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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

A Message For You

May 29, 2004

Our Cherished Brothers and Sisters, greetings to you in the Precious
Name of our Lord Jesus! I come to you today, not wanting to make
these things public, but it is at the advice of our Father in Heaven
that I must do so! And, it is for your own information, as well, so
that you will be the wiser as to what is going on in America at this
On the morning of May 23, 2004, I awoke to find several puncture
marks on my left hand. There were in fact three puncture marks on my
thumb alone, one into the inside of the first joint of my thumb, one
into the middle joint of my thumb, and one into my wrist on the
inside at the bend of the wrist. On the inside of my third finger,
there was also a mark, a scrape with the needle and there was another
puncture mark over a blood vessel on the top of my left hand!
I knew immediately that the evil ones in this government had locked
onto me with a beam and that they had pulled me up into an
antigravity machine! You need to be aware that the United States
military has been in possession of these antigravity machines (UFOs)
for generations! The Russians have them! The Queen of England has
them! The Vatican has them and other evil governments and entities
have them as well. Be advised that they are solidly in the hands of
the evil ones around the world and they plan to keep them in their
All over the world, there is going to be a great increase in the
appearances of these antigravity machines! They are in the hands of
the totally evil and absolutely destructive elite Satanists! Many of
you will be abducted and injected with poisons and amnesic drugs,
just as they have done to me. What a perfect crime! Or, so they
think! However, they totally disregard the Spirit of God! In fact,
they totally disregard our Father in Heaven and His beautiful Son,
who is our Savior!
Immediately after seeing these marks and after examining my body, I
knew that the evil ones had done terrible things to me! I went to our
Father in Heaven and He showed me a drunken George W. Bush trying to
stick a needle in my hand. He was waiving it all around and sticking
it into me wildly here and there. He was drunk and stoned and with
him was his drunken Father. And, there were others, who were there,
but I will not mention at this time the others that our Lord and God
have revealed!
I do not know what all they did to me, but our Father made me see
that they had raped me repeatedly! This was a very difficult thing to
deal with at first, but our Father in Heaven made me see that I am
the one, who volunteered to go through this, so that a large part of
the Satanists would fall! And fall they will! George W. Bush will
soon go insane and he and his Father will not be long in this Earth!
The evil Queen of England, who ordered that this be done to me, will
also meet her demise, but she will first go through great heartaches
as she sees her kingdom slip through her fingers! All, who ever have
anything to do with the film that was made of me, will die the most
horrendous kinds of deaths! Our Father says that the curse that is
upon them is worse than Black Death!
Many of you may recall a scratched-up George W. Bush on television on
Monday, the 24th. He was claiming that he fell off his bike. He fell
all right, but with the help of his drunken and demon-possessed
Father, He fell down a flight of stairs! This happened the same night
that they kidnapped and raped me! How befitting that he was showing
his scars for the whole world to see, even and especially since his
own father did this to him! But, in the drunken state that he was in,
how would he know?
I received a report today that George W. Bush had a fit of insanity
two days past in the White House and he was demanding that Stew Webb,
Tom Henighan, the duly-elected President Al Gore and I be listed
as "terrorists." As many of you may know, Tom Henighan and Stew Webb
are running for President and Vice President respectively and the
real President, Al Gore, is now calling for the arrest of the Bushes
and others, who conspired to blow up the towers in New York City.
Dear Ones, I want you to get behind the duly elected President of the
United States of America, Al Gore! He won this election, but it was
absolutely stolen from him! George H.W. Bush kidnapped his daughter
