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-Caveat Lector-

Sunday 9th May 2004 :
A Secret Guantanamo, for the 'Ghost Detainees', the new 'Disappeared'...
British quizzed Iraqis at torture jail

. Tories demand Hoon explains when he was told about prisoner abuse .
Whitehall alarmed over report that detainees were hidden from Red Cross

Peter Beaumont, Martin Bright and Paul Harris in Washington
Sunday May 9, 2004
The Observer

British military intelligence officers were interrogating prisoners in the
notorious Abu Ghraib jail in Iraq even as the first reports of abuses at the
prison came to light, The Observer can reveal. The Ministry of Defence has
confirmed that three 'military personnel' were stationed at the prison,
outside Baghdad, between January and April this year. Coalition sources in
Iraq say MI6 also visited the jail regularly.

The revelations threaten to drag the British government into the heart of
the international scandal over coalition abuse at Abu Ghraib. It follows
claims in yesterday's Guardian that the humiliating sexual abuse at the jail
was consistent with procedures taught to British and American special

An MoD spokesman said the three British military staff were based at Abu
Ghraib, but insisted they were unaware of abuses or the US investigation
that began in January. The three interrogators interviewed a small number of
prisoners with a view to 'gathering information' that could help the
coalition. Their work, he said, was consistent with the Geneva Conventions
on the treatment of prisoners and responsibility for guarding them remained
with the US.

The interrogators arrived at the prison after the abuse was discovered and
after investigations began into the allegations. One left the prison in
March while the others remained until April.

The disclosure will put fresh pressure on British Defence Secretary Geoff
Hoon to clarify when he first heard of allegations of mistreatment of Iraqi
prisoners amid claims from the Red Cross that British officials were alerted
in November.

The MoD told The Observer that Hoon was not informed of the American
investigation into Abu Ghraib and was first alerted to the scandal by media

Shadow foreign secretary Michael Ancram said: 'These new revelations show
that it is now imperative that Geoff Hoon or the Foreign Secretary himself
come to the House of Commons on Monday to fully explain when he was first
informed of the abuses in Abu Ghraib.'

Senior Pentagon sources have also told this newspaper that plans are being
drawn up to bulldoze Abu Ghraib within a month in an attempt to assuage Arab
outrage at photographs of US sexual abuse of detainees inside the prison.

But the commander of US detention facilities in Iraq said yesterday the US
military will continue to run the prison with a reduced population and that
if orders are received to close Abu Ghraib, the military would shift the
mission to Camp Bucca, south of Basra.

The Red Cross disclosed to The Observer that its president, Jakob
Kellenberger, had personally warned three of George W. Bush's most senior
officials - National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State
Colin Powell and Deputy Defence Secretary Paul Wolfowitz - of widespread
abuse tantamount to torture.

Whitehall sources expressed concern last night that the US was transporting
prisoners from Afghanistan to Abu Ghraib for interrogation to avoid being
overseen by the Red Cross.

Officials are known to be shocked by the findings, contained in a report by
Major-General Antonio Taguba, the senior US officer secretly sent to
investigate the abuse. According to Taguba's leaked report: 'Various
detention facilities operated by military police in Iraq, hosted "ghost
detainees" - unidentified prisoners brought to them by "other government

Taguba reports that the 320th MP Battalion at Abu Ghraib 'held a handful of
"ghost detainees" that they moved around within the facility to hide them
from a visiting International Committee of the Red Cross survey team.' He
concludes: 'This manoeuvre was deceptive, contrary to army doctrine and in
violation of international law.'

British officials believe Abu Ghraib became a secret substitute for the
controversial US prison facility at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, which was
attracting hostile international attention.

Although Taguba does not refer to foreign prisoners, it is thought that some
who might otherwise have been shipped to Guantanamo ended up at Abu Ghraib.

The new revelations came as Bush used his weekly national radio address
yesterday to condemn the abuse as 'a stain on our country's honour and
reputation' but vowed not to be deterred in America's mission to bring
democracy to Iraq.

The revelations also came as Lynndie England, one of the central figures in
the abuse allegations, was charged with conspiring to mistreat prisoners,
among other charges.

Bush repeated his claim that the abuse 'was the wrongdoing of a few' and
should not reflect on the thousands of US military personnel 'who are
serving and sacrificing in Iraq'.

by : Outraged
Sunday 9th May 2004

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substanceâ??not soap-boxingâ??please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'â??with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsâ??is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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