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-Caveat Lector-

15 October 2004
Want to know the hardware behind Echelon?
Uncle Sam using Texas' SAM.
By Chris Mellor, Techworld

You've probably heard about Echelon, the vast listening system run by the
US, UK, Canada and Australia that scans the world's voice traffic looking
for key words and phrases.

Aside from using the system for industrial espionage and bypassing
international and national laws to listen in on people, it is also used to
listen out for people like Osama bin Laden and assorted terrorists in the
hope of preventing attacks.

All this is out in the relative open thanks to investigative journalists and
a European Commission report into the system, concerned and annoyed that the
Brits and Yanks has got there first.

It works like this: The calls are recorded by geo-stationary spy satellites
and listening stations, such as the UK's Menworth Hill, which combine
satellite-intercepted calls and trunk landline intercepts and forward them
on to centres, such as the US' Fort Meade, where supercomputers work on the
recordings in real time.

But what, you ask, can deal with that overwhelming mass of data that helps
our government spy on the world? And how does it work?

Well, a Texas Memory Systems SAM product - a combined solid-state disk (SSD)
and DSP (digital signal processor). Woody Hutsell, an executive VP at TMS,
said: "Fifty percent of our revenue this year will come from DSP systems,
more than last year. The systems are a combination of SSD with DSP ASICs."
ASICs are application-specific integrated circuits - chips dedicated to a
specific purpose.

TMS has a TM-44 DSP chip which has 8 GFLOPS of processing power - that's
eight billion floating point operations per second. The processing uses
floating point arithmatic operations to supply the accuracy needed for the
analysis. A DSP chip turns analogue signals from a sensor or recorder into
digital information usable by a computer. Digital cameras will use a DSP to
turn the light signals coming through the lens into digital picture element,
or pixel, information.

A SAM-650 product is called a 192 GFLOPS DSP supercomputer by TMS. It is
just 3U high and has 24 DSP chips and is positioned as a back-end number
cruncher controlled by any standard server - a similar architecture to that
used by Cray supercomputers. There are vast streams of information coming
from recorded telephone conversations. The ability to have the DSPs work in
parallel speeds up analysis enormously. Spinning hard drives can't feed the
DSPs fast enough, nor are they quick enough for subsequent software analysis
of the data. Consequently TMS uses its solid state technology to provide a
buffer up to 32GB that keeps the DSPs operating at full speed.

A cluster of five SAM-650's provides a terra flop of processing power; one
trillion floating point operations per second.

Echelon is a global surveillance network set up in Cold War days to provide
the US goverment with intelligence data about Russia. One of the main
contractors is Raytheon. Lockheed Martin has been involved in writing
software for it. Since then it has expanded into a general listening
facility, an electronic vacuum cleaner, sucking up the world's telephone
conversations. Information about it's existence has been reluctantly
revealed, prompted by scandals such as the recordings of Princess Diana's
telephone calls by the NSA.

Recorded signals are fed into the TMS SAM systems where the DSPs filter out
the noise to produce much clearer signals that software can work on to
detect individual voices, perform voice recognition, and listen out for
keywords, such as, for example, "Semtex". Decryption of encrypted calls is
also a likely activity.

Hutsell says the SAM systems, "are supplied to intelligence agencies and the
military though system integrators like Raytheon, Lockheed Martin and Zeta.
http://www.zai.com/   It's an intelligence community application involving
data from various sources. This is loaded into RAM and then real-time
analysis is carried out on it. Step one is to filter out the noise and our
DSP chips are used for that. Then they look into patterns using other
tools - images or voice. It's very high-speed."

TMS has supplied its RAMsan high-speed SSD technology to several US
government agencies. Hutsell said, "We have recently sold another terabyte
system to a federal agency. It's installed in the DC [District of Columbia]
area via our partner Vion. http://www.vion.com/About/index.asp    There's
another in a government data centre with Oracle indices that needed to be

TMS has had 40 percent year on year growth for three years. It has no debt
and is privately-owned. Hutsell said: "This year is the healthiest year
ever." Half the company's revenue comes from the government sector.

