-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

From: ICIS-Institute for Cooperation in Space <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: June 30, 2006 11:16:26 PM PDT
To: ICIS-Institute for Cooperation in Space <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ctrl] FYI: 500 Rainbow Tribe Members Detained In The Name Of Homeland Security!!!!

Begin forwarded message:

From: Bea Bernhausen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: June 30, 2006 10:49:51 PM PDT (CA)
Subject: 500 Rainbow Tribe Members Detained In The Name Of Homeland Security!!!!

Rainbow Children Detained In The Name Of Homeland Security!!!!

-----<snip>-----They are arresting EVERYONE! Any one on road or in area  are being taken to a round up point to be taken to Detention camps! 
The family has been determined to be a threat to Homeland Security" <snip>

Please take the time to read this and do your part to help. Details 
are at the bottom on how to help.

Thanks: The Freedom Files w Heretic.X
I Have Woken UP!


Since 1972 people from all over the US and the world make a trek to 
the National Forests for something called "The Gathering Of The 
Tribes" to express activism mixed with alternative spiritual 
practices and prayer.

The Bush Administration has spent millions of dollars trying to stop 
the Rainbow Gatherings. 500 people who have been issued citations, 
are then being herded into "trials" like none anyone has seen before 
in America.

These pseudo trials are likely prototypes for what Homeland Security 
will use in the cases of insurrection or even a plague. Defendants 
inexplicably lose the right to a public hearing (this year these 
hearings are being held behind closed doors in a firehouse garage 
near the site.)

Attorneys and legal observers have been denied the right to even view 
these trials. The defendants are not explained their rights nor 
afforded the right to an attorney, the right to summon witnesses, the 
right to a jury trial, even fresh water!

We must understand that if these citizens lose their constitutional 
right to gather, we all lose such rights. This year the Rainbow 
Gathering is being used to set precedents that will be turned against 
drug policy, civil liberty, anti-war or other activists in the near 
future. Phone Numbers and A list Of Actions You Can Take Are listed 
at the end of the full story posted below and marked with **asterisks**.

Original Post From:

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Fight American Fascism

EVERYONE!. This is serious businesss. This is not a joke, or anytime 
to ignore what is really going on. I am posting this again in an 
attempt to get EVERYONE involved. These people are having all of 
their rights violated and being thrown into all of those nice prison 
camps that we have heard so much about. It is your American duty to 
help these people. I have inclosed latest letter that I recieved 
right below. PLEASE help in every way possible so we can show the 
department of Homeland Security that we are not afraid and that they 
can not do this!

From: LEXX

My Original post has been deleted and they will not let me post this 
any more.
At last contact, there are about 2-300 sites on other side of 
They are arresting EVERYONE! Any one on road or in area 
are being taken to a round up point to be taken to Detention camps! 
The family has been determined to be a threat to Homeland Security

so begins the first MASS ARRESTS!

I don't care who you are, or what you're beliefs are, you NEED to 
help with this in order to protect our freedoms. Please read this 
article and voice you're support by calling you're representatives 
and everyone else. I know most of you don't read or act on what I 
post but PLEASE do it this time. We have now lost our free internet 
because we didn't do enough, let's not lose our right to assemble.

From: LEXX

Dear Friends and Family,

I need your help to protect my family, the collective efforts of tens 
of thousands of citizens known as the "Rainbow Family." This week, 
near Steamboat Springs, Colorado, the U.S. Forest Service has taken 
illegal action to stop this annual assembly for _expression and 
prayer, in gross violation of the participants essential 
Constitutional rights.

The 'Rainbow' Gatherings have borne a legacy of spiritual & cultural 
pilgrimage to the National Forests since 1972, the purest exercise of 
open consensual assembly in our time. The annual 'Gathering of the 
Tribes' draws thousands over the first week of July, focusing on the 
4th as a holy day of prayer for peace and freedom. In recent years 
small regional events in this mode have emerged, and such gatherings 
have taken place in many nations around the world.


Some say the "Rainbow" Gathering is the continuation of the idealism 
of Woodstock. I think of it more as my annual spiritual retreat and 
family reunion. Since 1980, I have gathered with my family to compare 
ideas and pray for peace. I arrive loaded with the burdens of my 
work, depressed about the world situation. Each year I depart with my 
faith in humankind renewed and with the energy to fight the beast 
another year.

