Stone walls do not a prisono make, nor iron bars a cage - line written
by Richard Lovelance to his Althea as he sat in prison........

What price freedom    -    hey we saw that with this Clinton pardon list
-  the price of freedom comes very high in this country -

Jesse Jackson has already no doubt paid a high price for his freedom -

Yet I once saw a man go to jail for stealing a pound of bologne....which
proves, never steal anything small -


"On Feb 10, Dennis Justice wrote:"

[-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------]

        Pass this on to those you know who just-don't-get-it.  Um, if
you are one of the ones who doesn't get it again......


Jon Galt wrote:

  None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe that they
 are free .

 Free people do not fear their servants, they FIRE  them!
 Free people are not punished for praying.
 Free people are not forced to ride busses.
 Free people do not have compulsory education.
----Johann W. von Gothe
 Free people do not have dictionaries revised to fool them.
 Free people do not have minimum wage laws.
  Freedom is the absence of  legislation
 Free people do not have maximum price laws.
----Merrill Jenkins,  Monetary Realist
 Free people do not have legal tender laws. Freedom and legal tender are
 Free people do not have compulsory unemployment compensation.
 Free people are not compelled to pay overtime premiums.
 Free people are not compelled to join labor unions.
 Free people are not forced to give union benefits to non union workers.
 Free people are not forced to fight phony wars that they are forbidden
 to win.
 Free people are not controlled with medicated drinking water.
 Free people are not compelled to take lethal vaccinations.
 Free people are not punished for discriminating.
 Free people are not incited to discriminate.
 Free people do not have to feed and finance their enemies.
 Free people do not have enemies created to justify taxation.
 Free people are not forced to surrender their gold to government.
 Free people do not have an FDIC (Fraudulent Deceptive Instillers of
 Free people do not have their uninflatable silver confiscated under any
 Free people do not have economists confusing them about inflation
 Free people do not have inflation!  (bank credit).
 Free people do not labor for strips of paper that the first users get
 for nothing.
 Free people do not fear ANY of their servants including the IRS or
 Will YOU dare ask the IRS to define  dollar  or  income ?
 Free people are not intimidated to waive their God-given rights on 1040
 Free people are not tried by intimidated judges.
 Free people do not fear jail more than they fear death on the highways.
 Free people are not jailed for upholding and defending their
 Free people are not jailed for obeying Exodus 23:1 or God s other laws.
 Free people do not have propaganda machines that would have make Hitler
 Free people do not have state controlled press, schools or churches.
 Free people are not punished for owning guns.
 Free people are not conditioned by the press, and schools to oppose

 If you controlled 250 million heavily armed slaves with legal tender,
 credit, fear, lies, illusions, disease and amusements that inhibit
 serious thinking, would you stand on a platform and snap a whip at them
 or would you remain anonymous and hidden as you seek disarming them
 while highly rewarded slaves on radio and on TV entertained them with
  laaaand of the freeee  and  hooome of the braaave?

[------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------]

RKBA!      *****       Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel!        *****      RKBA!
An _EFFECTIVE_  | Insured  | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no
weapon in every | by COLT; |         --   Max Plank   | weapon sell his
hand = Freedom  |   DIAL   | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a
on every side!  | 1911-A1. | word.   --   The Bible   | sword.--Jesus Christ

     Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!


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