Fast, very fast, database and recorded signal access is the name of this
game. The US government wants to know what you and I are talking about. Spy
in the sky satellites listen in to what we say and look at what we do. Then
solid state disk keeps the real time analysis of these calls and images
operating at full speed. The world's fastest storage system is used in the
world's most sophisticated spying operation.

Impressive and scary at the same time.


Author:  Bo Elkjaer, Kenan Seeberg
Publisher/Date:  Ekstra Bladet (Dn), November 17, 1999
Title:  Echelon was my baby -- Interview with Margaret Newsham

Ekstra Bladet meets a former Echelon spy. In spite of illness and angst, she
now reveals how illegal political surveillance was carried out.

LAS VEGAS (Ekstra Bladet): “Even though I felt bad about what we were doing,
I was very pleased with the professional part of my job. I don’t mean to
brag, but I was very good at what I did, and I actually felt like Echelon
was my baby.”

Ekstra Bladet meets Margaret Newsham in her home in a sleepy Las Vegas
suburb. For obvious reasons we are omitting the name of the town where
Margaret Newsham is trying to lead a normal life. She has never mentioned
her past to her neighbors.

A past in which Margaret Newsham has been in close contact with the very
core of the most secretive world of all worlds. Margaret Newsham helped
build the electronic surveillance system known as Echelon.

Today she has broken off connection with the world of espionage and lives in
constant fear that ‘certain elements’ in the NSA or CIA will try to silence
her. As a result, she sleeps with a loaded pistol under her mattress, and
her best friend is Mr. Gunther — a 120-pound German shepherd that was
trained to be a guard and attack dog by a good friend in the Nevada State

She sent the dog to a ‘babysitter’ before we arrived, since “he doesn’t let
strangers come in to my house,” she says with a faint smile.

Only once before has Newsham told anybody about her work as an Echelon spy:
during closed, top-secret hearings held by the US Congress in 1988. Today,
Margaret breaks eleven years of silence by telling the press for the very
first time about her work for the most extensive espionage network in the
world. Margaret Newsham decided to talk with Ekstra Bladet even though her
doctor advised her not to meet with us. “Since I have high blood pressure,
my doctor thinks it’s risky for me to talk with you, but it’s a chance I’m
willing to take.”


Newsham has gone through hell ever since she was fired from her job at
Lockheed Martin where she designed programs for Echelon’s global
surveillance network. When asked to work on a project in 1984, she refused
because sh e believed it could harm the US government. Shortly after,
Echelon’s wirepullers in the National Security Agency (NSA) made sure that
she was fired by Lockheed Martin. Immediately afterward, she sued her former
employer for wrongful dismissal and contacted the internal security
commission, DCAA, which arranged the closed hearings.

“Ever since, I have felt like I was under so much pressure that it has had a
fatal influence on my health,” says Margaret Newsham, who up to now has
survived a seizure which left her totally paralyzed. All she had left was
her sense of hearing when she was admitted to the hospital.

“I could hear the doctor pronouncing my death sentence, while my husband and
three children stood by my side. The only thing that kept me going was the
thought that if I died, I would lose my case. That thought was what brought
me back to life.” After regaining her mobility, Newsham suffered a cardiac
arrest, and two years ago she underwent surgery for a malignant tumor.
Today, she dryly states that she is living on borrowed time, which perhaps
explains why she chooses to stand forward at this time.


“To me, there are only two issues at stake here: right or wrong. And the
longer I worked on the clandestine surveillance projects, the more I could
see that they were not only illegal, but also unconstitutional.”

Margaret Newsham is not pleased with herself for participating in spying on
ordinary people, politicians, interest groups and private companies, which
is exactly what she did for 10 years, from 1974 to 1984. Both the satellites
and the computer programs were developed at Lockheed’s headquarters in
Sunnyvale California, and in 1977, she was stationed at the largest
listening post in the world at Menwith Hill, England. “On the day at Menwith
Hill when I realized in earnest how utterly wrong it was, I was sitting with
one of the many “translators”. He was an expert in languages like Russian,
Chinese and Japanese. Suddenly he asked me if I wanted to listen in on a
conversation taking place in the US at an office in the US Senate Building.
Then I clearly heard a southern American dialect I thought I had heard

“Who is that?” I asked the translator who told me that it was Republican
senator Strom Thurmond. ‘Oh my gosh!’ I thought. We’re not only spying on
other countries, but also on our own citizens. That’s when I realized in e
arnest that what we were doing had nothing to do with national security
interests of the US.”


