-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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See what New York activists are doing to STOP THE 911-COVERUP. Share the truth about the attacks with other New Yorkers

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FAX your representatives. Demand Action on 9-11.

Sept. 11th.org nationwide actions page

9-11 Citizen's Watch News from all over

Indy Voter group issues discussion board


9-11 Share the Truth has buttons and stickers to inform others

Sept. 11th. org has 9-11 groups in various cities

A Special Message From Rev. Billy
He does not return to Ground Zero to get re-elected.
Bush does not put his arm around the shoulder of a New York Fire Fighter. As he raises the bullhorn to his lips he finds that he is not in New York at all . . . (more / scroll to bottom)




Call for NEXT action (time, location).



‘ Getting to the Truth ’

Join us Friday, February 6th for a
9-11 Film Event with Panel Discussion to
look into the underlying conditions that led to the attacks,
and the issue of government deception.

Place: Community Church, 40 East 35th Street
Between Park & Madison
Time: 7:00
Admission: $8

Please RSVP at 212-714-7147. Space is limited.

Neglected Evidence Dept.

Even experienced researchers gasp at this video:
Firemen discuss 'detonation' (video) from 911research.wtc7.net

9/11 Truth March NY- Arrests at Ground Zero


Arrests at Ground Zero
Police Claim Ground Zero Sidewalk is “Private

by Michael Kane, February 8, 2004

On February 7th, 2004, four activists from the “No
Police State Coalition” were arrested at Ground Zero
when they refused a police order to move from in front
of the World Trade Center Path Train Station. The
police claimed the sidewalk directly in front of the
train station was “private property” of the Port

I overheard an officer say to one of the onlookers
witnessing the arrests, “This is private property,
they were asked to leave and they refused. They’re not
being arrested for what they have to say. If they
would have went to the other side of the street, that
would have been fine”.

But the Port Authority is only partially a private
entity. It is also a public entity, receiving public
funding to create public spaces such as train stations
and sidewalks. The sidewalk should constitute a public
forum, meaning it is not a privately owned store or
home, and therefore the rights of free speech are

Dennis Griggs, Joel Meyers, Geoffrey Blank and Jason
Blank were charged with trespassing, disorderly
conduct, refusing to disperse and refusing a lawful
order from a police officer, but they contend the
order given by the police was completely unlawful.
They say there was no lawful reason given for them to
disperse and the request was in direct violation of
their constitutional, inalienable rights of free
speech and assembly.

“We weren’t arrested for trespassing on the sidewalk,
we were arrested for holding signs”, said Geoffrey
Blank, one of the four activists from the “No Police
State Coalition” arrested on Saturday.

“Going forward, I feel good about this”, he said.

According to Geoffrey, there is a law that bans
exhibiting a sign or banner in the World Trade Center.
This is the law he claims they will be charged in
violation of, but Geoffrey contends the law itself is
unconstitutional on its face. He was very confident
when he told me they are going to “see this to the

FTW readers will recall on January 3rd, 2004 the NY
Truth Movement began its visibility campaign at Ground
Zero with the controversial sign “THE BUSH REGIME
ENGINEERED 9-11”. On that date, Nico Haupt and
Geoffrey Blank were physically removed from in front
of the WTC Path Train Station. Since then, the NY
Truth Movement has set up shop directly across the
street every Saturday.


“Getting educational material to the public and making
space for discussion about 9-11 is our priority”, said
one 9-11 Truth activist named Cristian. He continued,
“I have no problem cooperating with the police as long
as my rights of free speech and assembly aren’t
violated. I’m not coming here every Saturday to
piss-off the cops. I’m here to get a dialogue going
that is critical to save our country”.     

No one from the NY 9-11 Truth Movement was arrested.


The NY 9-11 Truth Movement has worked with the “No
Police State Coalition” on various occasions. This
group does not back down for anyone, and often their
strategies do not gain popular support. Nevertheless,
these arrests may prove to be of major significance.
The courts must now rule if free speech is allowed on
the sidewalk in front of Ground Zero. This has been
repeatedly denied to the NY 911 Truth Movement. I
myself have been told by Port Authority police there
was no way they would allow me to display our sign on
that side of the street.

