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Grim Numbers: A U.S.-sponsored poll shows Iraqis have lost confidence in the occupying authorities--and that the vast majority of Iraqis want Coalition troops out of the country ‘immediately’

US Army chief: Iraq "cannot be won militarily": The war in Iraq will be won when Iraqis take ownership of their destiny but it cannot be won militarily by the United States, the chief of staff of the US Army said Tuesday.

US army chiefs accuse prison general of lying: The American general who was in charge of Iraq’s notorious Abu Ghraib was today involved in an astonishing war of words with her superiors, who accused her of lying.

Riyadh Captors Threaten to Kill Hostage: An Islamist website yesterday carried a statement purportedly from Al-Qaeda threatening to execute American hostage Paul M. Johnson if its supporters held in the Kingdom are not released within 72 hours.

U.S. likely to hold Saddam beyond June 30 : The United States is likely to keep custody of deposed Iraqi President Saddam Hussein beyond the June 30 handover of power to Iraqis though Iraq's new leaders have said they expect the former leader to be transferred to their authority in the next two weeks.

Saddam lawyer terms Iraq government illegal, denounces trial plan : Saddam Hussein's leading lawyer denounced as illegal, plans by Iraq's interim government to take over and put on trial the ousted former dictator.

Alleged Mall Terror Plot Was Vague: Federal investigators say Nuradin Abdi bragged that blowing up an Ohio shopping center was his goal. But no specific mall was targeted. No explosives were in hand. And it is unclear that the alleged terrorist had the wherewithal to do it. Abdi's family says he didn't have the will.

Back to the future: new US-Russia arms race: Welcome back to the future of US-Russian rivalry. Analysts say that a combination of US military efforts - including missile defense, plans for new low-yield nuclear weapons, and expansion up to Russia's western doorstep - are chilling relations with Moscow and spurring a new, higher-tech arms race.

Inflation a top threat to economy: Consumer prices have risen at a 5.5 percent annual pace for the past three months, rippling from plywood to dairy section.

What recovery? Working poor struggle to pay bills: "I have a good job, but I have to choose between buying gas or getting food. It's very hard."

Iran massing troops on Iraq border? : Iran reportedly is readying troops to move into Iraq if U.S. troops pull out, leaving a security vacuum.

Iran Denies Report of Troop Buildup on Iraq border: Iran's state-run news agency IRNA quotes what it calls "an informed source" as denying a report in a Saudi-owned newspaper that says Iranian troops are massing on the border with Iraq.

Iraqi police accused of handing over Shiites for slaughter : Dozens of Iraqis today accused Fallujah police of handing over Shiite truck drivers to Sunni extremists who slaughtered them after they sought refuge at a police station.

:-: Attackers Kill Some Contractors in Iraq : Attackers opened fire Tuesday on a three-vehicle convoy of foreign contractors, killing some of them, a U.S. military spokesman said.

Saboteurs Hit Iraq's Oil Lifeline: Saboteurs have struck a new blow to Iraq's vital oil industry, cutting exports to a third of their previous level, shippers said Tuesday

Pentagon Probe Queries Top Intel Official : Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's panel investigating prisoner abuse interviewed the Pentagon's top civilian intelligence official Monday and more than a half dozen other senior defense officials and active duty personnel in Iraq.

Paul Krugman: Travesty of Justice: No question: John Ashcroft is the worst attorney general in history.

Accused contractor at Abu Ghraib says he told guards what to do: In testimony that conflicts with some generals' accounts, a private interrogator accused of abuses at the Abu Ghraib prison told investigators that he and military intelligence operatives directed prison guards to keep Iraqi prisoners awake for as much as 20 hours a day.

Tout Torture, Get Promoted: Defending cruelty can be a career booster in Bush's administration. What a revelation to learn that the Justice Department lawyer who wrote the infamous memo in effect defending torture is now a U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals judge. It tells you all you need to know about the sort of conservative to whom George W. Bush is turning in his attempt to pack the federal courts.

Abu Ghraib General Says She's Scapegoat : The American general who was in charge of Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison said she was being made a scapegoat for the abuse of detainees and claimed her counterpart at Guantanamo Bay once told her that prisoners were ``like dogs.''

