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Lenny Zeskind's Family Tree



Old-Guard Bolshevik Lyn Wells
New-Left wanna-be Lenny Zeskind


  Roots and Branches of the Tree
  Old Red Wine in New, Broken Bottles

Old Red wine in new, broken bottles
Chameleon campaign fails to whet public appetite

      Old Communists never die. They just change their names to "anti-Fascist" or "anti-Klan." Or, more recently, to "anti-hate"and "anti-racist." The bridge between "Old Guard" and "New Left" Reds has been Lenny Zeskind, a perennial propagandist who has emerged from his "Marxist" period, through his "revolutionary" days to his "anti-hate" phase. With some suggesting that Communism has folded up with the collapse of the Soviet Union, Zeskind goes about pouring the old Bolshevist wine into new bottles, updating his jargon and attempting to "mainstream" his dogma.
      Zeskind became prominent as a leftist organizer in 1978, experiencing a meteoric rise among Kansas City Zionists and Communists and making his name as a writer and intellectual. A decade later, he relocated to Atlanta, garnering considerable financing and making inroads as a mentor to black-power elements vying to take over the city. After suing unsuccessfully to shut down The Nationalist Movement in 1988, Zeskind suffered a reversal of fortunes, fading into obscurity until the dawning of the Internet. In 1966, he began to use the World Wide Web for propaganda purposes, but couching his rhetoric as "anti-racist" instead of his former "anti-capitalist," "anti-ruling-class"diatribes.
      Zeskind began to sytle himself as an "anti-hate expert," a tactic picked up on by David Goldman, who ran the
Hatewatch website. Zeskind finagled an interview with National Public Radio in which he and associate Chip Berlet blamed all of the nation's and world's problems on "white supremacists." He even accused Nationalists of somehow being behind a string of Negro church-burnings, which were later attributed to Negroes, themselves. Zeskind maintains liaison between the remnants of the Weather Underground and harbingers of the Republic of New Africa, even though his "anti-hate" campaign, as well as that of Hatewatch, has been kicked off the Internet servers of various colleges for violating the constitutional ban against Bills of Attainder.

Roots and Branches of the Tree

Name Locale Background
Anti-Klan Network Atlanta GA Communist front

Founded in New York City in 1979, the group moved to Atlanta in 1981. It changed its name to the Center for Democratic Renewal in 1986. Promoted extensively by Pacifica, a radio-station which, also, promotes W.E.B. DuBois, a founder of the NAACP and avowed Communist, and Herbert Aptheker, a Communist theorist, and which claims to have once been bombed by anti-Communists.
Chip Berlet Boston MA Zeskind associate

A self-declared "anti-hate" expert who publishes the Public Eye, which has promoted The Hammer in its pages. Longtime associate of Lenny Zeskind, who promoted Public Eye in The Hammer. Originally published by a Chicago affiliate of the National Lawyers Guild, of which Berlet is a member. According to the Guild's 1971 policy statement, the group exists "to defeat the ruling class in this country and to defeat its hold on large parts of the world," a takeoff from the Communist Manifesto. The Public Eye was later published by Political Research and Associates, headed by Berlet. Berlet, also, has been a frequent writer for the Guardian and was a founding member of Chicago Friends of Albania, supporting the Communist regime of the Balkans' country during the Eighties when it was in power.
Ann Braden Louisville KY Communist organizer

Wife of Carl Braden and member of Board of Directors of Center for Democratic Renewal. Sponsor of the U.S. Peace Council, a pro-Viet Cong adjunct of the World Peace Council, organized by the Soviet Regime in Moscow. Participant in the Marxist Scholars Conference in 1989.
Carl Braden Louisville KY Communist official

Long-time member of the Communist Party and various front organizations. Wife, Ann Braden, served on Board of Directors of Center for Democratic Renewal. He once was tried for trying to overthrow the government, by force and violence. His signature appeared on checks from his Southern Conference Educational Fund financing Martin Luther King.
Center for Democratic Renewal Atlanta GA Communist front

Named changed from Anti-Klan Network in 1986. C. T. Vivian was listed as Chairman, with Lenny Zeskind as Director. It unsuccessfully sued The Nationalist Movement in 1988 to attempt to block the Nationalists from parading in Atlanta. Ann Braden was a member of its Board of Directors. Headed by Daniel Levitas, former Director of Prairiefire, a group formed to combat "anti-Semitic" tendencies of Mid-West farmers.
Communist Party Marxist-Leninist New York NY Communist organization

Formed from the October League of which Lyn Wells of the Center for Democratic Renewal was a member and official.
Communist Party USA New York Communist organization

