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Conspiracy Brutha Vince" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]...>
Date:  Sun Jun 13, 2004  5:00 pm
Subject:  Terr'ism is good for the Bushites

Commentary: Terror reality and rhetoric by Christian Bourge.
Claims by President Bush, and embraced by many lawmakers on Capitol Hill,
that the United States is winning the war on terror have been shot down by
news that the number of terrorist incidents and victims increased sharply in
2003, an important fact buried in today's major newspapers.

Terr'ism is good for the Bushites

Of course, a whole lot of Americans don't read newspapers. They watch Fox
News and CNN -- and usually only while commercials are running on sit-coms
elsewhere. I know, this is pretty cynical. But then far too many Americans
still believe Saddam was behind 9/11 and Saddam and Osama played bingo
together in Baghdad. I get emails all the time from people who say the
invasion on Iraq was in response to terr'ism against America. And these are
people I assume are a little bit more politically savvy than the average
person since they are reading my articles.
Point is: terr'ism is good for the Bushites. If terr'ism did not exist, most
people would want to get rid of this illegitimate president.
The U.S. State Department announced in April that terrorism was on the
decline last year, but the agency acknowledged Thursday that the achievement
-- touted by the Bush campaign and administration as a sign that the White
House policies were, in the words of Deputy Secretary of State Richard
Armitage, "prevailing" over the evildoers of the world -- was wrong.
Again, how many people know this information is wrong? I don't watch Fox
News or CNN, but I bet they didn't balance Bush's claim with a reality
check. I know the corporate media didn't bother to do so on the web.
The United States may have won some battles and managed to disrupt plots and
global funding for al-Qaida with 10 leading financiers of the group captured
or killed in the last two years according to the CIA, but when the number of
attacks increases -- even if they are not in the United States -- it means
the opposite of this claim is arguably true.
Right. We're supposed to believe the CIA? They created
<http://www.greenleft.org.au/back/2001/465/465p15.htm> al-Qaeda.
The original figures were challenged by Rep. Henry A. Waxman, D-Calif., who
is proving to be a continuous thorn in the side of the Bush White House on
several high-profile policy issues. For his part, Waxman has said he accepts
Powell's explanation that the mistakes were the result of changes in the way
the data were collected, despite earlier claiming that the details were
manipulated for political gain.
I'm thankful Waxman is out there doing this. But he's going too soft on the
Bushites. Everybody should know by now that the Bushites are liars. I don't
know why anybody believes a word they say. The White House is Spin Central,
a factory cranking out lies. Waxman is correct and should not backtrack:
Bush and his minions are certainly manipulating facts for "political gain."
It's what they do. It's what they have always done.
While the numbers are not likely to be as high as 2001, such information
should be kept in mind in the face of prognostications from the president
and his allies in Congress that the war on terror is being won.
It would be Bush's worst nightmare if the so-called "war on terr'ism" were
to be won. Bush warned us that this "war" may last for generations. It is
the neocon intention to make sure it is never "won" and terrorists continue
to raise hell.
Of course, it depends how you define terrorism. If we are to be honest, the
Iraqi "insurgents" are not terrorists -- they are more accurately described
as freedom fighters since they are fighting against an army of occupation.
If the Iraqis are terrorists, so were the colonials fighting against the
British army. In fact, the Iraqis are using many of the same "terrorist"
tactics George Washington and the colonials used: ambushes and asymmetric
warfare. Is it possible Bush would consider Washington and Jefferson
terr'ists? If you think this is absurd, recall that Reagan considered the
Afghan mjuahideen "freedom fighters," and Osama was with the CIA-created
Well, attacks attributed to al-Qaida-connected terrorists continue around
the world, including most recently in Saudi Arabia and, most spectacularly,
the March 11 train bombings in Madrid.
I can attribute these attacks to Santa Claus, but that does not mean I am
right. It is a knee-jerk reaction on the part of the corporate media to
attribute every terrorist attack to al-Qaeda or its so-called affiliates.

