From: Stella Maris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>From: Bill Kingsbury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> from:
> by Bryce Self

Thanks for finding this, Bill... this is all getting extremely interesting.
There are so many trigger-words in that article that I was virtually pinned
to the wall by the time I was finished reading it.

I don't know who Bryce Self is, can somebody update me? His reference to
the computer conference which identified the face on Mars reminded me of
Richard Hoagland, are they connected?

I was told a couple of months ago that Richard Hoagland was the
(now-severed) member of the Dragon Order who was behind the "disruption" of
the Order and one can certainly see how the information in this article
ties-in with the Dragons' stance.

I therefore find it intriguing that the Count directs our attention towards
Nimrod... here is an excerpt from an "official" history which was
"released" by Laurence Gardner a few years ago:

"The great Universal sciences were Geometry, Numerology, and Metallurgy.
Together, they comprised the Cosmic Law (Divine Testimony). [note from
Stella - Gardner's position is that the Tablets of Testimony were contained
in the Ark of the Covenant, along with the Ten Commandments, that there
were FOUR tablets in all]

Cosmic Law was said to derive from the Archons. Although recorded from
about 8,000 BC (four millenia before Adam), its first dramatic use appeared
in 2500-2000 BC. In this era, the great Ziggurats were built in Sumer and
Mesopotamia. These were multi-levelled towers with temples atop - the most
famous being that of the goddess Ishtar, on the Ziggurat (Tower) of Babel
on the Plain of Shinar near Babylon. The Egyptians built the great pyramid
of Cheops [note from Stella - one of the shafts of the GP aligns with
Thuban in the constellation Draco] and, in England, Stonehenge was

The universal sciences were carved onto two Temple pillars by Lamech (the
son of Methuselah and the father of Noah) during the reign of Sargon the
Great (Nimrod) of Mesopotamia. During his reign (c. 2346 BC), Sumer and
Mesopotamia were devastated by flood from the Tigris and the Euphrates -
i.e. the great Deluge of Genesis. Noah and his three brothers salvaged the
monuments. which became known as the Antediluvian Pillars. They were placed
in the care of the Egyptian Thieron, Hermes Trimegistos (Thoth)."

So, both the Count's and Gardner's information converges on Nimrod. Having
worked with other material of Gardner's over the past couple of years, I
would have to say that I agree with the Count's comment that Gardner has a
great deal of accurate information, but that some of his ultimate
conclusions are slightly off.

But since the Count is only giving us little "hints" it will be difficult
to assess whether his information in total is any more accurate than

It appears that the only way to proceed is to sift through ALL the
available material and synthesize our OWN understanding of this histrorical
backround. In the meantime, it will be extremely revealing to see where we
will be "led" in 1999...

BTW, I asked the Earl Marshal of the Dragon Order about the status of their
association with the Priory of Sion and his comment was that the Dragons
are far older than the PoS and, while they were happy to work with anyone
with similar aims, they wouldn't consider it appropriate to take direction
from a younger order... Actually, that's my own paraphrasing, the EM's
comments were much more... pithy.

I must stress that I'm not taking sides here, I'm simply a neutral observer
in all of this. And I'm collecting as much information as I can get my
hands on!

p.s. That chap, Lambert Dolphin, who posted the above article on his site,
sounds fascinating... I wonder if we could talk him into doing a
geophysical survey on Rosslyn Chapel... or Pech Cardou?

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