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Part 2 of 2
Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     http:
//www.cbjd.net/orbit/text/ph.html     <CONTINUATION>
    C. Mind Control Victims-Personal Testimony
#2. Crop Circles: Messages from Beyond? By: Ron Russell
     FATE Magazine -- True Stories of the Strange and Unknown since 1948
     http://www.llewellyn.com/fate/main.htm © Copyright 1998 FATE
Magazine      September 1998 #3. What the Aliens Left Me!    by Patrick
David MacKondy
     FATE Magazine -- True Stories of the Strange and Unknown since 1948
     http://www.llewellyn.com/fate/main.htm © Copyright 1998 FATE
Magazine      September 1998 #4. BOOK RELEASE>The Montauk Files  by; K.B

Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.cbjd.net/orbit/text/ph.html     <CONTINUATION>

C. Mind Control Victims-Personal Testimony

"The experiments were all under hypnosis, and were initially designed to
test how far the human could be pushed. Things like the limits of human
strength. While under hypnosis they would tell me to imagine that my arm
was a hydraulic press with unlimited power, they then would place
objects in my hand and tell me to crush them and I could. Another
favorite was to test the limits of human pain tolerances. For this
experiment they would tell me to "turn off my nerves"; "you are in a
warm and safe place, you feel nothing and have NO pain". As you can
imagine they had many different varieties of this test. They controlled
me like I was a robot or something, and I remember standing and walking
with "tunnel vision". I had no control of myself at all. I remember
having to give demonstrations of my abilities so they could get the
funding needed to continue with the project.

Part 2 of 2
Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     http:
//www.cbjd.net/orbit/text/ph.html     <CONTINUATION>
    C. Mind Control Victims-Personal Testimony
#2. Crop Circles: Messages from Beyond? By: Ron Russell
     FATE Magazine -- True Stories of the Strange and Unknown since 1948
     http://www.llewellyn.com/fate/main.htm © Copyright 1998 FATE
Magazine      September 1998 #3. What the Aliens Left Me!    by Patrick
David MacKondy
     FATE Magazine -- True Stories of the Strange and Unknown since 1948
     http://www.llewellyn.com/fate/main.htm © Copyright 1998 FATE
Magazine      September 1998 #4. BOOK RELEASE>The Montauk Files  by; K.B

Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.cbjd.net/orbit/text/ph.html     <CONTINUATION>

C. Mind Control Victims-Personal Testimony

"The experiments were all under hypnosis, and were initially designed to
test how far the human could be pushed. Things like the limits of human
strength. While under hypnosis they would tell me to imagine that my arm
was a hydraulic press with unlimited power, they then would place
objects in my hand and tell me to crush them and I could. Another
favorite was to test the limits of human pain tolerances. For this
experiment they would tell me to "turn off my nerves"; "you are in a
warm and safe place, you feel nothing and have NO pain". As you can
imagine they had many different varieties of this test. They controlled
me like I was a robot or something, and I remember standing and walking
with "tunnel vision". I had no control of myself at all. I remember
having to give demonstrations of my abilities so they could get the
funding needed to continue with the project.

"I remember, being in a field, it was dusk, and I demonstrated my
abilities and the showed the things I could do. There were 6 to 8 men
there one of them dressed in a suit was either a senator or a
congressmen and after he saw the things I could do he said "JESUS CHRIST
-- If I didn't see that with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed it
possible. ANYTHING YOU NEED YOU GOT IT!". The main focus quickly turned
from doing simple tests on me to developing me as a killing machine, a
military weapon, and they trained me as an assassin. I have memories of
killing several people and executing several "Missions". My code name
they called me by was "The Rhino" and I believe I killed several people
between 1988 and 1992.

"To be honest with you this letter should have only taken me a day or
two to write but I have been working on this for over three weeks now. I
am not going into great detail about most of my experiences and the
really painful memories. Every time I start thinking about these events
my stomach turns and I become nauseous. I must ask you to please forgive
me, if any of this is unclear or doesn't flow smoothly I'm sorry but I'm
trying my best, but it is very difficult and painful to remember and
write all this down.

