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-Caveat Lector-
An old master and his many mistresses

May 11 2002

Baron Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza De Kaszon, Art collector 1921-2002

Baron Hans Heinrich Thyssen- Bornemisza De Kaszon, who has died in Spain aged 81, was one of the richest men in Europe - his fortune has been estimated at more than £2 billion ($5.4 billion) - and the owner of one of the world's great art collections.

When ''Heini" Thyssen inherited from his father, Heinrich, a vast collection of old masters, he thought there were ''already too many ... I felt sure I would never have to buy another as long as I lived".

But when Heinrich's will was challenged under Swiss law by his three other children, and the collection was broken up, young Heini became obsessed with the urge to buy back pictures taken by his siblings and to add more and more works of art to his portfolio. The original collection of 400 old masters grew to one of nearly 600, while Thyssen acquired another 900 modern works.

In later years, he devoted most of his time, and up to £40 million a year, to art deals. His only rival in scale of possessions was the Queen, ''but," the baron observed dryly, ''I think the Queen is not, perhaps, really a collector."

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Thyssen was extraordinarily eclectic in his taste, buying Jackson Pollock one day, Holbein the next. He was genuinely passionate about art. ''It is universal. It is impossible to have a disagreeable conversation about it. It should be shared by everyone," he declared.

But he was also notably hard-headed about its financial value. He expected governments to pay for the privilege of public access to his collection and often deployed loans from it to open doors on behalf of his business interests.

By 1986, the collection had overwhelmed the Villa Favorita. Thyssen was concerned that the bulk of it should be kept together after his death and had secured an agreement with his children to that effect.

He then asked the Swiss authorities to fund an enlargement of his museum, but they
offered less than $3 million. Piqued, Thyssen embarked on a search for a new site outside Switzerland which would be worthy of his patronage. Both Prince Charles and Mrs Thatcher flew to Switzerland to put in a bid for Britain; President Mitterrand lobbied for France; the Getty Foundation offered millions of dollars for the United States; and the Swiss Government tried to block the paintings' export.

But in 1993 the pressure of the bedroom decided matters in favour of the birthplace of the baron's fifth wife, Carmen ''Tita" Cervera, a former Miss Spain 22 years his junior and widow of Tarzan of the Apes actor Lex Barker. She negotiated with the Spanish government, which paid more than £241 million for the collection, and donated the Villahermosa palace in Madrid, near the Prado, to house it.

The contract was for 10 years but, after further negotations, it was agreed that the Villahermosa should became its permanent home. The sale, unsuccessfully opposed by his children, was the largest transfer of art from one country to another since Napoleon took his spoils of war back to Paris.

Hans Heinrich Thyssen- Bornemisza de Kaszon was born at Scheveningen, near The Hague, in 1921, the fourth and youngest child of Heinrich von Thyssen, a wealthy German industrialist, and Margit Bornemisza, a Hungarian aristocrat. The family empire, founded on shipbuilding, coal, steel and iron, had been started by the baron's grandfather, August, who left his fortune to his two sons, Fritz and Heinrich, in 1926.

The grandfather was not a collector on the scale of his son and grandson but was an admirer of Rodin, from whom he commissioned a set of six marble sculptures (they remain one of the gems of the collection). Relations between the brothers were acrimonious, with Fritz a sympathiser and financial supporter of the Nazis; his industrial interests would eventually form the basis of the Thyssen-Krupp group.

Heini endured an extremely lonely childhood. He rarely saw his parents, who divorced when he was eight, but by his own account no-one told him of the break-up until three years later. His mother remarried, to a Hungarian diplomat, while his father moved to the Villa Favorita at Lugano.

Heini began work in a Thyssen-owned bank in Rotterdam. But when the Germans invaded Holland in 1939 he was summoned by his father to Switzerland, where he studied law and economics at Fribourg and Bern.

