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NOTE: Remember only 3 more weeks for the dead line on the writers
contest! Part 1 of 2
Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     http:
     A.  Teens and Preteens Who (Mass) Murder
     B. Music and Mind Control
     C. Mind Control Victims-Personal Testimony
#2. Crop Circles: Messages from Beyond? By: Ron Russell
     FATE Magazine -- True Stories of the Strange and Unknown since 1948
     http://www.llewellyn.com/fate/main.htm © Copyright 1998 FATE
Magazine          September 1998
#3. What the Aliens Left Me!    by Patrick David MacKondy
     FATE Magazine -- True Stories of the Strange and Unknown since 1948
     http://www.llewellyn.com/fate/main.htm © Copyright 1998 FATE
Magazine          September 1998
#4. BOOK RELEASE>The Montauk Files  by; K.B. Wells, Jr. kbwellsjr@aol.

Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http:

All rights reserved

All text within this document not quoted from other sources is the sole
property of John A. Quinn/Newshawk Inc. No reproduction without
permission. WOTS was granted permission in using this article.

Series 9 of 10



The ongoing string of mass murders committed by young boys often right
around the age of puberty (considered to be a very significant age by
the Montauk Project mind control experiment operators), has finally
pushed me over the brink; into confronting head-on the likelihood that
this and a veritable blood orgy of similar mass murders by youngsters in
the past couple of years--mostly but not only in the southeastern U.S.--
are the result of some sort of mind control program
NOTE: Remember only 3 more weeks for the dead line on the writers
contest! Part 1 of 2
Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     http:
     A.  Teens and Preteens Who (Mass) Murder
     B. Music and Mind Control
     C. Mind Control Victims-Personal Testimony
#2. Crop Circles: Messages from Beyond? By: Ron Russell
     FATE Magazine -- True Stories of the Strange and Unknown since 1948
     http://www.llewellyn.com/fate/main.htm © Copyright 1998 FATE
Magazine          September 1998
#3. What the Aliens Left Me!    by Patrick David MacKondy
     FATE Magazine -- True Stories of the Strange and Unknown since 1948
     http://www.llewellyn.com/fate/main.htm © Copyright 1998 FATE
Magazine          September 1998
#4. BOOK RELEASE>The Montauk Files  by; K.B. Wells, Jr. kbwellsjr@aol.

Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http:

All rights reserved

All text within this document not quoted from other sources is the sole
property of John A. Quinn/Newshawk Inc. No reproduction without
permission. WOTS was granted permission in using this article.

Series 9 of 10



The ongoing string of mass murders committed by young boys often right
around the age of puberty (considered to be a very significant age by
the Montauk Project mind control experiment operators), has finally
pushed me over the brink; into confronting head-on the likelihood that
this and a veritable blood orgy of similar mass murders by youngsters in
the past couple of years--mostly but not only in the southeastern U.S.--
are the result of some sort of mind control program.

I have had strong suspicions that the Jonesboro, Arkansas massacre in
March 1998, a May 1998 graduation dance massacre in Edinboro,
Pennsylvania and a subsequent school shooting rampage in Springfield,
Oregon--to name only the some of the more recent incidents--represent
the tip of the iceberg of some serious and extensive youth-directed mass
-conditioning programs currently underway. Regarding the Arkansas
tragedy in particular, there were some very troubling aspects to the
mass shooting there by two youngsters, aged 11 and 13, who murdered four
schoolmates and a teacher while wounding 11 others. The two were in
possession of a number of weapons, camouflage clothing, a van stocked
with provisions and "survivalist" gear, among other oddities, and there
were reports of ties to a satanic cult of some kind currently popular in
the southeastern U.S.

Despite a fairly rigorous childhood and teenagehood in New York City and
Long Island, and many years since spent in other major urban areas like
L.A. and the Bay Area, I must say I can really recall no precedent for
these types of mass slayings perpetrated by teens and preteens, against
their peers or elders, often carried out at (usually public) schools.

What in the name of God or any standard or concept of a more evolved,
civilized and positive existence and being; what in the name of any
decency, reason, compassion, or awareness could possibly be motivating
or compelling these young people to manifest such remorseless, shameless
and vicious violence in mass murder?