"I graduate from college and I move down South. In my apartment complex,
this guy introduces himself to me at the pool and we become good friends
. At this time I have no memories of all these events so I didn't put
the following together until later. The guys name is Aaron and he is
down South to get his masters degree in PSYCHOLOGY. Coincidentally he is
also from Rochester NY. He becomes my best friend and about a year goes
by. When we would go out drinking or be at parties Aaron would brag
about being able to hypnotize people without them even knowing it and
how he could just "fuck" with peoples' minds. I never thought much about
it because he was my best friend. I get my first job with a major
corporation. Three hundred and sixty resumes for 1 spot and I got the
job. So naturally I was very excited and told all my friends. The job
involved traveling all around the Southeast every week (being gone
Tuesday through Friday, on the road, every week).

"The job didn't start until late August and it was early July so I had
some time on my hands. About two weeks after I told Aaron that I had
gotten the job he calls me and asks me to come over (as he was my best
friend I would go over to his place all the time so I thought absolutely
nothing about it). I get to his apartment and we bullshit for about an
hour, and he tells me out of the blue that "some people are concerned
about your new job" and I said "what the fuck are you talking about" and
he said "the fact that we won't know where you are during the week"; and
I was just utterly confused and extremely pissed off (I still had no
memory of any of the events mentioned earlier) and I said "What the hell
are you talking about? Who is concerned? What business is it of theirs
anyway? Who? I don't understand?" He let it go. What happened next he
did not let go.

"I had all this time on my hands and I was very nervous because I had to
go to Buffalo for three weeks of training. I was 24 years old and this
was my first "real job" with a company car, expense account and
everything. Ever since I was very young I stuttered severely when I
spoke. The thing is I knew it was all in my mind, because when I was
alone I could speak very fluently, but when I had to speak to anyone,
read aloud or, heaven forbid, speak to a group of people my
entire throat would just "lock up" and I could not speak word one. This
was a serious problem for me and needless to say I was tormented as a
child. But anyway I decided that this was my first real job and if I
wanted to get anywhere in life that I will not let this stop me and it
must be fixed and now is the time. I had never been to a hypnotherapist
before but for some reason I really
believed in the power of hypnotism, and I really thought that this along
with my Silva mind control could really help me. So I open the yellow
pages and pick out a hypnotherapist. In the ad the hypnotherapist
claimed to be able to cure many different ailments within a few sessions
, stuttering was one of them so I called and made an appointment.

"I proceed to go into the appointment talk to the Doctor and explain how
I think my problem is all in my mind. He states that my conclusions are
"very interesting", and he puts me under. When I opened my eyes the
doctor's face was white as a ghost and he is sweating bullets, there are
now two assistants in the room and they have the same horrific look on
their faces. The doctor in a
MEMORY CAP IN YOUR MIND"? I said "no, what are you talking about?" He is
still sweating profusely, and I ask him what was going on. He would not
discuss it but he said wanted to see me tomorrow. I go to pay for the
session in the lobby and I ask the assistant "what happened in there?"
At first she would not tell me but I finally got it out of her. She said
that I absolutely FREAKED OUT and I was absolutely screaming
uncontrollably. She also stated that in her 15 years with this doctor
she had never seen anything like it. She said the doctor tried for 15
minutes to put the cap back on and I would not let him, they had to get
three other people to hold me down and finally he got control of the
situation again. This is on a Tuesday, the doctor wanted to see me the
next day but he was booked through Friday, the assistant made room for
me to see him on Thursday.

"I leave very confused, still having no clear memories of any of the
government experiments. The thing is I go home and what do I do, I go
right over to my best friends apartment (Aaron) and tell him the whole
story about the hypnotherapist and the memory cap. He starts to FREAK
OUT, you went to a hypnotherapist WHEN? And let me tell you he was
PISSED! I remember being very confused because I didn't still didn't
make the connection. I remember going into his
apartment, telling him what happened, he gets very angry, but after that
there was "lost time." It was between 3:00 and 4:00 o'clock in the
afternoon when I went over there. I remember this because there were
soap operas on the television when I was initially telling him my story;
when I left Jeopardy was on and it was becoming dusk. It was about 7:30
on the evening. I leave his
apartment and go home, I found myself sort of wondering what happened?
At home I empty my pockets on the table (change, keys etc..) and I have
the receipt from the hypnotherapist. "Oh yea" I say I'm supposed to see
him on Thursday, but I couldn't remember anything else.

HAD NEVER BEEN THERE. There were four or five doctors sharing the same
office and there was simply a space where his name had been. I go in and
ask the receptionist where is doctor so and so, as hard as I try I just
cannot remember his name, but I can find my way back to where his
PLEASE LEAVE AND DO NOT COME BACK. I ask about the doctor, she closes
the receptionists window turns her back to me and walks away.

