
About six months ago I had a phone conversation with Valerie Wolf, the
therapist working with MKultra victims in New Orleans.  She said
something to the effect that therapists were having now to include in
their analysis' the fact that "international" sex-porn rings were
handling mind control programming on victims and a major factor in the
spread of mind control problems.  Heretofore, this had not been a major
consideration.  Wolf's assumption is borne up by my personal experiences
as a victim -- especially nearly three years ago when I visited old
friends -- two men I had known years before -- in Paris.  These men,
unknown to me at the time, were involved with drug-sex rings in Paris.
I wound up badly assaulted while staying at one of their apartments --
probably by the cult they were involved with.  These men had left the
U.S. in the early 1980s to live in Paris and escape some of the cult
violence that they too were enduring back then in the U.S.  These two
men were also spending a good portion of the year in Thailand, involved,
it is presumed with the lucrative drug-sex trade in Thailand -- the "in"
place to check out these days by those in the know.  Seeking more
information about how these sex-drug rings work, I began researching the
Thailand porn information on the Net.  A very fine academic article is
on the Net -- and I highly recommend researchers look this one up -- at:

There is undoubtably a connection between the sex-porn industry and drug
trafficking -- as well as cult mind control work -- is my belief and
researchers would do well to explore the workings of these situations
and to expose the particular exotic drugs those in these trades may be
pushing.  From experience and belief, I believe that some of these
so-called "drugs" are not your garden variety narcotics -- but instead
particular brands of new drugs, not yet in the mainstream.  But only
available through some of these specialized crime synidcates.


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