And notice also that this is not happening in New York, L.A., Chicago or
other large cities. Its happening mainly in quiet, totally "typical",
rural/suburban Middle American communities, among predominantly white,
middle class people.

I think programming is on the scene here in a most major style.
Subliminals embedded in popular entertainment could even be the triggers
for certain preprogrammed behavior and responses ready to be "activated"

In fact, in one of Alex Constantine's articles on the mass ritual sex
abuse case involving McMartin Preschool and their outright CIA
connections, he notes that many of the CIA's child oriented MK
operations are "administered" by an Indonesian religious cult: one of
the leading members of this cult is also a principal officer in a MAJOR
computer games software manufacturing/developing business. He doesn't
name names, but I believe it must be either Sega Genesis or Nintendo or
some corporation rather close to them in terms of market share, from the
way he writes it.


The use of music as an aid to programming, which forms a significant
aspect of the operation experienced first hand by "Mr. Coffee" and
described in his account reprinted directly following this section, has
been consistently commented on by certain researchers, including Preston
Nichols. Music provides access to the deeper, subconscious, emotional,
nonlinear/logical portions of the psyche. As shown so clearly by
"psychedelic" pioneers Tim Leary and Richard Alpert in their government-
sponsored LSD research (some which occurred at Montauk AFS)-- "set and
setting" are crucial in determining the impact and outcome of an LSD
trip...and a mind programming operation. Music, as an especially
emotional art form, could be utilized very effectively (albeit
diabolically!) to assist in amplifying, intensifying and boosting the
impact of certain programming operations and experiences. In addition,
certain triggers can be activated by the music previously used during

There is information put forward by people like "Sue Ellen" above and
others indicating that certain music stars are being
trained/programmed/groomed/mind controlled, so that in their roles as
mass entertainers they are fulfilling a certain function in the general
mind controlled new world order of things, and that there are very
likely entrainment frequencies and subliminal commands and such embedded
within the sound tracks: certainly in the case of country music the
overall tone of the lyrics of many country songs is undeniably "down"
and puts forth an ultimately depressing view of things. So many of these
songs are about serious emotional distress, failed relationships and
similar topics.

Technically and even artistically, the level of musicianship,
proficiency, etc. could be quite high and the music could "sound good"
but there could be specific signals/frequencies mixed in later, perhaps
unbeknownst to the performing artists, which reinforce an element of the
lyric content or even communicate some other "message". Even subliminal
vocal tracks could be used in this way. Much "heavy metal" and rap music
overtly exhibit extraordinary levels of negativity, hatred and
descriptions of violence in their lyrics, the destructive impact of
which could all easily be supplemented with a hefty dose of subliminal
images, commands and the like.

My thought is this. One concept which could be getting inserted into
country and other pop music by these and various other methods might be
this: to abuse (physically, sexually, emotionally) or neglect your
children resulting in their lives being under the control the government
, or to "turn them over to the government" in any number of other ways,
and/or assist the government in gaining access to and control over your
children so that the government can (have means and opportunity to)
subject them to psychosexually abusive mind control programming, so they
can serve certain purposes as agents of the government. If kids are
abused at home, and/or families are in fact being subliminally
encouraged in many ways through manipulation of mass media to literally
disintegrate, then more and more kids have been and will be ending up
either in some sort of government custody or on the streets, where they
become fair game for the picking; particularly by organized crime, which
as I noted in my first report, is strongly inplicated in the procurement
of young people by any number of means, for covert government agencies
to utilize in their unconscionable, inhuman and unconstitutional

This is the sort of thing that is apparently occurring which at least in
part deals with this sort of social engineering--molding and shaping of
consciousness and social reality through covert (and evil) manipulation
of mass communication such as the press and the news media, television,
entertainment. movies, music, and so on. Additionally there are the
technologies developed in the Montauk Project by which our very thoughts
and even psychic-level experiences can be interfered with, tweaked,
twisted and controlled.