Rep. Ron Paul : Torture, War, and Presidential Powers: War has been used by presidents to excuse the imprisonment of American citizens of Japanese descent, to silence speech, to suspend habeas corpus, and even to control entire private industries.

A Temporary Coup : Author Thomas Powers says the White House's corruption of intelligence has caused the greatest foreign policy catastrophe in modern U.S. history - and sparked a civil war with the nation's intel agencies.

Mosaic: World News Reports >From Middle East TV For 06/14/04: The nation's only uncensored compilation of daily television news reports from more than 15 countries in the Middle East. QuickTime Video.

Congressional report: Israel arms sales to China concern U.S. : The United States would face an increasingly lethal Chinese army modernized by Washington's friends and allies if it had to defend Taiwan in a war with Beijing, said a U.S. study released on Tuesday.

Israel: Military crime without punishment: Occupation troops used members of the household as human shields, and tortured those who failed to obey their requests - in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Israeli veterans show occupation's ugly side: They are snapshots from the front lines of an occupation, photos taken by Israeli soldiers seeking to make sense of life in the flash-point city of Hebron.

Israeli terror suspect falls; cops eye link to al-Qaeda:

US judge puts Jewish leader on trial: A US judge has ruled that a leader of an armed Jewish group must stand trial for allegedly plotting to bomb a Los Angeles mosque.

You don't have to be poor to work there, but it helps: Kellogg, Brown and Root is finding no shortage of Americans who want employment in Iraq, despite the heat, dust and danger of death. They could earn up to $100,000 in a year.

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U.S. jobless rate misses "hidden" unemployed : Buried inside the official U.S. employment report each month is a little-known figure that gives a much less rosy picture of the labor market than the headlines.

GOP refusing to allow testimony on Halliburton spending: Halliburton Inc. paid high-priced bills for common items, such as soda, laundry and hotels, in Iraq and Kuwait and then passed the inflated costs along to taxpayers, according to several former Halliburton employees and a Pentagon internal audit.

Congress inquiry links Cheney aide to Halliburton deal : Fresh concern has been raised that the American vice-president, Dick Cheney, may have played a role in the decision to award his former company Halliburton a $7bn contract for work in postwar Iraq.

Cheney's Multi-Million Dollar Revolving Door: As Bush Sr.'s secretary of defense, Dick Cheney steered millions of dollars in government business to a private military contractor -- whose parent company just happened to give him a high-paying job after he left the government.

Under fire from UN, Iran warns it may curtail nuclear cooperation ; As diplomats at the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna considered a tough European-drafted resolution that criticizes Iran's failure to come clean fully, top regime officials here said they would not tolerate what they saw as a plot by the United States and Israel.

Clearance Of Arabia: BRITISH embassy workers were told yesterday they can quit Saudi Arabia with their families amid a spate of killings and kidnappings. And British Airways said its crews will no longer stay overnight there.

"Republicans are behind the effort to censor Fahrenheit 9/11": So desperate are Bush Republicans to kill Michael Moore's latest film, Fahrenheit 9/11, they have hired a public relations firm to set up a web site attacking Moore.

Greg Palast : 'While Reagan napped: Ronnie, Osama and the Chin defense': The Reagan Right has used the late President's funeral for a shameless political victory dance, carefully wiping the blood off the historical files. Before the truth is interred, let us have a moment of remembrance for the dubious doings in the White House while Reagan napped:

Reaganite by Association? His Family Won't Allow It: As Republicans try to cloak President Bush in the mantle of Ronald Reagan, their biggest obstacle may be Mr. Reagan's own family.

House Panel Advances Corporate Tax Cut : Republican tax writers in the House enticed a few Democrats to support a corporate tax cut, sweetening the bill with a federal deduction for state sales taxes, a $10 billion federal buyout for tobacco farmers and new tax rules for shipping.

Enron gouged Western customers for at least $1.1 billion: Enron Corp.'s manipulation of energy markets gouged Western customers for at least $1.1 billion, according to audiotapes and documents released today by the Snohomish County Public Utility District, which earlier uncovered tapes of traders laughing about cheating grandmothers on their electricity bills.