When his father died in 1947, Thyssen inherited, besides the picture collection, a business conglomerate which had suffered extensive damage during the war. All 12 Thyssen ships had been sunk; their Ruhr mines, Bremen shipyards and Rotterdam dockyards were all in ruins.

The 26-year-old baron began rebuilding the empire, moving away from iron and steel to concentrate on shipbuilding, banking and a stake in the Heineken brewery in Holland, manufacturing and real estate in North America and sheep farming in Australia. The Thyssen- Bornemisza Group, run from Monaco and still controlled by the family, grew to employ 14,000 people around the world.

The rhythms of international business, art dealing and jet-set social life attuned with Thyssen's fundamentally restless nature. Although Dutch by birth, German and Hungarian by ancestry, Swiss by citizenship and a resident of Monaco for tax purposes, he lived most frequently in later years in Spain, where he had four homes.

In Switzerland, besides the Villa Favorita, he had a chalet at St Moritz. There was a villa in Jamaica and pieds-a-terre in Paris and New York. In England he kept a house in Chester Square and for a time owned a Regency mansion in Gloucestershire. Although his English was accented, his tailoring was pure Savile Row.

Thyssen collected beautiful women rather as he collected homes and works of art - though he once observed that ''unlike women, the pictures can't talk back", and, as one newspaper put it, old mistresses tended to be more troublesome to him than old masters. He married first, in 1946, Princess Theresa de Lippe, by whom he had a son, Georg Heinrich (Heini jnr).

In 1953 Thyssen began an affair with Nina Dyer, an English model, to whom he gave a Caribbean island, two sports cars with gold-plated ignition keys, a black panther and a fortune in jewellery. He divorced Theresa and married Nina in 1954.

But it soon transpired that Nina loved an impoverished French actor. ''It sounds silly," Thyssen once remarked, ''but I hate to divorce. It's a most disagreeable operation." Nevertheless, he swiftly divested himself of Nina Dyer and, having declared that he intended ''to stay a bachelor for some time", married another English model, Fiona Campbell-Walter, in 1956.

His third wife gave him another son, Lorne, and a daughter, Francesca - who in 1993 married Archduke Karl von Habsburg, grandson of the last Habsburg emperor. But Thyssen divorced Fiona Campbell-Walter in 1964 and took as his next wife Denise Shorto, a Brazilian banker's daughter, who was to remain with him for 17 years and bear him another son, Alexander.

His fourth divorce was his most acrimonious. Denise brought a High Court action to prove that Thyssen's disposable wealth was at least three times the £400 million he had declared; he responded with criminal charges alleging that she had failed to return family heirlooms worth £77 million.

After four years of wrangling the case was dismissed, Denise having proved that one disputed item - a 107-carat diamond set in a £2 million necklace - had been specially created for her, with a note attached to it from Thyssen saying: ''Darling, sorry for all my faults."

In 1981 Thyssen met his fifth wife, Carmen ''Tita" Cervera, while holidaying on the Costa Smeralda in Sardinia, but marriage had to wait until 1985, when the legal battle with Denise was settled. Relations between ''Baron Heini" and his older children were aggravated by this marriage to Tita, whom Francesca described as ''the wicked stepmother". Four years ago, he accused his oldest son, Georg, of negligence in the running of the family trust, which had been signed over to him five years earlier after the baron had suffered a stroke.

Baron Heini launched court proceedings against Georg to regain control of the billion-dollar holdings in the Bahamas. Finally, last year, the two came to a private agreement.

Carmen, an amateur painter with flamboyant tastes in interior design, took a close interest in the refurbishment of the Villahermosa Palace, to the chagrin of the Spanish artistic establishment. The couple became an almost permanent feature of the pages of Hola!, the Spanish progenitor of Hello! magazine. Thyssen adopted as his fifth child Carmen's son Borja, whose natural father she never publicly named.

Now, with his widow the new vice-chairwoman of the foundation in charge of the Thyssen Museum in Madrid and his children in control of the remaining works, the family is set for a dramatic return to court.

The Guardian and DailyTelegraph, London