether it is merely another instance of big business caring more about the
profits than the health and well being of people; it is obvious to me that
the chemical companies, (which are probably owned by the same Elitists who
are bringing you the New World Order); are poisoning you, dumbing you down so
you don't notice it... and making a very large profit! I hope you pass this
information on to someone that may be able to use it to "Wake Up" America
while we still have time to do something. * * * * * The same lawsuit that
could be brought against the chemical manufacturers of fluoride can also be
brought against the chemical companies who manufacture aspartane, the
companies who sell it as Equal and Nutrasweet, the grocery stores who sell
products containing aspartane and the restaurants who provide it on the
tables for their customers. Can you imagine the level of awareness that could
arise, if the Aspartane lawsuit exempted restaurants that stopped offering
Equal and Nutrasweet to their customers, and who agreed to post a sign
listing the harmful illnesses that diseases that have been linked to the use
of Aspartane? One of the things my Sources in Faction 2 have always said is,
"You have to fight fire with fire." The courts are being used to disarm
America by making it too expensive for gun manufacturers to stay in business.
A similar approach may force chemical companies to clean up their acts and
stop poisoning humanity. Additional comment: I hope someone, who knows who
the woman is who did the research on the connection between ritalin and the
school killings, would forward this article to her so she can get in touch
with the woman from Mt. View, California who spoke on the link between
fluoride and ritalin. Unrelated information: I have had many people ask me to
forward the updated copy of the article on mind control, Operation Open Eyes.
Since I no longer send attachments, I have posted the article on the One List
site where you can download it. Let me know if you want me to send you the
link. For people who have had this article forwarded to them and are not on
the Rumor Mill News Emailing list, here is the subscription link ONElist
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