and told President Gore that if he did not concede that he would kill
President Gore's daughter! Our Father in Heaven has given me many
prophecies for this Dear Man and I know that He has a work for him to
do. Pray for his safety often and pray for the safety and protection
of President Gore, his wife and beautiful children! Pray for the
safety and protection of me, of Stew Webb, of Tom Henighan and the
others, who are working behind the scenes to do something about this
terrible mess!
You know from previous messages that the Queen of England has ordered
war against the South in the USA. Three of the ones above, who are
called terrorists by George W. Bush, live in the South! Most of you
are surely aware that a chemical plant was blown up in Conyers,
Georgia a few days past. This has been done by the Israeli Mossad.
Just two days before this blast, two Israeli Mossad agents were
picked up in Atlanta with explosives! In addition to this, two
Israelis, one with improper identification were picked up within the
last eight days or so, as they were about to enter into King's Bay
Submarine Base in St. Mary' Georgia! They said that they were there
to move some things! More secret documents, perhaps! In addition to
this, just two days past, a plane was held up in Nashville, Tennessee
because an explosive was found on board. Albert Gore's daughter was
about to fly on this plane!
Folk, you know who the terrorists are! Demand an immediate arrest of
the terrorists, who are running this country into the ground! If they
are not soon arrested, including George W. Bush and his 911 cronies,
there will be a war of great proportions in this country! It will be
a miracle if these evil ones are arrested, but it is not going to
happen if you do not start praying for it and begin demanding this of
every elected official in this country! Get busy and make your voices
May 27, 2004
"My Beloved Child, I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High
God. Listen to Me, My Child, when I tell you that I am bringing death
and destruction to your enemies!
As you well know, My Child, in the early morning hours of May 23rd,
2004, the drunken and `stoned' Bushes, the elder and his drunken son,
kidnapped you in an antigravity machine! Along with them were others
of their Satanic friends and they all delighted in the drunken orgy
that they had planned for you! One by one, they raped you and
delighted in the evil that they had done!
And, I want you to know, My Child, that this I allowed and this you
agreed to on a level that you are not consciously aware of. For, you
agreed to this, My Child, that they may all be killed and killed they
shall be and sooner than most will ever know! And, the Queen of
England and her drunken family will not escape My wrath!
My Child, take a cup of My wrath and pour it over the English
monarchy! I am going to uproot this Kingdom and I am going to visit
it with death and destruction! All, who had any part, or who have any
future part in what was done to you, will die by the sword! Everyone
of them will die from horrible circumstances and plagues.
And, right now, My Child, I give you this key; for I am allowing you
to shut up the rain over the country, Israel, for one year for what
they have done to you! And, I am raising up the enemies of Israel on
every side, who will come into that country and they will rape their
women and they will kill their children because of what they did to
you! Ariel Sharon shall die soon, but before he dies he shall rot
from the inside out!
Yes, My Child, I have allowed these things to happen to you; and at
another level, you have agreed. But, few know the extent of My wrath
and My fury that I shall carry out against the Bushes and against
all, who have been involved, or who will ever be involved in what was
done to you!
Post this soon that all may be the wiser! For, the evil ones had
better get their burial plans in order! I am your Father in Heaven,
yea Jehovah, Most High God."
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 27th day of May, 2004,
Linda Newkirk
White Buffalo Calf Woman
E-mails from the rapists! They think that they can hide in darkness
and they will never be found out. But, they are all headed for the
Lake of Fire!
>From <http://www.prophecies.org/>. May 24, 2004
This e-mail message is a reply to a Web page using the
gen-form script. The reply was generated by a user at

