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-Caveat Lector-

No Cakewalk Yesterday For US Forces Against “Lions Of Fallujah”
Nov 09, 2004
By Omar al-Faris, JUS and Muhammad Abu Nasr, Free Arab Voice

As the Fallujah show down continues, reports coming in the late hours and early 
this morning clearly
indicate that yesterdays opening offensive by US and Iraqi forces, dubbed 
Allawi’s Army, was no
cakewalk. Thirty six American soldiers were captured, American supply lines 
attacked, over a hundred
“guardsmen” surrender to Mujahideen, several American aircrafts downed and 
Mujahideen pushed US
forces back in two main entry positions.

US bombing raids continued overnight. US airplanes dropped more than 20 
container bombs, holding
more than 40,000 anti-personnel cluster bombs on Fallujah Monday night. The 
American bombing
targeted the neighborhoods of al-Jaghifi and al-Jawlan. Eyewitnesses inside the 
city said that older
men who had taken part in the wars with Iran and had served in Kuwait had never 
seen such intense
bombing as this, which lit up the sky of the city. US forces also shelled 
residential areas of the
city with incendiary napalm, and dropped various types of noise and concussion 

Some local residents awoke this morning to no electricity and no running water. 
U.S. troops cut
electricity and phone lines in some areas of the city yesterday and most 
private generators are not
working. Residents also said they fear food shortages as most shops have been 
shut for two days.

While the top U.S. commander in Iraq, General George Casey, predicted a "major 
confrontation" in the
opening hours of operations, US forces made little headway yesterday. The 
occupation offensive is
dubbed "al-Fajr", which in Arabic means “dawn “but used in this context is an 
absolute affront to
Sunni Muslims as this also refers to their first prayer of the day. Overall, 
the main force was not
able to penetrate into Fallujah yesterday, the first full day of the operation. 
and things frankly
did not go as planned.

Mujahideen captured 36 Americans in the “Industrial neighborhood” however both 
Al-Jazeera and
Al-Arabyia refused to publish images of the captives, saying that they feared 
they would be
prohibited from reporting from inside Iraq. Mujahideen also have targeted 
American vital supply
lines, destroying 34 fuel tankers in Fallujah and Taji.

Occupation casualties based on eyewitness accounts, Mujahideen reports and 
calculations of military
personnel lost when vehicles were destroyed tally an estimated 56 American 
soldiers killed. In
addition, four aircraft were shot down, and two Abrams tanks were destroyed and 
in a bazaar turn of
events, over 100 Iraqi national guards turn themselves in to the Mujahideen 
after seeing the chaos
of the American units.

Here are details of some of yesterdays action:

36 Americans Captured, Including Woman: Arab TV Refuses To Air Footage

The 36 Americans that were captured in Industrial neighborhood yesterday were 
on board three tanks
and three armored jeeps but the Mujahideen successfully encircled them, 
isolating them from the rest
of their column. The Mujahideen told Islam memo correspondent that they were 
surprised at how
quickly the Americans surrendered without a fight. The Mujahideen attributed 
the quick surrender to
the state of fear and disarray that has dominated the American occupiers 
generally all throughout
Iraq in general and particularly in hot spots such as Fallujah, Samaara, and 
Qaim. Many Marines that
are now involved in the Fallujah attack have no combat experience and this is 
most likely also a
contributing factor.

Leaders of the Council of Mujahideen of Fallujah have announced that as a part 
of their information
struggle against the US occupation troops, Resistance fighters had filmed 
occupation prisoners being
held by the Resistance inside Fallujah. The prisoners who were filmed numbered 
36 and included some
US women soldiers. All were captured in Fallujah’s industrial zone Monday 

Abu Asad, President of the Council of Mujahideen of Fallujah, announced to 
Mafkarat al-Islam’s
correspondent that after filming the American prisoners, they gave the film to 
the al-Jazeera and
al-‘Arabiyah satellite TV stations.

The two stations, however, refused to broadcast the tape for “security 
reasons.” In fact they were
afraid of American reprisals against the their stations if they were to 
broadcast the videotapes, as
previously happened to al-Jazeera after they showed film of US prisoners at the 
start of the US
invasion of Iraq in 2003. At that time, al-Jazeera’s internet website was 
knocked off the internet
for several days, an incident of “hacking” that the station in fact blames on 
“action taken by major
countries”. Regardless of their reasons, this is a deviation for both networks 
who claim to be
impartial news agencies. It is expected that visuals will be posted to the web 
in coming days.

