For decades David Rockefeller has been claimed  a King Maker,  the man that
appoints Presidents.    I remember the rumors before Jimmy Carter became
President, that the obscure Georgian was pre-approved for the Presidential
office by David Rockefeller before his party accepted him.

Could this be the hand that rocks the cradle?

Best Regards,

Marshall Houston
Portland, Oregon

Friday October 16, 12:10 AM

David Rockefeller to the Rescue

Somebody’s connecting the dots.

Steve Myers, the Englishman and former Thatcher aide, has perched
himself on the Potomac to publish his insightful fax/email newsletter
Exegesis -- Myers’ running commentary on the Washington comedy.

Myers told Inside Cover he believes Bill Clinton’s recent meetings with
David Rockefeller, former Chase Banking chairman and honorary Chairman
of the Council of Foreign Relations, have been a key reason Clinton has
survived in office.

Myers notes Clinton, as his support turned to mush after his dismal
August "mea culpa" speech, was warmly received as the main speaker at
the CFR meeting on September 14. Rockefeller played host.

Clinton was back in New York late in September for a meeting with the
Japanese Prime Minister. According to press reports, both leaders had
planned to meet Rockefeller at his Tarrytown estate, but bad weather
grounded their helicopters. Instead, the two met at David’s Rockefeller
Center office. Where else?

Then, earlier this month, David and Bill met again at the big
International Monetary Fund shindig in Washington.

Myers may be right. Inside Cover also hears that Rockefeller and CFR
friends have been critical components in Clinton’s strategy to keep in

Inside Cover does not believe David Rockefeller is the grand conspirator
of world history -- or that the CFR secretly runs the country.

We do believe Rockefeller, at 82, is one of the world’s most influential
private figures, and that the CFR determines establishment thinking on a
wide array of issues. (An associate of Rockefeller tells Inside Cover
that David’s influence is as big as his rolodex--one that holds some
25,000 cards. This Ferris wheel of cards rises more than 3 feet off the
floor and is turned by an electric motor. That's networking!)

Rockefeller is solidly in Bill Clinton’s corner. On the day Congress
voted for impeachment, a full page ad appeared in the New York Times
calling for Congress to vote against an impeachment inquiry. Rockefeller
was one of the signatories, if not the driving force behind placing the

Though more than a hundred daily papers from around the nation have
called for Clinton to resign, it has not happened. The New York Times
and Washington Post certainly haven’t joined the resignation chorus. The
Times-Post axis represents establishment thinking, as opposed to honest,
liberal thought.

David has considerable influence over the establishment views promoted
by the Times-Post axis. The president of David’s CFR is Leslie H. Gelb,
the former New York Times columnist and deputy editorial page editor.
David has also been a frequent escort on the social circuit with
Kathleen Graham, owner of the powerhouse Washington Post. David’s power
emanates from these relationships and others -- explaining why Clinton
knows David’s support is critical.

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