"I go home, even more confused, Aaron calls me that night to come over,
I go, again not thinking anything about it. This is where all hell
breaks loose. I go to his apartment and we are sitting down talking as
usual. From the back bedroom six or seven men come out! The same two
military officers I had seen all along from my childhood and at the
University of Rochester (one in green and one in blue). The other men
were dressed in black. The instant I saw these men I began to remember,
my instinct tells me to run but I was taken totally by surprise. The men
in black leap over the couch, grab and hold me. They pinned me against
the back of the couch, I had no leverage to plant my feet and try get up
. They start to laugh and say things like "this guy isn't so tough" and
"that was easy".

"I remember looking at Aaron with a look of betrayal: he could not look
at me. The military officer in green says "do you have any idea how much
trouble you've been, we should have killed you a long time ago"; he asks
Aaron "is he going to remember any of this?" Aaron answers no. He
proceeds to punch me in the face. I am struggling to get up but I just
could not move, Aaron then takes over.

"Aaron then says the "magic word" and instantly I cannot move, he tells
me how relaxed I feel how I feel warm and safe I feel, how I am in a
"happy place". This is where things start getting a little crazy. What
he did to me, I remember, he somehow locked me away in my own mind
creating multiple personalities. I remember fighting him for control in
my mind. He said that I will do what I tell you to do. He said the walls
are closing in and you cannot fight it, in my mind I of course pictured
the walls closing in. On his instruction the walls closed in until I was
inside a "vacuum sealed steel coffin", I could not fight it and I could
not move. He then said you are being sent to a place in your mind where
you will never be found, at this point I start screaming "no no no".
After he sent me to a place where "no one will ever find you", he
instructed that "a steel plate the size of ten football fields and 10
feet thick is crashing down upon you" and he said "here it comes, and
there is no escape". I remember screaming again as he says "boooom".
Here comes another one, "boooom", and he proceeded to do this five or
six more times. I am screaming during all of this.

"The hypnotherapist had pulled me out of it; two days later the
hypnotherapist has disappeared and Aaron locks the "monster" away again,
with new doors and in a new place. The monster who claims to be the real
me who is even now locked away somewhere in my mind? This concept is
very scary and confusing but these are my memories. This all took place
in the summer of 1994. After that I couldn't remember any of these
events, and Aaron continued to be my "best friend". Over the next two
years I would go over to Aaron's apartment and hang out. I remember a
lot of missing time, watching a movie and all of a sudden I would be
watching a different movie and it is 2:00 in the morning. Sometime he
would get up and lock the door when it is only the two of us and we were
both about 6 foot tall and 230 pounds with bodybuilder physiques living
in a very quiet and secure apartment complex. So I began to wonder about
these events and I would ask him "why do you sometimes lock the door"
and he would never answer me.

"There is much more to the story--how I broke free, where I am today,
are they still watching me? It's funny because I play these events over
and over again in my mind. Government experiments, multiple
personalities, hypnosis. The thought that the United States Government
assigned someone to "watch" me for years sounds kind of crazy. The thing
is, as I was sitting here typing on my computer and writing this letter,
I remembered that Aaron used to come over and use my computer for some
of his "theories" and "projects". When we were "best friends" I never
thought much about it.

"But LOOK what I found on my computer. Here is the first page of a 10
page document that is one of his theories on how the human mind operates
which he submitted to be published.

Continued next week in the last part of this series............

#2. Crop Circles: Messages from Beyond? By: Ron Russell
FATE Magazine -- True Stories of the Strange and Unknown since 1948.
http://www.llewellyn.com/fate/main.htm © Copyright 1998 FATE Magazine
September 1998

This crescent-based agriglyph appeared near East Meon, Hampshire, in
July 1995. In the summer of 1992, a colleague and I were driving to
Alton Barnes in the southeast of England. The area is known for the
number and quality of crop circles that turn up there, and I was hoping
to see my first one. Little did I know what a powerful impact they would
have on me.

Quite suddenly, we saw a giant snail-shaped formation in the fields on
the east side of the road. We were not the first to discover it.In fact,
scientists were measuring it, artists were drawing it, and others were
simply experiencing it. We stopped and paid the farmer an admission fee
of 50p (around 85 cents). When we went in, I was overcome with awe. The
formation was beautiful, but more than that, I felt gently bombarded by
unusual energies. In later crop circle visits, the energy felt
transformational. It seemed to spin and realign me spiritually.