The principal vehicle for Soviet-style, Marxist-Leninist revolution and propaganda, piloted from Russia. An "umbrella" for various fronts working to combat "racism," "anti-Semitism" and Americanism. Member Michael Myerson served as Executive Director of the World Peace Council, which sponsored the U.S. Peace Council of which Ann Braden of the Center for Democratic Renewal was a founder. Its publication, People's Daily World, has republished articles by Lenny Zeskind.
Council of Soviet-American Friendship New York NY Communist front

Formed to gain acceptance among Americans for Communism in Russia, its Executive Director, Alan Thomson, was a panelist at the Marxist Scholars Conference in 1989, in which Ann Braden, also, took part. Thomson was indicted for accepting money from the World Peace Council, as an agent of the Soviet government.
Georgia Communist League Atlanta GA Communist organization

Communist group which merged into the October League. Lyn Wells was an affiliate in 1972.
Guardian New York NY Communist publication

Marxist-Leninist weekly newspaper, it ran articles published by Lenny Zeskind, beginning in 1985, and, also, by Chip Berlet. The paper backed the Weather Underground, during the Sixties, and defended the Communists who killed two policemen and a guard during a Brinks robbery in 1981.
Joseph Lowery Atlanta GA Zeskind associate

Negro and Director of Center for Democratic Renewal, Lowery spoke at the World Peace Council Conference in Prague in 1983.
New Jewish Agenda Kansas City MO Zionist organization

An organization promoting a "progressive" and "radical" Zionist agenda, with ties to Sixties hippies. Lenny Zeskind was a member during the Eighties, while he was publishing The Hammer.
October League New York NY Communist organization

Hard-core Communist group led by Michael Klonsky, merged with the Georgia Communist League in 1972. In 1977, it charged its name to the Communist Party, Marxist-Leninist, specializing in support for the Red Chinese regime. Lyn Wells was a member of the League's "Central Committee." In a 1972 address to the League's Labor Conference, Wells declared that she desired to build a "united front" of Communists. Klonsky's father was an Organizational Secretary for the Communist Party USA in Pennsylvania and, later, a member of the Southern California District Committee of the party.
People's Daily World New York NY Communist publication

Official organ of the Communist Party USA, regularly republished articles by Lenny Zeskind.
Searchlight London, England Communist publication

A self-declared "anti-Fascist" magazine, which takes a strong anti-Nationalist stance. In 1983, Lenny Zeskind began running advertisements for the paper in The Hammer, and listed himself as the American "distributor" for the publication. Searchlight then began running laudatory articles about Zeskind, which still are being published. Gerry Gable, former publisher of Searchlight, ran as a candidate of the Communist Party in North London in 1962. He had previously worked as a writer for the Daily Worker, an official Communist newspaper. Staff reporter David Roberts was convicted in Birminghamn, England for conspiracy to commit arson and blame it on "racists."
Sojourner Truth Organization Chicago IL Communist front

Its purpose, stated in its publication, Urgent Tasks, was to serve "a limited audience of revolutionaries and Marxist-Leninists." Lenny Zeskind became a member in 1978.
Joseph Stalin Moscow, Russia Communist "godfather"

Principal promoter of Communism in Russia and ardent follower of Karl Marx and Vladymir Lenin, the founders of Communism. Founder of the KGB, Soviet Secret Police, and mastermind of the theft of American A-Bomb secrets by the Ethel and Julius Rosenberg. Organizer of vast spy-network designed to destabilize and overthrow America, specializing in promoting Zionist and Negro interests. Financier of Communist operations in America and "godfather" to numerous Communist fronts.
Students for Democratic Society New York NY Communist front

Communist organization led by Marc Rudd, aligned with the Weather Underground and various bombings and riots during the Sixties. Lyn Wells was a candidate for office in the SDS in 1969, running on what she termed the Revolutionary Student Movement Platform, which advocated a Marxist-Lenist revolution.
The Hammer Kansas City MO Communist publication

A self-styled "anti-Fascist" newspaper, edited by Lenny Zeskind beginning in 1982. Published by the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights, a tax-exempt organization, which listed itself as a member of the Anti-Klan Network in 1979. It ran advertisements for Searchlight, Public Eye and Guardian.
Urgent Tasks Chicago IL Communist publication

Newspaper published by the Soujourner Truth Organization. Lenny Zeskind served on the editorial board in 1978 and wrote articles. The publication subtitled itself, Journal of the Revolutionary Left, and stated that it was taken from the book, Urgent Tasks of the Movement, by Vladymir Lenin. The masthead stated that the organization existed to "represent the interests of the [Communist] movement as a whole."
C.T. Vivian Atlanta GA Zeskind associate