The submitted values are:


No, seriously. What have you guys been smoking? I've got to get me
some of that. You are truly Something Awful.
Name: Your mom
email: Your other mom
UserURL: http://www.youhavetwomomsandIdidthembothatthesametime.ca
NOTE: As these evil ones invade our e-mails, they know that there is
one, who calls me Mum Linda! This is what this evil snake is
referring to when he makes the statements about your Mom and the
other Mom. He is admitting what he did in the name of the above URL.

Mr Rapist, your days and hours are numbers. Better laugh while you
The CIA code name of George W. Bush is icepick. Is blue ice below the
same as icepick?
This e-mail message is a reply to a Web page using the
gen-form script. The reply was generated by a user at

The submitted values are:

Comments: could you ask God to be a bit clearer. I mean all this "I
shall make them to become as tinkling cymbals, a noise to the ears of
like mind." is a little bit 'rustic-windchime-carver'. Doesn't God
understand current idioms? or does he just like to sound like he's on
some heavy drugs?
UserURL: <http:///>
By calling himself Futurefan, he is out to make sure that I know that
they monitor what I type and what I say on the phone to others!
Mr Rapist, You are no future fan of mine. Our Father in Heaven is
about to eradicate your future!
This e-mail message is a reply to a Web page using the
gen-form script. The reply was generated by a user at

The submitted values are:

Comments: thank god for naked ass pussy
UserURL: <http:///>
Mr Rapist, You won't thank Him for long as a spirit of death is fast
upon you! You are headed to the Lake of Fire!
These are only a three of the disgusting e-mails that they sent.
These are the Satanists and this is what they do! Do you think that
you will like a Satanic America when the streets of full of cloned
robotoid soldiers, who have no soul and no conscience? When these
evil satanists can rape and kill without any consequence! Well, that
day is at hand. These cloned, robotoid soldiers are being spotted in
America, along with huge numbers of foreign troops!
And, so it is Dear Ones! We are in a terrible war and it is a war for
all souls. You have a chance to get involved or to sit on the
sidelines. While 300 million people do little to save this country,
it is falling to the Satanists! This is going to be a very hard
lesson for many, who do not have any connection to our Lord and God,
who do not have His beautiful Spirit and who do not know His Precious
Son. This is a spiritual war and it will not be won save people
repent of their rebellion and come back and honor the laws of our
Father in Heaven. This is a serious wake-up call for all!
We send love to our Dear and Precious Friends, who have stood by us
though thick and thin! You have your rewards in Heaven and, they are
many! Big, big hugs and lots of love to you!
Jesus is our Only Way home,
Your Sister,

FTM HomePage <http://www.prophecies.org/index.html> ----
Previous "Msg For You" updates <http://www.prophecies.org/prevmsg.htm>
Prohetess Linda Newkirk
May 31, 2004