Considerable evidence shows that crop circles have been known throughout
Earth's history. The Dead Sea Scrolls' Book of Noah and several works of
medieval literature mention them. Many ancient stone carvings, including
one at Stonehenge, seem remarkably similar to the shapes in the fields.

Crop circles appear all over the world. About 10,000 instances from
various countries have been reported in the last 20 years, but the most
aesthetically advanced ones are in the Wessex area of southern England.

Placed carefully in our fields of food grains, some are larger than
football fields and exceedingly complex in design and construction.
Others are smaller and more primitive. We call them crop circles, but
many of them are not circular. Some are elongated abstract designs, a
few resemble insects or other known forms, and some are agglomerations
of lines, circles, and other shapes melded into intricate patterns. Most
become visible overnight, though it has been claimed that a few have
appeared within a half-hour in broad daylight.

Although people have asserted that they have created crop circles, it is
difficult for me to see how any ordinary person or group could create
these wondrous Earth designs in the short time it takes them to appear
and without leaving traces of their construction.

Researchers have spent a great deal of time investigating different
aspects of crop circles. They try to detect traces of human involvement
in the circle-making, test the area of the circle itself for geophysical
anomalies, and analyze the field's grain both from within and outside
the circles, searching for differences.

Dr. W. C. Levengood of BLT Research, headquartered in Cambridge,
Massachusetts, has analyzed many grain samples and has confirmed, time
after time, that significant changes have occurred at the cellular level
of crop circle plants. The plants from the circles have elongated cells
and blown-out growth nodes. Seeds from the circle plants often show
accelerated growth
rates when they are sewn, and in some instances, quite different-looking
plants result. In many instances it appears that a vortex-like energy
causes the plants to swirl down, flattening the design into the land.
Whatever this energy is, it does not generally inhibit the plants'
growth. They continue to show normal phototropic response to the sun,
raising upward over several days following the appearance of the circle.

Mayan lunar calendar design, also called the sleeping serpent, Avebury,

Dowsers have no difficulty finding complex arrangements of energy lines
in and around the circles. I have been amazed to see the rods swing
abruptly and consistently when I dowsed near the edges and centers of a
formation. I have seen pendulums fly out of the hands of friends who
tried to read an energy signature in the centers.

Michael Chorost of Duke University found occasions of short-lived
radionuclides in the top layer of soil in some of the formations. A
British government laboratory found diminished nitrogen and decreased
nematode populations as well as decreased water content in the soil of a
formation. Researchers have discovered other anomalies, as well, such as
curious embedded magnetic particles and charred bract tissue.

Reliable eyewitnesses have reported seeing anomalous lights and hearing
unidentifiable sounds while on an early-morning walk in the countryside
where a crop circle shows later that day. On several occasions a strange
glow or a darker differentiation has been seen in the sky over a crop
circle. And in more than one instance, the electrical power of small
planes flying overhead has abruptly been cut off, an alarming event I
myself have experienced!

The physical and chemical anomalies clearly show that crop circles are
abnormal formations, but perhaps more convincing than any other evidence
is the effect they have on people who see encounter them. Lucy Pringle
of the Centre for Crop Circle Studies (CCCS) in England has gathered a
wealth of human physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual experiences
in her study
of more than 500 cases of extraordinary occurrences while in, or after
being in, a circle. These have included sudden illnesses, healings,
transcendental spiritual and mental states, momentary loss of
consciousness, psychic and transformative emotional events, and other
strange enchantments.

While the causal energies do not seem to harm animals, or even insects
as far as we can tell, wild creatures tend to avoid the circles. I have
seen flocks of birds split apart and fly around the perimeter rather
than go directly over a formation.

Spiritual Machines

What could possibly be the purpose of these amazing Earth works? They
are unquestionably a beautiful art that can charm us into a new way of
seeing. Perhaps that is their purpose, although I do not feel it is that
simple. Crop circles are transformative to those who touch them. But
even those who never see or touch a crop circle may be affected by them.
Farmers harvest the grain from crop circles along with the rest of the
grain in their fields. Can this special grain, some of which we know has
been altered cellularly, fail to affect us when we eat it in our bread
or cereal?

I suggest that crop circles may be a covert engineering feat of the
highest order that will move us gently toward the next step of our
evolution. They are a kind of cultural medication that may be designed
to help us avoid the more radical surgery of catastrophic changes which
so many seers predict as we near the end of this millennium.