Negro serving as Chairman of the Anti-Klan Network, which later became the Center for Democratic Renewal. A 1964 FBI report stated that Vivian had been active in the Communist Party during the Forties.
Lyn Wells Atlanta GA Communist organizer

National Coordinator for the Anti-Klan Network and, later, for the Center for Democratic Renewal. Member of Board of Directors of Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights, which published The Hammer, edited by Lenny Zeskind, in 1983. In 1969, she was a candidate for office in the Students for Democratic Society and, in 1972, joined the Georgia Communist League, which merged into the October League, of which she was a member of the "Central Committee." The League changed its name to the Communist Party, Marxist-Leninist.
World Peace Council Moscow, Russia Communist front

An adjunct of the Soviet government and Russian Communist Party, the group sponsored the U.S. Peace Council of which Ann Braden was a member. Joseph Lowery of the Center for Democratic Renewal spoke at its conference in Prague in 1983. Michael Myerson, a member of the Communist Party USA, served as its Executive Director.
Lenny Zeskind Atlanta GA Communist-front organizer

Hardcore Red who attempts to "mainstream" his Communist ideas through publishing, lawsuits and interviews. Zeskind is a direct conduit from "old-line" Marxist-Leninism, direct from Moscow, with ties to a wide range of individuals and groups promoting the Communist -- or, as he now calls it, "anti-Klan" and "anti-Fascist" -- agenda, either openly or discretely. His associates include Chip Berlet, Ann Braden, C. T. Vivian, Joseph Lowery and Lyn Wells. He once unsuccessfully sued to try to shut down The Nationalist Movement.


      Communists have been constantly trying to "re-invent" themselves, particularly in worming their way into government, the news media and academia. They rarely put up a picture of Joseph Stalin anymore, prefering, instead, to hoist Martin Luther King. They have substituted the word "Democratic" for "Communist," along the lines of the "Democratic" Republic of Congo, an African Communist country, and they invariably use "Peoples" instead of "Socialist," akin to the "People's" Republic of China, commonly known as mainland Red China.
      When Lenny Zeskind began his propaganda campaign in 1978, he used the standard, old-line Marxist rhetoric against "capitalism" and the "ruling class," long-standing code-words for "Americanism" and "whites" dating back to Marx, Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin. But, he switched to denouncing "white supremacists" and "racists" in a bid to become more "mainstream." In 1998, Joshua J. Mintz and Arthur Sussman, representing a group of "benefactors" supporting "friendship" with Red China, presented him with a $295,000.00 grant. Except for a few spurts of fund-raising or media-attention, however, Zeskind has fallen on hard times. His vaunted Negro-Jewish-Communist alliance is virtually in shambles, frustrated by the Black Panthers, who urge the shunning of Zeskind-types, and Nationalists, who organize against Communism.
      A number of apologists from the ranks of Zeskind's own kinsmen have tried to carry on for Zeskind. Invariably, they do not get too close, for fear of being labeled hard-core Reds, themselves. However, occasionally a "scholarly" article appears in some journal or some "expert" is interviewed on the
Jerry Springer Show, who touts the Zeskind line that patriotic, Anglo-Saxon and pro-majority elements are "haters" and, even, criminals. Once in a while, Zeskind is quoted by those who have no idea of his record or agenda. Some laws have, even, been passed which purport to give "increased penalties" to those who fight against the encroachment of Communists, Negroes, homosexuals and aliens, but the measures have met with widespread public disapproval and are being voted down with increasing frequency.
      Joseph A. Schafer, David Goldman, Brian Levin and Abraham Foxman have been principal zealots of the Zeskind line; however, they have not enjoyed notable success. Foxman's drive to enact a
No Place for Hate zone in York, Pennsylvania, after first receiving endorsement by the City Council, fizzled when Nationalists won a lawsuit against the city. A $9.75 million judgment was upheld against Foxman's Anti-Defamation League in Colorado for hurling "anti-hate" epitaphs. Goldman dropped out of sight, when he shut down his Hatewatch website, vowing to become a full-time homosexual. Levin's "anti-hate" website was shut down for trademark and Bill of Attainder violations and Schafer went back to being a college instructor. The entire "anti-hate" racket seems to have failed to whet the public appetite, despite its chameleon campaign.
      For additional reference, consult the following:
  Confederate-Flag Twisters Concede
  Hate-Groups Exposé
  Mississippi Strikes Back
  Right or Left?
  The Demise of Hatewatch
  The Great Hate-Page Purge
  The Rabbis Are Flying Again
  Web Cleansing
  Where're the Groups?

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