I received an email on the subject of music as utilized in mind control
operations, which read in part as follows:

"With the advances in technology since Dick Sutphen's book The Battle
For Your Mind first came out, is it still impossible to reduce various
frequencies to detect the subliminals when they are psycho-acoustically
modified and synthesized so that they are projected in the same chord
and frequency as the music?"

Though I'm unfamiliar with the book mentioned above, the topic is
certainly intriguing. Here's my response to the question, based upon my
admittedly limited familiarity with the nuts and bolts of such

Certain people connected to the Montauk Project have made repeated
references to the way popular entertainment--in particular music--has
been and is being utilized as an aid to EM/RF mind control programming,
either directed towards a population as a whole or towards smaller
groups or individuals.

Preston Nichols has relayed information about some of the more esoteric
technologies which utilize music as a medium for dissemination. He
referred to what he calls a "quantum" waveform of some kind which is not
in either the audio or electromagnetic wave spectrum, and which can
transmit extensive amounts of information. This quantum information
signal apparently interacts with certain levels of consciousness and
awareness: there is no commonly available technology at this time with
which the information can be decoded.

One point made by Nichols which I, as a musician, found intriguing is
that the equipment used in implementing this quantum information wave is
highly dependent upon vacuum tubes, as much of the Montauk Project
technology has been in general, although transistors are utilized to
some extent. Interesting that many electric musicians, especially
guitarists, have adamantly withstood the tidal wave of solid state
technology when it comes to instrument amplifiers: as many rock fans
know, most electric guitarists, bassists, miked vocalists and other
musicians swear by the vast superiority of the tonal qualities of vacuum
tube amps and the ability of such equipment to convey a far greater
range of subtle nuances of feeling that transistor amps.

Nichols indicated to me that a substantial amount of popular music
during the 1960s, 70s, 80s and of course now has been utilized in
service of a covert (of course!) MK agenda using various methods and
technologies, and as I've pointed out, similar charges have been made by
a number of other people, for example Cathy O'Brien. (Nichols worked as
a sound recording engineer before going to work at Brookhaven Labs
around 1970).

More detailed and technical information was conveyed to me about this
entire matter but to be honest the technical part is a bit over my head.
I am a bit weak in radio electronics as well as quantum physics,
relativity and the unified field theory.

I have been extremely intrigued by the statements made by Nichols and
others about music being utilized for mind control purposes but remain
somewhat unclear about how this is actually accomplished technically.
Then of course questions such as those posed by Mr. Hart above have
crossed my mind as well--that is, how can the subliminal psychoacoustic
frequencies, quantum information waves and other embedded data be
isolated, deciphered, etc._


Certainly one of the most astonishing accounts from a victim/survivor of
an intensive mind control programming operation to have ever come my way
is this one; emailed to me in late 1997 by an individual who gave me a
brief autobiography which described how he had been picked at the age of
ten, through the "auspices" of the "Silva Mind Control Program", to be
an unwitting candidate for the "MK-ULTRA/Montauk/Ewen Cameron School of
Mind Control" (I think I made that last one up!), which commenced in
earnest when he entered college at Rochester NY.

Continually monitored by military agents who had tracked the fellow
throughout high school, my contact was given the full complement of
Montauk type programming after he entered college, and he subsequently
worked for his programmers in an altered state of mind as a slavelike
agent. Among other horrors, he has had recalls of assassinating targeted

Here's the real grabber--this fellow has pieced together solid evidence
(including recovered computer text files detailing this particular MK
method) showing that music was used as a major aspect of a CIA covert
mind-programming technology/system, as a means of substantially
strengthening the emotional components of psyche and personality and
"enlisting" these aspects for the programmed "cause". This translates
into a much more intense "commitment" and connection to the program on
the part of mind controlled agents. This same music, perhaps with
encoded subliminals as well, is used to activate the previously embedded
program in the agent.

An incredible and terrifying story--and, the dates of his major
involvement which this fellow recalls coincide exactly with information
from Preston Nichols regarding a very recent phase of the Montauk
project, from 1988-1992.