We have seen lovely balls of light, like fairy spirits, in the fields
near the circles, little silver discs flying over the crop, bigger UFOs
in the sky nearby, and felt the presence of something ineffably large
and wise watching us.

Year after year, more great formations appear, hundreds and hundreds all
over the world. This is such an obvious contact. Is it not likely that
someone is telling us something?

Like toys on a carpet scattered by wise parents, the circles ask us to
awaken and study them and ourselves. Who would give us such profound
gifts but great beings who know we need to be reminded of our true home
and our true nature in the Spirit? See more of Ron Russell's crop circle
photos in the 1998 issue of FATE.

Ron Russell is the Colorado and Midwest USA coordinator of the Centre
for Crop Circle Studies and the author and photographer of FATE's 1999
Crop Circle Calendar (Llewellyn). He leads annual crop circle tours to
England and can be reached at Research Tours to the Circles: Ron Russell
, PO Box 40307, Denver CO 80204.

#3. What the Aliens Left Me!    by Patrick David MacKondy
FATE Magazine -- True Stories of the Strange and Unknown since 1948.
http://www.llewellyn.com/fate/main.htm © Copyright 1998 FATE Magazine
September 1998

Twinsburg, Ohio, was a great place to raise a family in 1966. I was a
dapper, sandy-haired six-year-old. I lived in a beautiful new apartment
complex with my father, mother, and sister. My father was an advertising
director for a regional grocery chain, and he was in the process of
building us a stately Colonial house down the street. I have wonderful
memories of waiting for my dad to get home from work at 5:30. We would
walk to our future home to check on the day's progress. Even today, when
I smell freshly cut plywood or drywall, memories of those days rush back
to me.

Our next-door neighbors were Dutch. They were excited because their
dearest friends from Holland were moving to the United States and were
going to rent the apartment across the street. They said that I would
have a new playmate named Lazette. I wasn't crazy about playing with a
girl, and hoped we would move before she arrived.

My wishful thinking came to naught, however. Lazette and her parents
moved in, and that summer she drove me crazy by trying to be one of the

One afternoon Lazette and her parents begged my parents to let me spend
the night at their apartment. This would be the first time that I had
ever slept over at anyone's house.

We went to the movies, out to eat, and back to their apartment. I put my
pajamas on and went to bed in Lazette's bedroom. Strangely, Lazette
slept between her parents in their room, and left me all alone.

Later that night, I woke up to find both of her parents looking at me.
Their noses were only inches from mine, and I was frightened. I must
have passed out or fallen back to sleep. When I awoke again, I was
outside, alone, looking up into the sky at a bright beam of light that
must have been 10 or 12 feet in diameter. I watched the light shrink
until it went back up into the sky. I heard a male voice in my mind. We
will see you again someday, when you are a lot older,it said.

Lazette's parents walked me back to the apartment, where I fell fast
asleep. I was crying hard and wanted to go home. They were laughing. I
thought I would never see my parents again.

The next day, I told my parents all about it. They said that the rich
food I had eaten must have given me a nightmare. I knew it had been real
, though, because Lazette's parents had been outside in their pajamas,
and that morning I had seen mud on Lazette's mother's slippers while she
prepared my breakfast.

Time passed and I tried to put the memory of that night out of my head.
I knew that something strange had happened to me, but I didn't know what
. As I got older I told myself that it had been one heck of a nightmare.
But something deep inside me remained unsettled.

Find out more in the September 1998 issue of FATE.
Patrick David MacKondy is a creative director for a cable television
advertising company. He lives in Poland, Ohio.

#4. BOOK RELEASE>The Montauk Files  by; K.B. Wells, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm honored to say it has finally arrived! Some of you may know of Kens
writings which was featured in WOTS (check out the archives).

Finally, someone other than Preston Nichols and Peter Moon takes on the
Montauk conspiracy and comes up with astonishing new data of his own.
Not only is Wells personally involved, but he discovers the roots of the
Phoenix conspiracy and establishes a new forum for a subject which has
been shunned by too many other researchers. New information is revealed
about John von Neumann and his involvement in the entire scenario. Many
photographs of the Montauk base are included as well. It is a must read
for all hard core Montauk fans.

You can order this book through www.amazon.com, and at 14.95 it a good
bargain, I have my book on order plus I'm getting Wells Jr. to autograph
it for me...if you would like the book autographed please contact him at

        Louise A. Lowry
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