Guardsmen Desert On Mass

Over 100 Iraqi national guards turned themselves in to the Mujahideen and tried 
to explain why they
were there to begin with. They informed the Mujahideen that they were misled by 
the Americans in
that they were not told about their expected major role in a full scale attack 
on Fallujah but
rather that they would be engaged in military maneuvers there.. Meanwhile, the 
citizens of Fallujah
dismissed Iyad Allawi latest statement in which he ordered a 6 pm curfew on the 
city, saying that
“ neither Allawi nor his masters (the Americans) have had any control over the 
city, let alone
declaring a curfew.” There are currently 6,000 US troops and 2,000 Allawi 
troops taking part in the
first phase of the Fallujah operation.

Mujahideen Cut Fuel Supplies

In a strategic early stage operation, Fallujah Mujahideen attacked a large 
American column
consisting of 21 fuel-carrying trailers that were being accompanied by several 
Humvees near the
Deglah river on the main road into Fallujah. All trailers were destroyed and 
their drivers were
captured. The drivers were Iraqis and Syrians. Speaking to Islam memo, the 
Mujahideen said that in
these kinds of attacks, the Humvees are the first to retreat, leaving the 
trailers to fend for
themselves because the Humvees are no match for the rockets used by the 

Resistance Repels US Assault In The South

Iraqi Resistance forces threw back a US ground assault on the southern 
approaches to Fallujah last
night that followed other attacks on the city from all sides. The Mafkarat 
al-Islam correspondent in
Fallujah reported that the US troops attempted to storm the city from the south 
and got as far as
500 meters from the ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood. The Resistance drew the American 
unit that was trying
to break into the city forward and then suddenly pounced on them in force, 
compelling them to
retreat to cover behind the highway. One Iraqi sharp shooter was able to pick 
off a US soldier
opposite the ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood.

Mujahideen Brigade Crushes US Assault On Al-Jawlan Neighborhood

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in Fallujah denied reports carried by 
Reuters and other
western news agencies that Iraqi Resistance forces were hunkering down in the 
al-Jawlan neighborhood
and elsewhere in the city as American forces attacked.

In a report posted at 11:55pm local time (10:55pm Mecca time) last night, the 
correspondent stated
that US troops accompanied by 10 US tanks had indeed advanced at around 10pm 
local time towards the
sheep market in the city. Mujahideen then forced the Americans back to the 
Asadallah al-Ghalib
Brigade of the Resistance. Two tanks were set ablaze and at least 12 occupation 
troops were
estimated to have been killed as they were fully loaded with personnel during 
the engagement.

Once the Mujahideen destroyed that tanks, the remainder of the American attack 
force retreated and
took cover behind the Fallujah train station where they were still taking 
intense Resistance mortar
fire at the time the correspondent filed his report. At that time, the 
correspondent wrote that
there were no more US invaders in the al-Jawlan neighborhood.

60 Rockets Fired Into US Troop Concentration North Of City

In a dispatch posted at 11:50pm Monday night local time (10:50pm Mecca time) 
the Mafkarat al-Islam
correspondent in Fallujah reported that Resistance forces had fired 60 rockets 
of various times on a
concentration of US troops to the north of Fallujah. According to the 
correspondent the rockets
fired included Grad, Tariq, Sukhoi, and CAT rockets. Flames could be seen 
rising from the target
areas where the rockets exploded, indicating that vehicles or other aggressor 
troop targets had been

Two US Bases Blasted With Ababil Rockets

Resistance forces in Fallujah blasted the US military base in the agricultural 
area north of
Fallujah with seven powerful Ababil rockets after sunset on Monday. In a report 
posted at 11:30pm
Monday night local time (10:30pm Mecca time) the Fallujah correspondent of 
Mafkarat al-Islam
reported that secondary explosions of American munitions were still continuing 
hours after the
Resistance rocket attack as he wrote his dispatch. Resistance forces also fired 
six Ababil rockets
into the US al-Hadbah base in al-Habbaniyah. The Ababil rocket was one of the 
powerful missiles in
the arsenal of the Iraqi Army prior to the US invasion of the country in 2003 
and it is common
knowledge that most of the advanced weapons systems Iraq had before the US 
invasion are now in the
hands of the resistance.

