Is "Quackenbush" a variant of "Wackenhut?"

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Below follows the last of the missing Mokhiber-Weissman columns. One
correction on an earlier column. The correct URL for the Center for the
Moral Defense of Capitalism is

Robert Weissman
Essential Information                   |   Internet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A Tsunami of Corruption
By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman
May 9, 2000

We ran into Charles Kolb the other day.

Kolb is the president of the Committee for Economic Development (CED).
That's the group of major American corporate executives who want
campaign finance reform. They propose banning soft money contributions
to national political parties, increasing individual contribution limits
to $3,000 per candidate, and implementing a system of partial public
funding that matches individual donations of up to $200 on a two-to-one

In a report released last year on the subject, the CED said that "a
vibrant and well-functioning business system will not remain viable in
an environment of real or perceived corruption."

Kolb and the corporate executives at CED don't mind big business
running roughshod over the political system -- just as long as it isn't
overtly corrupt or perceived as corrupt.

He made this clear last week, when he conceded that if soft money was
banned, corporations would simply shift the cash into their
inside-the-beltway Washington lobby operations. And that was fine with
him. The companies are sick of being shaken down by every two-bit
politician offering to defend this or that corporate interest. And Kolb
and his colleagues rightly fear that the growing appearance of
corruption will undermine public confidence in the corporate system.

Kolb has reason to be worried. A veritable tsunami of corruption is
crashing over the countryside. There is first and foremost the endless
amount of soft money cash flowing from corporate coffers into federal
campaigns and national political parties. Whether or not this cash is
buying favors is beside the point -- it appears to be buying favors, and
that's what is worrying Kolb.

Potentially more dangerous is the real corruption that is exploding at
the state and local levels. Washington's culture of corruption has given
the green light to the rest of the country. "Go for it!" is the message
being sent out from both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue -- and the country
is responding.

Let's take the tour:

In Illinois, Governor George Ryan is fighting for his political life.
Federal investigators allege that under Ryan's tenure as Secretary of
State, the state issued driver's licenses to truckers and other drivers
in exchange for cash payments that went into a political slush fund for
Ryan. A number of those drivers ended up in fatal highway accidents. A
number of government officials have been indicted, and federal
prosecutors are gunning for the Governor.

In California, Insurance Commissioner Chuck Quackenbush is under fire
from consumer groups and the state's largest newspaper, the Los Angeles
Times, for shielding State Farm and two other insurance companies from
$3.37 billion in fines in exchange for $10.75 million in contributions
to non-profit organizations and to Quackenbush's own political

In Oklahoma earlier this month federal officials alleged that
Oklahoma's Health Department's deputy commissioner solicited bribes from
nursing home owners in exchange for regulatory favors and used at least
a portion of the payoffs to gamble on horse races.

According to a report in the Daily Oklahoman, agents of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) arrested Brent VanMeter at his office
after he allegedly picked up payoff money from an Oklahoma nursing home
owner. VanMeter was charged with one count of soliciting a bribe.
VanMeter's attorney said his client plans to plead not guilty.

The Governor of Oklahoma, Frank Keating, called the health department
scandal "an issue of raw, unadulterated corruption."

"We need to assure the public that this will not recur, that this is
intolerable and that we're going to get to the bottom of it, and that's
why I have great faith in the attorney general and the U.S. attorney to
do that," Keating said.

Keating and CED's Kolb are trying to protect the corporate system --
stamp out obvious forms of corruption and overt appearances, the better
to let corporations rule.

Corruption is debilitating to any democracy. But a system where giant
corporations wield tremendous power over ordinary human citizens is an
open invitation to corruption. In addition to criminally prosecuting
illegal bribery and outlawing legalized bribery, we must also
fundamentally question the nature of the corporate beast.

Should a corporation, a public creation, be free to gain unlimited
power and wield that power over our democracy? Should corporations be
allowed to have free speech rights -- the same as living, breathing
human beings?

The City Council of the northern California community of Point Arena,
California had it right last month when it voted 4-to-one to publicly
side with Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black's 1938 opinion in which Black
stated, "I do not believe the word 'person' in the 14th Amendment
includes corporations."

The people of Point Arena were critical of the U.S. Supreme Court --
Justice Black excepted -- for bestowing free speech, lobbying and
propaganda rights to corporations.

"Corporations enjoy privileges that real people do not. Corporations
have become super people," the resolution read. "Corporations have
effectively become our governors. Today workers must check their
personhood and natural rights at the gate as they enter corporate
property. But the corporation remains a person and asserts its power
wherever it goes."

"There has been no real challenge to corporate power for 100 years,"
the people of Pt. Arena said. "Revoking corporate personhood is a
logical and vital step in the process of controlling our country and

Now there's a sentiment Kolb and Keating might have a difficult time
getting their corporate patrons to support.

Russell Mokhiber is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based Corporate Crime
Reporter. Robert Weissman is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based
Multinational Monitor. Mokhiber and Weissman are co-authors of Corporate
Predators: The Hunt for MegaProfits and the Attack on Democracy (Monroe,
Maine: Common Courage Press, 1999,

(c) Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman


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