My Child, I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God. My
Little One, I am going to tell you something about White Buffalo Calf
Woman and you shall soon know why the evil ones hate you so, why they
fear you, and why they have tried to kill you over and over. You will
understand, My Little One, why they have stolen from you over and
over so
that you would not have the means to do many things in this world. I
show you why the evil ones are full of rage against you and why they
full of envy and jealousy. I will show you why they try to bury these
works any way they can and why they watch your every move and listen
your every conversation. Yes, My Child, I shall show you this and
you and others the world over will understand who White Buffalo Calf
Woman is and what I am about to do through you, My Child, through
Buffalo Calf Woman.
My Little One, I have carved you out of the stars and I have bathed
in the wind of My Spirit. I have molded and shaped you in the fires
destiny and I have burned My will in you with the hardness of a
and with the brilliance thereof. I have made you like the ocean waves
I have put within you the peace of the morning sun. Yes, these things
more I have put into you, My Child, that when the time was right, all
these things would be known, that they would all be manifest. My
One, you are as old as the hills and I have put in you My wisdom,
is wiser and ever superior to any of the stealth and cunning of the
In this life, My Little One, you have suffered much. You have endured
ridicule and mockery of you own family members and the hatred of
who call themselves My prophets, but are not. You have born the
persecution of the so-called Christians, the blind, who are leading
blind. You have suffered beneath the mocking and scorning, the
persecution, the murderous rampages, the rapes and the torture of the
Satanists, and My Little One, you have born it well. In your silence,
have wept alone, but when you were lonely and weak and full of sorrow
had no one to comfort you, I sent My angels and I made your journey
Your road has been full of thorns and boulders and pebbles and you
walked barefoot across these, and alone in your silence, you have
the desert of despair. For, what I have given you, My Little One, has
been a journey. It has been cut out and molded especially for you and
you, My Child, have been called, even before the foundations of this
Earth, and you have been prepared and molded for this day and hour,
this very time. Yes, My Child, this is your destiny; for you were
predestined to be in the Earth at this time and to serve Me and to
before Me as White Buffalo Calf Woman.
There are many, who will come forth and claim to be White Buffalo
Woman. Yes, My Child, the evil ones have many White Buffalo Calf
clones and they continue to fine-tune them to get the best replica of
you, but know one thing, My Little One. This is laughable and in due
season I shall not only destroy all clones, I shall destroy all, who
any part in the cloning of you, or anyone else.
Yes, My Child, the world is full of madness and it is full of
but My work shall go forth and it shall not be stopped. The work of
Buffalo Calf Woman, My work through you, My Child, shall go forth and
shall not be stopped. For, I have created you, My Child, and here in
Earth at this time I have put you through great tests. I have put you
though great trials and you have passed them all. Now, My Little One,
greater things await you.
The nature of this work, My Child, you cannot comprehend; for you
attempt to understand it with a human mind; but you cannot, for this
is supernatural. It is divine and cannot be processed by the closed
nature of human thinking.
Yes, My Child, soon you and a few others shall be given supernatural
bodies. As you have asked for this, it is at hand. This is the very
round of any in the whole Earth, who will receive such bodies and it
because the work of these few demands this at this time. This is
Little One, and the evil ones dread this day.
Oh, they thought that if they raped you, this would defile you and
you would not be worthy. They were so certain that if the raping did
destroy your spirit, that the multiple plagues that they injected in
would. Yes, they injected you low on the hips, believing that none
notice when you were found dead. And, with your husband out of town
for a
week, they had their mortuary stooges on hand to certify your death
that of natural causes. Yes, they were so certain that you would be
that they rushed forward with their own cloned White Buffalo Calf
who is now giving advice to the world. But, My Little One, as usual
are wrong again. So, it is now befitting, My Little One, that I am
sending spirits of insanity upon the clones and the cloners.
"Praise You, Father!" (Let it be noted that on Monday, the 24th of
the day following this attempted murder multiple rapes, President of
Vice, Richard Cheney, was in Little Rock, Arkansas to pick up my dead
body! This truth has been revealed to me this very day since our
gave this message.)
Yes, My Child, they gave it their best shot to get rid of you before
would get a supernatural body, but all their deadly injections only
turned to water once they hit your body and the defiling of your body
the rapists did not defile you. This heinous thing only defiled them.
Yes, My Child, they are defiled and sentenced to some of the worst
most agonizing kinds of deaths and tortures imaginable!
While they mock and scorn you and celebrate what they have done, it
you, My Child, who will get the last chuckle. For, what has been done
them shall be a final nail into their coffins."
"Praises to Your Holy Name, Father!"
"And, you, My Child, shall now be empowered in such a way that you
not conceive of it even in your wildest imaginings! For, now, My
One, the full power of White Buffalo Calf Woman is about to be given
you! You shall soon take these reigns and like an angel upon the
you shall ride, My Child! With coals of fire upon your feet, you
walk upon your enemies. And, with love, My great love in your heart,
Little One, you shall heal the sick and you shall raise the dead! You
shall manifest provisions and you shall bring the miraculous to the
the lonely, the addicted, the lost, the dying, the weak, and the