The rainbow family is not organized in any way; it is an exercise in 
self-determination and cooperation in the public interest, without 
need of government controls. We understand that no matter what comes 
down, it is the respect and care for each other that win in the end. 
We have no leaders or leadership, we have no offices or officers, we 
have no treasurer or treasury. We sit in counsel, often for days at a 
time in order to make mutual decisions, but there is no power to 
enforce these decisions on any individual. In the end, just like in 
society, it works because enough responsible people make sure that 
what needs to be done gets done.

We have been doing rainbow gatherings for over 30 years, each time in 
a different national forest across the country. We come in and set up 
a village in the woods. Cooperative kitchens pour out a wide variety 
of foods. Seminars on just about any topic are run by the hour.

The Rainbow is known as a healing gathering; people with various 
ailments come for help. Here in one place they can receive healing, 
from herbalists, acupuncturists, chiropractors and masseuses working 
with osteopaths and physicians. These healers work as a team and 
share their knowledge in a holistic approach that teaches all 
involved a lot about the roots of medicine.

Religious groups, ranging from Christians to Hare Krishnas set up 
camps. It's truly a free society. We go pretty far back in the woods 
to get away from the ills of civilization like alcohol and hard 
drugs. We have our gathering and then restore any damage we cause to 
the woods. And we have a perfect record of restoration of the forest.

It's great to walk through a gathering and see so many people but not 
a scrap of paper on the ground, not a cigarette butt in sight. Each 
year we train thousands of newcomers how to get along in the woods 
without destroying the place. Knowledgeable Forest Servide 'Resource' 
personnel love us; it's the Federal bureaucrats and police from 
Washington who are on our case.


The Bush Administration has spent millions of dollars trying to stop 
the Rainbow Gatherings. They are enforcing a 'Noncommercial Group 
Use' permit regulation that is impossible for unaffiliated 
individuals to comply with. 36 CFR 251.54 They require that that 
someone sign as an agent for a fictional group entity named as permit 
Holder -- which then must assume full liability from the Government 
and bind participants vicariously to its terms.

By the creed of the gatherings, no one can appoint themselves to such 
a position. More importantly, such an ad hoc gathering has no legal 
capacity to designate agents or act as a group party in any way. As a 
result, individuals are denied personal standing in First Amendment 
exercise and subjected to harsh criminal prosecution for being 
anywhere near the area

The Forest Service requires that a permit be applied for in advance 
of the gathering. And they use any excuse possible to deny a permit 
application when we manage to submit one. This year their denial was 
based on the fact that a logging company had a permit to log in a 
nearby parcel of the national forest, even though there is no logging 
activity present whatsoever. The site is far remote from any 
inhabitants -- but still the Forest Service is all over our case.

Millions of taxpayer dollars are being spent to block this harmless 
gathering from taking place. The scariest aspect of all this is how 
Homeland Security is using these gatherings to perfect their 
techniques of martial law. Regulations written for the Federal 
Emergency Management Authority to deal with natural disasters are now 
being used to crush dissent in this country.

Each year the Rainbow Gathering is declared a "National Incident" and 
federal military law ensues. A Special Agent is appointed "Incident 
Commander", with a Delegation of Authority, a large law enforcement 
"Team", and huge budget to control the gathering. Qualified Forest 
Service administrators lose their power, while the county sheriff and 
other officials are brought into targeted law enforcement actions by 
inclusion in the Incident Team and other inter-agency agreements.

Each year Homeland Security gains more power over the individuals 


At this writing Forest Service law enforcement has issued over 500 
tickets to the early arrivals at the gathering in Colorado. They have 
blocked the road and have prevented food and water from reaching 
those who managed to get into the gathering before the police 
roadblock was set up.

The 500 people with tickets are being herded into trials like none 
anyone has seen before in America. These pseudo trials are prototypes 
for what Homeland Security will use in the cases of insurrection or 
even a plague. Defendants lose the right to a public hearing (this 
year these hearings are being held behind closed doors in a firehouse 
garage near the site.