In all its complicated simplicity, the American intelligence agency, NSA,
together with intelligence agencies in England, Canada, Australia and New
Zealand, has established a system of satellites and computer systems that
can monitor by and large all electronic communication in the world: phone
conversations, e-mails, telexes and telefaxes. A number of other countries
are affiliated as third or fourth party participants, including Denmark.

The fundamental concept of the system is to get access to all important
political movements in hostile and allied countries alike and to keep an eye
on all important economic movements. Knowledge is power, and the NSA knows
it. Furthermore, NSA’s spies function as the only primary authority to
supervise who receives what information and what it is used for.

“Even then, Echelon was very big and sophisticated. As early as 1979 we
could track a specific person and zoom in on his phone conversation while he
was communicating. Since our satellites could in 1984 film a postage stamp
lying on the ground, it is almost impossible to imagine how all-encompassing
the system must be today.”


Who came up with the name Echelon?

“The NSA. Lockheed Martin’s alphanumeric code was P415.”

What did you actually do?

“Unfortunately, I can’t tell you all my duties. I am still bound by
professional secrecy, and I would hate to go to prison or get involved in
any trouble, if you know what I mean. In general, I can tell you that I was
responsible for compiling the various systems and programs, configuring the
whole thing and making it operational on main frames [large computers,

Which part of the system is named Echelon?

“The computer network itself. The software programs are known as SILKWORTH
and SIRE, and one of the most important surveillance satellites is named
VORTEX. It intercepts things like phone conversations.”


You worked as an agent for the NSA, but were employed by a private company?

“Yes, it is almost impossible to tell the difference between NSA agents and
civilians employed by Lockheed Martin, Ford and IBM. The borderlines are
very vague. I had one of the highest security classifications which required
the approval of the CIA, the NSA, the Navy and the Air Force. The approval
included both a lie detector test, and an expanded personal history test in
which my family and acquaintances were discretely checked by the security

The sky darkens over the cascading neon lights of Las Vegas when Margaret
Newsham tells of countless infringements of security regulations and about
her colleague who suffered brain damage when she partipated in the
development of the Stealth bomber. Though Margaret Newsham is totally
exhausted, she also seems relieved.

“This is the first time I have ever told anyone some of the things I told
you today. But now I want to get Mr. Gunther soon so I feel safe again. She
measures her blood pressure and looks very alarmed.

“I had better go to the doctor tomorrow morning, so maybe we should meet
later on in the day.” When she returns with Mr. Gunther an hour later, the
dog inspects every room before Margaret goes in. The last thing she does
before falling asleep on her king size bed is to check her pistol to make
sure it is still loaded.


Lockheed Martin is the largest supplier of munitions to the US military
services and to their intelligence agencies, the NSA and the CIA. During the
eighties, Lockheed Martin took over LORAL Space Systems and Ford Aerospace
which also deliver monitoring equipment to the espionage agencies. Margaret
Newsham worked for the NSA through her employment at Ford and Lockheed from
1974 to 1984. In 1977 and 1978, Newsham was stationed at the largest
listening post in the world at Menwith Hill, England.

She received on-the-job training at NSA headquarters at Fort George Meade in
Maryland, USA. Ekstra Bladet has Margaret Newsham’s stationing orders from
the US Department of Defense. She possessed the high security
classification: TOP SECRET CRYPTO.

According to information found by Ekstra Bladet in the Pentagon’s databases,
the NSA had 38,613 employees in 1995. This figure does not include the many
employees at private companies who work for the NSA.

Ekstra Bladet has documented the existence of Echelon in a long series of
articles over the last months.

Denmark is affiliated with the Echelon network as a third party, and the
most important Danish listening post is located at Aflandshage on the island
of Amager.

Copyright 1999 — Ekstra Bladet — Denmark


Echelon Watch

NSA Admits to Spying on Princess Diana

US govt buys world's biggest RAM disk

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