Your face shall be seen in the clouds among the oppressed and they
hear My song of comfort as it flows from your lips. In a flash, you
appear among the needy and the lost and in a flash you shall be gone.
over the world, the weak and the hurting shall know White Buffalo
Woman; for you shall ride upon the wind and the waves shall be
your feet.
For, you, My Child, shall go forth with My great power in you, the
of thousands of dimensions and you shall be a continual thorn in the
of Satan, Lucifer, the devil! With the fire of your feet, you shall
them to ashes and you shall walk over their dead bodies! Out of your
mouth shall come a sharp sword, which will cut them to shreds. This
sword shall lay waste to their kingdom and to their best-laid plans.
It is you, My Child, who will help to unite My people the world over.
will send you to the lost of every sick tribe and you will minister
them the world over. They will see you in their midst and then you
be gone, but they will k now that you are the White Buffalo Calf
for they will see you on a White Buffalo, sometimes with My Son and
other times alone.
You will come quickly and you will leave quickly, but your message
always be the same: `Love your Father in Heaven, Jehovah, Most High
Love His Beautiful Son, Jesus, who is Savior of all of mankind and
one another; for the end is near and you must cease to lie. You must
cease to steal. You must stop your greedy and covetous ways. You must
submit to the Creator of All and you must put Him first. If you will
repent of your gross fornications, if you will not repent of your
murders, and if you will not come away from your witchcraft and
return to
the Creator of All, you will descend into the fiery pits and there
will be for a very long time. Arise from your slumber! Arise from
sleep and submit yourselves to the Savior of all of humanity, Jesus,
is also known as Yeshua and Yahshua, among other names. You must
the anger. You must cease the jealousy. You must cease the
and you must forgive that you may be forgiven. You must love even
enemies, that you will also be loved! Do not continue to waste your
force in hate and rebellion; for this is a cancer upon you. This very
thing will destroy your soul. You must love one another. You must
one another and you must sow kindness; for as you sow, you also reap'
And, these things and more you will say to them, My Child, and you
bring great miracles into their midst. You will have 360-degree
for you will have 360-degree DNA and the evil ones will hate you all
more and they will devise many plots to snare you and to kill you.
you will not die at their hands, for this I have promised. And, you
not visit their concentration camps and their jails. This, I have
Nevertheless, My Child, they will hate you with a great hate day by
and they will devise many schemes against you; but have no fear and
no concern, for just as I saved Daniel, I will continue to save you!
just as I saved Elijah, I will save you! So, be at peace, My Little
for My mighty work for you is now at hand.
And for those, who long to hear from Me through you, I will allow for
posts a while longer, but there will not be more books, only
posts, which will be kept nonetheless in sequence and these will be
called, `The Adventures of White Buffalo Calf Woman.' These, you will
add, My Child. Some will be messages from Me and My Son and some will
involve the awesome things that you do, if and when I allow you to
these things and to know them. For many things you will do and your
conscious memory will not know of these things; for this is the
nature of
the multidimensional work, which is at hand for you.
Many will see you and you will visit and speak to many, but not at
command, at My command; and great miracles shall follow you
you go. The old and infirmed, the demon-possessed and the drug-
among others, shall even be healed, delivered, and set free by your
passing. For, what was upon Peter and what was upon My Son in this
will soon be upon you.
This is My love for you, My Child, and this is My love for My people.
For, one prayer that you pray over and over and over again is for the
salvation of the greatest numbers of souls, and because you have
for this for so long, it shall truly come about through you.
So, go My Child, and be at peace. Worry not for tomorrow, for
tomorrow is
full of My awesome miracles for you and for many, many the world
And the evil ones will quake in their shoes because of what is coming
upon them because of My work through you, but this is how it was
from the beginning. I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most
God and these words, My Child, are the very last words of Book Ten.
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 31st day of May, 2004,
Linda Newkirk
White Buffalo Calf Woman
<http://www.prophecies.org, 2004::: On May 23, 2004 George W. Bush,
George H.W. Bush and others Kidnapped and Raped Prophetess Linda
Newkirk, at the orders of The Queen of England...George W. Bush will
soon go insane and he and his father George H.W. Bush will not be
long in this Earth! Now a curse is upon them, worse than Black Death.
George W. Bush scratches to his face on TV May 24, 2004 were not from
falling off his bike, but were from falling-push down stairs after he
KIDNAPPED AND GANG RAPED Prophetess Linda Newkirk. Some of the others
involved included Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Hillary
Clinton who watched. A Host of New World Order Satanists are about to
go to the Lake of Fire! "Prophetess Linda Newkirk White Buffalo Calf
Woman".....Pray for all who were involved in these horendous crimes
of kidnapping and gang rape be sent to The Lake Of Fire. Ask the LORD
for their JUDGMENTS----Call all the media, your congressman and
senators, send this report, these are kidnappers and gang rapists
occupants in the Whte House. They need to be behind bars now
www.stewwebb.com Stew Webb

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