Dear List,

The first two articles mentioned back the existence of ritual abuse and
repressed memories. The third article (which may be triggering for survivors)
is a survivor account by

Claudia Mullen, who testified at the 1995 Advisory Committee on Human
Radiation Experiments,  for a copy of Claudia's  "Statement to Presidential
Report on Radiation, see http://members.aol.com/SMARTNEWS/Sample-Issue-15.htm

A video tape of the hearing is available from: Missoulians for a Clean
Environment, P O Box 2885, Missoula, MT 59806, 406-543-7210.

The Interim Report of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments
is available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing
Office. The stock number is 061-000-00819-5, for $9.00. Telephone orders:
202-512-1800, fax 202-512-2250 (8-4 EST), mail orders US Gov't Printing
Office, P O Box 371954, Pitts., PA 15250-7954.

Article 1:
Denying Ritual Abuse of Children, Catherine Gould, ph. D. The Journal of
Psychohistory, Winter, 1995, No. 3, pgs 329-339. The article discusses the
reasons for the denial of ritual abuse in the U.S., the increased trauma
symptoms of ritual abuse survivors over non-ritual survivors,  biased media
reporting and research and legal proceedings that have exposed ritual abuse.

Article 2:
Traumatic Amnesia: The Evolution of Our Understanding From A Clinical and
Legal Perspective, Dr. Charles Whitfield (Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity,
4(2), 3-34, 1997). This review describes extensive evidence that traumatic
amnesia is a real part of the effects and the natural history of  child
sexual abuse. To receive E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eileen King), or call the
publisher at 202-289-2174.

Article 3:
The following article comes from a radio interview between Wayne Morris
(interviewer) and Claudia Mullen (alleged mind control survivor) on CKLN FM
88.1 Ryerson Polytechnic University, Toronto, INTERNATIONAL CONNECTION - Tape
15A. Please use caution while reading.  It may be triggering. CKLN-FM Radio,
380 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5B 1W7, Phone: (416)
595-1477, Fax: (416) 595-0226, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The  words "alleged" have been added by S.M.A.R.T. and are not part of the
original transcript.

This information comes from "Part 3 of an interview" that Wayne Morris
"conducted with Claudia Mullen, an alleged survivor of US government mind
control. Claudia describes what she remembers of the alleged mind control
experiments at Tulane University in New Orleans that started when she was
eight years old. Claudia is alleging that the CIA and U.S. military
experimented on her and other children using severe trauma, drugs,
electroshock, hypnosis and other methods to control her. She claims she was
allegedly trained to sexually please men by the CIA and was allegedly used as
a young child and a young woman for sexual entrapment of military and
government officials....

Claudia discusses how she was traumatized by some of the doctors. " Sometimes
they would allegedly send me to  . . .  people (they knew) in the city who
were involved in the white supremacy groups  . . .  sometimes they would send
me out to alleged Klan meetings ...

they can create the circumstances that they know if you are able to
dissociate you will, you will do it. Like the trauma I just described, by
sending me out to an alleged Masonic Lodge for a party  . . .  they would
send me out and they knew something horrible was going to happen to me. They
knew that I would split....

Claudia talked about how the doctors would "cover their tracks" and about the
alleged abuse in the Masonic Lodge. "So they would kind of mimic Satanic
rituals to make it seem like that had happened, and if I ever told anybody,
they would dismiss it right away . . .

I allegedly went to a couple of Masonic parties at a Lodge which was located
right near the research building  . . .  the research building for animal
research in New Orleans, and it is still there as a matter of fact. I have
been back there. They allegedly sent me there sometimes, for certain tests,
for experiments  . . .  there was a Masonic Lodge right around the corner
from it  . . .  and they allegedly sent me to a couple of parties there.
These people go crazy at these parties. These men, they just get drunk and  .
. .  they pass you around  . . .  it's horrible what they do. This of course
makes it seem like  . . .  if I remember  . . .  well, I remember being at
this party and these men were hurting me but I don't remember doctors being
involved, I don't remember Tulane University being involved, or anybody from
Maryland. I allegedly would remember this Masonic Lodge and so that's how
they cover their tracks . . .

When you remember this Lodge, did you make attempts to verify where it was?

Yeah, we went there. We went to the Lodge, talked to people, but it's
not an (alleged) Lodge anymore, it's a public health building now. We talked
to people who said, yeah, it was a Masonic Lodge at one time

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