Mosques, Hospitals, Ambulances Targeted ,

In a dispatch posted at 11pm local time last night, 10pm Mecca time, the 
Fallujah correspondent of
Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US forces were targeting their savage 
bombardments on the city’s
hospitals and mosques. The al-Aqsa Mosque in the al-Mu‘allimin neighborhood of 
Fallujah was
virtually completely destroyed by US aircraft.

American forces shelled the Zayid Mobile Hospital which is currently being used 
by local residents
for treatment of the wounded. Fallujah General Hospital, which was the first 
target of US
bombardment, is now surrounded by US troops. American snipers have also 
positioned themselves on the
roof of the hospital yesterday where they pick off individuals walking inside 
the city. US forces
also shelled an ambulance as it traversed the streets of the city, destroying 
the vehicle and
killing its driver, Muhammad Jabal. Since earlier American assaults on the city 
had already severely
reduced the number of ambulances available to Fallujah residents, the latest 
American attacks have
left only two ambulances, one of them in good condition, the other said to be 
“falling apart.”

Resistance Takes On US Airpower

In a dispatch posted at 6:22pm local time Monday evening (5:22pm Mecca time) 
the Mafkarat al-Islam
correspondent in Fallujah reported that the Iraqi Resistance had shot down two 
US helicopters in the
northwest of Fallujah around midday.

The first of the two was downed by Resistance fighters in the residential area 
of ath-Tharthar at
1:30pm local time. Resistance fighters opened fire on the American aircraft 
with Russian-made double
Dimitrov anti-aircraft weapons, setting it ablaze before it crashed to the 
ground. At 2 pm Iraqi
Resistance forces shot a C5K rocket at another US helicopter blowing it up in 
midair over the
al-Azraqiyah area of Fallujah. The correspondent reported that these 
helicopters usually have a crew
of four, consisting of the pilot, co-pilot, and two gunners, one on each side 
of the aircraft.

Shortly beforehand, Mujahideen in the al-Jawlan neighborhood in the western 
part of the city fired a
C5K rocket, downing another US helicopter. All four crew members are presumed 
dead. Earlier in the
day Mujahideen shot down an unmanned US spy plane in the al-Wahdah area of 
Fallujah at about 1pm
yesterday afternoon.

Sunni Leaders Call For Civil Disobedience

In order to counter efforts by US-installed puppet prime minister Iyyad ‘Allawi 
to provoke sectarian
civil strife in Iraq, a group of predominantly Sunni religious leaders in 
Fallujah, headed by the
Mufti of Fallujah, Shaykh Jamal Shakir an-Nazal and Shaykh Hamzah al-Mufti have 
issued a call for
civil disobedience in all departments of the puppet government against the 
‘Allawi regime if the
bombardment of Fallujah continues.

The call for civil disobedience comes in support of a legal opinion issued by 
Shaykh Mahdi as-Samid
‘i of the Salafi movement in Iraq in which he proclaimed that it was not 
permissible for any Muslim
to join the so-called “national guard” and demanded that any soldiers already 
in the force leave it
immediately. As-Samid‘i noted that the force aids the US occupation of Iraq in 
striking cities and
people in the country, a violation of Islamic law.

Fallujah Residents Fearful Of Sectarian War

Many residents of the besieged city have expressed their apprehension about the 
so-called “Iraqi
national guard” which is popularly known as ‘Allawi’s Army. Local residents 
feel that unlike the
Americans, ‘Allawi’s troops are inclined specially to seek out the 
predominantly Sunni population of
Fallujah for massacre and its mosques and graveyards for desecration should 
they manage to get
inside the city.

Allawi’s Army, they point out, shelled the Sunni cemetery in Fallujah, despite 
the fact that there
are no houses around it that could be of any military significance whatsoever. 
This indicated to
many residents that Allawi’s aim is to provoke a sectarian civil war in Iraq, 
now that he has
realized that controlling the country is out of the question.

As of press time, early reports coming in from sources close the Mujahideen 
tell JUS that the
fighters spirits are high as they have prepared well in advance of the battle. 
Many IED’s have been
planted, explosive laden vehicles have been readied and houses have been wired 
with explosives in an
effort to take out as many occupation forces as possible. Mosques are 
continuing to communicate
messages to the local popluation and to ring out “Allahu Akbar” and a 
particularly hot day is
expected with Mujahideen fueled by the advent of Layla Tul-Qadr.

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