This man was most recently an operative in the southeastern U.S.;
however, that is where his "handler" made some major errors in
"handling" my contact, which resulted in substantial and traumatic
memory breakthroughs, a breakdown in the mind control program in his
case and my contact's disconnection from the operation. (Naturally
though, severe harassment and vicious threats have followed him almost
continually since).

Preston Nichols has reported that after the departure of the Montauk
Project's mind control crew from the Montauk underground installation
roughly the end of 1992, the Project was somewhat at loose ends for a
couple of years but the directors then regrouped and ensconced
themselves in the Atlanta Georgia area at Robins Air Force Base.

I had occasion to meet this man, whom I will call "Mr. Coffee" (a
pseudonym), in person during my trip to Long Island in the summer of
1998, which has been recounted above in this report. I found him in some
degree to be not what I expected; certain elements of the type of
programming he has been subjected to--what might be called a fearless,
kamikaze-type warrior with total confidence seem to have leaked through
in to his everyday personality. Coffee indicated to me and Nichols that
he (Coffee) may very well still be utilized while in an alternate state
of mind for various covert operations by intelligence/military agencies.
He attested to feeling bizarrely affected by the energy particularly at
Camp Hero but also in the village of Montauk.

Here is what Coffee had to say. Dear Sir: "I believe that I was/am the
subject of some horrific government mind control experiments. I believe
that the government "selected" me at a very young age, watched me
develop as a young man, and then when the time was right forced me into
their "mind control project". My memories of these events were all but
nonexistent until recently, when a single event triggered a massive
flood of memories which started to all come back to me. To be honest the
whole experience has left me quite shaken as well as quite scared. But
mostly confused.

"It all started when I was 10 years old. My mother enrolled me in a mind
control course called "the Silva Mind Control Method". It is sort of a
self hypnosis course where you learn to dive down into the different
levels of your mind. You learn things like how to heal your body with
your mind, relaxation techniques, ways to focus your concentration, and
melt spoons with your mind (things like that). You may have heard of it?
Anyway, while in the course we learned to go to our "level" (a relaxed
state of mind which is the basis of the Silva method). I was extremely
good at all of the things we were doing for some reason right from the
start. The instructor... was praising me like I was god's next gift to
mankind. Telling me that I was the greatest student he has ever seen etc
. etc..

"This is where it all starts: during one of the breaks (about six weeks
into the course) the instructor asks me to go outside to meet some of
his "friends". I go outside with him (and let me tell you, when you are
10 years old and you are in a class room for two hours at a time on your
Saturdays and Sundays for eight straight weeks you ABSOLUTELY live for
your 15 minute breaks) so needless to say I was not very interested in
wasting my "break time" talking to whoever these people were. We go out
the double doors and there are two men waiting to talk to me. THEY BOTH
WERE WEARING MILITARY UNIFORMS, one was wearing army green, and the
other was in blue (possible Air Force but I cant be sure). The
instructor states to the men "this is the kid" and they make some small
talk. To be honest I really didn't pay much attention to them ( I was
looking at the other kids on the play ground and wondering why the hell
I'm over here and not over there). But here's the main point; The man in
green bends down on one knee and says to me "I hear you have some very
special abilities" and I said "I do"? He stands back up and speaks to
the instructor some more, then kneels back down and says "It was very
nice meeting you, YOU KNOW YOUR GOING TO WORK FOR ME SOME DAY!" As a 10
year old you don't quite grasp what is really going on and I remember
laughing and telling him that I didn't quite understand, but it was nice
meeting him, and I ran off to the play ground. But when I looked back,
the three adult were still standing there looking at me, talking about
me, and sizing me up.

"That was the only time that I actually spoke to those men for years,
but what happens next is very odd. Growing up my parents were fighting
all the time and they finally got divorced. So what did I do, I used
sports as my escape. All I focused on was sports, I would leave the
house and go down to the field or into the backyard and practice, and
practice, and practice my soccer skills. As a result of this I became
extremely good, so good you would not believe me (I just seemed to have
a knack for it). I didn't think about doing it, I just did it. It was
like it was mind over matter.