I have always complied.

The four activists received a summons to appear in
court on March 18th, 2004. Since they only received a
summons and were let go after 4 short hours, it
appears the police didn’t want to arrest them, just
shut them up. It is likely the judge presiding will
dismiss the charges based on “facial insufficiency”,
but since Geoffrey contends the law is
unconstitutional on it’s face this will not be an
acceptable resolution. The case will likely go to
criminal court.

The arrest came after a successful “March for 9-11
Truth” down Broadway ended at Ground Zero with two
banners reading “THE BUSH REGIME ENGINEERED 9-11” and
one reading “STOP THE POLICE STATE”. When those
carrying the banners set up right in front of the WTC
Path Station, the police were taken by surprise and
left unsure how to react. There were too many people
for them to react as quickly, and illegally, as they
did over a month ago. A crowd of onlookers quickly

Regardless of how the legal issues work out, it was a
powerful display that lasted over an hour. Educational
literature was dispersed to many who passed by. The
majority of people seemed to feel this is what makes
New York great, while a minority felt differently.
When the arrests happened, one local resident was
almost in tears as he said, “I can’t believe I just
saw these people arrested for free speech in my own

Believe it.

I was there covering the event, which will be included
in an upcoming documentary on the NY 9-11 Truth
Movement. I don’t know if I agree with the tactics of
those who were arrested, even though I believe they
were well within their rights the entire time. I
certainly know it is not how I would have handled
myself. But what is clear is that this is only the
beginning of a long battle to bring Truth into the
consciousness of Americans everywhere, starting at
Ground Zero, and now in the courts.

One thing is certain – the NY 9-11 Truth Movement will
be back at Ground Zero next Saturday, at noon, with
our signs and literature to disperse to the public. We
will remain on the other side of the street, where the
police have basically left us alone for the past
month, until the legal issues are worked out.

With the Republican National Convention scheduled to
be in New York in September, one wonders if there are
plans to rid Ground Zero of the dangerous truth being
presented by concerned citizens. This bold move by the
“No Police State Coalition” is an offensive move in a
game of social-justice-chess, and at stake is the
essence of what it means to be free. The “No Police
State Coalition” is not asking for their rights, they
are demanding them.

Keep your ear to the ground – I doubt mainstream media
will touch this one.

peace eternal, M>k<

anti-©, 2004: This report may can be published
anywhere ONLY IF it is unchanged and authorship is
attributed accurately

Michael Kane is a member of the NY 9-11 Truth Movement
who has been forced into journalism since no other
“journalist” will cover the Movement. He is an
associate producer of Shadow Government TV and is
following the SGTV motto:

BECOME THE MEDIA.              
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Feb. 7 Worldwide Protest

Join in on the worldwide 9-11 Truth Protest this Saturday! Help Spread the word!
Info see link below.
...Details on Feb. 7 protest...

Was Tower 7 'pulled'? - Info Wars report
Were Tower 7 & WTC Towers 'pulled'? - Rense article
Were they 'pulled' - p. 2 - follow up article

From the Wilderness article on Ground Zero protest

Nine Hundred and Eleven Missing Pieces the NY Press article on the 9-11 families who said 'No!' to the be quiet money.

Radio Free America TV- has several movie files

Latest 9-11 News from Global Free Press

9-11 Resources

9-11 Review- They have Tower 7 video

Lots of 9-11 Links - 9 11 2003 Calendar page

9-11 Truth.org- lists events, seminars


We Have Some Questions.doc
[Word Document format]


subway to RECTOR Street is just south of the WTC Site.


Why can't we gain access to the complete air traffic control records for Flight 11 and Flight 175?



Interactive MAP of New York City
NYC Guide To War Profiteers
War Profiteers - List in PDF andMaps in html.

International inquiry on 9-11 - San Fransisco March 26-28th

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Updated 1/25/2004 20:8:57

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www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at:

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