As always, . . .

NewsHawk eGroups, New eMail Accounts Shut Down
"AmeriKa" In All-out Decline

Yes, it's true. In a frightening indication of just how far the
subversion and deterioration of democracy,  freedom of speech (We're
trying not to laugh) and civil/human rights has progressed in modern-day
Clinton/Bush AmeriKa, NewsHawk's "eGroups" site and our newest email
accounts have been hacked into and disabled.

Said conditions are extant as of approximately 8 PM PDT, August 31, 1999.

The NewsHawk eGroups site is LOCKED and BLOCKED--we been absolutely
unable to post any additional material as of about 8 PM PDT, August 31.
At least as of now, previously posted material can be read and will
remain posted.

Bob Anderson's email account, [EMAIL PROTECTED] and mine,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] were hacked, ransacked and disabled at this same time.

As of TODAY, Sept. 1, NewsHawk will NO LONGER use the eGroups
system/method for disseminating our articles, bulletins, updates,
forwards and other information. We will instead revert to emailing
material DIRECTLY to our mailing list, as we have done previously.

As minor and small-time as NewsHawk definitely IS on the overall scale
of things, the FACT of such astoundingly persistent and unilateral
HARASSMENT directed at our efforts to bring to public attention the
TRUTH about crucial issues of our time bodes extremely ILL for the state
of FREEDOM in the United States right now.

NO ONE who is aware of these facts--least of all anyone associated with
NewsHawk, can allow themselves the luxury of pretending that everything
is presently just fine and dandy in our nation, when such malignant and
malicious harassment and interference is being directed against such a
relatively insignificant enterprise as NewsHawk by agents of the federal government.

Think about it. And THEN think about how long one would wish to remain
in country where the state of human freedom is in such severe, and
accelerating decline.

By the way; do NOT respond to the email address this email was sent
from. We will shortly advise on how to contact us.

John Quinn, Bob Anderson
NewsHawk Inc.

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