Doing so reveals the corrupted state of journalism and the propagandistic
nature of the corporate media. Ever notice how the media uses words such as
"may" or "it is believed" or "said anonymous sources" when they blame these
attacks on al-Qaeda?
As for Madrid, it would not be a stretch to conclude the bombings were the
work of the Spanish police, since two of the suspects, Moroccan Rafa Zuher
and Spaniard Jose Emilio Suarez, "had been in contact with police before the
attacks," according to the
<http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/3670627.stm> BBC. I don't recall
this bit of information splashed across the Fox News website.
While an estimated 4,000 people have been arrested on terrorism-related
charges worldwide, the attacks continue, with connections to al-Qaida made
for many of them by government officials.
Is this the same government that issues fake terror warnings and rests its
case against Jose Padilla on the possibility he was thinking about terrorism
(in othr words, a thought crime) and may have used Google to search for the
words "dirty bomb" (again, considering the history of the Bushites, we don't
know if this is true).
We do know, however, many of the people "arrested" by the US military are
innocent and have nothing to do with terrorism. As the
<http://www.turks.us/article.php?story=2004051206403971> Red Cross revealed,
around 90% of the detainees at Abu Ghraib are innocent of any crime
whatsoever. Moreover, the "attacks continue" not because so many people hate
our way of life and our so-called "freedoms," but because the US military
has stuck its nose into the business of so many countries around the world.
If the US stopped doing this and removed its troops from far flung bases,
terrorism would stop in a matter of months. Of course, millions of people
would not believe this because they have been conditioned to think murder
and viciousness is an Arab personality trait. It's genetic.
Another factor is the thousands of "mini-Osamas" theory held by many
terrorist experts, which holds that the war on terrorism, and the U.S.
invasion of Iraq to a potentially larger extent, is breeding new recruits to
the Islamist terrorist cause.
See above. If Bush sincerely wanted to stop terrorism, he would stop sending
the military to the Middle East and stop supporting Israel's slaughter of
the Palestinians. Of course, since he will not do this, nor will Kerry if
elected, we can expect more "mini-Osamas."
It does not take a rocket scientist to figure this stuff out -- if we invade
countries or support corrupt dictatorships (for instance in Saudi Arabia and
Egypt, to name but two), we are going to weather increasing "blowback." It
is, after all, human nature to resist invasion and occupation. Actually,
considering how many innocent people the US government has killed over the
last fifty years (millions), I'm surprised there is not a terrorist attack
per day here in the Home of the Brave.
Does this all mean the war on terrorism has been a total failure? Obviously
not, since there have been no attacks on U.S. soil since Sept. 11.
Not yet, anyway. But then the election is still a few months away.
Pollsters across the ideological spectrum believe that security will be an
important issue for the U.S. electorate this fall, particularly among the
all-important swing voters still making up their minds in the closely
divided race for the presidency.
But then the "U.S. electorate" is ignorant of the real reasons behind
terrorism. If they shut off their damned TVs and started to sincerely
investigate why terrorism exists, chances are they wouldn't vote for either
of these neoliberal clowns.
I can't help but think so-called "swing voters" are nothing more than those
people who want to vote for a "winner" and hedge their votes -- that is if
their votes are counted at all, considering what happened in Florida during
the 2000 election -- until the last possible moment.
According to a poll released by the centrist New Democratic Network, when
asked whether they thought Kerry or Bush would do a better job "protecting
America for a terrorist attack," 59 percent of swing voters among the 1,515
likely voters polled said that Bush would do a better job, compared to the
27 percent who believed Kerry would.
Centrist = Wannabe Republicans. Since the Democrats jettisoned their
traditional progressive base years ago (most seriously under Clinton), it is
entirely fair to call these "centrists" Republican Lite Democrats. If you
doubt this, consider how many of them -- Kerry included -- voted for Bush's
invasion and the draconian Patriot Act. Actually, since there is so little
difference between the majority of Democrats and Republicans, the above
"poll" is less than meaningless. It is a charade.
The reality is that the American public needs to recognize that while they
should not to be extremely fearful of a possible attack, they are
statistically more likely to be killed in a car accident than be killed in a
terrorist attack in the United States -- the political rhetoric is spouted
by politicians to calm their fears.
I've said this for years now. I'm more worried about getting killed in a car
accident. But never mind. Most Americans either like being scared by Freddy
Kruger bin Laden or they are so blindsided and ignorant of reality that they
are easily manipulated. I vote the latter. Americans have nobody to blame
but themselves for Bush's jacked up version of "terr'ism." As well, they can
blame the CIA for creating the
<http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO110A.html> Islamic Terror Network.

Facts, not interpretation of them, are important, that's the lesson.
Actuaries have jobs for a reason.
And if you live in Peoria, Ill., please don't expect the local high rise to
come crumbling down in an attack by al-Qaida.
Be aware, not stupid.
Good one. I seriously believe they will choose to be stupid (actually,
choice does not figure into it any more than choice figured into the
salivation of Pavlov's dogs). Fox News and CNN only reinforce this
stupidity. Hey, booga booga terr'ism sells soap and cars. Kids like to ride
salt and pepper shakers at the carnival until they make themselves sick,
even though this runs counter to common sense.
How do I say it? Americans deserve what they get until they wake up and
smell the coffee. For every action there is a reaction, as
<http://www.leftbusinessobserver.com/VidalTranscript.html> Gore Vidal says.
If you put PPs in office -- PP, as
<http://www.inthesetimes.com/comments.php?id=38_100_4_0> Kurt Vonnegut says,
are Psychotic Personalities -- you're going to pay for it sooner or later.
Get with it, America.
Throw out the neoliberal and neocon scumbags -- or pay an increasingly heavy


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