Two decades after 1984, Big Brother finally is watching: WHILE YOU were watching President Ronald W. Reagan’s caisson wend its way up Constitution Avenue to the Capitol Rotunda on your television screen, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Tommy Thompson was watching you on his screen.

Patrol's uniforms made south of border: It seems an odd fit: U.S. Border Patrol uniforms with labels that say "Made in Mexico."

Attackers kill five Kurdish army recruits in Iraq : The recruits were returning to Kirkuk from Taji air base on outskirts of Baghdad, where they had just finished a military training course. The five had recently joined Iraq's fledgling national army.

Man held in Detroit as terrorism suspect: Somali immigrant is in high-security case : A Somali man living in Ohio was charged with plotting with al Qaeda supporters to blow up a shopping mall in Columbus, Ohio, Attorney General John Ashcroft said on Monday.

Brother says Somali national charged in mall plot hated terrorists: "He really hated terrorists," Mohamed AbdiKarani, 17, told The Associated Press. "You know how (President) Bush hates terrorists? I think he hates them more."

In case you missed it: Captured al-Qa'eda man was FBI spy: The American al-Qa'eda operative unmasked last week as having planned to bring down the Brooklyn Bridge was first detained in March, and has been used by the FBI for months as a double agent, it was reported yesterday.

In case you missed it: Man held in Detroit as terrorism suspect : He was arrested in early December at his home in Columbus, Ohio, and was a factor in the government's decision to raise the national alert level to orange, or high, that month, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they are barred from discussing cases involving high national security issues.

Kerry Sees an Opening as Bush Team Admits Terrorism Is Up, Not Down: The administration acknowledged last week that the report, published in April, was badly flawed and that significant terrorism incidents had instead increased sharply. The administration had trumpeted the report as evidence that its anti-terror strategy was working.

Dubya's Dilemma: Daddy Doesn't Support the Iraq War: The President’s father, George H.W. Bush – 41st President of the United States – disagrees with his son’s decisions in the invasion and occupation of Iraq, which is why the former President has not commented in public on the war.

Halliburton 'mismanaged $8bn in Iraq' : The findings have been bolstered by graphic accounts from former employees who have told a US congressman that the company's subcontractors charged $100 (€83, £55) to launder a 15-pound bag of clothing and abandoned $85,000 trucks when they suffered flat tyres.

U.S. Trucks Carrying Radioactive Materials Intercepted In Iraq-Kuwait Border : The daily quoted informed sources as saying that the radioactive control team from Kuwait’s Health Ministry discovered that one of the trucks belonging to the U.S.-led coalition forces was carrying heavy radioactive materials trucks. The trucks were headed for Iraq.

Senators: CIA stalling: Leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee are accusing the CIA of trying to delay release of the panel's report that criticizes the agency for overestimating the prewar threat posed by Iraq.

Cheney Speaks In Orlando, Claims Ties Between Hussein And Al Qaida: It's an assertion that has been repeatedly challenged by some policy experts and lawmakers.

U.S. to Turn Over Saddam to Iraqis Within 2 Weeks -Allawi: "All the current detainees, without exception, will be handed over to the Iraqi authority. The handover will take place within the next two weeks," he said.

Delhi damage control over 'nuke thief': The arrest of a Dubai resident for allegedly trying to sell Indian atomic secrets to foreign powers has re-generated fears that just as it happened in Pakistan, India's nuclear program is susceptible to being peddled for a price.

Torture charges: Egypt blocks prison visits: The Egyptian Attorney General has cancelled a follow-up visit by members of parliament and the National Security and Defence Committee (NSD) to the Turra prison following allegations of torture and in some cases, murder.

Crossing the threshold: While we’re all fretting over the Patriot Act, John Ashcroft’s Justice Department is after much bigger game

Critics take aim at secret court : With legislation now pending in both houses of Congress to give the court more authority, some lawmakers and civil rights groups also want more accountability, openness and congressional oversight of the surveillance authorizations, considered a basic tool of national security.

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