The House of Butterflies
By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

Is there a prosecutor in this country with the guts to take on the oil and
auto companies?

If you are one such prosecuting attorney, and you are reading this, go out
and buy the current issue of The Nation magazine.

Rip out the 30-page investigative article titled "The Secret History of
Lead," by Jamie Lincoln Kitman, drop in your standard indictment form, and
then run down to the courthouse and file it.

That will be the easy part. The companies will then hire the best
white-collar crime law firms in the business and come after you with all
of their resources to defeat the indictment.

But reckless endangerment is reckless endangerment. And the people need a
chance to bring justice to those who perpetrated this atrocity. It will be
worth your while. Given the publicity this case will generate, you might
even be elected to higher office. (For precedents, see Rudolph Giuiliani,
former white- collar crime busting U.S. Attorney in the Southern District
of New York, who went on to be mayor of New York, and William Weld, former
Assistant Attorney General who went on to become Governor of

Kitman's article is about how the makers of leaded gasoline -- duPont,
General Motors, Standard Oil of New Jersey (now ExxonMobil), and Ethyl
Corporation (which started out as a joint venture between GM and Standard
Oil) -- systematically suppressed information about the severe health
hazards of their product for decades.

These companies knew from mid-1920s that leaded gasoline was a public
health menace, yet they went ahead and put lead in gasoline anyway, to
prevent engine knocking.

This despite the fact that safe anti-knock substitutes were cheaply
available. But the companies rejected them because they would be

>From the 1920s until 1986, when leaded gas was banned from the market in
the United States, lead was spewing from tailpipes of automobiles, where
it entered the bloodstream of humans.

In children, lead lowers IQs, and increases learning disabilities,
hyperactivity and behavioral problems. In adults, elevated lead levels are
related to blood pressure increases, cardiovascular disease and heart

Lead expert Dr. Paul Mushak, in a 1988 report to Congress, estimated that
68 million children had toxic exposures to lead from gasoline from 1927 to

A 1985 EPA study estimated that as many as 5,000 Americans were dying
annually from lead-related heart disease before the lead phase-out in the
United States

Lead was identified as a hazard thousands of years ago. It was not as if
executives at GM and duPont and Standard Oil and Ethyl didn't know what
the hazards were. In fact, those who worked with lead immediately became
sick. Kitman estimates that dozens of workers died from lead poisoning.

Workers knew that going crazy was an early sign of lead poisoning.
Standard Oil's Bayway facility in Elizabeth, New Jersey was known in the
1920s as "the house of butterflies," because, as Kitman told us, in some
cases "when you are experiencing acute lead intoxication, you start
hallucinating, and believing that you are being attacked by winged

Workers going crazy and dying created a public relations nightmare in the
1920s. The papers picked up on it, and citizens began believing that they
were being poisoned by the lead coming out of their tailpipes.

To save their deadly enterprise, in 1924, the corporations pulled lead off
the market and asked the Surgeon General to hold a hearing, which he did
in May 1925, to consider what one public health expert called "the single
most important question in the field of public health that has ever faced
the American public."

And the hearing lasts for six hours and forty five minutes. The Surgeon
General concluded that the question couldn't be definitively answered and
recommended that a committee of experts be set up. The committee was duly
set up and reported back some months later that a) leaded gasoline can be
manufactured safely, and b) they can't verify that leaded gasoline won't
result in injury and they can't prove that it will in the short time they

So, this placates the public, and lead gets back in gasoline for another
forty years. Until the public became concerned about air pollution -- smog
-- and the car companies built catalytic converters. Lead had this
wonderful way of destroying the catalytic converter -- so one or the other
had to go -- and finally, lead met its match.

We called the Lead Industries Association to ask about Kitman's article.
They refused to respond. Then we called Ethyl Corp. which is still selling
tetraethyl lead as a gasoline additive for sale all around the world,
except in the United States and Europe.

Lloyd Osgood, a spokesperson for the Richmond, Virginia- based Ethyl
Corp., was kind enough to read us a statement. She called Kitman's piece
"a distorted interpretation of known historic events and documents that
have long been in the public record."

"The spin is extremely negative and biased and is not justified by the
facts," she said. "Ethyl Corp. has always been and continues to be a
responsible corporate citizen and the allegations to the contrary in this
article are unfounded."

But Osgood refused to specify how the article distorted "known historic
events." She even refused to answer simple questions like: "Is lead

This is pure corporate b.s.

For years, the lead industry denied that lead in gasoline was making its
way into human bloodstreams. If that's so, why did human blood lead levels
drop off dramatically in North America after 1986 when lead was banned
from gasoline?

Is there a prosecutor in the house?

Russell Mokhiber is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based Corporate Crime
Reporter. Robert Weissman is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based
Multinational Monitor. They are co-authors of Corporate Predators: The
Hunt for MegaProfits and the Attack on Democracy (Monroe, Maine: Common
Courage Press, 1999,

(c) Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman


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