"It's funny because honestly I could do things that were so unbelievable
on the soccer field. You have to see it to believe it. Here is how; I
honestly didn't know any better. I didn't know that I wasn't supposed to
be able to do that, just take the ball down the field by yourself and
score EVERY TIME! But in my mind, I could do it, so I did it in real
life EVERY TIME. When the opposing teams coaches asked how old I was,
when I told them the didn't believe me, after the games were over they
would thank me for not running up the score and humiliating "their boys"
. That how good I was and I do have video tapes of the games to prove it

"Here is the thing, and I didn't put it together at the time. When you
go to any children's sporting event you see all of the parents. They are
usually are dressed casually and usually bring a folding chair and sit
around and watch the game and gossip with the other parents etc. etc. I
REMEMBER looking around at all the parents. I REMEMBER noticing TWO GUYS
BLUE. I remember this specially because they stuck out like sore thumbs,
and I specifically remember this because I was thinking "I wonder whose
fathers are they?" They looked familiar from when I was 10 years old but
I just could not put my finger on it.

"I remember seeing the same two guys all through my high school sporting
events. Whether it was football, basketball, or track. At the county
track meet, during some football games etc. (I can rattle off 5 or 6
different examples).

"Imagine how effective would an assassin or an agent be if in his mind,
through hypnosis, he truly had no fear. If in his mind, through hypnosis
, he truly believed that he could do superhuman things. Things like
jumping off a 3 story roof and land without injury, just as if he was
jumping a foot stool. If in his mind, through hypnosis, he truly
believes he possesses superhuman strength and can turn his bodes
adrenaline glands on and off like a faucet. These are just some of the
experiments they conducted on me in an effort to make me the "perfect
weapon" or the "perfect killing machine".

"When it came time for me to go to college is when strange things
started happening. I was a "Blue chip" athlete, and was recruited
heavily as an A-rated football player by most of the major universities.
By the end of my senior year in high school the decision as to what
school to attend was narrowed down to 2 or 3 schools.

"Mysteriously, in the mail I received a letter which stated I had an
appointment to have my physical taken for admittance to attend West
Point. I didn't think much about it and the physical date came and went.
Another letter arrives stating that I was "Rescheduled" FOR ANOTHER
physical at West Point. The physical date also comes and goes. Again, I
didn't think too much about it. Then I get a phone call from someone in
the military, I don't remember his name but I think he said he was major
something or other. Anyway, he asks me why I didn't go to the physicals,
and I told him that 1st of all I wasn't the least interested in a
military career because my father was in the military and it just wasn't
my "bag". Secondly my father graduated from Annapolis and if I went to
West Point he would disown me. About a week later I get a THIRD letter.
This one mysteriously now states that I now have an appointment to have
my physical taken to attend Annapolis.

"The thing is I never spoke to anyone about attending either West Point
or Annapolis. I never spoke to any football coaches, I never discussed
it with my parents, I spoke to NO ONE about applying to ANY military

"I did some research about the process in which one must to go through
to enter either academy. Let me tell you that the physical is about the
third screen they use to weed out unqualified candidates. These screens
include either a presidential or a congressional nomination (I could
have gotten one due to the fact that my father attended Annapolis but
since neither of us even approached the subject it really makes you
wonder what the Hell is going on). In addition to this I was extremely
underqualified since neither my grades NOR my SAT scores were EVEN CLOSE
to the levels expected by the academies by their applicants.

"So how did I get THREE physicals scheduled to enter the military's most
distinctive schools WITHOUT EVER APPLYING. Someone wanted me to be in
the military very badly, and I still have all the letters "requesting"
my presence at the academies for my physicals  to prove it! By a rather
odd set of events I end up going to a college I had never heard of
before called the University of Rochester located in UPSTATE NEW YORK
right between Buffalo and Syracuse. I attended the University from 1988-

"This is when they took me into their program. I CAN GO THROUGH ANOTHER
EVERYTHING! This was a "Black Book Operation", these men were not
exactly in the military but some sort of a private group, operating from
groups within groups. You see I was so far gone and under their control
because for some reason mind adhered to their "suggestions" extremely
well, like nothing they had ever seen. Anything they told me to do while
I was in this state of mind I could do. CONTINUED IN PART 2
        Louise A. Lowry
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