-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at:

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector- Dozens of people agreed on "silver American Airlines 757,
flaps up, landing gear not down, clipping lamp posts, and
wing wags so as to clear spools, and nose hit between
floors, see wing wag angle with center of impact between
the alleged small hole and the wider hole below"

Out of three witnesses talking about a small business jet,
Omar Campos interviewed by DC CBS Channel 9 was
later quoted in UK Guardian as saying "silver American
Airways large passenger jet", and now a second out of
those three begins to sound like Dick Eastman placing
the 14th Street Bridge west of the Pentagon--

"Joel Skousen reported that: "I have, so far, been unable to locate a
Steven Patterson
in the Pentagon City area of Arlington, Va. None of
the graphic design firms in the area that I called have heard of him.
Barbara Vobejda told me she didn't have a contact number for him



"Steve Patterson, 43, is a graphics artist who works at home in a 14th-floor
apartment in Pentagon City

Bob> Pentagon City is a mile farther away than the dozens of witnesses
who could have hit the plane by throwing a rock at it. Pentagon City is
on the other side of the Pentagon, a mile away, so  why do we need this
guy? Denialists are scraping the bottom of the barrel if we can plainly
read the words,"Pentagon City". Check a map, it's far away. If your map
does not show a labe for Pentagon City, look for the corner of

"While watching events unfold on TV he saw a silver commuter jet fly past
his window about 150 yards away,"

Bob> His Pentagon City window, a mile or more southeast of the Pentagon,
and the plane was 150 yards outside his 14th floor window!

"approaching from the west about 20 feet off the ground,"

Bob> The plane was 150 yards from a window a mile southeast of the
Pentagon, headed east. It was already a mile southeast of the Pentagon,
and it was headed east, as if to go farther away from the Pentagon.

"He said it appeared to him that a commuter jet which appeared to hold about
eight to 12  people,"

Bob> From the 14th floor he looked down a jet 20 feet off the
ground, couldn't see in the windows from above, but it was
headed east and Pentagon City is already east of the Pentagon,
so the plane was flying AWAY from the Pentagon

"headed straight for the Pentagon"

Bob> It was a mile east of the Pentagon, 150 yards from Pentagon
City, twenty feet off the ground, flying east as if to strike the Crystal
City high rise district, then all of a sudden it was "headed for the
Pentagon"? The witness implies the plane made a circle AFTER
it got as low as 20 FEET altitude 150 yards from his window a
MILES east of the Pentagon! It circled at an altitude of 20 feet?

"but was flying as if coming in for a landing on a  nonexistent runway."

Bob> Like Dick Eastman saying 14th St Bridge is west of the Pentagon, he
says that at a point a mile or more southeast of the Pentagon, 150 yards from
that point, 150 yards from his window, a plane already a mile southeast of
the Pentagon, heading east at an altitude of twenty feet from the ground...
would have hit Crystal City high-rise buildings two miles southeast of
the Pentagon....but made an implied circle twenty feet off the ground all
the way around...flying over Omar Campos who was mowing grass at
Arlington Cemetary...

"The plane, which sounded like the high-pitched squeal of a fighter jet, flew
over Arlington cemetery so low that he thought it was going to land on I-395.
"at a frightening rate ... just slicing into that building."

Bob> Arlington Cemetary is west of the Pentagon, and this witness is
on the other side, in Pentagon City, a mile or more southeast of the
Pentagon. He has just said he saw the plane flying east, away from
the Pentagon, from his position east of the Pentagon, and now he
says it was west of the Pentagon, again travelling east. He leaves
out a complete circle! Could he have just heard Omar Campos
on TV channel 9, translated from Spanish as saying he saw a
business jet, when he later said commerical jet, specifically an
American Airways big passenger jet, as he was quoted in UK
Guardian? But channel 9 had not said Omar Campos was mowing
grass at Arlington Cemetary, and Air Force press officer Lt Col
Art Holbow had identified Omar Campos or his location when
he quoted Campos as saying "business" rather than "commercial"

"He saw bright orange flames shoot out the back of the building."

Barbara Vobejda Washington Post Staff Writer/ Sept. 11, 4:59 PM

Bob> He has to say "saw flames shoot out the **BACK **of the building",
since his  Pentagon City window is in Pentagon City, which is a mile or two
southeast of the building(Pentagon), and the plane hit the west wall of the
building, out of sight for Pentagon City

