<br><br><br>Please visit my website at http://ciajfk.com

To my fellow Senators and Congressman Sam Farr:

I am a little confused about the plane crash in Washington D.C.  I spoke to
Don Knight who was in Alexandria on Tuesday and heard the crash into the
Pentagon.  In Washington D.C. they have according to Don  the A.D.I.Z. the
American Defense Identification Zone in which the Controller makes contact
with incoming planes.  Also known as I.F.F. Identification Friend or Foe.
There was an hour warning that the plane had been highjacked.  President
Bush's plane had warning of the highjacking and took percautions, yet no
IMMEDIATE defense was given to Washington D.C. when American Flight # 77
crashed into the Pentagon.

The Central Intelligence Agency warned the FBI that one of the highjackers
of American Flight # 77 should not have been in the United States. His Visa
had expired!  The Intelligence breakdown is blamed "across the board!" A CIA
Speaker David Hagberg had authored the senario of September 11th in his book

Don, who used to be in the AFB 1951-55 as a radar technician, during the
Korean War told me when an incoming Foe plane is a threat they send fighter
planes out to indentify them or shoot them down if they are a threat. "On
average," radar coverage should extend to 400 miles in radius a total of 800
miles in diameter. It is an expression called Scrambling!  Don pointed out
that they had fighter planes within a mile or two at TWO airports Andrews
AFB and Bolling AFB, the Pentagon is right across the river. The Pentagon
began being built in September of 1941 and is the largest building in the
world, Six million square feet.  Directly west of Bolling AFB.

President Bush landed at Andrews Airforce Base yesterday and caught the
helicopter from there as an example.

Don, did not hear any fighter planes until 1:00 pm and pointed out instead
of scrambling up fighter planes from Andrews or Bolling they sent them out
from Langley AFB, Virginia home of the CIA about a 150 miles away. They left
Langley 15 minutes before the plane hit the Pentagon and arrived two minutes
after the plane hit the Pentagon.

Alexandria is around 7 miles from Washington D.C.  When you observe all of
the phone calls on cell phones from the passengers, they should have had
better protection.  The plane hit the Pentagon at 9:40 am.

Don Knight was a technicial writer for the U.S. Government for about 30
years and has edited about five of my volumes including Volumes 1, 7 and 10
of the De Mohrenschildt Story; The Adamson Brother's Invention of Lastex and
Larry Flynt Kills JFK Assassination Article; But offers $1,000,000 Reward.
Volume one and ten deals with the Bush family.  Knight had an in-law who
worked for George H.W. Bush a long time ago as a Secretary.  Mr. Knight has
been very helpful as a JFK Assassination buff and through his many years of
experience.  I consider him a good friend!

My gripe is why didn't our government send up F-16s from Andrew or Bolling
airforcee bases?

On another note, someone I know spoke to a retired CIA agent, who told them
that the plane outside of Pitsburgh was "Shot down."  I would point out that
the many witnesses said the plane was not shot down but crashed.  Had they
shot down this plane there would have been smoke and flames.

On Tuesday, a man posing as Curt James knocked on my door to lay carpet.  I
have new carpet already and without opening my door I called the landlady
who said, she knew nothing about carpet!  So I refused to let me in and I.D.
his blue van.  The guy was buffed and had a tatoo of barbed-wire on his arm.
  The Santa Cruz Sheriff's were called and took a report at 9:45 am Pacific
Time.  I was a bit cautious because of the events I was watching on T.V.

An interesting theory and set of facts are as follows:  Mohamed Al Fayed was
suing the Pentagon for having 1100 documents pertaining to the death of his
son and Princess Diana.  Mohamed Al Fayed's brother-in-law was Adnan
Khasggoi, once the richest man in the world who worked with George H.W. Bush
during the Iran-Contra scandal.

Adnan Khasggoi was a frequent visitor to Edwin Pauley's island in Hawaii,
Coconut Island.  Pauley was chairman of the Democratic Party in the early
1960s.  Pauley had a direct line to the White House and was listed four
times in 1954-55 in George de Mohrenschildt's phonebook.  Pauley ran an oil
company in 1960 which was a CIA front with George H.W. Bush for the CIA's
Bay of Pigs invasion, Operation Zapata.

Mohamed Al Fayed has the power of attorney to the Sultan of Brunei, one of
the richest men in the world.  All of these men, including George H.W. Bush
had contacts to many sources in the Arab world.  In 1953 both Bush Sr. and
Fayed were working with Singer Sewing Machine company and both were in
business with George de Mohrenschildt, Fayed in 1964, Bush in the 1950s.
Both Fayed and Bush have ties to the Central Intelligence Agency and to
British Intelligence.  Bush Sr. had worked with Huessain [sic] and Ban Ladin
who were trained by the Central Intelligence Agency.


Bruce Campbell Adamson
P.O. Box 1003
Aptos, CA, 95001

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