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Forwarded intact; credit where credit is due. A most excellent post!!
----- Original Message -----

>  Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 06:54:47 -0600
>  From: schuetzen - RKBA!
>  Subject: [patriot] (fwd) A New American Hero

>  On Tue, 21 Mar 2000 14:56:01 -0700, spiker wrote:
>  A New American Hero
>  Editorial By : Sheriff Mike
>  (c) copyright 2000 -
>  America we now have a new HERO in our country.  His name is Wayne
>  and he became a hero because he told the truth.
>  He told the truth about President Clinton.
>  Boy, did it make the President mad or what?  Kind of reminds me of John
>  Wayne who would tell the truth when it wasn't the popular topic of the
>  day.  He was honored as he should have been as a hero and a great
>  American.  Reminds me of an old saying, "the truth hurts."
>  When Mr.  LaPierre said, "I've come to believe [Clinton] needs a certain
>  level of violence in this country," he was hitting the old nail on the
>  head.  Clinton is in front of the camera as soon as his legs can get him
>  there every time there is violence with a firearm in the news.  You don't

>  see him there when the violence involves some other weapon.  Then he
>  the same thing he always does and lies.  What I find ironic about all
>  is the fool expects you to believe him, and what is even more hilarious
>  there are people who do.
>  Clinton can't even get his statistics right, (16 children a day to gun
>  violence), that is only a few thousand off.  But you are not allowed to
>  question his story or you are a no-good that needs to be controlled.
>  of sounds like another leader we hear so much about who runs a small
>  called Cuba.
>  Clinton fired back with his old," lets ask the parents of the slain
>  children" thing.
>  Well once more he was talking and not paying attention to what the people

>  are saying.
>  The parents already said it wasn't the gun and the regulations he was
>  asking for wouldn't have prevented what happened.  My question is, why
>  isn't someone asking Clinton about all the children he has killed.  I
>  there were several in the Compound at Waco who died.  However he also
>  killed their parents, so who was left to complain?
>  Once in the country we had an actor who became president.  He wasn't a
>  great actor but he was a fair president.  Now we have a president who is
>  great actor.  His only short-coming is that he lies then forgets to get
>  facts for the next lie.
>  However, you are not allowed to say anything because then you are picking

>  on him and that's not allowed.
>  I have said it many times and I will say it again, crime and guns don't
>  have any connection other than being a tool - like a knife, car,
>  screwdriver, or any other tool that a criminal will use.  When laws are
>  passed, they only affect law abiding citizens - criminals don't obey the
>  law.  Our government is after control of our land and our lives, and the
>  only way to get total control is by disarming us.  That is the only
>  agenda.  Look at what happened to the crime rate in England and Australia

>  after they took all the firearms.  You have to be blind not to see what
>  that did.
>  Mr.  LaPierre, unlike Clinton, is speaking for 3.8 million NRA members
>  80,000,000 gun owners, He is also speaking of our Constitution and the
>  rights we as Americans enjoy to remain free people.  Clinton is speaking
>  for whoever pays him the most money and gives him the most power, and he
>  sure doesn't speak about the Constitution or your rights.  Clinton
>  like the Constitution and has said so on many occasions.  Clinton thinks
>  our rights are there only to get in his way and keep him from his agenda
>  Socialism.  It's the old "trust me I know what is best for you" story all

>  over again.
>  I saw a movie once where they built a wall around New York City and
>  it into a prison.  I think this is one time when life should imitate art
>  and we could put the Clintons in there to take control and run that
>  all they wanted to.  I would volunteer to be a guard as long as we could
>  shoot anyone trying to escape.
>  America needs to get back to what it has always been: land of the free
>  home of the brave.  We need our president and all elected and appointed
>  officials to quit wasting our time and theirs, our money and theirs, on
>  this stupid agenda of the Presidents.  There is no excuse for stupid,
>  remember that.  There is also no way you can ever trust a liar or a draft

>  dodger, unfortunately we have one in the White House.  Now Mr.  Clinton,
>  tell me which part isn't true.
>  Mr.  LaPierre thank you from the bottom of my heart, you are a hero and a

>  true American.
>  Michael E.  Cook, Coos County Sheriff, Retired.

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