Incidentally, Steve Patterson, a mile away on the other side of the Pentagon,
is the only witness I know of who said the plane flew over Arlington Cemetary.
Omar Campos, translated from Spanish as saying business rather than commercial
jet, was mowing grass at Arlington Cemetary, and then there was only one witness
I know of saying the plane flew over Rosslyn, west of Arlington Cemetary That
witness was only GUESSING the plane flew over Rosslyn. That was Harry Gold,
on the opposite or east side of the Pentagon, and he saw an American Airlines
757 at the beginning of the big circle, and guessed that it flew over Rosslyn,
out of his view, but the Boeing flew around Rosslyn, never flying over Rosslyn
or truly above Arlington Cemetary. Harry Gold had a window, too. If Steve
Patterson saw AA77 first, Harry Gold watched it for several miles outside his
window looking east toward Steve Patterson and Pentagon City, and Harry
Gold also saw a silver jet, but he saw an American Airlines 757, watching
it "for several miles over the river", while Steve Patterson says it was small,
and leaves out "several miles over the river" which he was near, to skip to
"Arlington Cemetary" which was beyond the Pentagon for him, two miles
away. Let's prefer Harry Gold over Steve Patterson as to what happened
east of the Pentagon, since Steve said the plane was 20 feet off the ground
near Pentagon City and then skips and merely implies the whole circle
until he starts talking about Arlington Cemetary on the opposite side of
the Pentagon and over a mile away. Harry Gold, also an east side witness,
saw a silver AA 757 "for several miles" which would be right outside
Steve's the small planer's window. I think Steve was in the bathroom
listening to Lt Col Holbow and Omar Campos on TV, and he just
wanted to help authority figure Lt Col Holbow.


 Eric Bart Eyewitness Account Compilation
 They Saw The Aircraft
 Compare Large and Small Jet Witnesses
 Light Poles
http://www.sitbot.net/htm/19997.html    <---
http://www.sitbot.net/htm/19996.html    <--- +3 "E Bart Witness Compilations"
http://www.sitbot.net/htm/19995.html    <---
 Telephoto Lens Foreshortens Spool to Wall Distance
 ...witnesses confirm downward flight path angle, too
 Wide Hole Below Small Hole Allows For Wing Entry

Date:  Sun Sep 5, 2004  8:21 pm
Subject:  Fwd: [CTRL] "Unable to locate" the first "eyewitness" in new Pentagon mud-op flash-video propagnada piece

From:  Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Sun Sep 5, 2004  8:05 pm
Subject:  [CTRL] "Unable to locate" the first "eyewitness" in new Pentagon mud-op flash-video propagnada piece

Joel Skousen reported that: "I have, so far, been unable to locate a Steven Pattersonin the
Pentagon City area of Arlington, Va. None of the graphic design firms in the area that I called
have heard of him. Barbara Vobejda told me she didn't have a contact number for him
either since his testimony was picked up by one of the dozens of "stringers" they had out in
the field that day interviewing people on the ground.


Steve Patterson, 43, is a graphics artist who works at home in a 14th-floor apartment in
Pentagon City
. While watching events unfold on TV he saw a silver commuter jet fly past
his window about 150 yards away, approaching from the west about 20 feet off the ground,
He said it appeared to him that a commuter jet which appeared to hold about eight to 12
people, headed straight for the Pentagon but was flying as if coming in for a landing on a
nonexistent runway.

The plane, which sounded like the high-pitched squeal of a fighter jet, flew over Arlington
cemetery so low that he thought it was going to land on I-395. "at a frightening rate ... just
slicing into that building." He saw bright orange flames shoot out the back of the building.

Barbara Vobejda Washington Post Staff Writer/ Sept. 11, 4:59 PM

Joel Skousen reported that:
"I have, so far, been unable to locate a Steven Pattersonin the Pentagon City area of
Arlington, Va. None of the graphic design firms in the area that I called have heard of
him. Barbara Vobejda told me she didn¡Çt have a contact number for him either since his
testimony was picked up by one of the dozens of "stringers" they had out in the field that
day interviewing people on the ground.


At 19:46 04/09/2004 -0400, Bob wrote:

scroll down at above link, to a photo looking same as this-- http://perso.wanadoo.fr/jpdesm/pentagon/facade/punchIn.jpg
   and turn the checkboxes above the photo off


This is not a "photo" or a "shot", but a photoshop work assembling several photos.
It has been done by XOX, the french investigator who made the 3D view of a 757
hitting the building's front, with red lines parallel to the trajectory from the wings
and tail fin tips (a widely used image). I checked, from other pictures, that the photo
assembling work that I used is accurate.

I have never seen any attempt of reconstitution, like I did, showing the explanations
of the damage on the building done by a F 16, a cruise missile, ... As you point it out,
instead of using propaganda effects, those who promote these theses should do some
work to try to match reality with their claims.

The only discussable point is : regarding the fact that a 757 could have hit this
building, XOX seems to prove that NO, and Desmoulins seems to prove that YES.
Why this discrepancy ? Answer : regarding the fact that upon such an impact that the
Boeing kept it's structural integrity and form, XOX assumes that YES, and Desmoulins
assumes that NO. It's as simple as that.

Best regards

Bob> Aluminum confetti was floating down for at least five minutes,
suggesting J-P is right about disintegration at the right wing tip. Yellow
primer on back of confetti and larger sheet metal confirms "plane parts
were found", even though thousands of parts were mere shreds, and plenty
of larger parts were found, and TV channel 9 reporter said early he walked
past plane parts until Pentagon personnel moved him back to a distance
from which the telephoto lenses foreshorten the distance between spools
and wall, also your wing wag shows right wing clearing spools, and the
witnesses said the trajectory was downward enough to clear spools, so
spools not an obstacle(one recent discussion about spools because of
that Goebbels Big Lie hypnotism video).

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www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at:

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