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October 18, 2001
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Dear Colleagues,

Now online on Narco News:

Money Trail Revealed:

Colombian Terrorists Funded from... Miami

Narco News Commentary: The search for foreign scapegoats in the "war on
terrorism," when the money trail is followed, keeps turning back to the
United States banks and financial institutions. Yesterday, the daily El
Tiempo of Bogotá, Colombia, reported that 20 checks -- totalling $897,666
U.S. dollars -- were found at a paramilitary headquarters, and were used to
buy arms and uniforms by the right-wing narco-terror group of Carlos Castaño
and Salvatore Mancuso. The financial support for the group's massacres of
civilians came from... the United States, specifically, through a bank or
banks in Miami.

This underscores our point made in a Narco News editorial this week on White
Collar Terrorists: We can point the finger abroad, but until United States
banks and financial institutions are included in the search for guilty
parties, future terrorist acts will continue, and inevitably include U.S.
soil. Narco News is investigating which Miami bank or banks were used to
fund the AUC, and will report any evidence that we find....


...Seven Million Hits, and still standing...

from somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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