Attorneys and legal observers have been denied the right to even view 
these trials. The defendants are not explained their rights nor 
afforded the right to an attorney, the right to summon witnesses, the 
right to a jury trial, etc. Defendants ordered to appear each day at 
9:00 a.m. and sit in the hot sun without water or sanitary facilities 
until their trials. Some have now been waiting for several days. 
These abbreviated trials only take a few minutes. Last year I tried 
to help a string of defendants defend themselves in these trials but 
felt helpless to do much as the system was clearly stacked against them.

This year is especially frustrating to me as I have to watch this 
come down from 6000 miles away. Right now I am in Hungary at a 
medical conference for my employment. I am flying home on Thursday 
and plan on being in court Saturday, July 1st, to defend some of my 
best friends who got a ticket for illegally gathering as they drove 
down a public highway.


The confrontation this year is getting more intense by the minute, 
which is why I am asking for your help. The only way to stop a 
massive conflagration in Colorado in the next few days is to get 
thousands of people to contact their political representatives as 
well as the responsible administrators at the Forest Service to 
demand that this repression stop immediately.

Please, even if you can never conceive of yourself at a Rainbow 
Gathering, you must understand that if these citizens lose their 
constitutional right to gather, we all lose such rights. This year 
the Rainbow Gathering is being used to set precedents that will be 
turned against drug policy, civil liberty, anti-war or other 
activists in the near future.
Following are some instructions on who to write and/or call

We hope to start flooding the Department of Agriculture and the 
Forest Service with complaints starting Monday morning and not 
stopping until harassment stops. It is especially important that we 
get a few Congressional representative and Senators concerned enough 
to write the Forest Service for an explanation of why so much money 
is being spent to keep people from camping in the National Forest set 
aside for exactly that purpose.

Please keep the pressure on these bureaucrats until we are able to 
spread the word that the government has backed off and that the 
gathering can proceed unhindered.

If you do not know the contact information for your Congressman or 
Senator, you can find this here. You can call your representative at 
212-224-3121. Besides your representatives in Washington, please call 
and write the following people to voice your protest to this harsh 
treatment of people who just want to go on a camping trip in the 
woods. Keep the calls coming until word is passed around that the 
government has called off their dogs. Please forward this letter to 
your friends and feel free to re-post it on any listserv or website 
you wish. Email me if you have any questions.

Don E Wirtshafter
Attorney at Law
Box 18 Guysville, OH 45735
740 662 5297

USDA, Natural Resources & Environment
Mark Rey, USDA Undersecretary
1400 Independence Ave. SW, .. 217-E
Washington, DC 20250
202-720-7173 Fax: 202-720-0632

Kathleen Gause, Director 202-205-8534
USDA Forest Service
Civil Rights Staff
Stop Code 1142
1400 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington., DC 20250-1142
Tel (202) 205-1585

Office of the Chief
Dale Bosworth, Chief
USDA Forest Service
Yates Federal Building (4NW Yates)
201 14th Street, SW - Washington, DCÊ20250
202-205-1661; Fx: 202-205-1765
Executive Assistant...Karla Hawley, 202 -205-1195

Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests,
Mary H. Peterson, Supervisor
2468 Jackson Street -- Laramie, WY 82070-6535
307-745-2300 Fax: 307-745-2398

U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region (R-2)
Rick Cables, Regional Forester
Mail: P.O. Box 25127 -- Lakewood, CO 80225-0127
Richard Stem, Deputy Regional Forester, Resources: 303-275-5451

Steve Silverman, Office of General Counsel, Regional Attorney: 

Bill Fox, Law Enforcement & Investigations, Special Agent in Charge: 

Jerome Romero, Deputy Director of Civil Rights: 303-275-5340

Some resources to research these issues further:

The best Rainbow website:

A good article written before the feds came down hard:

More recent coverage:
http://www.rockymountainnews.com and


Do you Yahoo!?
Next-gen email? Have it all with the
all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.


ctrl is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, ctrl gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. ctrl gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

There are two list running, [EMAIL PROTECTED] and CTRL@listserv.aol.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] has unlimited posting and is more for discussion. CTRL@listserv.aol.com is more for informational exchange and has limited posting abilities.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Omimited posting abilities.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


Conservative politics Conspiracy theories Organizational politics



= www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at:

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